presentation the meaning

Pre-Order the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible

presentation the meaning

  • The Deeper Meaning of the Presentation in the Temple

By Clement Harrold

For many Catholics, the fourth joyful mystery—the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple—can be a difficult scene to meditate on. What’s the episode about, anyway? And what might be its deeper meaning?

Beginning with the first question, it’s important to remember that the Presentation described in Luke 2:22-38 is not the circumcision of Jesus. That already took place eight days after His birth. Rather, the Presentation took place in order to fulfill two different dictates of the Mosaic Law.

The first of these, drawn from Leviticus 12, mandated that mothers needed to be purified forty days after giving birth to a male child. This is why the Presentation is celebrated in the Church’s calendar on February 2nd—also known as “Candlemas,” an allusion to Simeon’s words about the boy Jesus being “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Lk 2:32)—because the event takes place forty days after the nativity (counting December 25 as day one).

In order to make the purification, the mother in question was required to sacrifice a lamb as well as either a pigeon or a turtledove. The law made provision, however, for those families who were too poor to afford a lamb, in which case they could sacrifice two pigeons or two turtledoves instead. St. Luke goes out of his way to inform the reader that this is exactly what the Holy Family did, thereby reminding us of their material poverty (see Lk 2:24).

The second precept of the Mosaic Law which Mary and Joseph were following is the requirement from Exodus 13:2 that all firstborns be consecrated to God in a special way. More specifically, this ritual rested on the understanding that the firstborn naturally belonged to God, and so the child’s human parents were expected to “redeem” (from the Latin redimō , meaning to “buy back”) their child by paying five shekels to the priest.

All of this helps us to see that the Presentation in the Temple was about two important things: (1) the purification of Mary and (2) the redemption of baby Jesus. So far so good. But there are two other elements here which are worth paying attention to. For one thing, the Mosaic Law nowhere demanded that the purification or the redemption take place within the Temple. This means that the Holy Family was being extra devout by going to the Temple for this special day.

Additionally, there is one detail in the Presentation narrative which is startling for its absence. While St. Luke does mention that Mary and Joseph bought the two turtledoves, he never takes the time to mention the paying of the five shekels to redeem baby Jesus. In other words, he cites the redeeming-of-the-firstborns precept laid down in Exodus 13:2, but he leaves out a description of this redemption taking place. Why might that be?

For the late Pope Benedict XVI, in his Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives , the answer was obvious. St. Luke leaves a literary silence in the passage in order to drive home the point that the infant Jesus belongs to His Heavenly Father:

Evidently Luke intends to say that instead of being “redeemed” and restored to his parents, this child was personally handed over to God in the Temple, given over completely to God. . . . Luke has nothing to say regarding the act of “redemption” prescribed by the law. In its place we find the exact opposite: the child is handed over to God, and from now on belongs to him completely. (p. 3)

Understanding this detail can help us bring the fourth joyful mystery to life in a new way. The Presentation isn’t just another boring religious ritual. On the contrary, it is a deeply symbolic moment pointing to Jesus’s divine identity, and to Mary and Joseph’s perfect cooperation with His divine mission.

Further Reading:

Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives (Image, 2012)

Clement Harrold is a graduate student in theology at the University of Notre Dame. His writings have appeared in  First Things ,  Church Life Journal ,  Crisis Magazine , and the  Washington Examiner . He earned his bachelor's degree from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2021.

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Other forms: presentations

The noun presentation means the official giving, or presenting, of something. The presentation of diplomas at a graduation ceremony is the part that makes many of the parents in the audience cry.

A presentation can be a ceremony of giving some gift or award, and it can also be a demonstration or show — like a dog training presentation at your local pet store. Another meaning of presentation is a style of displaying something — like the presentation of plants and flowers in the florist's window or the presentation of food on a buffet table. In the 1600s, presentation was commonly used to mean "show or play," as in "a theatrical presentation ."

  • noun the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) “she gave the trophy but he made the presentation ” see more see less type of: ceremony the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion
  • noun the act of presenting a proposal see more see less types: first reading the first presentation of a bill in a legislature second reading the second presentation of a bill in a legislature; to approve its general principles (Britain) or to discuss a committee's report and take a vote (US) type of: proposal , proposition the act of making a proposal
  • noun the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it “he prepared his presentation carefully in advance” see more see less types: unveiling putting on display for the first time production a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television staging , theatrical production the production of a drama on the stage type of: display exhibiting openly in public view
  • noun formally making a person known to another or to the public synonyms: intro , introduction see more see less types: debut the presentation of a debutante in society reintroduction an act of renewed introduction type of: informing , making known a speech act that conveys information
  • noun a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view “the presentation of new data” synonyms: demonstration , presentment see more see less types: show 19 types... hide 19 types... exhibition the act of exhibiting exposure presentation to view in an open or public manner performance the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment lecture demonstration presentation of an example of what the lecturer is discoursing about counterdemonstration a demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration dramatic performance , dramatic production the act of performing a drama encore an extra or repeated performance; usually given in response to audience demand extemporisation , extemporization , improvisation a performance given extempore without planning or preparation juggle , juggling throwing and catching several objects simultaneously conjuration , conjuring trick , deception , illusion , legerdemain , magic , magic trick , thaumaturgy , trick an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers musical performance the act of performing music one-night stand a performance in one place on one night only interpretation , rendering , rendition the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance last hurrah , swan song a final performance or effort (especially before retirement) debunking , repudiation the exposure of falseness or pretensions production (law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law rodeo an exhibition of cowboy skills program , programme a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation reprise the act of performing a role again type of: show the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining
  • noun a visual representation of something synonyms: display see more see less types: show 5 types... hide 5 types... float an elaborate display mounted on a platform carried by a truck (or pulled by a truck) in a procession or parade Snellen chart display consisting of a printed card with letters and numbers in lines of decreasing size; used to test visual acuity spectacle an elaborate and remarkable display on a lavish scale bullfight , corrida a Spanish or Portuguese or Latin American spectacle; a matador baits and (usually) kills a bull in an arena before many spectators naumachia , naumachy a naval spectacle; a mock sea battle put on by the ancient Romans type of: representation a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something
  • noun (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal “Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations ” see more see less type of: attitude , position , posture the arrangement of the body and its limbs

Vocabulary lists containing presentation

To improve your fluency in English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR), learn this academic vocabulary list that includes words selected from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state standards.

Vocabulary is key to performing well on Common Core-aligned tests for English Language Arts as well as for building literacy in social studies, science, and technical subjects. This collection features common tier-2 words that are taught and tested in Grades 9 and 10. These words are used in a variety of contexts, exhibit different shades of meaning based on those contexts, and appear commonly in classroom instruction and on standardized assessments. Here are links to our lists for the collection: List 1 , List 2 , List 3 , List 4 , List 5 , List 6 , List 7 , List 8

Vocabulary is key to performing well on Common Core-aligned tests for English Language Arts as well as for building literacy in social studies, science, and technical subjects. This collection features common tier-2 words that are taught and tested in Grade 6. These words are used in a variety of contexts, exhibit different shades of meaning based on those contexts, and appear commonly in classroom instruction and on standardized assessments. Here are links to our lists for the collection: List 1 , List 2 , List 3 , List 4 , List 5 , List 6 , List 7 , List 8

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[ prez- uh n- tey -sh uh n , pree-zen- ]

  • an act of presenting.
  • the state of being presented.
  • a social introduction, as of a person at court.
  • an exhibition or performance, as of a play or film.
  • offering, delivering, or bestowal, as of a gift.
  • a demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speech.

His presentation was very poor.

  • Commerce. the presentment of a bill, note, or the like.
  • the position of the fetus in the uterus during labor.

a breech presentation.

  • Ecclesiastical. the act or the right of presenting a member of the clergy to the bishop for institution to a benefice.

/ ˌprɛzənˈteɪʃən /

  • the act of presenting or state of being presented

the presentation of the project is excellent but the content poor

his presentation of the facts was muddled

a presentation on the company results

  • an offering or bestowal, as of a gift

a presentation copy of a book

  • a performance or representation, as of a play
  • the formal introduction of a person, as into society or at court; debut
  • the act or right of nominating a clergyman to a benefice
  • med the position of a baby relative to the birth canal at the time of birth
  • commerce another word for presentment
  • television linking material between programmes, such as announcements, trailers, or weather reports
  • an archaic word for gift
  • philosophy a sense datum
  • often capital another name for (feast of) Candlemas

Derived Forms

  • ˌpresenˈtational , adjective

Other Words From

  • nonpres·en·tation noun
  • self-presen·tation noun

Word History and Origins

Origin of presentation 1

Example Sentences

Look no further than those execs who have sat through online presentations outlining a more inclusive workplace only to have to go back to working in teams where they’re made to feel different.

The day of the presentation comes, and the ecommerce team gathers around, continuously nodding along with each slide.

In the questions-and-answer presentation on Wednesday, Palantir did not address the issue of voting power.

For repurposing, you can use four different formats, which are – video series, infographics, podcasts, and presentations.

This presentation will explain the ins and outs of the process as well as the need for older children who are looking for a home as well.

We were scoring it like the Olympics: presentation, technique.

Bogucki includes the leaflet in a Powerpoint presentation he has developed.

Her biggest surprise, she said, was realizing how much presentation and technical points mattered.

That may be partially because The Big Lebowski is their most nihilistic presentation.

One of the hottest tickets at the 2014 edition of Comic-Con, the annual nerd mecca in San Diego, was the Marvel presentation.

You were obliging enough to ask me to accept a presentation copy of your verses.

Nor was ever a better presentation made of the essential program of socialism.

After the presentation of the Great Southern case our Bill was heard and all the opposition.

The presentation of the Railway case and the rebutting evidence did not begin till all the public witnesses had been heard.

Furthermore, a note is payable on demand when it is thus stated, or is payable at sight or on presentation.

Related Words

  • demonstration
  • introduction
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Definition of presentation noun from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary


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  • 3 [ countable ] a meeting at which something, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.
  • 4 [ countable ] the series of computer slides (= images) that accompany the talk when someone gives a presentation at a meeting I put my presentation on a memory stick.
  • 5 [ countable ] a ceremony or formal occasion during which a gift or prize is given
  • 6 [ countable ] a performance of a play, etc. in a theater
  • 7 [ countable , uncountable ] ( medical ) the position in which a baby is lying in the mother's body just before birth

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  • presentation (noun)
  • The charts and graphs helped me understand the presentation .
  • She will take your questions after she has made her presentation .
  • The senior accountant gave a presentation at the meeting.
  • The presentation of the food made it look very appetizing.
  • The choir sang during the presentation of the gifts.
  • The awards were given out last night, and the mayor was on hand to make the presentations . [=to present the awards]
  • an awards presentation
  • The state has a law that prohibits the presentation of new evidence 30 days after conviction.
  • We are going to see an outdoor presentation of the play.
  • abnormal birth presentations

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the quality or state of being the same
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What is a Presentation?

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The formal presentation of information is divided into two broad categories: Presentation Skills and Personal Presentation .

These two aspects are interwoven and can be described as the preparation, presentation and practice of verbal and non-verbal communication. 

This article describes what a presentation is and defines some of the key terms associated with presentation skills.

Many people feel terrified when asked to make their first public talk.  Some of these initial fears can be reduced by good preparation that also lays the groundwork for making an effective presentation.

A Presentation Is...

A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.

A presentation can also be used as a broad term that encompasses other ‘speaking engagements’ such as making a speech at a wedding, or getting a point across in a video conference.

To be effective, step-by-step preparation and the method and means of presenting the information should be carefully considered. 

A presentation requires you to get a message across to the listeners and will often contain a ' persuasive ' element. It may, for example, be a talk about the positive work of your organisation, what you could offer an employer, or why you should receive additional funding for a project.

The Key Elements of a Presentation

Making a presentation is a way of communicating your thoughts and ideas to an audience and many of our articles on communication are also relevant here, see: What is Communication? for more.

Consider the following key components of a presentation:

Ask yourself the following questions to develop a full understanding of the context of the presentation.

When and where will you deliver your presentation?

There is a world of difference between a small room with natural light and an informal setting, and a huge lecture room, lit with stage lights. The two require quite different presentations, and different techniques.

Will it be in a setting you are familiar with, or somewhere new?

If somewhere new, it would be worth trying to visit it in advance, or at least arriving early, to familiarise yourself with the room.

Will the presentation be within a formal or less formal setting?

A work setting will, more or less by definition, be more formal, but there are also various degrees of formality within that.

Will the presentation be to a small group or a large crowd?

Are you already familiar with the audience?

With a new audience, you will have to build rapport quickly and effectively, to get them on your side.

What equipment and technology will be available to you, and what will you be expected to use?

In particular, you will need to ask about microphones and whether you will be expected to stand in one place, or move around.

What is the audience expecting to learn from you and your presentation?

Check how you will be ‘billed’ to give you clues as to what information needs to be included in your presentation.

All these aspects will change the presentation. For more on this, see our page on Deciding the Presentation Method .

The role of the presenter is to communicate with the audience and control the presentation.

Remember, though, that this may also include handing over the control to your audience, especially if you want some kind of interaction.

You may wish to have a look at our page on Facilitation Skills for more.

The audience receives the presenter’s message(s).

However, this reception will be filtered through and affected by such things as the listener’s own experience, knowledge and personal sense of values.

See our page: Barriers to Effective Communication to learn why communication can fail.

The message or messages are delivered by the presenter to the audience.

The message is delivered not just by the spoken word ( verbal communication ) but can be augmented by techniques such as voice projection, body language, gestures, eye contact ( non-verbal communication ), and visual aids.

The message will also be affected by the audience’s expectations. For example, if you have been billed as speaking on one particular topic, and you choose to speak on another, the audience is unlikely to take your message on board even if you present very well . They will judge your presentation a failure, because you have not met their expectations.

The audience’s reaction and therefore the success of the presentation will largely depend upon whether you, as presenter, effectively communicated your message, and whether it met their expectations.

As a presenter, you don’t control the audience’s expectations. What you can do is find out what they have been told about you by the conference organisers, and what they are expecting to hear. Only if you know that can you be confident of delivering something that will meet expectations.

See our page: Effective Speaking for more information.

How will the presentation be delivered?

Presentations are usually delivered direct to an audience.  However, there may be occasions where they are delivered from a distance over the Internet using video conferencing systems, such as Skype.

It is also important to remember that if your talk is recorded and posted on the internet, then people may be able to access it for several years. This will mean that your contemporaneous references should be kept to a minimum.


Many factors can influence the effectiveness of how your message is communicated to the audience.

For example background noise or other distractions, an overly warm or cool room, or the time of day and state of audience alertness can all influence your audience’s level of concentration.

As presenter, you have to be prepared to cope with any such problems and try to keep your audience focussed on your message.   

Our page: Barriers to Communication explains these factors in more depth.

Continue to read through our Presentation Skills articles for an overview of how to prepare and structure a presentation, and how to manage notes and/or illustrations at any speaking event.

Continue to: Preparing for a Presentation Deciding the Presentation Method

See also: Writing Your Presentation | Working with Visual Aids Coping with Presentation Nerves | Dealing with Questions Learn Better Presentation Skills with TED Talks

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- the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward); "she gave the trophy but he made the presentation" - the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion; "an inaugural ceremony"
- a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view; "the presentation of new data"; "he gave the customer a demonstration" , - the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining; "a remarkable show of skill" - the act of exhibiting; "a remarkable exhibition of musicianship" - presentation to view in an open or public manner; "the exposure of his anger was shocking" - the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment; "we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal"; "an inspired performance of Mozart's C minor concerto" - presentation of an example of what the lecturer is discoursing about - a demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration; "supporters of the president organized a counterdemonstration in his support"
- the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it; "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance" - exhibiting openly in public view; "a display of courage" - putting on display for the first time; "he attended the unveiling of the statue" - a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television; "have you seen the new production of Hamlet?"
- the act of presenting a proposal , - the act of making a proposal; "they listened to her proposal" - the first presentation of a bill in a legislature - the second presentation of a bill in a legislature; to approve its general principles (Britain) or to discuss a committee's report and take a vote (US)
- a visual representation of something - an elaborate display mounted on a platform carried by a truck (or pulled by a truck) in a procession or parade - a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something - display consisting of a printed card with letters and numbers in lines of decreasing size; used to test visual acuity - an elaborate and remarkable display on a lavish scale
- formally making a person known to another or to the public , , - a speech act that conveys information - the presentation of a debutante in society - an act of renewed introduction
- (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal; "Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations" , , - the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender" , , , - the branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and care of the mother


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'; audChoice = audChoice.replace(/ selected=["']selected["']/gm, '');var audT = document.getElementById('audT');if ((audT) && (audPref)) { //Parse the content if(audPref.indexOf(':') > -1) { var audPrefAccent = audPref.split(':')[0]; var playbackRate = audPref.split(':')[1]; } else { var audPrefAccent = audPref; var playbackRate = 1; } var re = new RegExp('( UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˌprɛz nˈteɪʃ n/

USA pronunciation: IPA/ˌprɛzənˈteɪʃən, ˌprizɛn-/

US:USA pronunciation: respellingUSA pronunciation: respelling(prez′ən tā shən, prē′zen-)

| | | | | | |
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
pres•en•ta•tion      n.  ]the presentation of news. ]Your presentation is all-important during an interview for a job. ] a demonstration to a client of a proposed advertising campaign;
pitch. ]a high-school presentation of Our Town. ] an offering, as of a gift. ] a demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speech, as one of introduction.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
pres•en•ta•tion   shən, prē′zen-),USA pronunciation n.  Com.]the presentment of a bill, note, or the like. [Obstet.] [Eccles.]the act or the right of presenting a member of the clergy to the bishop for institution to a benefice. (stem of ) nomination (of a priest) to a benefice, religious dedication (of a person) by bringing him before God. See present , -ation
/ˌprɛzənˈteɪʃən/ n : a presentation on the company results ): a presentation copy of a book
adj ' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , , , , , , , a [sales, commercial, keynote, financial] presentation, presentation [skills, tools, slides, software, techniques, stages], an [informal, informative, educational] presentation,

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  • Written By Gregg Rosenzweig
  • Updated: June 4, 2024
We’re here to help you choose the most appropriate content types to fulfill your content strategy. In this series, we’re breaking down the most popular content types to their basic fundamentals so you can start with a solid foundation — simple definitions, clarity on formats, and plenty of examples.

What is a Presentation?

A communication device that relays a topic to an audience in the form of a slide show, demonstration, lecture, or speech, where words and pictures complement each other.

Why should you think of presentations as content?

The beauty of content creation is that almost anything can become a compelling piece of content . It just depends on the creativity used to convert it and the story that brings it to life.

presentation the meaning

The long and short of it

Although the length of a presentation in terms of time can depend on the overall approach (Are you talking a lot? Are you referring to the screen in detail or not?), consider the number of informational content slides when tallying the overall presentation length. For instance, don’t include title slides in your tally when conveying length to a content creator.

A general guide to presentation length:

  • Short Form (5 content slides)
  • Standard Form (10 content slides)
  • Long Form (20+ content slides)

Popular use cases for presentations…

Let’s consider TED Talks for a minute: one of the best examples (bar none) of how words, pictures, and a narrative can make people care about something they otherwise might not.

These “talks” pre-date podcasts and blend a compelling use of language and imagery in presentation format to spread ideas in unique ways.

TED Talks have been viewed a billion-plus times worldwide (and counting) and are worth considering when it comes to how you might use video-presentation content to connect with your customers in creative, cool, new ways.

Business types:

Any company that has a pitch deck, executive summary, sales presentation, or any kind of internal document can repurpose them into external-facing content pieces — without pain.

Presentation Examples – Short Form

Here are some short-form examples with curated to help inspire you.

presentation the meaning

Presentation Examples – Standard Form

presentation the meaning

Presentation Examples – Long Form

presentation the meaning

Understanding Content Quality in Examples

Our team has rated content type examples in three degrees of quality ( Good, Better, Best ) to help you better gauge resources needed for your content plan.

In general, the degrees of content quality correspond to our three content levels ( General, Qualified, Expert ) based on the criteria below. Remember though, multiple variables determine the cost, completion time, or content level for any content piece with a perceived degree of quality.

presentation the meaning

How to Get Exceptional Content That Elevates

If you want to impress your clients, co-workers, or leadership team with your next presentation or product demonstration, to might want to consider working with proven content creators.

At ClearVoice, we have a Talent Network of 4000+ professionals across 200+ industries. That means we can find creators with the exact skill sets and expertise you need to create content that gets results.

Talk to a content specialist today to start the conversation.

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We will keep you up-to-date with all the content marketing news and resources. You will be a content expert in no time. Sign up for our free newsletter.

Elevate Your Content Game

Transform your marketing with a consistent stream of high-quality content for your brand.

Marketer showing high-quality content.

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Business Jargons

A Business Encyclopedia


Definition : A presentation is a form of communication in which the speaker conveys information to the audience. In an organization presentations are used in various scenarios like talking to a group, addressing a meeting, demonstrating or introducing a new product, or briefing a team. It involves presenting a particular subject or issue or new ideas/thoughts to a group of people.

It is considered as the most effective form of communication because of two main reasons:

  • Use of non-verbal cues.
  • Facilitates instant feedback.


Business Presentations are a tool to influence people toward an intended thought or action.

Parts of Presentation


  • Introduction : It is meant to make the listeners ready to receive the message and draw their interest. For that, the speaker can narrate some story or a humorous piece of joke, an interesting fact, a question, stating a problem, and so forth. They can also use some surprising statistics.
  • Body : It is the essence of the presentation. It requires the sequencing of facts in a logical order. This is the part where the speaker explains the topic and relevant information. It has to be critically arranged, as the audience must be able to grasp what the speaker presents.
  • Conclusion : It needs to be short and precise. It should sum up or outline the key points that you have presented. It could also contain what the audience should have gained out of the presentation.

Purpose of Presentation

  • To inform : Organizations can use presentations to inform the audience about new schemes, products or proposals. The aim is to inform the new entrant about the policies and procedures of the organization.
  • To persuade : Presentations are also given to persuade the audience to take the intended action.
  • To build goodwill : They can also help in building a good reputation

Factors Affecting Presentation


Audience Analysis

Communication environment, personal appearance, use of visuals, opening and closing presentation, organization of presentation, language and words, voice quality, body language, answering questions, a word from business jargons.

Presentation is a mode of conveying information to a selected group of people live. An ideal presentation is one that identifies and matches the needs, interests and understanding level of the audience. It also represents the facts, and figures in the form of tables, charts, and graphs and uses multiple colours.

Related terms:

  • Verbal Communication
  • Visual Communication
  • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Communication
  • 7 C’s of Communication

Reader Interactions

Abbas khan says

October 2, 2022 at 11:33 pm

Thank you so much for providing us with brief info related to the presentation.

Farhan says

February 23, 2023 at 9:45 am

yusra shah says

July 3, 2023 at 2:04 am

it was helpful👍

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Mastering the art of storytelling style presentations

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera August 30, 2024

Presentations offer an opportunity to share your ideas and inspire others. However, it can be challenging to catch your audience’s attention and keep it. While there are many different presentation styles , the storytelling style offers specific benefits when it comes to sharing your ideas while engaging your audience. By embracing the power of storytelling, you can transform your delivery into a captivating and engaging experience that leaves your audience wanting more. What really is a storytelling style presentation and what makes it so different from other presentation styles , you ask? In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about storytelling style presentations and show you how Prezi, a groundbreaking presentation tool, can assist you in engaging your audience. 

Male public speaker using the storytelling presentation style.

What is a storytelling style presentation?

The storytelling style presentation is the merger of the principles of storytelling with the structure of a presentation. Information isn’t just passed on in a narrative or bullet points but woven into a story. It may be a formal story that’s either the traditional arc (beginning, middle, and end) or another structure that continuously involves the audience through a series of minor stories or anecdotes leading to key points.

The core of storytelling style presentations is the ability to deliver content in a way that can be related to and remembered. There’s no doubt that by casting information into a story, presenters can evoke emotions, paint mental pictures vigorously, and strike a chord with their audience in ways that more formal styles of presentation often fail to.

Why is storytelling style presentation unique?

The reason why storytelling style presentations stand out from other formats is how well they can humanize content. It doesn’t force the audience to gulp down loads of information, facts, figures, and data points. Instead, it enables the presenters to infuse life into the content. It transforms dry data into a story wherein the audience can visualize themselves. This makes the content not only more consumable but also more impactful.

A man presenting on stage using the storytelling style presentation technique.

A key element that makes this style unique is its flexibility . Traditional presentations are bound to follow a strictly linear path; on the other hand, storytelling style presentations can be nonlinear . You have the ability to jump between different points in your narrative, allowing the story to be revealed in a way that best serves the message. This is very effective when using tools like Prezi since they allow nonlinear presentations by use of a zoomable canvas, where the presenter can glide thematically through different parts of the story visually.

When is a storytelling style presentation useful?

The storytelling style presentation can be used in a wide range of scenarios. Here are some specific instances where such a style is particularly effective:

  • Persuasive presentations : Whether making a new idea known, seeking investment, or standing up for something, telling a story can make your case more convincing. Weave what you have to say into a story and you’ll more fully convince those listening.
  • Educational settings : It’s possible for teachers and educators to apply storytelling when explaining intricate topics so that these topics become more familiar to the learners. In addition, this approach is likely to enable students to preserve information by tying new ideas back to stories they can recall.
  • Corporate communications : In the case of internal communications like sharing company visions or updates, the use of storytelling can be quite effective in aligning the team with a given message by making it more engaging and emotionally resonant.
  • Marketing and sales : Storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing and sales presentations. This is because establishing an emotional connection with the audience has the potential to create a monumental effect on decision-making.

Techniques for effective storytelling in presentations

Developing a storytelling style presentation that’ll inspire your audience involves the use of specific techniques. Let’s explore some techniques that can make your storytelling pop!

The hero’s journey

The hero’s journey is a classic storytelling presentation style where the protagonist (your product, idea or audience) is challenged, shown obstacles, and then attains some goal. This structure is known to all and gets the audience emotionally involved, hence ideal for leading your audience through a story that has a clear path.

Woman giving branding presentation.

Three-act structure

This method breaks your story into three parts: the establishment, the confrontation, and the resolution. It’s how a simple presentation should be structured so that as the story is revealed, it remains interesting for the audience right up until its satisfying ending.

Conflict and resolution

Inject a problem or conflict at the beginning of your presentation and then gradually lead your audience to where the solution lies. By building tension throughout, you’ll hold the listeners’ attention as they become more invested in how it all pans out, rendering your presentation more dynamic and memorable.

Analogies and metaphors

The use of analogies and metaphors enables complex ideas to be broken down and delivered in a way that’s easily recognizable. This technique not only makes the content more engaging but also allows the audience to understand difficult ideas more easily.

A women presenting a presentation with a school presentation theme

The Story Spine

The Story Spine is a straightforward storytelling framework that helps structure your narrative clearly. It typically follows this sequence: “Once upon a time… Every day… But one day… Because of that… Until finally… And ever since that day….” This technique creates a cohesive story that flows logically and resonates emotionally with the audience.

Nested Loops

Nested Loops is a technique where you introduce multiple narratives within one another, like stories within a story. You start with a central narrative, then introduce another related story, before eventually circling back to conclude each one. This method keeps the audience intrigued and engaged as each loop is closed, leading back to the main point.

Tips for creating a storytelling style presentation

Know your audience.

Shape your story to reflect the experiences and emotions of your listeners. Knowing who they are and what they value most will enable you to weave a tale that resonates with them in a more profound way.

Start off strong

As with any good story, your presentation will have to begin with a hook. Something that immediately captures the audience. It could be a surprising fact or a thought-provoking question. Maybe even a personal anecdote. All designed to set the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Against the backdrop of a startup tech conference, a business entrepreneur takes the stage, delivering an impactful presentation. Their confident posture and charismatic delivery hold the audience's attention.

Use visuals strategically

Your visuals should complement the story , not take it over. Tools such as Prezi foster dynamic visualization that not only improves the storytelling experience by adding layers of meaning but also keeps the audience engaged throughout the presentation.

Keep It simple

While it might be tempting to include every little detail in your story, simplicity is key. Zero in on the core message and build a narrative around it. An excess of information dilutes the impact of your story; therefore, trim your content down while keeping it clear and focused.

Practice delivery

How you tell your story is as important as the story itself. Practice delivering it several times to get your pacing, tone and gestures right so that they blend well with the narrative. This enables you to connect with the audience and pass your message on effectively.

Engage the senses

In your storytelling, try to include sensory details—sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. This’ll paint a more vivid picture and pull your readers in more intensely. When people can visualize and experience what they’re being told, the message is much more likely to hit home. 

Leveraging Prezi for storytelling presentations

Prezi is most known for creating storytelling style presentations. The nonlinear format of Prezi enables the presenter to drift along their story freely, zooming at specific points or pulling back for a broader view when needed during the narration. This freedom mimics how stories flow naturally .

Prezi AI generated template for mind map ideas

Plus, Prezi has features that make storytelling more effective through visual immersion. Users can insert videos, pictures, and animations into their stories to drive home and reiterate the main points, enabling the audience to easily follow and remain engaged.

A closer look: 6 ways Prezi scores in storytelling style presentations

Prezi stands out as a powerful tool for creating storytelling style presentations, offering unique features that enhance the narrative experience. Here are six ways Prezi is particularly useful for storytelling:

1. Nonlinear navigation

The nonlinear structure of Prezi enables you to present your story in any way you desire, transitioning freely between various parts of the narrative. It helps your story to flow naturally, and you can even go back and forth between important points, themes, or events, knowing your audience is following along with you. 

2. Zoomable canvas

The zoomable canvas in Prezi lets you focus on specific details or zoom out for a broader overview. Allowing you to control the pacing and emphasis of your story. This means you can bring out important points in your narrative, drawing the attention of your audience to exactly where you want it and then making a smooth transition to the next part of the story.

3. Dynamic visuals

What makes Prezi particularly good at storytelling is its capacity to work with dynamic visuals like images, videos, and animations. You can strategically place these multimedia elements in your presentation to support your story. This helps bring your story to life and allows your audience to visualize the message you’re delivering. 

4. Pathway customization

Using Prezi, you can fine-tune the route of your presentation so that you’re able to craft a special journey for your audience. You have the ability to adjust how information flows to fit your narrative, be it by going in a straight line or hopping around different points of the story as and when necessary.

5. Collaborative features

The Prezi collaborative tools let you work with a team in developing your storytelling style presentation. More than one contributor is able to go over and perfect the narrative so that varying views and ideas can be tied into one story. It’s especially helpful in building intricate presentations that draw on the input of different stakeholders.

6. Engaging transitions

Prezi has many interesting transitions that make your story flow better. Instead of going from one slide to another like the standard progression, Prezi allows for transitions between slides that are visually appealing. With these transitions, moving from one part of your story to another feels very natural and continuous. It’s a great way to keep your audience’s attention without disruptions, such as those created by a conventional change of slides. Here’s an example of a Prezi presentation that scores in storytelling and transitions:

By using these features, Prezi doesn’t just uphold a storytelling style presentation but enriches it for a better-informed, more memorable, and effective narrative. Be it a corporate, educational, or creative situation, the tools of Prezi can really enhance your storytelling to make it more effective.

Answering common questions about storytelling in presentations

What are the four types of storytelling.

The four types of storytelling often referred to in the context of presentations are:

  • Personal stories : Sharing a personal experience to connect with the audience on a human level.
  • Anecdotes : Brief stories that illustrate a point or concept.
  • Case studies : Real-world examples that demonstrate how something works in practice.
  • Metaphorical stories : Using analogies or metaphors to explain complex ideas in a relatable way.

How to start a storytelling presentation?

To start your storytelling presentation, initiate it with a hook that captures the focus of your audience. This may be by asking an interesting question, stating a surprising statistic, or sharing a personal anecdote. The aim is to draw the audience into the story. For more ideas on how to start a presentation, read this article .

A woman performing on stage, telling a story.

How do you write a storytelling style?

In presentation storytelling, you need to structure the content like a story. First, work on an outline of the key points to be made and fit them into some kind of arc. Use the hero’s journey or three-act structure to help guide your story flow toward its conclusion, and include elements that would resonate with your audience.

Bring your next storytelling style presentation to life with Prezi

Storytelling style presentations provide an exciting way of engaging, informing, and convincing your audience. The conversion of your content into a story can render your message more memorable and powerful. Nonlinear storytelling is supported by tools like Prezi, where you’re allowed the freedom to shape a presentation that really inspires. No matter whether your goal is to educate, persuade or inspire, storytelling can take your presentation one step higher.

By mastering storytelling techniques and applying them to your presentations, you’ll be better equipped to connect with your audience, convey your message effectively, and leave a lasting impression.

Group of people applauding

Did you know that there are 5 more presentation styles to discover? To learn about other styles and their use cases, go to our must-read article on presentation styles .

presentation the meaning

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American Psychological Association

Title Case Capitalization

APA Style uses two types of capitalization for titles of works (such as paper titles ) and headings within works : title case and sentence case .

In title case, major words are capitalized, and most minor words are lowercase. In sentence case, most major and minor words are lowercase ( proper nouns are an exception in that they are always capitalized).

  • major words: Nouns, verbs (including linking verbs), adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and all words of four letters or more are considered major words.
  • minor words: Short (i.e., three letters or fewer) conjunctions, short prepositions, and all articles are considered minor words.

Title case capitalization is covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Section 6.17 and the Concise Guide Section 5.7

presentation the meaning

How to implement title case

In title case, capitalize the following words in a title or heading:

  • the first word of the title or heading, even if it is a minor word such as “The” or “A”
  • the first word of a subtitle
  • the first word after a colon, em dash, or end punctuation in a heading
  • major words, including the second part of hyphenated major words (e.g., “Self-Report,” not “Self-report”)
  • words of four letters or more (e.g., “With,” “Between,” “From”)

Lowercase only minor words that are three letters or fewer in a title or heading (except the first word in a title or subtitle or the first word after a colon, em dash, or end punctuation in a heading):

  • short conjunctions (e.g., “and,” “as,” “but,” “for,” “if,” “nor,” “or,” “so,” “yet”)
  • articles (“a,” “an,” “the”)
  • short prepositions (e.g., “as,” “at,” “by,” “for,” “in,” “of,” “off,” “on,” “per,” “to,” “up,” “via”)

When to use title case

Use title case for the following:

  • titles of articles, books, reports, and other works appearing in text

In the book Train Your Mind for Peak Performance: A Science-Based Approach for Achieving Your Goals

In the article “Turning Frowns (and Smiles) Upside Down: A Multilevel Examination of Surface Acting Positive and Negative Emotions on Well-Being”

  • titles of tests or measures, including subscales

Beck Depression Inventory–II

  • all headings within a work (Levels 1–5; these are also bold or bold italic)
  • the title of your own paper and of named sections and subsections within it

the Results section

  • titles of periodicals (these are also italicized)

Journal of Latinx Psychology

Chicago Tribune

  • table titles (these are also italicized)
  • figure titles (these are also italicized), axis labels, and legends
  • Open access
  • Published: 31 August 2024

Effects of pecha kucha presentation pedagogy on nursing students’ presentation skills: a quasi-experimental study in Tanzania

  • Setberth Jonas Haramba 1 ,
  • Walter C. Millanzi 1 &
  • Saada A. Seif 2  

BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  952 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Ineffective and non-interactive learning among nursing students limits opportunities for students’ classroom presentation skills, creativity, and innovation upon completion of their classroom learning activities. Pecha Kucha presentation is the new promising pedagogy that engages students in learning and improves students’ speaking skills and other survival skills. It involves the use of 20 slides, each covering 20 seconds of its presentation. The current study examined the effect of Pecha Kucha’s presentation pedagogy on presentation skills among nursing students in Tanzania.

The aim of this study was to establish comparative nursing student’s presentation skills between exposure to the traditional PowerPoint presentations and Pecha Kucha presentations.

The study employed an uncontrolled quasi-experimental design (pre-post) using a quantitative research approach among 230 randomly selected nursing students at the respective training institution. An interviewer-administered structured questionnaire adopted from previous studies to measure presentation skills between June and July 2023 was used. The study involved the training of research assistants, pre-assessment of presentation skills, training of participants, assigning topics to participants, classroom presentations, and post-intervention assessment. A linear regression analysis model was used to determine the effect of the intervention on nursing students’ presentation skills using Statistical Package for Social Solution (SPSS) version 26, set at a 95% confidence interval and 5% significance level.

Findings revealed that 63 (70.87%) participants were aged ≤ 23 years, of which 151 (65.65%) and 189 (82.17%) of them were males and undergraduate students, respectively. Post-test findings showed a significant mean score change in participants’ presentation skills between baseline (M = 4.07 ± SD = 0.56) and end-line (M = 4.54 ± SD = 0.59) that accounted for 0.4717 ± 0.7793; p  < .0001(95%CI) presentation skills mean score change with a medium effect size of 0.78. An increase in participants’ knowledge of Pecha Kucha presentation was associated with a 0.0239 ( p  < .0001) increase in presentation skills.

Pecha Kucha presentations have a significant effect on nursing students’ presentation skills as they enhance inquiry and mastery of their learning content before classroom presentations. The pedagogical approach appeared to enhance nursing students’ confidence during the classroom presentation. Therefore, there is a need to incorporate Pecha Kucha presentation pedagogy into nursing curricula and nursing education at large to promote student-centered teaching and learning activities and the development of survival skills.

Trial registration

It was not applicable as it was a quasi-experimental study.

Peer Review reports

The nursing students need to have different skills acquired during the learning process in order to enable them to provide quality nursing care and management in the society [ 1 ]. The referred nursing care and management practices include identifying, analyzing, synthesizing, and effective communication within and between healthcare professionals [ 1 ]. Given an increasing global economy and international competition for jobs and opportunities, the current traditional classroom learning methods are insufficient to meet such 21st - century challenges and demands [ 2 ]. The integration of presentation skills, creativity, innovation, collaboration, information, and media literacy skills helps to overcome the noted challenges among students [ 2 , 3 , 4 ]. The skills in question constitute the survival skills that help the students not only for career development and success but also for their personal, social and public quality of life as they enable students to overcome 21st challenges upon graduation [ 2 ].

To enhance the nursing students’ participation in learning, stimulating their presentation skills, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation, a combination of teaching and learning pedagogy should be employed [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]. Among others, classroom presentations, group discussions, problem-based learning, demonstrations, reflection, and role-play are commonly used for those purposes [ 5 ]. However, ineffective and non-interactive learning which contribute to limited presentation skills, creativity, and innovation, have been reported by several scholars [ 9 , 10 , 11 ]. For example, poor use and design of student PowerPoint presentations led to confusing graphics due to the many texts in the slides and the reading of about 80 slides [ 12 , 13 , 14 ]. Indeed, such non-interactive learning becomes boring and tiresome among the learners, and it is usually evidenced by glazing eyes, long yawning, occasional snoring, the use of a phone and frequent trips to the bathroom [ 12 , 14 ].

With an increasing number of nursing students in higher education institutions in Tanzania, the students’ traditional presentation pedagogy is insufficient to stimulate their presentation skills. They limit nursing student innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and meaningful learning in an attempt to solve health challenges [ 15 , 16 ].These hinder nursing students ability to communicate effectively by being able to demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of learning content [ 17 , 18 ]. Furthermore, it affects their future careers by not being able to demonstrate and express their expertise clearly in a variety of workplace settings, such as being able to present at scientific conferences, participating in job interviews, giving clinic case reports, handover reports, and giving feedback to clients [ 17 , 18 , 19 ].

Pecha Kucha presentation is a new promising approach for students’ learning in the classroom context as it motivates learners’ self-directed and collaborative learning, learner creativity, and presentation skills [ 20 , 21 , 22 ]. It encourages students to read more materials, enhances cooperative learning among learners, and is interesting and enjoyable among students [ 23 ].

Pecha Kucha presentation originated from the Japanese word “ chit chat , ” which represents the fast-paced presentation used in different fields, including teaching, marketing, advertising, and designing [ 24 , 25 , 26 ]. It involves 20 slides, where each slide covers 20 s, thus making a total of 6 min and 40 s for the whole presentation [ 22 ]. For effective learning through Pecha Kucha presentations, the design and format of the presentation should be meaningfully limited to 20 slides and targeted at 20 s for each slide, rich in content of the presented topic using high-quality images or pictures attuned to the content knowledge and message to be delivered to the target audiences [ 14 , 16 ]. Each slide should contain a primordial message with well-balanced information. In other words, the message should be simple in the sense that each slide should contain only one concept or idea with neither too much nor too little information, thus making it easy to be grasped by the audience [ 14 , 17 , 19 ].

The “true spirit” of Pecha Kucha is that it mostly consists of powerful images and meaningful specific text rather than the text that is being read by the presenter from the slides, an image, and short phrases that should communicate the core idea while the speaker offers well-rehearsed and elaborated comments [ 22 , 28 ]. The presenter should master the subject matter and incorporate the necessary information from classwork [ 14 , 20 ]. The audience’s engagement in learning by paying attention and actively listening to the Pecha Kucha presentation was higher compared with that in traditional PowerPoint presentations [ 29 ]. The creativity and collaboration during designing and selecting the appropriate images and contents, rehearsal before the presentation, and discussion after each presentation made students satisfied by enjoying Pecha Kucha presentations compared with traditional presentations [ 21 , 22 ]. Time management and students’ self-regulation were found to be significant through the Pecha Kucha presentation among the students and teachers or instructors who could appropriately plan the time for classroom instruction [ 22 , 23 ].

However, little is known about Pecha Kucha presentation in nursing education in Sub-Saharan African countries, including Tanzania, since there is insufficient evidence for the research(s) that have been published on the description of its effects on enhancing students’ presentation skills. Thus, this study assessed the effect of Pecha Kucha’s presentation pedagogy on enhancing presentation skills among nursing students. In particular, the study largely focused on nursing students’ presentation skills during the preparation and presentation of the students’ assignments, project works, case reports, or field reports.

The study answered the null hypothesis H 0  = H 1, which hypothesized that there is no significant difference in nursing students’ classroom presentation skills scores between the baseline and end-line assessments. The association between nursing students’ presentation skills and participants’ sociodemographic characteristics was formulated and analyzed before and after the intervention. This study forms the basis for developing new presentation pedagogy among nursing students in order to stimulate effective learning and the development of presentation skills during the teaching and learning process and the acquisition of 21st - century skills, which are characterized by an increased competitive knowledge-based society due to changing nature and technological eruptions.

The current study also forms the basis for re-defining classroom practices in an attempt to enhance and transform nursing students’ learning experiences. This will cultivate the production of graduates nurses who will share their expertise and practical skills in the health care team by attending scientific conferences, clinical case presentations, and job interviews in the global health market. To achieve this, the study determined the baseline and end-line nursing students’ presentation skills during the preparation and presentation of classroom assignments using the traditional PowerPoint presentation and Pecha Kucha presentation format.

Methods and materials

This study was conducted in health training institutions in Tanzania. Tanzania has a total of 47 registered public and private universities and university colleges that offer health programs ranging from certificate to doctorate degrees [ 24 , 25 ]. A total of seven [ 7 ] out of 47 universities offer a bachelor of science in nursing, and four [ 4 ] universities offer master’s to doctorate degree programs in nursing and midwifery sciences [ 24 , 26 ]. To enhance the representation of nursing students in Tanzania, this study was conducted in Dodoma Municipal Council, which is one of Tanzania’s 30 administrative regions [ 33 ]. Dodoma Region has two [ 2 ] universities that offer nursing programs at diploma and degree levels [ 34 ]. The referred universities host a large number of nursing students compared to the other five [ 5 ] universities in Tanzania, with traditional students’ presentation approaches predominating nursing students’ teaching and learning processes [ 7 , 32 , 35 ].

The two universities under study include the University of Dodoma and St. John’s University of Tanzania, which are located in Dodoma Urban District. The University of Dodoma is a public university that provides 142 training programs at the diploma, bachelor degree, and master’s degree levels with about 28,225 undergraduate students and 724 postgraduate students [ 26 , 27 ]. The University of Dodoma also has 1,031 nursing students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and 335 nursing students pursuing a Diploma in Nursing in the academic year 2022–2023 [ 33 ]. The St. John’s University of Tanzania is a non-profit private university that is legally connected with the Christian-Anglican Church [ 36 ]. It has student enrollment ranging from 5000 to 5999 and it provides training programs leading to higher education degrees in a variety of fields, including diplomas, bachelor degrees, and master’s degrees [ 37 ]. It hosts 766 nursing students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and 113 nursing students pursuing a Diploma in Nursing in the academic year 2022–2023 [ 30 , 31 ].

Study design and approach

An uncontrolled quasi-experimental design with a quantitative research approach was used to establish quantifiable data on the participants’ socio-demographic profiles and outcome variables under study. The design involved pre- and post-tests to determine the effects of the intervention on the aforementioned outcome variable. The design involved three phases, namely the baseline data collection process (pre-test via a cross-sectional survey), implementation of the intervention (process), and end-line assessment (post-test), as shown in Fig.  1 [ 7 ].

figure 1

A flow pattern of study design and approach

Target population

The study involved nursing students pursuing a Diploma in nursing and a bachelor of science in nursing in Tanzania. The population was highly expected to demonstrate competences and mastery of different survival and life skills in order to enable them to work independent at various levels of health facilities within and outside Tanzania. This cohort of undergraduate nursing students also involved adult learners who can set goals, develop strategies to achieve their goals, and hence achieve positive professional behavioral outcomes [ 7 ]. Moreover, as per annual data, the average number of graduate nursing students ranges from 3,500 to 4,000 from all colleges and universities in the country [ 38 ].

Study population

The study involved first- and third-year nursing students pursuing a Diploma in Nursing and first-, second-, and third-year nursing students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Dodoma. The population had a large number of enrolled undergraduate nursing students, thus making it an ideal population for intervention, and it approximately served as a good representation of the universities offering nursing programs [ 11 , 29 ].

Inclusion criteria

The study included male and female nursing students pursuing a Diploma in nursing and a bachelor of science in nursing at the University of Dodoma. The referred students included those who were registered at the University of Dodoma during the time of study. Such students live on or off campus, and they were not exposed to PK training despite having regular classroom attendance. This enhanced enrollment of adequate study samples from each study program, monitoring of study intervention, and easy control of con-founders.

Exclusion criteria

All students recruited in the study were assessed at baseline, exposed to a training package and obtained their post-intervention learning experience. None of the study participants, who either dropped out of the study or failed to meet the recruitment criteria.

Sample size determination

A quasi-experimental study on Pecha Kucha as an alternative to traditional PowerPoint presentations at Worcester University, United States of America, reported significant student engagement during Pecha Kucha presentations compared with traditional PowerPoint presentations [ 29 ]. The mean score for the classroom with the traditional PowerPoint presentation was 2.63, while the mean score for the Pecha Kucha presentation was 4.08. This study adopted the formula that was used to calculate the required sample size for an uncontrolled quasi-experimental study among pre-scholars [ 39 ]. The formula is stated as:

Where: Zα was set at 1.96 from the normal distribution table.

Zβ was set at 0.80 power of the study.

Mean zero (π0) was the mean score of audiences’ engagement in using PowerPoint presentation = 2.63.

Mean one (π1) was the mean score of audience’s engagement in using Pecha Kucha presentation = 4.08.

Sampling technique

Given the availability of higher-training institutions in the study area that offer undergraduate nursing programs, a simple random sampling technique was used, whereby two cards, one labelled “University of Dodoma” and the other being labelled “St. Johns University of Tanzania,” were prepared and put in the first pot. The other two cards, one labelled “yes” to represent the study setting and the other being labelled “No” to represent the absence of study setting, were put in the second pot. Two research assistants were asked to select a card from each pot, and consequently, the University of Dodoma was selected as the study setting.

To obtain the target population, the study employed purposive sampling techniques to select the school of nursing and public health at the University of Dodoma. Upon arriving at the School of Nursing and Public Health of the University of Dodoma, the convenience sampling technique was employed to obtain the number of classes for undergraduate nursing students pursuing a Diploma in Nursing and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The study sample comprised the students who were available at the time of study. A total of five [ 5 ] classes of Diploma in Nursing first-, second-, and third-years and Bachelor of Science in Nursing first-, second-, and third-years were obtained.

To establish the representation for a minimum sample from each class, the number of students by sex was obtained from each classroom list using the proportionate stratified sampling technique (sample size/population size× stratum size) as recommended by scholars [ 40 ]. To recruit the required sample size from each class by gender, a simple random sampling technique through the lottery method was employed to obtain the required sample size from each stratum. During this phase, the student lists by gender from each class were obtained, and cards with code numbers, which were mixed with empty cards depending on the strata size, were allocated for each class and strata. Both labeled and empty cards were put into different pots, which were labeled appropriately by their class and strata names. Upon arriving at the specific classroom and after the introduction, the research assistant asked each nursing student to pick one card from the respective strata pot. Those who selected cards with code numbers were recruited in the study with their code numbers as their participation identity numbers. The process continued for each class until the required sample size was obtained.

To ensure the effective participation of nursing students in the study, the research assistant worked hand in hand with the facilitators and lecturers of the respective classrooms, the head of the department, and class representatives. The importance, advantages, and disadvantages of participating in the study were given to study participants during the recruitment process in order to create awareness and remove possible fears. During the intervention, study participants were also given pens and notebooks in an attempt to enable them to take notes. Moreover, the bites were provided during the training sessions. The number of participants from each classroom and the sampling process are shown in Fig.  2 [ 7 ].

figure 2

Flow pattern of participants sampling procedures

Data collection tools

The study adapted and modified the students’ questionnaire on presentation skills from scholars [ 20 , 23 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 ]. The modification involved rephrasing the question statement, breaking down items into specific questions, deleting repeated items that were found to measure the same variables, and improving language to meet the literacy level and cultural norms of study participants.

The data collection tool consisted of 68 question items that assessed the socio-demographic characteristics of the study participants and 33 question items rated on a five-point Likert scale, which ranges from 5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = not sure, 2 = disagree, and 1 = strongly disagree. The referred tool was used to assess the students’ skills during the preparation and presentation of the assignments using the traditional PowerPoint presentation and Pecha Kucha presentation formats.

The students’ assessment specifically focused on the students’ ability to prepare the presentation content, master the learning content, share presentation materials, and communicate their understanding to audiences in the classroom context.

Validity and reliability of research instruments

Validity of the research instrument refers to whether the instrument measures the behaviors or qualities that are intended to be measured, and it is a measure of how well the measuring instrument performs its function [ 41 ]. The structured questionnaire, which intends to assess the participants’ presentation skills was validated for face and content validity. The principal investigator initially adapted the question items for different domains of students’ learning when preparing and presenting their assignment in the classroom.

The items were shared and discussed by two [ 2 ] educationists, two [ 2 ] research experts, one [ 1 ] statistician, and supervisors in order to ensure clarity, appropriateness, adequacy, and coverage of the presentation skills using Pecha Kucha presentation format. The content validity test was used until the saturation of experts’ opinions and inputs was achieved. The inter-observer rating scale on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 5-points = very relevant to 1-point = not relevant was also used.

The process involved addition, input deletion, correction, and editing for relevance, appropriateness, and scope of the content for the study participants. Some of the question items were broken down into more specific questions, and new domains evolved. Other question items that were found to measure the same variables were also deleted to ease the data collection and analysis. Moreover, the grammar and language issues were improved for clarity based on the literacy level of the study participants.

Reliability of the research instruments refers to the ability of the research instruments or tools to provide similar and consistent results when applied at different times and circumstances [ 41 ]. This study adapted the tools and question items used by different scholars to assess the impact of PKP on student learning [ 12 , 15 , 18 ].

To ensure the reliability of the tools, a pilot study was conducted in one of the nursing training institutions in order to assess the complexity, readability, clarity, completeness, length, and duration of the tool. Ambiguous and difficult (left unanswered) items were modified or deleted based on the consensus that was reached with the consulted experts and supervisor before subjecting the questionnaires to a pre-test.

The study involved 10% of undergraduate nursing students from an independent geographical location for a pilot study. The findings from the pilot study were subjected to explanatory factor analysis (Set a ≥ 0.3) and scale analysis in order to determine the internal consistency of the tools using the Cronbach alpha of ≥ 0.7, which was considered reliable [ 42 , 43 , 44 ]. Furthermore, after the data collection, the scale analysis was computed in an attempt to assess their internal consistency using SPPSS version 26, whereby the Cronbach alpha for question items that assessed the participants’ presentation skills was 0.965.

Data collection method

The study used the researcher-administered questionnaire to collect the participants’ socio-demographic information, co-related factors, and presentation skills as nursing students prepare and present their assignments in the classroom. This enhanced the clarity and participants’ understanding of all question items before providing the appropriate responses. The data were collected by the research assistants in the classroom with the study participants sitting distantly to ensure privacy, confidentiality, and the quality of the information that was provided by the research participants. The research assistant guided and led the study participants to answer the questions and fill in information in the questionnaire for each section, domain, and question item. The research assistant also collected the baseline information (pre-test) before the intervention, which was then compared with the post-intervention information. This was done in the first week of June 2023, after training and orientation of the research assistant on the data collection tools and recruitment of the study participants.

Using the researcher-administered questionnaire, the research assistant also collected the participants’ information related to presentation skills as they prepared and presented their given assignments after the intervention during the second week of July 2023. The participants submitted their presentations to the principle investigator and research assistant to assess the organization, visual appeal and creativity, content knowledge, and adherence to Pecha Kucha presentation requirements. Furthermore, the evaluation of the participants’ ability to share and communicate the given assignment was observed in the classroom presentation using the Pecha Kucha presentation format.

Definitions of variables

Pecha kucha presentation.

It refers to a specific style of presentation whereby the presenter delivers the content using 20 slides that are dominated by images, pictures, tables, or figures. Each slide is displayed for 20 s, thus making a total of 400 s (6 min and 40 s) for the whole presentation.

Presentation skills in this study

This involved students’ ability to plan, prepare, master learning content, create presentation materials, and share them with peers or the audience in the classroom. They constitute the learning activities that stimulate creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Measurement of pecha kucha preparation and presentation skills

The students’ presentation skills were measured using the four [ 4 ] learning domains. The first domain constituted the students’ ability to plan and prepare the presentation content. It consisted of 17 question items that assessed the students’ ability to gather and select information, search for specific content to be presented in the classroom, find out the learning content from different resources, and search for literature materials for the preparation of the assignment using traditional PowerPoint presentations and Pecha Kucha formats. It also aimed to ascertain a deeper understanding of the contents or topic, learning ownership and motivation to learn the topics with clear understanding and the ability to identify the relevant audience, segregate, and remove unnecessary contents using the Pecha Kucha format.

The second domain constituted the students’ mastery of learning during the preparation and presentation of their assignment before the audience in the classroom. It consisted of six [ 6 ] question items that measured the students’ ability to read several times, rehearse before the classroom presentation, and practice the assignment and presentation harder. It also measures the students’ ability to evaluate the selected information and content before their actual presentation and make revisions to the selected information and content before the presentation using the Pecha Kucha format.

The third domain constituted the students’ ability to prepare the presentation materials. It consisted of six [ 6 ] question items that measured the students’ ability to organize the information and contents, prepare the classroom presentation, revise and edit presentation resources, materials, and contents, and think about the audience and classroom design. The fourth domain constituted the students’ ability to share their learning. It consisted of four [ 4 ] question items that measured the students’ ability to communicate their learning with the audience, present a new understanding to the audience, transfer the learning to the audience, and answer the questions about the topic or assignment given. The variable was measured using a 5-point Likert scale. The average scores were computed for each domain, and an overall mean score was calculated across all domains. Additionally, an encompassing skills score was derived from the cumulative scores of all four domains, thus providing a comprehensive evaluation of the overall skills level.

Implementation of intervention

The implementation of the study involved the training of research assistants, sampling of the study participants, setting of the venue, pre-assessment of the students’ presentation skills using traditional PowerPoint presentations, training and demonstration of Pecha Kucha presentations to study participants, and assigning the topics to study participants. The implementation of the study also involved the participants’ submission of their assignments to the Principal Investigator for evaluation, the participants’ presentation of their assigned topic using the Pecha Kucha format, post-intervention assessment of the students’ presentation skills, data analysis, and reporting [ 7 ]. The intervention involved Principal Investigator and two [ 2 ] trained research assistants. The intervention in question was based on the concept of multimedia theory of cognitive learning (MTCL) for enhancing effective leaning in 21st century.

Training of research assistants

Two research assistants were trained with regard to the principles, characteristics, and format of Pecha Kucha presentations using the curriculum from the official Pecha Kucha website. Also, research assistants were oriented to the data collection tools and methods in an attempt to guarantee the relevancy and appropriate collection of the participants’ information.

Schedule and duration of training among research assistants

The PI prepared the training schedule and venue after negotiation and consensus with the research assistants. Moreover, the Principle Investigator trained the research assistants to assess the learning, learn how to collect the data using the questionnaire, and maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the study participants.

Descriptions of interventions

The intervention was conducted among the nursing students at the University of Dodoma, which is located in Dodoma Region, Tanzania Mainland, after obtaining their consent. The participants were trained regarding the concepts, principles, and characteristics of Pecha Kucha presentations and how to prepare and present their assignments using the Pecha Kucha presentation format. The study participants were also trained regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Pecha Kucha presentations. The training was accompanied by one example of an ideal Pecha Kucha presentation on the concepts of pressure ulcers. The teaching methods included lecturing, brainstorming, and small group discussion. After the training session, the evaluation was conducted to assess the participants’ understanding of the Pecha Kucha conceptualization, its characteristics, and its principles.

Each participant was given a topic as an assignment from the fundamentals of nursing, medical nursing, surgical nursing, community health nursing, mental health nursing, emergency critical care, pediatric, reproductive, and child health, midwifery, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, orthopedics and cross-cutting issues in nursing as recommended by scholars [ 21 , 38 ]. The study participants were given 14 days for preparation, rehearsal of their presentation using the Pecha Kucha presentation format, and submission of the prepared slides to the research assistant and principle investigator for evaluation and arrangement before the actual classroom presentation. The evaluation of the participants’ assignments involved the number of slides, quality of images used, number of words, organization of content and messages to be delivered, slide transition, duration of presentation, flow, and organization of slides.

Afterwards, each participant was given 6 min and 40 s for the presentation and 5 min to 10 min for answering the questions on the topic presented as raised by other participants. An average of 4 participants obtained the opportunity to present their assignments in the classroom every hour. After the completion of all presentations, the research assistants assessed the participant’s presentation skills using the researcher-administered questionnaire. The collected data were entered in SPSS version 26 and analyzed in an attempt to compare the mean score of participants’ presentation skills with the baseline mean score. The intervention sessions were conducted in the selected classrooms, which were able to accommodate all participants at the time that was arranged by the participant’s coordinators, institution administrators, and subject facilitators of the University of Dodoma, as described in Table  1 [ 7 ].

Evaluation of intervention

During the classroom presentation, there were 5 to 10 min for classroom discussion and reflection on the content presented, which was guided by the research assistant. During this time, the participants were given the opportunity to ask the questions, get clarification from the presenter, and provide their opinion on how the instructional messages were presented, content coverage, areas of strength and weakness for improvement, and academic growth. After the completion of the presentation sessions, the research assistant provided the questionnaire to participants in order to determine their presentation skills during the preparation of their assignments and classroom presentations using the Pecha Kucha presentation format.

Data analysis

The findings from this study were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) computer software program version 26. The percentages, frequencies, frequency distributions, means, standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis were calculated, and the results were presented using the figures, tables, and graphs. The mean score analysis was computed, and descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze the demographic information of the participants in an attempt to determine the frequencies, percentages, and mean scores of their distributions. A paired sample t-test was used to compare the mean score differences of the presentation skills within the groups before and after the intervention. The mean score differences were determined based on the baseline scores against the post-intervention scores in order to establish any change in terms of presentation skills among the study participants.

The association between the Pecha Kucha presentation and the development of participants’ presentation skills was established using linear regression analysis set at a 95% confidence interval and 5% (≤ 0.05) significance level in an attempt to accept or reject the null hypothesis.

However, N-1 dummy variables were formed for the categorical independent variables so as to run the linear regression for the factors associated with the presentation skills. The linear regression equation with dummy variables is presented as follows:

Β 0 is the intercept.

Β 1 , Β 2 , …. Β k-1 are the coefficients which correspond to the dummy variables representing the levels of X 1 .

Β k is the coefficient which corresponds to the dummy variable representing the levels of X 2 .

Β k+1 is the coefficient which corresponds to the continuous predictor X 3 .

X 1,1 , X 1,2 ,……. X 1,k-1 are the dummy variables corresponding to the different levels of X 1 .

ε represents the error term.

The coefficients B1, B2… Bk indicate the change in the expected value of Y for each category relative to the reference category. If the Beta estimate is positive for the categorical or dummy variables, it means that the corresponding covariate has a positive impact on the outcome variable compared to reference category. However, if the beta estimate is positive for the case of continuous covariates, it means that the corresponding covariate has direct proportion effect on the outcome variables.

The distribution of the outcome variables was approximately normally distributed since the normality of the data is one of the requirements for parametric analysis. A paired t test was performed to compare the presentation skills of nursing students before and after the intervention.

Social-demographic characteristics of the study participants

The study involved a total of 230 nursing students, of whom 151 (65.65%) were male and the rest were female. The mean age of study participants was 23.03 ± 2.69, with the minimum age being 19 and the maximum age being 37. The total of 163 (70.87%) students, which comprised a large proportion of respondents, were aged less than or equal to 23, 215 (93.48%) participants were living on campus, and 216 (93.91) participants were exposed to social media.

A large number of study participants (82.17%) were pursuing a bachelor of Science in Nursing, with the majority being first-year students (30.87%). The total of 213 (92.61%) study participants had Form Six education as their entry qualification, with 176 (76.52%) participants being the product of public secondary schools and interested in the nursing profession. Lastly, the total of 121 (52.61%) study participants had never been exposed to any presentation training; 215 (93.48%) students had access to individual classroom presentations; and 227 (98.70%) study participants had access to group presentations during their learning process. The detailed findings for the participants’ social demographic information are indicated in Table  2 [ 46 ].

Baseline nursing students’ presentation skills using traditional powerPoint presentations

The current study assessed the participant’s presentation skills when preparing and presenting the materials before the audience using traditional PowerPoint presentations. The study revealed that the overall mean score of the participants’ presentation skills was 4.07 ± 0.56, including a mean score of 3.98 ± 0.62 for the participants’ presentation skills during the preparation of presentation content before the classroom presentation and a mean score of 4.18 ± 0.78 for the participants’ mastery of learning content before the classroom presentation. Moreover, the study revealed a mean score of 4.07 ± 0.71 for participants’ ability to prepare presentation materials for classroom presentations and a mean score of 4.04 ± 0.76 for participants’ ability to share the presentation materials in the classroom, as indicated in Table  3 [ 46 ].

Factors Associated with participants’ presentation skills through traditional powerPoint presentation

The current study revealed that the participants’ study program has a significant effect on their presentation skills, whereby being the bachelor of science in nursing was associated with a 0.37561 (P value < 0.027) increase in the participants’ presentation skills.The year of study also had significant effects on the participants’ presentation skills, whereby being a second-year bachelor student was associated with a 0.34771 (P value < 0.0022) increase in the participants’ presentation skills compared to first-year bachelor students and diploma students. Depending on loans as a source of student income retards presentation skills by 0.24663 (P value < 0.0272) compared to those who do not depend on loans as the source of income. Furthermore, exposure to individual presentations has significant effects on the participants’ presentation skills, whereby obtaining an opportunity for individual presentations was associated with a 0.33732 (P value 0.0272) increase in presentation skills through traditional PowerPoint presentations as shown in Table  4 [ 46 ].

Nursing student presentation skills through pecha kucha presentations

The current study assessed the participant’s presentation skills when preparing and presenting the materials before the audience using Pecha Kucha presentations. The study revealed that the overall mean score and standard deviation of participants’ presentation skills using the Pecha Kucha presentation format were 4.54 ± 0.59, including a mean score of 4.49 ± 0.66 for participant’s presentation skills during preparation of the content before classroom presentation and a mean score of 4.58 ± 0.65 for participants’ mastery of learning content before classroom presentation. Moreover, the study revealed a mean score of 4.58 ± 0.67 for participants ability to prepare the presentation materials for classroom presentation and a mean score of 4.51 ± 0.72 for participants ability to share the presentation materials in the classroom using Pecha Kucha presentation format as indicated in Table  5 [ 46 ].

Comparing Mean scores of participants’ presentation skills between traditional PowerPoint presentation and pecha kucha Presentation

The current study computed a paired t-test to compare and determine the mean change, effect size, and significance associated with the participants’ presentation skills when using the traditional PowerPoint presentation and Pecha Kucha presentation formats. The study revealed that the mean score of the participants’ presentation skills through the Pecha Kucha presentation was 4.54 ± 0.59 (p value < 0.0001) compared to the mean score of 4.07 ± 0.56 for the participants’ presentation skills using the traditional power point presentation with an effect change of 0.78. With regard to the presentation skills during the preparation of presentation content before the classroom presentation, the mean score was 4.49 ± 0.66 using the Pecha Kucha presentation compared to the mean score of 3.98 ± 0.62 for the traditional PowerPoint presentation. Its mean change was 0.51 ± 0.84 ( p  < .0001) with an effect size of 0.61.

Regarding the participants’ mastery of learning content before the classroom presentation, the mean score was 4.58 ± 0.65 when using the Pecha Kucha presentation format, compared to the mean score of 4.18 ± 0.78 when using the traditional power point presentation. Its mean change was 0.40 ± 0.27 ( p  < .0001) with an effect size of 1.48. Regarding the ability of the participants to prepare the presentation materials for classroom presentations, the mean score was 4.58 ± 0.67 when using the Pecha Kucha presentation format, compared to 4.07 ± 0.71 when using the traditional PowerPoint presentation. Its mean change was 0.51 ± 0.96 ( p  < .0001) with an effect size of 0.53.

Regarding the participants’ presentation skills when sharing the presentation material in the classroom, the mean score was 4.51 ± 0.72 when using the Pecha Kucha presentation format, compared to 4.04 ± 0.76 when using the traditional PowerPoint presentations. Its mean change was 0.47 ± 0.10, with a large effect size of 4.7. Therefore, Pecha Kucha presentation pedagogy has a significant effect on the participants’ presentation skills than the traditional PowerPoint presentation as shown in Table  6 [ 46 ].

Factors associated with presentation skills among nursing students through pecha kucha presentation

The current study revealed that the participant’s presentation skills using the Pecha Kucha presentation format were significantly associated with knowledge of the Pecha Kucha presentation format, whereby increase in knowledge was associated with a 0.0239 ( p  < .0001) increase in presentation skills. Moreover, the current study revealed that the presentation through the Pecha Kucha presentation format was not influenced by the year of study, whereby being a second-year student could retard the presentation skills by 0.23093 (p 0.039) compared to a traditional PowerPoint presentation. Other factors are shown in Table  7 [ 46 ].

Social-demographic characteristics profiles of participants

The proportion of male participants was larger than the proportion of female participants in the current study. This was attributable to the distribution of sex across the nursing students at the university understudy, whose number of male nursing students enrolled was higher than female students. This demonstrates the high rate of male nursing students’ enrolment in higher training institutions to pursue nursing and midwifery education programs. Different from the previous years, the nursing training institutions were predominantly comprised of female students and female nurses in different settings. This significant increase in male nursing students’ enrollment in nursing training institutions predicts a significant increase in the male nursing workforce in the future in different settings.

These findings on Pecha Kucha as an alternative to PowerPoint presentations in Massachusetts, where the proportion of female participants was large as compared to male participants, are different from the experimental study among English language students [ 29 ]. The referred findings are different from the results of the randomized control study among the nursing students in Anakara, Turkey, where a large proportion of participants were female nursing students [ 47 ]. This difference in participants’ sex may be associated with the difference in socio-cultural beliefs of the study settings, country’s socio-economic status, which influence the participants to join the nursing profession on the basis of securing employment easily, an opportunity abroad, or pressure from peers and parents. Nevertheless, such differences account for the decreased stereotypes towards male nurses in the community and the better performance of male students in science subjects compared to female students in the country.

The mean age of the study participants was predominantly young adults with advanced secondary education. Their ages reflect adherence to national education policy by considering the appropriate age of enrollment of the pupils in primary and secondary schools, which comprise the industries for students at higher training institutions. This age range of the participants in the current study suits the cognitive capability expected from the participants in order to demonstrate different survival and life skills by being able to set learning goals and develop strategies to achieve their goals according to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive learning [ 41 , 42 ].

Similar age groups were noted in the study among nursing students in a randomized control study in Anakara Turkey where the average age was 19.05 ± 0.2 [ 47 ]. A similar age group was also found in a randomized control study among liberal arts students in Anakara, Turkey, on differences in instructor, presenter, and audience ratings of Pecha Kucha presentations and traditional student presentations where the ages of the participants ranged between 19 and 22 years [ 49 ].

Lastly, a large proportion of the study participants had the opportunity for individual and group presentations in the classroom despite having not been exposed to any presentation training before. This implies that the teaching and learning process in a nursing education program is participatory and student-centered, thus giving the students the opportunity to interact with learning contents, peers, experts, webpages, and other learning resources to become knowledgeable. These findings fit with the principle that guides and facilitates the student’s learning from peers and teachers according to the constructivism theory of learning by Lev Vygotsky [ 48 ].

Effects of pecha kucha presentation pedagogy on participants’ presentation skills

The participants’ presentation skills were higher for Pecha Kucha presentations compared with traditional PowerPoint presentations. This display of the Pecha Kucha presentation style enables the nursing students to prepare the learning content, master their learning content before classroom presentations, create good presentation materials and present the materials, before the audience in the classroom. This finding was similar to that at Padang State University, Indonesia, among first-year English and literature students whereby the Pecha Kucha Presentation format helped the students improve their skills in presentation [ 20 ]. Pecha Kucha was also found to facilitate careful selection of the topic, organization and outlining of the students’ ideas, selection of appropriate images, preparation of presentations, rehearsing, and delivery of the presentations before the audience in a qualitative study among English language students at the Private University of Manila, Philippines [ 23 ].

The current study found that Pecha Kucha presentations enable the students to perform literature searches from different webpages, journals, and books in an attempt to identify specific contents during the preparation of the classroom presentations more than traditional PowerPoint presentations. This is triggered by the ability of the presentation format to force the students to filter relevant and specific information to be included in the presentation and search for appropriate images, pictures, or figures to be presented before the audience. Pecha Kucha presentations were found to increase the ability to perform literature searches before classroom presentations compared to traditional PowerPoint presentations in an experimental study among English language students at Worcester State University [ 29 ].

The current study revealed that Pecha Kucha presentations enable the students to create a well-structured classroom presentation effectively by designing 20 meaningful and content-rich slides containing 20 images, pictures, or figures and a transitional flow of 20 s for each slide, more than the traditional PowerPoint presentation with an unlimited number of slides containing bullets with many texts or words. Similarly, in a cross-sectional study of medical students in India, Pecha Kucha presentations were found to help undergraduate first-year medical students learn how to organize knowledge in a sequential fashion [ 26 ].

The current study revealed that Pecha Kucha presentations enhance sound mastery of the learning contents and presentation materials before the classroom presentation compared with traditional PowerPoint presentations. This is hastened by the fact that there is no slide reading during the classroom Pecha Kucha presentation, thus forcing students to read several times, rehearse, and practice harder the presentation contents and materials before the classroom presentation. Pecha Kucha presentation needed first year English and literature students to practice a lot before their classroom presentation in a descriptive qualitative study at Padang State University-Indonesia [ 20 ].

The current study revealed that the participants became more confident in answering the questions about the topic during the classroom presentation using the Pecha Kucha presentation style than during the classroom presentation using the tradition PowerPoint presentation. This is precipitated by the mastery level of the presentation contents and materials through rehearsal, re-reading, and material synthesis before the classroom presentations. Moreover, Pecha Kucha was found to significantly increase the students’ confidence during classroom presentation and preparation in a qualitative study among English language students at the Private University of Manila, Philippines [ 23 ].

Hence, there was enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis in that there was no significant difference in nursing students’ presentation skills between the baseline and end line. The Pecha Kucha presentation format has a significant effect on nursing student’s classroom presentation skills as it enables them to prepare the learning content, have good mastery of the learning contents, create presentation materials, and confidently share their learning with the audience in the classroom.

The current study’s findings complement the available pieces of evidence on the effects of Pecha Kucha presentations on the students’ learning and development of survival life skills in the 21st century. Pecha kucha presentations have more significant effects on the students’ presentation skills compared with traditional PowerPoint presentations. It enables the students to select the topic carefully, organize and outline the presentation ideas, select appropriate images, create presentations, rehearse the presentations, and deliver them confidently before an audience. It also enables the students to select and organize the learning contents for classroom presentations more than traditional PowerPoint presentations.

Pecha Kucha presentations enhance the mastery of learning content by encouraging the students to read the content several times, rehearse, and practice hard before the actual classroom presentation. It increases the students’ ability to perform literature searches before the classroom presentation compared to a traditional PowerPoint presentation. Pecha Kucha presentations enable the students to create well-structured classroom presentations more effectively compared to traditional PowerPoint presentations. Furthermore, Pecha Kucha presentations make the students confident during the presentation of their assignments and project works before the audience and during answering the questions.

Lastly, Pecha Kucha presentations enhance creativity among the students by providing the opportunity for them to decide on the learning content to be presented. Specifically, they are able to select the learning content, appropriate images, pictures, or figures, organize and structure the presentation slides into a meaningful and transitional flow of ideas, rehearse and practice individually before the actual classroom presentation.

Strength of the study

This study has addressed the pedagogical gap in nursing training and education by providing new insights on the innovative students’ presentation format that engages students actively in their learning to bring about meaningful and effective students’ learning. It has also managed to recruit, asses, and provide intended intervention to 230 nursing students without dropout.

Study limitation

The current study has pointed out some of the strengths of the PechaKucha presentations on the students’ presentation skills over the traditional students’ presentations. However, the study had the following limitations: It involved one group of nursing students from one of the public training institutions in Tanzania. The use of one university may obscure the interpretation of the effects of the size of the intervention on the outcome variables of interest, thus limiting the generalization of the study findings to all training institutions in Tanzania. Therefore, the findings from this study need to be interpreted by considering this limitation. The use of one group of nursing students from one university to explore their learning experience through different presentation formats may also limit the generalization of the study findings to all nursing students in the country. The limited generalization may be attributed to differences in socio-demographic characteristics, learning environments, and teaching and learning approaches. Therefore, the findings from this study need to be interpreted by considering this limitation.

Suggestions for future research

The future research should try to overcome the current study limitations and shortcomings and extend the areas assessed by the study to different study settings and different characteristics of nursing students in Tanzania as follows: To test rigorously the effects of Pecha Kucha presentations in enhancing the nursing students’ learning, the future studies should involve nursing students’ different health training institutions rather than one training institution. Future studies should better use the control students by randomly allocating the nursing students or training institutions in the intervention group or control group in order to assess the students’ learning experiences through the use of Pecha Kucha presentations and PowerPoint presentations consecutively. Lastly, future studies should focus on nursing students’ mastery of content knowledge and students’ classroom performance through the use of the Pecha Kucha presentation format in the teaching and learning process.

Data availability

The datasets generated and analyzed by this study can be obtained from the corresponding author on reasonable request through [email protected] & [email protected].


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The supervisors at the University of Dodoma, statisticians, my employer, family members, research assistants and postgraduate colleagues are acknowledged for their support in an attempt to facilitate the development and completion of this manuscript.

The source of funds to conduct this study was the registrar, Tanzania Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC) who is the employer of the corresponding author. The funds helped the author in developing the protocol, printing the questionnaires, and facilitating communication during the data collection and data analysis and manuscript preparation.

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Department of Nursing Management and Education, The University of Dodoma, Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania

Setberth Jonas Haramba & Walter C. Millanzi

Department of Public and Community Health Nursing, The University of Dodoma, Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania

Saada A. Seif

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S.J.H: conceptualization, proposal development, data collection, data entry, data cleaning and analysis, writing the original draft of the manuscript W.C.M: Conceptualization, supervision, review, and editing of the proposal, and the final manuscript S.S.A: Conceptualization, supervision, review, and editing of the proposal and the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Setberth Jonas Haramba .

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All methods were carried out under the relevant guidelines and regulations. Since the study involved the manipulation of human behaviors and practices and the exploration of human internal learning experiences, there was a pressing need to obtain ethical clearance and permission from the University of Dodoma (UDOM) Institution of Research Review Ethics Committee (IRREC) in order to conduct this study. The written informed consents were obtained from all the participants, after explaining to them the purpose, the importance of participating in the study, the significance of the study findings to students’ learning, and confidentiality and privacy of the information that will be provided. The nursing students who participated in this study benefited from the knowledge of the Pecha Kucha presentation format and how to prepare and present their assignments using the Pecha Kucha presentation format.

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Haramba, S.J., Millanzi, W.C. & Seif, S.A. Effects of pecha kucha presentation pedagogy on nursing students’ presentation skills: a quasi-experimental study in Tanzania. BMC Med Educ 24 , 952 (2024).

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Received : 16 October 2023

Accepted : 16 August 2024

Published : 31 August 2024


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  • Nursing students
  • Pecha Kucha presentation pedagogy and presentation skills

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  • José Nunes de Alencar 1 ,
  • H Pendell Meyers 2 ,
  • Jesse T T McLaren 3 , 4 ,
  • Stephen W Smith 5 , 6
  • 1 Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia , Sao Paulo , Brazil
  • 2 Carolinas Medical Center , Charlotte , North Carolina , USA
  • 3 Department of Family and Community Medicine , University of Toronto , Toronto , Ontario , Canada
  • 4 Emergency Department , University Health Network , Toronto , Ontario , Canada
  • 5 Emergency Department , Hennepin County Medical Center , Minneapolis , Minnesota , USA
  • 6 Emergency Medicine , University of Minnesota System , Minneapolis , Minnesota , USA
  • Correspondence to Dr José Nunes de Alencar, Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia, Sao Paulo, Brazil; jose.alencar{at}

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ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) diagnosis is based on a clinical presentation and ST-segment elevation (STE) in at least two consecutive leads. Despite being deeply rooted in both the literature and in current medical knowledge and having been pivotal in advancing reperfusion therapy for patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI), the diagnosis of STEMI presents a significant issue: What we, the authors, call the ‘no false negative paradox’. This paradox potentially makes it challenging to recognise a false negative diagnosis of STEMI and makes it difficult to appreciate the significance of an acute coronary occlusion (ACO) that could benefit from early reperfusion in door-to-needle or door-to-balloon times despite the absence of STE. 1

The incorporation bias

In conducting diagnostic test accuracy studies, the selection of the population, index test and reference test prior to study execution is fundamental. However, a methodological problem arises when the index test and the reference test are identical or when they overlap which is known as ‘incorporation bias’. 2 This bias falsely inflates the accuracy of the results of the study above their true value. During ACO, for someone to be considered ‘diseased’ (STEMI), the presence of parts of the definition of ‘diseased’ (STE) is mandatory. This makes ‘diseased’ and ‘positive’ almost the same causing sensitivity (the ability of a test to detect true positives among the diseased) to appear as 100% because the test is essentially comparing itself to a mirror. The problem is that a perfectly sensitive test has no false negatives. Because STE is part of both the test and the disease definition, the absence of …

X @josenalencar, @smithECGBlog

Contributors JNdA, HPM, JTTM and SWS were involved in the study design, data acquisition and interpretation of results. All authors contributed equally to the planning, conduct and reporting of the work described in the article. They were also involved in drafting and critically reviewing the manuscript. All authors approved the final version. JNdA, HPM, JTTM and SWS share the responsibility as guarantors of this manuscript.

Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

Competing interests None declared.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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presentation noun ( SHOW )

Presentation noun ( talk ), presentation noun ( ceremony ).

(Definition of presentation from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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JSM 2024 Presentation, "Future of Tuned Ratio Unbiased Mean Predictor (TRUMP) with the Unified Scrambling Approach (USA)"

1.  jsm 2024 presentation, "future of tuned ratio unbiased mean predictor (trump) with the unified scrambling approach (usa)".

presentation the meaning

PS: There is no sound or voice.  To listen to the presentation, you will have to invite the speakers at your own or arranged expenses. We do very hard work, day and night, on this research. Everything should not be free.  The presenters' voices are better and sweeter than many celebrities around the world.

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Related content, tea with trump.

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Tutti-Frutti with TRUMP at JSM 2018

Last call: tutti-frutti with trump and t-shirt at jsm-2018.

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  1. Presentation Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of PRESENTATION is the act of presenting. How to use presentation in a sentence.


    PRESENTATION definition: 1. a talk giving information about something: 2. an occasion when prizes, qualifications, etc. are…. Learn more.

  3. The Deeper Meaning of the Presentation in the Temple

    All of this helps us to see that the Presentation in the Temple was about two important things: (1) the purification of Mary and (2) the redemption of baby Jesus. So far so good. But there are two other elements here which are worth paying attention to. For one thing, the Mosaic Law nowhere demanded that the purification or the redemption take ...

  4. Presentation

    The noun presentation means the official giving, or presenting, of something. The presentation of diplomas at a graduation ceremony is the part that makes many of the parents in the audience cry.

  5. PRESENTATION Definition & Meaning

    Presentation definition: an act of presenting.. See examples of PRESENTATION used in a sentence.

  6. PRESENTATION definition and meaning

    14 meanings: 1. the act of presenting or state of being presented 2. the manner of presenting, esp the organization of visual.... Click for more definitions.

  7. Meaning of presentation

    PRESENTATION definition: 1. the way something is arranged or shown to people: 2. a talk giving information about something…. Learn more.

  8. presentation noun

    [countable] a meeting at which something, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people presentation on/about somebody/something The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.; Several speakers will be making short presentations.; The conference will begin with a keynote presentation by a leading industry figure.

  9. presentation noun

    1 [uncountable] the act of showing something or of giving something to someone The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court. The presentation of prizes began after the speeches. The Mayor will make the presentation (= hand over the gift) herself. Members will be admitted on/upon presentation of a membership card. a presentation copy (= a free book given by ...

  10. Presentation Definition & Meaning

    3. a : the act of giving something to someone in a formal way or in a ceremony. [noncount] The choir sang during the presentation of the gifts. [count] The awards were given out last night, and the mayor was on hand to make the presentations. [=to present the awards] b [count] : a ceremony in which something (such as an award) is given to ...

  11. What is a Presentation?

    A Presentation Is... A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team. A presentation can also be used as a broad term that encompasses other 'speaking engagements' such as making a speech at a wedding, or getting a point across ...

  12. Presentation Definition & Meaning

    Presentation definition: A formal introduction of someone to others, as at court. The style or manner with which something is offered for consideration or display.

  13. Presentation

    Define presentation. presentation synonyms, presentation pronunciation, presentation translation, English dictionary definition of presentation. n. 1. a. The action of presenting something: the presentation of awards. b. The style or manner with which something is offered for consideration or...

  14. presentation

    presentation - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.

  15. PRESENTATION definition in American English

    noun. 1. the act of presenting or state of being presented. 2. the manner of presenting, esp the organization of visual details to create an overall impression. the presentation of the project is excellent but the content poor. 3. the method of presenting.

  16. What is a Presentation?

    The definition or meaning of a formal presentation is a presentation that one has had time to prepare for. One has generally been asked in advance to give the presentation, and one has practiced ...

  17. Presentation

    A presentation program is commonly used to generate the presentation content, some of which also allow presentations to be developed collaboratively, e.g. using the Internet by geographically disparate collaborators.Presentation viewers can be used to combine content from different sources into one presentation. Some of the popular presentation products used across the globe are offered by ...

  18. What Is a Presentation? Definition, Uses & Examples

    What is a Presentation? A communication device that relays a topic to an audience in the form of a slide show, demonstration, lecture, or speech, where words and pictures complement each other.

  19. What is Presentation? Definition, Parts and Factors

    Definition: A presentation is a form of communication in which the speaker conveys information to the audience. In an organization presentations are used in various scenarios like talking to a group, addressing a meeting, demonstrating or introducing a new product, or briefing a team. It involves presenting a particular subject or issue or new ideas/thoughts to a group of people.

  20. Presentation of Jesus

    The Presentation of Jesus is an early episode in the life of Jesus Christ, describing his presentation at the Temple in Jerusalem.It is celebrated by many churches 40 days after Christmas on Candlemas, or the "Feast of the Presentation of Jesus".The episode is described in chapter 2 of the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament. [1] Within the account, "Luke's narration of the Presentation in the ...

  21. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images. You'll make presentations at various ...

  22. The Power of Storytelling Style Presentations

    The storytelling style presentation can be used in a wide range of scenarios. Here are some specific instances where such a style is particularly effective: Persuasive presentations: Whether making a new idea known, seeking investment, or standing up for something, telling a story can make your case more convincing. Weave what you have to say ...

  23. Title Case Capitalization

    In title case, major words are capitalized, and most minor words are lowercase. Major words are nouns, verbs (including linking verbs), adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and all words of four letters or more.

  24. Effects of pecha kucha presentation pedagogy on nursing students

    With regard to the presentation skills during the preparation of presentation content before the classroom presentation, the mean score was 4.49 ± 0.66 using the Pecha Kucha presentation compared to the mean score of 3.98 ± 0.62 for the traditional PowerPoint presentation. Its mean change was 0.51 ± 0.84 (p < .0001) with an effect size of 0.61.

  25. Why do we celebrate Labor Day? What you need to know about its ...

    DALLAS (AP) — From barbecues to getaways to shopping the sales, many people across the U.S. mark Labor Day — the federal holiday celebrating the American worker — by finding ways to relax.

  26. PRESENTATION Synonyms: 56 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for PRESENTATION: present, gift, donation, contribution, offering, comp, award, bestowal; Antonyms of PRESENTATION: advance, loan, bribe, peace offering, sop ...

  27. The short guide to understanding data intelligence

    They must understand what these trends, techniques and technologies actually mean - and the role they'll play in their organization's future. To help, we wanted to define some of the key components of data intelligence, as well as outline for leaders why it's critical to understand the buzzwords that will ultimately support the next ...

  28. No false negative paradox in STEMI-NSTEMI diagnosis

    ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) diagnosis is based on a clinical presentation and ST-segment elevation (STE) in at least two consecutive leads. Despite being deeply rooted in both the literature and in current medical knowledge and having been pivotal in advancing reperfusion therapy for patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI), the diagnosis of STEMI presents a ...

  29. PRESENTATION definition

    PRESENTATION meaning: 1. the way something is arranged or shown to people: 2. a talk giving information about something…. Learn more.

  30. JSM 2024 Presentation, "Future of Tuned Ratio Unbiased Mean Predictor

    Dears All,In case you missed presentation entitled, " Future of Tuned Ratio Unbiased Mean Predictor (TRUMP) with the Unified Scrambling Approach (USA)" at JSM-2 ... " Future of Tuned Ratio Unbiased Mean Predictor (TRUMP) with the Unified Scrambling Approach (USA)" at JSM-2024, Portland, Oregon, you can enjoy the Video Version of these slides: ...