ap human geography essay questions 2023

AP® Human Geography Free Response Questions (FRQs)

The AP® Human Geography exam is divided into two major sections: multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and free-response questions (FRQs). In this guide, we will look at the exam’s FRQ section.

We will start by looking at the format of the AP Human Geography writing section and giving you tips to score well on the FRQs. In the sections that follow, we have also included a few examples of AP Human Geography exam FRQ writing prompts that have been used on the exam. By the end of this article, you will understand how to prepare for the AP Human Geography essay portion of the exam.

Format of AP Human Geography FRQ section

A frequently asked question is, "How many FRQs are on the AP Human Geography exam?" On the AP Human Geography exam, there are three FRQs : question 1 has no stimuli, question 2 has one stimulus, and question 3 has two stimuli. The stimuli can be a set of data, maps, and/or images. You have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete all three questions, which is 25 minutes per question, though you may spend more or less time on each.

Each essay is graded on a scale of 0 to 7. The FRQ section accounts for 50% of the exam score, with each question weighted equally.

Visual representation of the Bid-rent theory.

How to Answer AP Human Geography Free Response Questions

Here are some general tips for approaching the FRQ section of the AP Human Geography exam:

Before you get started, look over all the questions and begin with the one that seems easiest.

Starting with the easiest question can boost your confidence that you will pass this exam. Look for a topic you have covered in class and feel confident discussing it. This will also help bring other theories to mind, which will help with subsequent questions.

Address all parts of the question (A-G).

Read each part of the question and make sure you are responding directly to it. For example, if the task verb used in the question is “describe,” you only need to provide the relevant information. However, if the task verb is “explain,” you must provide the relevant information and explain why it is relevant to the question.

Use evidence from the stimuli to support your response.

To score well on the FRQs, refer to the stimulus material in questions two and three (there is no stimulus material for question one). Focus on specific data and details that support what you are saying. Be sure to explain how the evidence supports your idea.

Don’t worry about making spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes.

The graders understand that you are writing under time constraints and that your response is more like a rough draft. If you make a mistake or change your mind, simply draw a line through it and continue.

How can I practice AP Human Geography free-response questions?

The best way to prepare for the AP Human Geography FRQs is to use previously released questions from the College Board®’s exams.

Here are examples of AP Human Geography FRQs from past exams to illustrate the questions you will see on the exam. These questions come directly from the College Board Course Description Guide and are an excellent resource to practice with.

AP Human Geography FRQ Example

Women’s working conditions in formal and informal economies vary throughout the world.

  • Define the concept of the informal economy.
  • Describe ONE way that cultural attitudes or social norms may act as a barrier to women obtaining employment in the formal economy.
  • Describe ONE limitation of using the gross national income (GNI) per capita to analyze women’s contributions to economic productivity in less developed countries.
  • Explain ONE relationship between women’s economic empowerment and a decrease in the rate of natural increase in a more developed country.
  • Explain the likely outcome on rural to urban migration as women gain greater access to education.
  • Explain ONE likely obstacle for highly educated women who are employed in the formal economy.
  • Explain the degree to which granting microloans to individual women in less developed countries may be an effective strategy for economic development.

Let’s look at these sample questions to see how you should approach them.

Part A is a straightforward definition. You should give the definition of “informal economy” in your own words. You might write that an informal economy exists alongside the typical productive sector of a country but it is not regulated by the government and is therefore difficult to measure, and is also not included in official measurements of economic activity, such as GNI per capita.

Note that there is no need to provide any examples, although you may include them if you are struggling to make your thoughts clear.

Part G requires you to argue for or against a certain position. You need to state whether microloans to women are a useful way to create economic development or not. To justify your position, you need to explain what makes the statement valid by providing evidence for (or against) the use of microloans to promote economic development.

Note that you shouldn’t argue both sides of the issue.

Source: College Board

Definition and visual representation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Frequently Asked Questions

How many frqs are on the ap human geography exam.

The AP Human Geography exam includes three FRQs: one with no stimuli, one with one stimulus, and one with two stimuli.

How are AP Human Geography FRQs graded?

The FRQs are graded by high school AP Human Geography teachers and college professors who teach college freshman-level geography courses. The College Board provides rubrics that tell graders what to look for in successful essays. Essays are graded primarily on the quality of their ideas rather than their grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Handwriting is not considered while scoring; specially designated readers are available to assist in reading and scoring essays with unusually poor handwriting.

How long is the FRQ section of the AP Human Geography exam?

Students have one hour and fifteen minutes to complete the FRQ section of the exam. They may use the time in whatever manner they choose.

Where can I get past AP Human Geography exams’ released FRQs?

You can find released questions from past exams on the AP Central website

  • (2023). AP® Human Geography . College Board. Retrieved November 15, 2023, from https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-human-geography/exam
  • (2020, Fall). AP® Human Geography Course and Exam Description . College Board. Retrieved November 15, 2023, from https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap-human-geography-course-and-exam-description.pdf

Read More About AP Human Geography

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AP Human Geography Practice Exams

There are plenty of great AP Human Geography practice exams available. Our list below shows the very best options to choose from. Start your test prep right now!

AP Human Geography Practice Test

Rea practice test, textbook self tests, more chapter quizzes, quizlet exam flashcards, albert’s ap geography tests, varsity tutors, geography quiz, quia practice test, practice test 2010, practice test 2011.

AP Human Geography | Practice Exams | FRQ | Notes | Videos | Vocab |  Study Guides


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FREE AP Human Geography Practice Tests

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Are you thinking about taking AP Human Geography to bolster your high school transcript and appear more impressive to the colleges to which you’re planning to apply? Are you not sure what the class covers, how the AP exam is structured, and what resources you can use to work ahead, study, or review? You’re not the only one who wonders about this information. AP Human Geography, like all AP courses, can appear very intimidating due to the large amount of information it requires you to learn, but its focus may not become immediately apparent like other AP courses, like Calculus or Chemistry. After all, unlike Calculus and Chemistry, high schools don’t usually offer courses in “Human Geography.” This guide will explore the structure of the typical AP Human Geography course, focusing on the topics that it stresses. It will then outline the format of the AP Human Geography exam, and conclude by introducing you to a source of high-quality free AP Human Geography resources online. With this information, you will be able to feel less apprehensive about the prospect of taking AP Human Geography, and may even find yourself excited to take the course. AP Human Geography is a high-school course taught at the college level, mimicking the content and experience of a college-level introductory human geography course. By succeeding in the course, students will be well-prepared for success on the AP Human Geography exam, which awards exemplary performance with college credit. Human geography doesn’t just look at the different ways in which we humans have divided up the globe into different areas; it also looks at the ways in which we have interacted with the Earth’s surface, and the consequences this has caused. The course typically covers the following categories, each of which are tested on the AP Human Geography exam’s multiple-choice section in the following ratios: Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives (5–10%) Population and Migration (13–17%) Cultural Patterns and Processes (13–17%) The Political Organization of Space (13–17%) Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use (13–17%) Industrialization and Economic Development (13–17%) Cities and Urban Land Use (13–17%) AP Human Geography courses typically conclude with students taking the AP Human Geography exam, which determines whether or not they will receive college credit for the course. The AP Human Geography exam lasts for approximately two hours and fifteen minutes; it consists of a one-hour multiple-choice section and a 75-minute free response section. The multiple-choice section of the AP Human Geography exam is scored only according to questions which students correctly answer; questions that they answer incorrectly or leave blank do not contribute to their score. So, in other words, if you are taking the AP Human Geography exam and find yourself stumped on one particular question, guess! It can’t hurt your score. The free response section of the AP Human Geography exam consists of three essay prompts, each of which is worth one-third of the section’s total score. Students are advised to spend about one-third of the given time (that is, about twenty-five minutes) on each question, and to use some of this time for outlining each response they plan to give. These questions may require students to provide their own examples, and the questions expect students to be able to express themselves in prose; lists are not accepted as answers. Now that you’ve looked over the structure and content of AP Human Geography and its corresponding AP exam, perhaps the next thing on your to-do list is to find a great source of free online AP Human Geography resources. Varsity Tutors offers such resources through their free Learning Tools website, especially in the form of AP Human Geography Practice Tests. Each AP Human Geography Practice Test’s ten to twelve problems comes with a complete explanation of how to arrive at the correct answer, so if you miss one, you can learn from your mistake and hopefully not make it again later. Completing a Practice Test also lets you view detailed statistics about your performance—how well you did in comparison to other test takers, for example, or how long it took you to answer each question. You can choose to answer questions selected from a variety of AP Human Geography topics, or concentrate on improving your knowledge of just one. Another Learning Tool that you can use as you prepare for the exam are the Full-Length AP Human Geography Practice Tests. These exams let you see what the actual test is like, and allow you to learn about your pace and timing. As on the concept-specific practice tests, the results page includes thorough explanations and additional information on each question’s relevant concepts. The free online practice tests can also help you focus your AP Human Geography review plan by showing you which concepts you might want to work on. Then, you can use your new study plan in conjunction with the other Learning Tools. Once you feel you’ve reviewed sufficiently, you can take another Full-Length AP Human Geography Practice Test to track your progress! You can use Varsity Tutors’ free AP Human Geography resources in a variety of ways to help ensure that you keep up with your AP Human Geography course and totally prepare yourself for the AP Human Geography exam!

Free AP Human Geography Practice Tests

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AP Human Geography Practice Tests

AP human geography is the branch of geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place. Leaning this helps one understand a lot of things about us as humans.

The AP human geography exam is two hours and 15 minutes long, and is timed. You will be given 60 minutes to answer the 75 multiple-choice questions in Section I and 75 minutes to answer the three free-response questions in Section II. There will be a 5-minute break between exam sections.

  • AP Human Geography Multiple-choice Practice Questions: Key Human Geography Concepts
  • AP Human Geography Multiple-choice Practice Questions: Population
  • AP Human Geography Multiple-choice Practice Questions: Culture
  • AP Human Geography Multiple-choice Practice Questions: The Political Organization of Space
  • AP Human Geography Multiple-choice Practice Questions: Agricultural and Rural Land Use
  • AP Human Geography Multiple-choice Practice Questions: Industrialization and Economic Development
  • AP Human Geography Multiple-choice Practice Questions: Cities and Urban Land Use
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 1
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 2
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 3
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 4
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 5
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 6
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 7
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 8
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 9
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 10
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 11
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 12
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 13
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 14
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 15
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Geography as a Field of Inquiry
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Geography Basics
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Describing Location
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Space and Spatial Processes
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Map Fundamentals
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Human Population: A Global Perspective
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Population Parameters and Processes
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Human Migration
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Population Structure and Composition
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Population and Sustainability
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Cultural Basics
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Language
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Religion
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Ethnicity and Popular Culture
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: The Geography of Local and Regional Politics
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Territory, Borders, and the Geography of Nations
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: International Political Geography
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Historical Geography of Agriculture
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Geography of Modern Agriculture
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Agriculture and the Environment
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Historical Geography of Urban Environments
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Culture and Urban Form
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: The Spatial Organization of Urban Environments
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Urban Planning
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Industrialization
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Models of Development and Measures of Productivity and Global Economic Patterns
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Location Principles
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Development, Equality, and Sustainability and Globalization
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 16
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 17
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 18
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 19
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 20
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 21
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 22
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 23
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 24
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 25
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 26
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 27
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 28
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 29
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 30
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 31
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 32
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 33
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 34
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 35
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 36
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 37
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 38
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 39
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 40
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 1: Thinking Geographically
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 4: Political Patterns and Processes
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes

AP Human Geography Free-Responsive Practice Tests

  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 1
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 2
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 3
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 4
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 5: Geography as a Field of Inquiry
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 6: Geography Basics
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 7: Describing Location
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 8: Space and Spatial Processes
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 9: Map Fundamentals
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 10: Human Population: A Global Perspective
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 11: Population and Sustainability
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 12: Cultural Basics
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 13: Language
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 14: Religion
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 15: Ethnicity and Popular Culture
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 16: The Geography of Local and Regional Politics
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 17: Territory, Borders, and the Geography of Nations
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 18: International Political Geography
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 19: Historical Geography of Agriculture
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 20: Geography of Modern Agriculture
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 21: Agriculture and the Environment
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 22: Historical Geography of Urban Environments
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 23: Culture and Urban Form
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 24: The Spatial Organization of Urban Environments
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 25: Urban Planning
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 26: Industrialization
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 27: Models of Development and Measures of Productivity and Global Economic Patterns
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 28: Development, Equality, and Sustainability and Globalization
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 29
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 30
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 31
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 32
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 33
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 5
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 6
  • AP Human Geography Free-Response Practice Test 7

AP Human Geography Downloads

  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Geography: Its Nature & Perspectives pdf download
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Population & Migration pdf download
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Cultural Patterns & Processes pdf download
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Political Organization of Space pdf download
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Agriculture, Food Production, & Rural Land Use pdf download
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Industrialization & Economic Development pdf download
  • AP Human Geography Practice Test: Cities & Urban Land Use pdf download


AP® Human Geography

Ap® human geography faq: everything you need to know for 2024.

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: January 25, 2024

AP® Human geography faq

Are you seeking answers to the most commonly asked questions about the 2024 AP® Human Geography exam? You’re in the right place! Read below to find answers to all of these and more in this AP® Human Geography FAQ.

What We Review

Is AP® Human Geography easy? What can make it hard?

Compared to a regular human geography course, the AP® Human Geography course is more difficult. This is because AP® courses are designed to teach students at a college level, so the exams are designed to test a higher level of content synthesis and critical thinking. 

Compared to other AP® exams, AP® Human Geography has a lower pass rate for reasons outlined in this section.

For the 2023 AP® exam season, about half (54.4%) of the students who took the AP® Human Geography exam passed with a 3 or better. The mean score for the AP® HG exam was 2.75 .

The statistics included above are based on the number of students who take the AP® Human Geography exam each year. This exam averages approximately 220,000 test-takers yearly, which is in the average range for the AP® exam offerings.  In 2023, there were a total of 247,043 AP® Human Geography test takers.

To make the best use of your study time for the AP® Human Geography exam, it is important to understand how the units covered in the course content are weighted on the actual exam. Knowing the weight of each unit will allow you to focus your attention on the areas that carry a higher weight.

The AP® Human Geography exam covers seven total units. Units 2-7 all carry the same weight at 12-17% of the exam. The first unit, Thinking Geographically, carries a lower weight at 8-10% of the exam.

Since the AP® Human Geography exam has one of the lower passing rates among AP® exams, it would be helpful to know how many questions in each section you need to answer correctly in order to achieve a score of 3 or better.

The AP® Human Geography score calculator (previewed below) from Albert reveals that you need to get 30 of the 60 multiple-choice questions right and be awarded a minimum of half of the possible points in the free-response section in order to pass the exam.

AP® Human Geography Score Calculator

Return to the Table of Contents

Is AP® Human Geography worth it?

The AP® Human Geography exam is absolutely worth taking for many students. In general, AP® courses are valuable for guiding students toward building college-level skills in high school. AP® Human Geography is especially valuable as it serves as many students’ introduction to AP® courses. 

In addition to the study skills, AP® courses can be valuable because they show college admissions counselors that you take your academics seriously and that you don’t shy away from academic rigor. According to College Board research , “students who receive a score of 3 or higher on AP® Exams typically experience greater academic success in college and have higher graduation rates than their non-AP® peers.”

One of the most useful things about taking AP® courses is the opportunity to gain college credit during high school. Going into college with pre-earned credits can translate into tuition savings and allow students to either graduate early or explore additional courses outside their major. 

Below is a table showing just a few colleges that accept AP® Human Geography for credit and the savings realized as a result.

American University4 3
Rutgers University 4 3
University of Maryland4 3
University of Wisconsin – Madison 3 3
Ohio State University 3 3
MIT 5 9
UNC-Chapel Hill 3 3
Auburn University 4 3

As you can see, the chart shows that there are definitely savings to be had by earning college credit for AP® exams in high school. These savings, coupled with the educational benefits, show that taking AP® Human Geography is worth it. 

Check out Albert’s AP® Human Geography practice questions

When is the 2024 AP® Human Geography exam?

The 2024 AP® Human Geography exam will be given using paper-and-pencil tests. The 2024 AP® Human Geography exam will take place on:

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 8am local time

Curious about when other AP® exams are happening in 202 4? View the complete 2024 AP® exam schedule here .

When do AP® Human Geography scores typically come out?

According to the latest update from the College Board exam season timeline , students will receive their AP® scores in July 2024. Historically, the College Board typically releases AP® scores early in the month of July.

You’ll be able to access your AP® scores online with your College Board account username and password.

How is AP® Human Geography scored? What’s the weighting of different questions?

The AP® Human Geography exam scoring follows this format:

SectionQuestionsTime% of Exam Score
1: Multiple Choice60 questions1 hour50%
2: Free Response3 questions1 hour and 15 minutes50%
  • The multiple-choice section of the AP® Human Geography exam includes a total of 60 questions that need to be answered within the one-hour time limit. As of the 2020 exam, this section has been revised to require more analysis of both qualitative and quantitative sources. 
  • The multiple-choice section groups questions in 5-8 sets. Each set will include 2-3 questions that relate to either a text or data-based source. At least one of the sets of questions will include a paired set of sources.
  • The free-response portion of the exam consists of three questions. You will have one hour and 15 minutes to complete your answers to these questions. In past years, the points for each of the three questions could vary. Starting in 2020, each question will be worth 7 points. 
  • The first free-response question will require you to describe and apply a geographic scenario. The second question on the free-response portion asks you to describe and apply geographic data. This data will be supplied and will be either qualitative or quantitative in nature. The third and final question is a repeat of the second question’s format, but will use two supplied sources. These sources may be quantitative, qualitative, or both.

Quick tip: When using examples, be sure to be specific. Past responses have received lower points due to the use of generic examples. The examples you use should demonstrate a solid understanding of the content and be specific to that scenario.

The content weighting for the AP® Human Geography exam is outlined below:

Unit 1: Thinking Geographically8-10%
Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes12-17%
Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes12-17%
Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes12-17%
Unit 5: Agricultural and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes12-17%
Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes12-17%
Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes12-17%

What happens if you fail AP® Human Geography?

Should you fail the AP® Human Geography exam, stay calm and understand that this is something you can easily fix. 

The AP® Human Geography exam is given once every year in May. You can take the exam as often as you like in order to pass or in an attempt to get a higher score. You’ll just need to pay the exam fee each time you retake the exam.

Your high school GPA will likely not be impacted at all if you fail the AP® Human Geography exam. Most schools don’t use your AP® exam scores as part of your overall course grades. Grades are based on a combination of coursework and class tests, so as long as you’ve scored well on those, your GPA will be fine.

If you fail the AP® Human Geography exam, you will not receive college credit for the course. Most colleges will not award college credit for any score lower than a 3 (some schools require a 4 for college credit). If college credit is your goal and you failed or scored lower than a 3, you will need to retake the exam.

Some students are concerned with how failing the AP® Human Geography exam will reflect on their college admissions process. As the student, you are in control of where your AP® scores are sent, so you can decide who sees these scores. If you do end up sending a low or failing score to a college, you can often have that score replaced with a higher score when you retake the exam.  

When do students typically take AP® Human Geography? When is best?

Many students take AP® Human Geography in their freshman or sophomore year. 

This exam is typically considered by students to be a good introductory AP® exam. While some schools allow freshmen to take this course, others require that students take at least one other AP® history course prior to taking AP® Human Geography.

The decision of when to take AP® Human Geography also depends on the total number of AP® courses you want to take throughout your high school career. If your goal is to take a large number of AP® courses, you may want to consider taking AP® Human Geography earlier. If you only plan on taking a select few AP® courses, you can wait until later to take this course. 

The benefit of waiting to take the AP® Human Geography course is that you will be more acclimated to the demands of juggling several difficult classes at one time and that you will be better suited to the level of writing required in AP® courses. Taking other AP® exams prior to taking AP® Human Geography will also give you more experience with the AP® exam format and the level of detail required for the writing portion of these exams.

You should consult your parents, teachers, and guidance counselor to decide the best time for you to take the AP® Human Geography exam. The decision should be based on factors that are unique to you and to your academic goals. 

Where can I find past AP® Human Geography exams?

Past AP® Human Geography exams are on the College Board’s AP® Central website .

From that website, the College Board also provides links to practice tests for past exams. These practice tests allow you to become comfortable with the kinds of questions that have been included on past exams and to understand the types of answers that have achieved high scores in the past.

Here are the most recent practice tests for the AP® Human Geography exam:

  • 2023 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Questions
  • 2022 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Questions (Set 1)
  • 2022 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Questions (Set 2)
  • 2021 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Questions (Set 1)
  • 2021 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Question (Set 2)
  • 2019 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Questions (Set 1) 
  • 2019 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Questions (Set 2)
  • 2018 AP® Human Geography Free-Response Questions  

The AP® Human Geography exam was redesigned for the 2019-2020 academic year based on a reorganization of the units covered . The practice questions above will still be useful but must be weighed against the most recent changes. 

The practice tests above only cover the free-response portion of the AP® ®Human Geography exam. If you would like more practice on the multiple-choice section of the exam, the AP® Human Geography Course and Exam Description provides a limited number of examples. There are only 15 multiple-choice questions in the guide, so this will not be a comprehensive reflection of the questions on the actual exam. It will, however, provide a useful peek into this portion of the exam.

To get more practice on the multiple-choice portion of the AP® Human Geography exam, you can visit the Albert website to view hundreds of additional multiple-choice practice questions . These practice questions have been written to align with the units and learning objectives covered by the AP® Human Geography exam. 

You can find even more useful information for the AP® Human Geography exam on the AP® Central website. This information can be vital to achieving the highest score possible on the exam. Included on the AP® Central website are:

  • AP® Human Geography Scoring Guidelines: 2023 / 2022 (Set 1) / 2022 (Set 2) / 2021 (Set 1) / 2021 (Set 2) / 2019 (Set 1) / 2019 (Set 2) / 2018
  • AP® Human Geography Chief Reader Report: 2023 / 2022 (Set 1) / 2022 (Set 2) / 2021 / 2019 (Set 1) / 2019 (Set 2) / 2018
  • AP® Human Geography Scoring Reports: 2023 / 2022 (Set 1) / 2022 (Set 2) / 2021 (Set 1) / 2021 (Set 2) / 2019 (Set 1) / 2019 (Set 2) /  2018

The scoring guidelines provide information on how points are awarded for each short-answer question.

The short answer questions are much more subjective to grade than the multiple choice questions. Using the scoring guidelines will give you valuable insight into the kinds of answers that have been given full or partial credit in the past.

The Chief Reader Report is published each year, allowing you to gain in-depth insight into how the short answer and essay questions are graded. This report details what the exam graders are looking for in each question and the information that was present in highly successful responses. In addition, this report outlines where students’ answers were found lacking. 

When reviewing the 2019 Chief Reader Report, you can see that on question 1 (in Set 2), many students misread the question. The Chief Reader also stated that students tended to give generic examples. Reading this report would help students to understand that they need to use specific examples and to completely read the question to ensure they understand it before answering.

You can also find very useful information on the Scoring Report for the AP® Human Geography exam. The report will show you at a glance which questions were most often missed by past exam takers as well as which questions most students answered successfully. For example, question #3 on the 2019 exam (Set 1) had the lowest mean score of 1.70 points (out of a possible 6). 

To answer this question correctly, students needed to define “devolution” and relate it to several aspects of politics and life. The Chief Reader Report states that students who did not receive full points for this question did not have a clear understanding of the term devolution. They tended to define it as the opposite of evolution rather than the transfer of power from national to regional and local governments.

Another useful tool not included above is the list of sample responses for the AP® Human Geography exam. For example, the sample response for question # 1 (Set 1) provides sample responses for the question with a breakdown of the point awarded for topics covered. The set includes three sample responses, one that received full credit, one that received 5 out of 7 possible points, and one that scored 3 out of 7 possible points.

If you’re looking for powerful practice with AP® Human Geography FRQs, Albert has practice questions for each type of FRQ along with examples of responses that would earn full points. Albert even provides a detailed explanation of how the sample response earned each point in the rubric!

While the short answer and essay questions do require more thought and planning, don’t forget that 50% of the exam score comes from the multiple-choice section. Albert maintains thousands of multiple choice practice questions that coordinate with the AP® Human Geography units and standards. Along with the question and answer, Albert also includes a detailed explanation of each question to further your knowledge before taking this exam.

To learn more about Albert, click here

Who should take AP® Human Geography? What sort of students may like it more than others?

Since AP® Human Geography is considered to be a relatively entry-level AP® course, many students choose to take it as the first AP® course of their high school careers. If you are interested in social science, this could be a good AP® course choice for you. There is more detail about the course in the course overview . 

Even though AP® Human Geography is considered to be a good starter AP® course, it is not required to be successful in later AP® courses. If the course content is not a fit for your skills and interests, you are better off choosing an AP® course that does appeal to your interests.

If your goal is to attend college eventually, you’ll want to take at least a few AP® courses to increase your chances at acceptance, especially for the more selective colleges. Taking AP® Human Geography can be useful in opening the door to other AP® courses throughout your high school career.

However, if your goal is to achieve all 5s on your AP® exams, you’ll need to work hard when studying for the AP® Human Geography exam. This exam awards a surprisingly low number of 5s, likely due to the fact that it is the first AP® exam for many students and they are unaware of how to best prepare for the exam. In 2019, only 10.8% of those who took the exam scored a 5. 

In 2019, AP® Human Geography was the second-hardest AP® test — or, more accurately, the test that awarded the second-lowest percentage of 5s. The lowest percentage was for the AP® World History exam. Only 8.6% of students scored a 5 on that exam.

Achieving a perfect score on the AP® Human Geography exam is difficult, but not impossible. However, you should base your AP® ®course choices on your academic interest and strengths rather than simply choosing those with the highest chance of a perfect score. 

You are in control of which courses you choose to take. You should consult your parents and your guidance counselor for input and assistance with this important decision. 

How do students typically score on AP® Human Geography? What’s the score distribution?

Students typically score lower on this exam than on other AP® exams. Because the AP® Human Geography exam is one of the more difficult to pass, it is important to be well prepared for this exam.

Your score will depend on your level of preparedness for the exam as well as your aptitude for the subject. 

201910.8% 18.2%20.1%16.7%34.1%49.1%

As you can see, about half the students fail the AP® Human Geography exam each year . This higher failure rate is likely due to the fact that this is the very first AP® exam many students take . 

For the 2023 exam season, the mean score for the AP® Human Geography exam was 2.75, derived from 247,043 test-takers .

Need help preparing for your AP® Human Geography exam?

Albert has hundreds of AP® Human Geography practice questions, including multiple-choice, free response, and full-length practice tests to try out.

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What kind of classes can this AP® exam replace?

The best way to check is to look at the school you’re looking to apply to or attend and see their credit transfer policy.

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AP Human Geography Exam Tips

The following strategies for answering the free-response questions will help you on exam day.

Plan your responses before you start writing.

Don’t start to write immediately; that can lead to a string of disconnected, poorly planned thoughts. Carefully analyze the question: think about what is being asked and identify the elements that must be addressed in the response. For example, some questions may require you to consider the similarities between people or events, and then to think of the ways they are different. Others may ask you to develop an argument with examples to support it. Be sure to answer exactly what is being asked in the question prompt!

Integrate evidence into your response.

After you have determined how to answer the question, consider what geographic themes you can incorporate into your response. If there is a map, chart, graph, or diagram with the question, study it carefully before beginning your answer. Think about the evidence you studied during the course that relates to the question and then decide how it fits into the analysis or explanation. Does it demonstrate a similarity or a difference? Does it argue for or against a point that is being addressed? Does it ask you to identify and explain a certain number of examples or reasons?

Elaborate on the evidence.

Don’t just paraphrase or summarize your evidence. Clearly state your intent, then use additional information or analysis to elaborate on how these pieces of evidence are similar or different. If there is evidence that refutes a statement, explain why. Your answer should show that you understand the subtleties of the question. Carefully answer each part of the question. Be sure to use appropriate geographic terms, and refer to models or theories when appropriate.

Answering free-response questions from previous AP Exams is a great way to practice: it allows you to compare your own responses with those that have already been evaluated and scored. Go to the Exam Questions and Scoring Information section of the   AP Human Gography Exam page on AP Central  to review the latest released free-response questions and scoring guidelines. Older questions and scoring information are available on the   Past Exam Questions page.  

Pay close attention to the task verbs used in the free-response questions. Each one directs you to complete a specific type of response. Here are the task verbs you’ll see on the exam:

  • Compare: Provide a description or explanation of similarities and/or differences.
  • Define: Provide a specific meaning for a word or concept.
  • Describe: Provide the relevant characteristics of a specified topic.
  • Explain: Provide information about how or why a relationship, process, pattern, position, or outcome occurs, using evidence and/or reasoning.
  • Identify: Indicate or provide information about a specified topic, without elaboration or explanation.


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The Ultimate AP Human Geography Study Guide

Advanced Placement (AP)


In your AP Human Geography class, you'll learn about the dynamics of societies around the world in economic, social, political, and environmental contexts. This course focuses a lot on ideas and models, along with terminology that defines the ways in which we've chosen to inhabit and change our surroundings.

This AP Human Geography study guide is designed to guide you through all the big concepts covered in the course , with an emphasis on cumulative preparation for the AP exam.

How to Use This AP Human Geography Study Guide

This guide will help you review for assessments in your AP Human Geography class by providing links to practice resources and tips on effective study strategies. I'll also give advice that's specific to preparing for the final AP exam.

In the first section, I'll detail a step-by-step process you can follow to create and execute a customized study plan for the test. This process includes taking a diagnostic test, evaluating your weaknesses, studying the content areas you struggled with the most, and taking additional practice tests to check your progress.

To follow up the study plan, I'll list a few key study tips to remember as you revisit the course content and take practice exams. I'll also give you notes for each topic area that you can use to study for in-class tests and review for the AP exam.

Having all this information in one place will hopefully make studying for AP Human Geography much less stressful!

4-Step Study Plan for AP Human Geography

In this section, I'll go through the steps of a basic study plan for the AP Human Geography exam. Most of the principles will also apply to your studying for tests throughout the class, but full practice tests are only important when directly preparing for the final exam .

You can use shorter topic-specific quizzes to diagnose your weaknesses in different units of the Human Geography course earlier in the school year.

For planning purposes, here's the estimated time required for each step below:

  • Step 1: 2.5 hours
  • Step 2: 1 hour
  • Step 3: 2 hours
  • Step 4: 2.5 hours

It should take approximately eight hours to study for the AP Human Geography exam. Of course, you can always extend the time you spend reviewing content if you're rusty on a bunch of different topics or just want to be extra thorough.

Step 1: Take and Score a Full Practice Test

The first step is to take a full AP Human Geography practice test so you can get a better idea of your current score level . When you take the test, time it to the specifications of the real exam so you'll be able to tell if you have any issues with time management.

Keep in mind that on the test, you only have an hour to answer 60 multiple-choice questions ; this comes out to a minute per question. To be on the safe side, though, try to get your time down to around 45 seconds per question. The only way to get used to this pace is to take practice tests under realistic conditions.

While there are no official practice tests available, we've collected some of the best unofficial ones in our guide .

As you take the practice test, circle or make note of any questions for which you feel anything less than totally confident in your answer . Even if you end up getting these questions right, you should reexamine the content later in your review to increase your comfort level with the material.

When you're done, score your test so you can see where you fall in the AP range. You can use this online calculator for a decent score estimation based on how many raw points you earned.

Then, set a goal for improvement , and decide how many hours you'll need to put into your prep.

If you have a couple of months, you should be able to put in 20+ hours of study time. This will be an appropriate amount of studying if you're hoping to improve by more than one AP point.

If you only need to improve by one AP point or are just looking to raise your score within the same range, you might be able to wait until the month before the test to start the rest of the process. In total, you shouldn't need to study for more than 10-20 hours.

Step 2: Go Through Your Mistakes

If you decide to begin the rest of this process now, go through your mistakes on the Human Geography practice test and categorize them . This is how you'll decide which content and skill areas to focus on in your review.

There's no point in studying concepts and terms you've already mastered. If you want to see real improvements, this is the most important stage of the study process. You can't fix your mistakes unless you know what they are first!

Step 3: Study Appropriate Content

After you finish analyzing your mistakes, start looking at notes that correspond to the areas where you had the most trouble on the test . Make sure you're fully absorbing the information as you read.

In this case, flashcards might be useful because there are so many terms to remember for AP Human Geography. If you found the free-response questions especially challenging, practice a few more of those before you move on to the next step.

You can also use some of the sites I'll link to later in this article to review specific topics with short multiple-choice quizzes.

Step 4: Take a Second Full Practice Test

When you feel that you've fully addressed all your mistakes on the first practice test, you can take a second test to see whether your scores have improved . Compare your new score to the goal you set in the first step, and decide whether you want to go through the study process again or are happy with your current score.

If you're satisfied, you can take a break and just do a bit of light review up until the test.

If you haven't improved, reevaluate how you conducted this process and make some changes to your strategy in the next round. Were you in an environment that was too distracting? Did you skim over your notes without really absorbing them? Are you just generally a bit rusty? These are the kinds of things that can cause your progress to stall.


AP Human Geography: 3 Essential Study Tips

Below are a few of the most valuable strategies to keep in mind as you go through your study plan to prepare for the AP Human Geography exam. These tips should also be helpful for your prep for smaller assessments throughout the school year in your AP class.

#1: Know Your Regions

To get full credit for most free-response questions, you'll have to provide specific examples to support your answers . This means being able to identify the characteristics of world regions in terms of their various cultures, demographics, and physical environments.

You'll see a map of the major regions covered by AP Human Geography in the content section of this guide along with a list of seven units. You should be able to locate each region and identify the relationship it has with each of the seven topic areas .

#2: Memorize Terminology

While knowing your way around a map is important, much of AP Human Geography is about your knowledge of terminology. I highly recommend making flashcards or using online flashcards in your prep (I'll put a link to some of these in the upcoming content section!).

Many multiple-choice questions are essentially just asking for definitions, and some free-response questions begin by asking you to define a term that the rest of the question addresses in more depth.

Even if it's not this direct, knowing your way around the language of the field of human geography will make it far easier for you to understand questions without relying on shaky assumptions or inferences.

#3: Pay Attention to Important Models and Theories

Human Geography is mostly considered a humanities subject, but there are some scientific elements to it. These show up in the form of demographic models that are introduced throughout the course.

It's important to know how to read models and understand what they represent. You should also know how they connect to major theories in human geography and what those theories say about the development of society.

I'll give you a link to a comprehensive list of models and theories at the end of the next section.


Skylar, how many times do I have to explain homophones to you? YOU'RE. NOT. HELPING.

AP Human Geography Topics and Notes

AP Human Geography covers seven major topic areas, or units. In this section, I'll list each of them followed by notes that cover relevant subtopics. You can use these notes in the content review stage of your final study process and throughout the year as you review for in-class tests.

You might find these notes (from CourseNotes) difficult to get through because they're written in such a way that it's hard to pick out key concepts. There are a lot of long paragraphs with no bolding of important terms. If you find these notes borderline incomprehensible, you should try getting a review book that puts all the content in clearer terms . I think Cracking the AP Human Geography Exam is a good starting point.

As a precursor to the notes, here's a map of all the world regions that are discussed throughout the course. You'll need to consider how these topics apply differently to varying locations around the globe:


Unit 1: Thinking Geographically

  • Geography and Human Geography

Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

  • The Earth as Humanity's Home
  • Fundamentals of Population: Location, Distribution, and Density
  • Processes and Cycles of Population Change
  • Where and Why People Move

Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes

  • Cultures, Environments, and Regions
  • A Geography of Languages
  • Diffusion of Languages
  • Modern Language Mosaics
  • Origins and Distribution of Religions
  • Religion: Location, Diffusion, and Cultural Landscape
  • Religion, Culture, and Conflict

Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes

  • Political Culture and the Evolving State
  • State Organization and National Power
  • Multinationalism on the Map
  • The Changing Global Political Landscape

Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes

  • Livelihoods of Rural Peoples
  • Rural Settlement Forms
  • Commercial Agriculture
  • Global Disparities in Nutrition and Health

Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes

  • Civilization and Urbanization
  • Urbanization and Location
  • Urban Pattern and Structure
  • The Changing Nature of the Civic Experience

Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes

  • Industrial Activity and Geographic Location
  • Resources and Regions: The Global Distribution of Industry
  • Concepts of Development
  • From Deindustrialization to Globalization

Because terms are so important on this exam, I also recommend checking out this full list of all vocab covered by the course (provided by Quizlet) so you can review all the vocab you'll need to know in one place.

In addition, take a look at this overview of the different human geography theories and models .


When lots of humans get together to form an urban community, they can't help but color on everything. What an adorable species.

Top Resources for Your AP Human Geography Review

Below are some resources you can use to test your knowledge of AP Human Geography content and take practice tests and quizzes.

Official Course and Exam Descriptions

Although there are no official AP Human Geography practice tests available, the College Board has released plenty of sample practice questions you can use in your prep through its free Course and Exam Description (CED) PDFs.

The current CED for 2020 , which has been fully updated for the new test format , contains 15 multiple-choice questions and two free-response questions, as well as a scoring guide.

There's also the 2015 Human Geography CED , which has 23 multiple-choice questions and six free-response questions you can practice with. Just be aware that this guide is not aligned with the new format of the AP exam.

Official Free-Response Questions and Scoring Guides

In addition to Course and Exam Descriptions, the College Board maintains a huge archive of free-response questions that have been asked on the AP Human Geography exam since 2001 . We recommend using these after you've practiced with the sample FRQs in the 2020 Course and Exam Description (see above resource).

Most of these FRQs also come with scoring guidelines and sample student responses so you can get a better sense of how to earn full points on them.

AP Classroom

AP Classroom is a new creation by the College Board that allows AP teachers to keep track of their students' progress through a virtual classroom. Here, teachers can test students' skills by sending them AP Human Geography practice questions on a regular basis.

Highly Rated Review Books

AP Human Geography review books are useful resources that provide access to additional practice questions and tests. They often include diagnostic tests that will help you determine your weak areas accurately and with less legwork on your part.

Especially in a subject like Human Geography that can be a little elusive, books will help you figure out exactly what you need to study and how you should study it.

Some solid review books for this exam include the following:

  • The Princeton Review's Cracking the AP Human Geography Exam, Premium 2022 Edition
  • Barron's AP Human Geography, Eighth Edition
  • REA's AP Human Geography Crash Course

Sporcle Geography Quizzes

As I mentioned in the tips section, it's important to know your world regions for AP Human Geography so you can back up your answers with specific examples .

You don't need to be a complete expert on where every country is located, but these quizzes are both fun and educational, so I recommend checking them out (warning: super addictive!).

  • Countries of the World
  • Countries of Asia
  • Countries of Europe
  • Countries of Africa
  • Countries of South America
  • Countries of North America

Varsity Tutors Diagnostic Tests

Famed test-prep company Varsity Tutors offers four diagnostic tests for AP Human Geography, each with 75 multiple-choice questions . (Be aware that the current test format only consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, so you can skip 15 of these in your practice.)

The tests have automatic scoring, and each is given a preliminary difficulty level rating. There are also tons of mini-quizzes listed by concept if you want to practice topic-specific questions, as well as flashcards that will help you learn all the course terminology .

Albert Practice Questions

Albert offers quizzes on every AP Human Geography topic, with questions categorized by topic and unit. Quizzes here range in length from just three to as many as 62 questions , and the website keeps a running tally of how many questions you've answered correctly. You'll need to pay for an account to access most of the materials, however.

Chapter Quizzes for Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities

If you select a chapter of this book on the left-hand navigation bar, you can scroll down and click on a link for a multiple-choice quiz. These quizzes are helpful review materials, even if your class isn't using this particular textbook.


Recap: Using This AP Human Geography Study Guide

This AP Human Geography study guide has covered a review plan for the AP test, tips for success in studying throughout the year, and a list of all the topics covered in the AP Human Geography curriculum and on the exam.

The steps in a successful AP Human Geography study plan should look something like this:

  • Step 1: Take and score a practice test
  • Step 2: Go through your mistakes
  • Step 3: Study appropriate content
  • Step 4: Take a second practice test

Again, you can go through this process multiple times if you don't get the results you want in the first round. Just pay close attention to whether or not you're improving. If not, make changes to amp up the effectiveness of your content review.

Some study tips to keep in mind as you study for the AP Human Geography test and any in-class assessments include the following:

  • Know your world regions
  • Memorize terminology
  • Pay attention to major geographic models and theories

After you're clear on the fundamentals of how to study, you can use the notes and prep resources in the second half of this article to prepare for unit quizzes, midterms, and the final AP exam.

What's Next?

Thinking about self-studying for this AP course—or other AP courses? Find out more about whether AP self-study is right for you and which AP classes are the most manageable options .

If you're still planning out your schedule for the future , check out our guide on which other history classes you should take after AP Human Geography.

You might also be interested in these articles that discuss AP credit policies at colleges and which classes you should take in high school based on your college goals.

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Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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2024 AP Human Geography Exam Guide

11 min read • june 18, 2024


Your Guide to the 2024 AP Human Geography Exam

We know that studying for your AP exams can be stressful, but Fiveable has your back! We created a study plan to help you crush your AP Human Geography exam. This guide will continue to update with information about the 2024 exams, as well as helpful resources to help you do your best on test day.  Unlock Cram Mode for access to our cram events—students who have successfully passed their AP exams will answer your questions and guide your last-minute studying LIVE! And don't miss out on unlimited access to our database of thousands of practice questions. 

Format of the 2024 AP Human Geography Exam

Going into test day, this is the exam format to expect:

  • 60 multiple-choice questions with 1 hour to complete them.- - About 30-40% of these questions will have a stimulus attached (data, image, map, etc.).
  • 3 free-response questions with 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete them.- - Question 1 will have text only.- - Question 2 will have one stimulus (data, image, or map).- - Question 3 includes two stimuli (data, images, and/or maps).- - Each question is worth 7 points. 👉 Check out the 2023 AP Human Geography Free-Response Section posted on the College Board site. 

Scoring Rubric for the AP Human Geography Exam

View an example set of questions and the  corresponding scoring guidelines (page 178) from the College Board to get an idea of what they look for in your responses! The first provided question models a free-response question with no stimulus, while the second provided question models an FRQ with two stimuli. 

Check out our study plan below to find resources and tools to prepare for your AP Human Geography exam.

When is the 2024 AP Human Geography Exam and How Do I Take it?

Tests will be taken in person at your school. Here is what we know from College Board so far:

  • The exam will be in-person and on paper at your school on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 8 am, your local time. You will have 2 hours and 15 minutes to take the exam. We will have more updates from the College Board soon, but as of now, this is what we know!

How should I prepare for the exam?

  • First, download the  AP Human Geography Cheatsheet PDF - a single sheet that covers everything you need to know at a high level. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses!
  • We've put together the study plan found below to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam. Pay special attention to the units that you need the most improvement in.- - Study vocab! The exam (especially the multiple-choice) is very vocabulary and terminology heavy, so make flashcards, Quizlets...whatever works best for you.
  • Study, practice, and review for test day with other students during our live cram sessions via  Cram Mode . Cram live streams will teach, review, and practice important topics from AP courses, college admission tests, and college admission topics. These streams are hosted by experienced students who know what you need to succeed. 

Pre-Work: Set Up Your Study Environment

Before you begin studying, take some time to get organized. 

🖥 Create a study space.

Make sure you have a designated place at home to study. Somewhere you can keep all of your materials, where you can focus on learning, and where you are comfortable. Spend some time prepping the space with everything you need and you can even let others in the family know that this is your study space. 

📚 Organize your study materials.

Get your notebook, textbook, prep books, or whatever other physical materials you have. Also create a space for you to keep track of review. Start a new section in your notebook to take notes or start a Google Doc to keep track of your notes. Get yourself set up!

📅 Plan designated times for studying.

The hardest part about studying from home is sticking to a routine. Decide on one hour every day that you can dedicate to studying. This can be any time of the day, whatever works best for you. Set a timer on your phone for that time and really try to stick to it. The routine will help you stay on track.

🏆 Decide on an accountability plan.

How will you hold yourself accountable to this study plan? You may or may not have a teacher or rules set up to help you stay on track, so you need to set some for yourself. First set your goal. This could be studying for x number of hours or getting through a unit. Then, create a reward for yourself. If you reach your goal, then x. This will help stay focused!

🤝 Get support from your peers.  

There are thousands of students all over the world who are preparing for their AP exams just like you! Join  Rooms  🤝to chat, ask questions, and meet other students who are also studying for the spring exams. You can even build study groups and review material together! 

AP Human Geography 2024 Study Plan

🗺 unit 1: thinking geographically, big takeaways:.

The first unit of AP Human Geography contains an introduction in maps and how to understand geographic data. It also covers how to effectively analyze different factors of regional areas, as well as the role spatial concepts and identification have on the impacts of human and environmental changes and development.

Definitely do this:

🎥 Watch these videos:

  • Everything You Need to Know about Maps

Overview of Unit 1 📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 1 Overview: Thinking Geographically
  • 1.1 Introduction to Maps and Types of Maps 
  • 1.2 Geographic Data 
  • 1.3 The Power and Uses of Geographic Data 
  • 1.4 Spatial Concepts 
  • 1.5 Humans and Environmental Interaction
  • 1.6 What are Scales of Analysis? 
  • 1.7 Regional Analysis ✍️ Practice:  
  • Best Quizlet Deck:   AP Human Geography Unit 1 by kshi94033

If you have more time or want to dig deeper:

  • How to Effectively Take Notes
  • Unit 1 Review on Geographic Thinking

👪Unit 2: Population and Migration

Unit 2 focuses on the various patterns and processes that human populations demonstrate. It will also examine the various population distributions and population pyramids. Students must understand the short term and the long term impacts of population migration, as well as the impact on the culture’s economy and the society. 

Unit 2 Population Review

Population and Migration

  • Causes of Migration

Population Growth and Decline

Population Pyramids

Malthusian Theory Explanation 📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 2 Overview: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes
  • 2.1 Population & Migration
  • 2.2 Consequences of Population Distribution 
  • 2.3 Population Composition 
  • 2.4 Population Dynamics 
  • 2.5 The Demographic Transition Model
  • 2.6 Malthusian Theory and Geography
  • 2.7 Population Policies 
  • 2.8 Women and Demographic Change 
  • 2.9 Aging Populations
  • 2.10 Push and Pull Factors in Migration 
  • 2.11 Forced vs. Voluntary Migration 
  • 2.12 Effects of Migration

Unit 2 FRQ Review and Q&A

Unit 2 and 3 Complete Review ✍️ Practice:  

  • Best Quizlet Deck:   AP Human Geography Unit 2 by carriebowman

🕌Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes

This unit focuses on all of the patterns, conditions, and customs that create cultural identities throughout the world. You should be able to analyze and understand images and their roles in religion, language, attitudes, beliefs, and other cultural values. This unit also covers diffusion of culture, and how cultures grow, change, and spread as humans interact and become more technologically advanced. This unit creates a foundation for future units and makes sure that students are able to understand and identify the important cultural values and how those values impact politics, society, the economy, and other factors that are a part of a community.

What is culture?

Diffusion of Culture

The Role of Language and Culture

Race and Ethnicity Part 1 and   Part 2

Unit 3 Review of Cultural Patterns and Processes 📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 3 Overview: Cultural Patterns & Processes
  • 3.1 Introduction to Culture
  • 3.2 Cultural Landscapes
  • 3.3 Cultural Patterns
  • 3.4 Types of Cultural Diffusion
  • 3.5 Historical Causes of Cultural Diffusion
  • 3.6 Contemporary Causes of Cultural Diffusion
  • 3.7 Diffusion of Religion and Language
  • 3.8 Effects of Cultural Diffusion
  • Unit 2 and 3 Complete Review
  • All about Diffusion
  • The Cultural Landscape

🗳Unit 4: Political Patterns and Processes

Unit 4 focuses on the landscape of politics and how it impacts different cultures and relationships between different cultures. Students will work to understand the political boundaries and contemporary issues relating to both internal and international problems. This unit also covers devolution and the many different forms of government that are present throughout the world. Additionally, this unit highlights centrifugal and centripetal forces and puts emphasis on having students understand the causes and effects that lead to cultural shifts and changes.

What is a state?

Territories, Boundaries, and Governances 

Types of Boundaries, Disputes, and Territorial Morphology

Supranationalism 📰 Check out Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 4 Overview: Political Patterns and Processes
  • 4.1 Introduction to Political Geography
  • 4.2 Political Processes
  • 4.3 Political Power and Territoriality
  • 4.4 Defining Political Boundaries
  • 4.5 The Function of Political Boundaries
  • 4.6 Internal Boundaries
  • 4.7 Forms of Governance
  • 4.8 Defining Devolutionary Factors
  • 4.9 Challenges to Sovereignty
  • 4.10 Consequences of Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces
  • Shapes of States
  • Sovereignty and Centripetal and Centrifugal Force

👨‍🌾Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use

This unit of AP Human Geography focuses on the impacts of agriculture and the changes as societies and communities have evolved. Students use their knowledge of spatial patterns to consider and understand the roles that various resources and agricultural techniques play in the contemporary world. Students will learn about the diffusion of agriculture and the important technological innovations that have changed global markets and individual communities. This unit will lay the foundation for an understanding of economic development and change, covered in later units, and will allow for new perspectives on modern problems.

Agricultural History and Revolutions

Changes in Agriculture

Spatial Organization and Settlement Patterns

The Green Revolution 📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 5 Overview: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes
  • 5.1 Introduction to Agriculture
  • 5.2 Settlement Patterns and Survey Methods
  • 5.3 Agricultural Origins and Diffusions
  • 5.4 The Second Agricultural Revolution
  • 5.5 The Green Revolution
  • 5.6 Agricultural Production Regions
  • 5.7 Spatial Organization of Agriculture
  • 5.8 The Von Thunen Model
  • 5.9 The Global System of Agriculture
  • 5.10 Consequences of Agricultural Practices
  • 5.11 Challenges of Contemporary Agriculture
  • 5.12 Women in Agriculture
  • The Development of Agriculture
  • Rural Land-Use Patter__ns__

🌇Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use

Unit 6 is all about cities, their development, and being able to understand the role globalization had in forming the contemporary world. Students should be able to use spatial distribution, census data, and other forms of information to gain a better understanding of urban settings and the patterns within them. In addition, this unit covers sustainability and the necessary steps on a local and global level. This unit ties together past units about politics and the economy, so students have a wider sense of the impacts and problems facing urban areas and cities today.

Globalization and Urbanization

Urban Challenges

Urban Location Theories

Sustainability and Challenges to Sustainable Cities 📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 6 Overview: Cities & Urban Land-Use
  • 6.1 The Origin and Influences of Urbanization
  • 6.2 Cities Across the World
  • 6.3 Cities and Globalization
  • 6.4 The Size and Distribution of Cities
  • 6.5 The Internal Structure of Cities
  • 6.6 Density and Land Use
  • 6.7 Infrastructure in Urban Development
  • 6.8 Urban Sustainability
  • 6.9 Urban Data
  • 6.10 Challenges of Urban Changes
  • 6.11 Challenges of Urban Sustainability
  • Urban Models and the Hierarchy of Cities

💸Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development

The final unit covers the industrial revolution and the continued industrialization occurring in modern day, as well as its impact. After this unit, students will be able to understand social, economic, and cultural growth and the impact of globalization, industrialization, migration, and other topics covered in this course. This unit will also teach you about the global and local markets, economies, and industries throughout the world and their relationships to one another. This final unit will pull together the rest of the topics so students leave the course with a well-rounded understanding of the global patterns and processes that fuel the growth of countries and their cultures.

The Industrial Revolution

Socioeconomic and Sustainable Development

Economic Interdependence

The Global Economy 📰 Check out these Fiveable Study Guides:

  • Unit 7 Overview: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes
  • 7.1 The Industrial Revolution
  • 7.2 Economic Sectors and Patterns
  • 7.3 Measures of Development
  • 7.4 Women and Economic Development
  • 7.5 Theories of Development
  • 7.6 Trade and the World Economy
  • 7.7 Changes as a Result of the World Economy
  • 7.8 Sustainable Development
  • Measures of Development
  • Changes in Industrial Geography

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  1. AP Human Geography Exam Questions

    If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at [email protected]. The 2020 free-response questions are available in the AP Classroom question bank. Download free-response questions from past AP Human Geography ...

  2. PDF AP Human Geography 2023 Free-Response Questions: Set 2

    Question 1. Political geographers analyze territoriality and sovereignty at a variety of scales, including regional, state, substate regional, and local. Define the concept of territoriality in terms of political geography. Describe the concept of sovereignty as it relates to the state. Compare ONE difference in territorial organization between ...

  3. PDF AP Human Geography 2023 Free-Response Questions: Set 1

    Question 1. The rate of natural increase (RNI), also known as the natural increase rate, helps geographers assess annual population growth or decline. Define the concept of RNI. Describe how a country may have a negative RNI. Compare ONE difference between RNI and the total fertility rate as indicators of population change.

  4. AP® Human Geography Free Response Questions (FRQs)

    On the AP Human Geography exam, there are three FRQs: question 1 has no stimuli, question 2 has one stimulus, and question 3 has two stimuli. The stimuli can be a set of data, maps, and/or images. You have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete all three questions, which is 25 minutes per question, though you may spend more or less time on each.

  5. The Complete Guide to AP Human Geography FRQs · PrepScholar

    AP Human Geography Free Response Section Format. There are three questions on the free-response section, each worth 7 raw points. You'll get one hour and 15 minutes to answer all three questions, or about 25 minutes per question. Your free-response score accounts for half your AP Human Geography test score (the other half comes from your ...

  6. AP Human Geography Review

    The AP Human Geography Exam format is: Multiple-Choice Section:-75 questions-60 minutes-50% of final grade. Free-Response Section:-3 essay questions-75 minutes-50% of final grade. When is the AP Human Geography Exam? The exam date for the 2022-2023 school year is Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 8 a.m. This AP test is offered once per year.

  7. AP Human Geography Exam

    The AP Human Geography Exam will test your understanding of the geographic concepts covered in the course units, as well as your ability to analyze maps, geospatial data, infographics, and more. Exam Duration. 2hrs 15mins.

  8. AP Human Geography Practice Exams

    Practice Test 2011. Another 179 questions from Mrs. Bell. Working through as many questions as possible is the best test prep you can do. This even includes one essay question at the end. | | | | | |. The largest collection of online AP Human Geography practice exams. Full-length tests with AP Geography multiple choice and free response questions.

  9. AP Human Geography Practice Tests

    The free response section of the AP Human Geography exam consists of three essay prompts, each of which is worth one-third of the section's total score. Students are advised to spend about one-third of the given time (that is, about twenty-five minutes) on each question, and to use some of this time for outlining each response they plan to ...

  10. AP Human Geography Practice Tests_CrackAP.com

    The AP human geography exam is two hours and 15 minutes long, and is timed. You will be given 60 minutes to answer the 75 multiple-choice questions in Section I and 75 minutes to answer the three free-response questions in Section II. There will be a 5-minute break between exam sections.

  11. AP® Human Geography FAQ: Everything You Need to Know for 2024

    In 2019, only 10.8% of those who took the exam scored a 5. In 2019, AP® Human Geography was the second-hardest AP® test — or, more accurately, the test that awarded the second-lowest percentage of 5s. The lowest percentage was for the AP® World History exam. Only 8.6% of students scored a 5 on that exam.

  12. AP Human Geography Exam

    60 Questions | 1 Hour | 50% of Exam Score. Individual questions. Set-based questions. Approximately 30%-40% of the multiple-choice questions will reference stimulus material, including maps, tables, charts, graphs, images, infographics, and/or landscapes, roughly evenly divided between quantitative and qualitative sources.

  13. The Expert's Guide to the AP Human Geography Exam

    The AP Human Geography test is two hours and 15 minutes long. It contains a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. The next AP Human Geography test will be held on Tuesday, May 4, 2023, at 8:00 AM. No points are deducted for wrong or blank answers on the exam.

  14. AP Human Geography Exam Tips

    Carefully analyze the question: think about what is being asked and identify the elements that must be addressed in the response. For example, some questions may require you to consider the similarities between people or events, and then to think of the ways they are different. Others may ask you to develop an argument with examples to support it.

  15. The Ultimate AP Human Geography Study Guide · PrepScholar

    This AP Human Geography study guide has covered a review plan for the AP test, tips for success in studying throughout the year, and a list of all the topics covered in the AP Human Geography curriculum and on the exam. The steps in a successful AP Human Geography study plan should look something like this: Step 1: Take and score a practice test.

  16. PDF 2023 AP Human Geography

    The AP Human Geography workshop is designed to offer teachers an opportunity to become more familiar with, and better prepared to teach the course. Each unit of the Human Geography course will be addressed through a brief analysis of the major topics, a sample lesson, and additional lesson ideas. Other aspects of the workshop include the use ...

  17. PDF AP Human Geography

    AP Human Geography - Student Samples from the 2023 Exam Administration. AP® Human Geography 2023 Scoring Guidelines. Question 2: One Stimulus. 7 points. Describe the concept of an early hearth of domestication. Accept one of the following: A1.


    AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY APPLICATION AND ESSAY PRINT, COMPLETE, and TURN IN all components of this application process NO LATER THAN February 24, 2023, to Ms. Naylor in Room 01-107. PART 1: APPLICATION Name: Student Email: ... Essay Prompts: Choose one of the 2 topics below to write about. Fully explain your opinion without using first person pronoun

  19. AP Human Geography Exam Study Guide

    👉 Check out the 2023 AP Human Geography Free-Response Section posted on the College Board site. Scoring Rubric for the AP Human Geography Exam. View an example set of questions and the corresponding scoring guidelines (page 178) from the College Board to get an idea of what they look for in your responses! The first provided question models ...

  20. PDF 2023 AP Human Geography

    2023 Advanced Placement® Human Geography. The AP Human Geography workshop is designed to offer teachers an opportunity to become more familiar with, and better prepared to teach the course. Each unit of the Human Geography course will be addressed through a brief analysis of the major topics, a sample lesson, and additional lesson ideas.

  21. PDF 2022-23 AP Human Geography Exam Instructions

    Percent of Total Score: 50% Writing Instrument: Pencil required. Section II. Total Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes. Number of Questions: 3 essays. Percent of Total Score: 50%. Writing Instrument: Pen with black or dark blue ink. Before Distributing Exams: Check that the title on all exam covers is Human Geography.

  22. AP Human Geography Final Exam MCQ 2023 Flashcards

    A region defined by the particular set of activities or interactions that occur within it, Bible Belt. a region perceived and defined by its inhabitants, usually with a popularly given or accepted nickname; popular region. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Reference map, Thematic map, Dot distribution map and more.