Should you help Nanako with her homework Persona 4?

If you do so, your friendship will increase with all party members. When you get home, you will have the option of doing homework with Nanako over the next few nights . Doing so will not only boost the friendship between you and Nanako, but other friends from your party will drop by from night to night.

What happens if you don’t help Nanako with her homework?

You will do it automatically on one of the days before school starts back up. And don’t help Nanako with her homework if you don’t need the s-link boost either. Everybody’s dyin’ baby, I feel great. If you neglect the homework, the game will force you to spend at least one day doing it towards the end of break.

Should you help Nanako with her weekend night studying?

Nanako will ask you to help her out with her homework every night for awhile. Doing so will fill up your evenings. If your Justice Social Link is already maxed out, it’s best to pass on this.

Table of Contents

Should you help Nanako Persona 4 Golden?

Helping out with Nanako’s homework gives you a ton of points in Justice and eventually, points in all of the team’s links as well.

Did it rain when Nanako did her art homework?

August 29th, Monday

Start the day off by finishing your summer homework. Aftward tou will help Nanako with hers. She will ask if it was raining the day your worked on her Art homeword. Anster It stopped raining by then.

Persona 4 (Blind) Part 52 – The Crew Help Nanako with her Homework

What are the benefits of helping nanako with homework.

If you do so, your friendship will increase with all party members. When you get home, you will have the option of doing homework with Nanako over the next few nights. Doing so will not only boost the friendship between you and Nanako, but other friends from your party will drop by from night to night.

Does visiting Nanako do anything?

These three days are the days you will be able to obtain the Big Bro is Worried Trophy. Visit Nanako three times in the Hospital. To do so, all you need to do is speak with a specific person to get the option to visit. This will also boost your friendship with Nanako and the entire party.

Can you stop Nanako from dying?

If Namatame is killed, Nanako’s death is set and the game will end. If the protagonist chooses not to take revenge and save his life, Nanako will be miraculously resuscitated, claiming she heard the player characters’ voices.

What happens if Nanako dies?

The Bad Ending: This is the ending where the Investigation Team murder Namatame to avenge Nanako’s death or fail to uncover Adachi as the murderer. Nanako remains dead, the fog grows worse and worse, the mystery is never solved, Adachi gets away with his crimes and Narukami leaves the town depressed and alone.

How many bad endings are in Persona 4 Golden?

There are a total of four different bad endings in Persona 4 Golden, two good endings, and the best “Golden Ending.” Two of these bad endings are interconnected to one critical moment in the story, and another comes if the player cannot figure out the identity of the killer.

What happens if you don t finish your summer homework Persona 4?

You be forced to do it for one day at like the end of summer, and theres no repercussions for avoiding it at all. So if your maxed on Knowledge just ignore it until the game forces you to do it.

How do you get the true ending in Persona 4 Golden no spoilers?

After chatting, go to the Central Shopping District and into the Velvet Room to grab a key item from Igor. After doing all this, finally head to the gas station that you first stopped at when you started the game and talk to the attendant there to trigger the true ending of the game.

What day do you have to save Nanako by?

November 20th (11/20) Today is the last day to rescue Nanako from Heaven. Do so before evening, or else the game will end.

What happens if you date all the girls in p4g?

There are no main-story consequences, but choosing to have multiple girls does potentially ruin your social links and ruins valentines day.

How many times can you visit Nanako?

Beginning on November, 22nd, you can visit Nanako in the hospital. In order to visit, you will need to talk with a different person each time. To earn the trophy, you must visit her three (3) times while she is there. On 11/22, speak with Yosuke in the 2-2 Classroom.

What happens to Nanako in Persona 4?

Nanako only died if you choose to kill namatame and there are multiple bad endings. Nanako tries desperately to stay alive. If you give up your search for the truth, she may give up too.

What happens if you throw Namatame in the TV?

From a gameplay perspective, throwing Namatame into the TV will immediately set in motion the Bad Ending in Persona 4 Golden. Nanako will remain dead, the fog will lay heavily over Inaba for good, and the mystery will feel unresolved as time flashes forward to the beginning of Spring.

Does Persona 4 have a true ending?

Players can access the final dungeon from the Midnight Channel, but it will be a point of no return once they do, so players should stock up on equipment and consumables before heading in to fight Persona 4 Golden’s secret final boss. Defeating this boss will unlock the true ending for Persona 4 Golden.

Can you have a girlfriend in Persona 4?

Just like real life, you can enter Intimate Relationships with the girls in Inaba. After obtaining a high enough Social Link with each girl, you will be given special options when spending time with them. The game should give a sort of warning before choosing the option to enter a relationship or stay friends.

Which Persona 4 ending is canon?

The Golden Ending Is New Canon for Persona 4.

What if you protect adachi?

When deciding on a culprit for the murders, players need to choose Tohru Adachi. However, players must then select the option to protect Adachi. They must not tell their other party members by any means. The game will now automatically skip to March 20th.

Is Persona 4 Golden canon?

The bulk of the Golden Ending, the canonical end of Persona 4 Golden, follows the same path as Good Ending, for the most part.

What happens if you romance everyone in Persona 4?

There is no penalties but Naoto would be really upset, so don’t. You can but on Valentine’s day you’ll get an unavoidable moral bashing and you’ll make them suffer.

Should I visit Nanako in the hospital?

Visiting her three nights in a row nets a trophy. That’s the only reason to visit her. That and you’ll get closer to whoever goes with you, if you need to Max any Social Links.

What is the deadline to save Nanako Persona 4?

The Heaven dungeon in P4G is a beautifully horrifying combination of Nanako’s desire to be with her deceased mother again, and Namatame’s god-complex about “saving” people around Inaba. The dungeon becomes available on 11/6, and you have until 11/20 to complete it.

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p4g help nanako with homework

Persona 4 Golden - August Walkthrough and Guide

June 10, 2024 henrique Persona 4 Golden 0

Persona 4 Golden - August Walkthrough and Guide

August Walkthrough and Guide for Persona 4 Golden (P4G)

August walkthrough summary.

Day Weather Event
8/1 (Mo) Rain



8/2 (Tu) Sunny



8/3 (We) Sunny



8/4 (Th) Sunny



8/5 (Fr) Sunny



8/6 (Sa) Rain



8/7 (Su) Sunny



8/8 (Mo) Cloudy



8/9 (Tu) Sunny



8/10 (We) Sunny



8/11 (Th) Cloudy



8/12 (Fr) Rain



8/13 (Sa) Sunny



8/14 (Su) Sunny



8/15 (Mo) Sunny



8/16 (Tu) Sunny



8/17 (We) Sunny



8/18 (Th) Sunny



8/19 (Fr) Sunny



8/20 (Sa) Sunny



8/21 (Su) Sunny



8/22 (Mo) Cloudy



8/23 (Tu) Sunny



8/24 (We) Sunny



8/25 (Th) Rain



8/26 (Fr) Cloudy



8/27 (Sa) Rain



8/28 (Su) Sunny



8/29 (Mo) Rain



8/30 (Tu) Cloudy



8/31 (We) Sunny



July Strategy Summary (Key Points)

Go to the summer festival with someone..

  • Buy the Genji Beetle from TV Shopping on 7/22.

Decide whether you want to help Nanako with her homework on 8/23.

By participating in the Summer Festival on the 8/20 and 8/21 with the gang and with someone, you will be able to get the book “The Divine Way.”

If you go to the festival alone, you will only gain a normal item. Because of this, it is highly recommended to go with someone when they ask you out to the festival.

Note that Rise Kujikawa will always ask you out to the festival even if you do not have high Social Link ranks with any of the other girls.

Buy the Genji Beetle from TV Shopping on 8/22.

Be sure to buy the Genji Beetle on the TV Shopping on 8/22.

Once fishing in the sea is unlocked, you will need the Genji Beetle to catch the Sea Guardian. Try to get the Genji Beetle by buying it from TV Shopping as it is quite hard to get it via bug catching.

An event will occur on the night of 8/23 where you must decide to either help Nanako with her homework for a few days or not.

If you choose to help Nanaki, you will not be able to have free time at night for a few days, but your Social Link with Nanako and the other party members will increase.

If you do not feel the need to increase your Social Link with other characters, you can choose not to help Nanako so you can have free time instead.

  • Persona 4 Golden

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Megami Tensei Wiki

Social Link/Nanako Dojima

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Nanako Dojima normal P4G

This article covers information about the Justice Social Link , Nanako Dojima , including events featured in Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden .

The protagonist automatically starts Nanako's Social Link on May 3rd. She can be found during the evening inside the Dojima Residence when the protagonist finishes the story's current dungeon or between story dungeons. The protagonist is only allowed to rank Nanako's Social Link when Ryotaro Dojima is not home.

In Persona 4 , the deadline to complete Nanako's Social Link is November 3rd, as it will become unavailable for the rest of the game after this. In Persona 4 Golden , her Social Link becomes available again starting on January 23rd.

Nanako gives the protagonist a Family Picture when the Social Link is maxed, which enables the fusion of Sraosha .

  • 1 Availability

Availability [ ]

Character Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Rain
Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day/Night

Dialogue Options [ ]

Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
Yeah, come with us. 0 0
Would you rather watch TV? 0 0
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> Nanako is fidgeting.
What's wrong? +2 +1
Go ahead and ask. +3 +2
"Are you an only child?"
That's right. +3 +2
Nope.* 0 0
* "Hmmm... Then do you have a little sister?"
I do. 0 0
I don't. +3 +2
I have you. +3 +3
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Dad'll be disappointed."
I'll go buy some. +3 +3
Let's go buy some together. +3 +3
He'll live. 0 0
> Nanako looks sad.
I'm sorry. 0 0
Hear her out. 0 0
It's not Nanako's fault. +3 +3
  • To initiate Nanako's Social Link Rank 4, the protagonist must reach Rank 3 Expression (Persuasive).
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> Nanako is nodding her head cheerfully.
Why all these questions? 0 0
Is there anything else? +3 +2
"What happens to a person when they die?"
They disappear. 0 0
They go to heaven. +3 +3
I don't know. +2 +1
"Why do bad people do bad things?"
They have no choice. 0 0
Because they enjoy it. 0 0
I don't know. +2 +1
"Are bad people more important to Dad than I am?"
That's not true. 0 0
He's protecting everyone. 0 0
He's protecting you. +2 +1
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"What do they mean by 'real'?"
Related to you by blood. 0 0
A person you love a lot. +3 +3
Always by your side. +3 +2
"Daddy doesn't come home because I'm not his 'real' daughter?"
Did he say that? +3 +3
That's not true. 0 0
You have me. +2 +2
> What should you do?
Talk with her +3 +2
Put her to bed 0 0
Listen to her talk +3 +3
  • To initiate Nanako's Social Link Rank 6, the protagonist must reach Rank 5 Expression (Enthralling).
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> Nanako looks like she's about to cry...
Ask what happened 0 0
Swear to it +2 +1
"He can't come, huh?"
He'll come. +3 +2
I don't know. 0 0
I'll ask him with you. +3 +3
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
Dojima: "What's gotten into her...?"
Let's go look for her. +3 (Hierophant) +2 (Hierophant)
Let's leave her alone. 0 0
Dojima: "She'll listen to you..."
That's not true. 0 0
Why? 0 0
Okay. 0 0
"Big bro..."
Why'd you come here? 0 0
Let's go home. +3 +3
Your dad's worried. 0 0
"Is he going to throw me away, too...?"
He hasn't forgotten. 0 0
He won't abandon you. 0 0
Don't worry. 0 0
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"What should I do...? The teacher will yell at me."
I'll help you look for it. +3 +3
Nothing you can do now. 0 0
"Why did Dad stop smiling...?"
He's lonely too. +3 +3
Because you're lonely. +3 +3
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Big bro... I love my Dad."
I know. +3 +2
He loves you, too. +3 +3
What about me? 0 0
"...I feel sorry for him, losing someone he loves."
He still has you. +3 +2
She's not lost. +3 +2
I feel sorry for you too. +3 +2
> What should you do?
Talk with her +3 +2
Put her to bed 0 0
Play with her +3 +3
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Big bro, can you make a salad?"
Sure thing. +3 +2
I think... +2 +1
I eat salad for breakfast! 0 0
"You're my family, too, so... Let's work hard together!"
Don't strain yourself. +2 +1
Let's do it. +3 +3
But I'm not your Mom... +2 +1
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Do you not like rain either, big bro?"
I hate it. +2 +1
Rain's okay. 0 0
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> Nanako seems to have noticed your presence and woke up...
You can go back to sleep. +2 +1
Does it hurt anywhere? +2 +1
We came to see you. +2 +1
+3 points with Investigation Team members with matching Personas; +2 without matching Personas.
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> Speaking still seems to be painful for her...
How are you doing? +2 +1
Try not to talk. +2 +1
Hang in there. +2 +1
Dojima: "Sorry, and thanks for coming all this way..."
Anything for Nanako. 0 0
Hey, she's family. +2 (Hierophant) +1 (Hierophant)
It is kind of a pain... 0 0
+3 points with Investigation Team members with matching Personas; +2 without matching Personas.
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
> Speaking still seems to be painful for her...
How are you doing? +2 +1
Try not to talk. +2 +1
Hang in there. +2 +1
Dojima: "So, um... how are things over at the house?"
It feels too big for me. 0 0
Nothing's really changed. 0 0
It's relaxing. +2 (Hierophant) +1 (Hierophant)
+3 points with Investigation Team members with matching Personas; +2 without matching Personas.
  • In Golden , the protagonist can increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point by saying "I'll help too." on 5/22. If the protagonist has a Persona of the Justice Arcana in his stock, the progression will be 2 points.
  • On 7/23, saying "I'll protect you." will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point without a matching Persona, and 2 points with a Persona.
  • After clearing Void Quest , making an Asian American, soy flavored omelette will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 2 points without a matching Persona, and 3 points with a Persona.
  • During the summer festival on 8/20, saying "You look cute in it." will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point without a matching Persona, and 2 points with a Persona.
  • On 8/26, saying "No." will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point.
  • On 8/28, saying "Male." will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point.
  • On 8/29, saying "It stopped raining by then." will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point.
  • In Golden , saying "I'm happy for you." on 8/30 will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point without a matching Persona, and 2 points with a Persona.
  • During the class trip on 9/10, buying an Iwatodai Lamp will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 2 points without a matching Persona, and 3 points with a Persona.
  • After arriving home from the class trip on 9/10, saying "Come with me next time." will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 1 point without a matching Persona, and 2 points with a Persona.
  • In Golden , saying "You need guts." on 1/2 will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 2 point without a matching Persona, and 3 points with a Persona.
  • In Golden , agreeing to help Nanako with her homework on 1/28 will increase her Social Link progression by 2 points, and will automatically increase by 2 points each on the evenings of 1/29 and 2/4.
v   Social Links
- - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - / - - -
  • Shin Megami Tensei
  • 1 Makoto Yuki
  • 2 Ren Amamiya
  • 3 Goro Akechi
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  • Summer Homework
  • Persona 4 Golden

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Persona 4 Golden: Nanako (Justice) social link choices & unlock guide

While her father might be the detective, the Justice arcana is represented by the Nanako Dojima social link in Persona 4 Golden . This page will help you navigate your relationship with Nanako, featuring every s-link rank and all of the conversation options while spending time with her.

You’ll get to know Nanako an awful lot just through the story of P4G, but her s-link is optional and offers bonuses around the Justice arcana, which is quite a common one. It’s a very sweet little storyline, and she’s also one of the easiest social links to regularly access. There's more pages like this for every other member of the game's cast in out P4G s-link dialogue options guide .


Nanako Dojima S-Link Guide - Justice

This guide is pretty simple: we’re going to list all of the rank-impacting dialogue options in the Nanako social link in Persona 4 Golden . Through this, you can quickly level up Nanako’s social link rank, freeing up time to do other things.

In Persona 4, your social links rank up through spending time with people, though it’s measured by a hidden statistic for each s-link. The stat raises when you spend time with them, and you can gain bonus points by carrying a Persona of the same arcana when you spend time with them and saying the right things in conversation.

In this guide, we list all of the rank-boosting s-link dialogue options for the Nanako social link, so you can answer every option the right way. The numbers next to answers indicate the point gain offered, and represents the number when you’re carrying a Justice Persona with you, which offers a slight additional boost.

  • The Nanako social link begins automatically as you progress through P4G’s story.
  • You can hang out with Nanako any night at your house so long as Dojima isn’t there. This means Nanako’s availability will in many ways be linked to when dungeons are open for you to visit.
  • Nanako’s social link has a hard cut-off date unlike most others : if you want to hit rank 10, the last day upon which you can do so is 31 October.
  • You can reliably gain some bonus points for the Nanako s-link through Garedening and planting seedlings , and the Arcana Bonus also applies here. 

Rank 1 > 2:

Choices that impact your relationship this rank:

  • “Go ahead and ask.” +3
  • “What’s wrong?” +2
  • “That’s right.” +3
  • “Nope.” [Leads to next question]
  • “I have you.” +3

Rank 2 > 3:

  • “I’ll go buy some.” +3
  • “Let’s go buy some together.” +3
  • “It’s not Nanako’s fault.” +3 (Level 3 Expression required)
  • “Hear her out.” (Level 3 Expression required)

Rank 3 > 4:

Level 3 Expression is required to even start this rank. Choices that impact your relationship this rank:

  • “Is there anything else?” +3
  • “They go to heaven.” +3
  • “I don’t know.” +2
  • “He’s protecting you.” +2

Rank 4 > 5:

  • “A person you love a lot.” +3
  • “Did he say that?” +3
  • “You have me.” +2
  • “Listen to her talk.” +3 (Requires Level 3 Understanding)
  • “Talk with her.” +2

Rank 5 > 6:

Max level Expression is required to start this social link rank up event. Choices that impact your relationship this rank:

  • “Swear to it.” +2
  • “I’ll ask him with you.” +3
  • “He’ll come.” +3

Rank 6 > 7:

  • “Let’s go look for her.” (+2 to Hierophant S-Link)
  • Any Answer.
  • “Let’s go home.” +3

Rank 7 > 8:

  • “I’ll help you look for it.” +3
  • “He’s lonely too.” +3
  • Because you’re lonely.” +3

Rank 8 > 9:

  • “He loves you too.” +3
  • “I know.” +3
  • “He still has you.” +3
  • “She’s not lost.” +3
  • “I feel sorry for you too.” +3
  • “Play with her.” +3
  • “Talk to Nanako.” +3

Rank 9 > 10:

  • “Sure thing.” +3
  • “I think…” +2
  • “Let’s do it.” +3
  • “Don’t strain yourself.” +2

Maxing out your s-link with Nanako Dojima will see Nanako give you the Family Photo key item. This lets you fuse the Persona Sraosha. 

Task Search

January 28th.

Once again your best best is to work at the daycare. At night, help Nanako with her homework.

Up Next: January 29th

Top guide sections.

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  • Test Answers
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January 1st

You will celebrate the New Year with Nanako and Dojima. You will also get texts from girls you are in a romantic relationship with for a shrine visit.

If you talk to Dojima later in the evening, he will give you 30000 yen.

January 2nd

You will build a snowman with Nanako and Dojima, gaining a relationship boost in the process.

You will also get the chance to do New Year's Greetings with everyone you have made a Social Link with.

When you approach the Velvet Room, you will find out that Marie is missing. If the Aeon Social Link is at Rank 10/MAX, Margaret will offer to search for Marie. You don't have to accept the offer, but if you want to learn more about the story, accept.

January 3rd

Teddie will move in after Dojima and Nanako return to the hospital.

You will be very sick, which is a story point going forward.

January 4th

Chie, Yukiko and Yosuke come to visit you.

January 6th

Rise, Kanji, and Naoto come to visit you today.

January 9th

You recover thanks to Teddie's efforts.

If you chose to save Marie, Margaret will give you a status update.

January 10th

You will return to school to start the 3rd term.

Answer "An orange" in class today to get +1 Knowledge.

You can talk to Ms. Kashiwagi on the 1st Floor of Yasogami High to receive the male Gekkou Uniform costume if you did well on your exams.

You are also able to go back into the Midnight Channel and challenge dungeons again.

You are not able to grow vegetables due to the weather. However, Teddie will find bugs buried in the snow instead, which will be the garden's primary use from now on.

Including today, you have 26 days to max out any remaining Social Links, complete quests, achieve any last minute objectives and/or train. Make your time count.

The Shopping Channel's deals are:

1 Auto-Matarukaja and 2 Wasabi Jelly for 49800 Yen 3 Tetracorn and 3 Makaracorn for 9800 Yen

Quest 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 are available today.

Daytime Meetings: Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Rise (Lovers) Naoto (Fortune) Ayane/Yumi (Sun) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Night Meetings : Shu (Tower) Ai (Moon)

Daytime Head to Okina City and play the crane game to win the Black Frost doll (-100 yen per 2 tries)

Spent time with Naoto (Fortune Social Link 5)

  • ' A mailbox.
  • Good, you got it back.
  • Let's do it.

Naoto can now cure severe ailments.

Evening Spent time with Ai (Moon Social Link Rank 9)

  • Answer "The fox is dangerous" for the best relationship boost.

January 11th

If you have maxed out the Investigation Team's Social Links, they will come to talk to you today about having a special meeting. This is when you can get a teammate's 3rd-tier Persona, which can offer increased benefits in battle.

Yukiko, Kanji, Teddie and Naoto will ask you for a 3rd-tier Persona meeting today.

Rise is available for a scooter ride today.

You can now make lunch for tomorrow.

Lunch is Gyoza.

  • Rock candy - Throw away
  • Potato chips - Crunchy Gyoza (Bad)
  • Olive oil - Italian Gyoza (Good)

Daytime Meetings: Yukiko (Priestess) Kanji (Emperor) Teddie (Star) Naoto (Fortune) Ai (Moon)

Night Meetings : Sayoko (Devil) Naoto (Fortune) Chie (Chariot)

Daytime Spent time with Naoto (Fortune Social Link 6)

  • Because I looked reliable.
  • The numbers are important.
  • I'm glad you're a girl. (needed for Relationship route)

Naoto gains Invigorate 2.

Evening Read "Who Am I?"

January 12th

Yosuke and Chie come to you today about the 3rd tier Persona meeting.

Naoto is available for a scooter ride today.

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Kanji (Emperor) Ayane/Yumi (Sun) Ai (Moon)

Night Meetings : Sayoko (Devil) Shu (Tower) Rise (Lovers) Kanji (Emperor)

Daytime Spent time with Chie (Chariot Social Link 10/MAX)

  • All choices are good, you're done!
  • You get Wristbands
  • Tomoe evolves into Suzuka Gongen
  • You can now fuse Futsunushi of the Chariot Arcana
  • Gains Evade Fire Skill

Evening Read "Who Am I?" (+3 Knowledge, +3 Diligence)

January 13th

Rise comes to you today to talk about the 3rd tier Persona meeting.

Kanji is available for a scooter ride today.

Daytime Meetings: Rise (Lovers) Eri (Temperance)

Night Meetings : Sayoko (Devil) Ayane/Yumi (Sun) Yukiko (Priestess) Yosuke (Magician)

Daytime Spent time with Rise to get her 3rd tier Persona, Kouzeon.

  • Gained Complete Analysis

Evening Get a relationship fortune from the Shrine for Naoto

  • Ensure the fortune says "Your relationship could become stronger soon."

January 14th

Answer "Bury the demons" in class today to get +1 Knowledge.

Yukiko is available for a scooter ride today.

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Chie (Chariot) Kanji (Emperor) Rise (Lovers) Naoto (Fortune) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Eri (Temperance)

Night Meetings : Shu (Tower) Naoto (Fortune) Kanji (Emperor)

Daytime Answer "Bury the demons" (+1 Knowledge)

Spent time with Naoto (Fortune Social Link 7)

  • Subtract '40' and '4'?
  • Don't be afraid.

Naoto can now endure a mortal blow.

Evening Read "Forever Macho" (+3 Courage)

January 15th

Dojima calls and says that both Nanako and himself will be back on the 20th.

Today's Shopping Channel deals are:

1 Book of the Void and 2 Giant Candy for 21800 Yen 2 Bead Chain and 2 Cyclone Magatama for 12800 Yen

Chie is available for a scooter ride today.

Daytime Meetings: Hisano (Death)

Night Meetings : Yukiko (Priestess) Chie (Chariot)

Daytime Spent time with Kanji to get his 3rd tier Persona, Takeji Zaiten.

January 16th

Quest 65 is available today.

You can also make lunch for tomorrow.

Lunch is Mentaiko Pasta (Naoto likes this).

  • Mayonnaise - Creamy Mentaiko Pasta (Good)
  • Ice Cream - Sweet Mentaiko Pasta (Bad)
  • Ketchup - Throw away

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Naoto (Fortune) Teddie (Star) Ayane/Yumi (Sun) Naoki (Hanged Man) Eri (Temperance)

Night Meetings : Rise (Lovers) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Kanji (Emperor)

Daytime Spent time with Naoto (Fortune Social Link 8)

  • You seem happy.
  • Protect Naoto
  • Because I love you.

Naoto gains Heat Riser.

You don't have to pick the relationship route with Naoto to finish the Social Link on time.

Evening Make lunch for tomorrow

January 17th

Quest 66 is available today.

Yosuke is available for a scooter ride today.

Daytime Meetings: Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Naoto (Fortune) Ayane/Yumi (Sun) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Night Meetings : Shu (Tower) Ai (Moon) Yosuke (Magician)

Daytime Had lunch with Naoto (relationship boost with Naoto)

Spent time with Naoto (Fortune Social Link 9)

  • Somewhere high.
  • Throwing things away?

Naoto can now take a mortal blow for you.

Evening Read "Man of History" (+5 Courage)

  • You get the additional +2 Courage from reading while it's snowing.

January 18th

You'll have a dream about Marie if you tried to save her. This is also followed by an update from Margaret.

Quest 67 is available today.

Daytime Meetings: Yukiko (Priestess) Kanji (Emperor) Naoto (Fortune) Ai (Moon) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Daytime Spent time with Naoto (Fortune Social Link 10/MAX)

  • You get Detective Badge
  • Sukuna-Hikona evolves into Yamato Takeru
  • You can now fuse Norn of the Fortune Arcana
  • Gains Invigorate 3 Skill

Evening Read "Man-God" (+5 Courage)

January 19th

Answer "Cat" in class today for +1 Knowledge.

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Kanji (Emperor) Ayane/Yumi (Sun) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Ai (Moon) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Daytime Answer "Cat" (+1 Knowledge)

Spent time with Ai (Moon Social Link 10/MAX)

  • You get Compact
  • You can now fuse Sandalphon of the Moon Arcana

You don't have to be in a relationship with Ai to complete the Social Link.

At this point, you should only have 1 incomplete Social Link (2 if you haven't done the Empress Social Link yet), and that would be Hunger. Don't worry, Hunger completes naturally in the story, and there is still time to complete the Empress Social Link (with proper fusions it can be completed in a single day). All days are now free time, and you are able to freely choose your actions without worrying about consequences. I will still list what actions I took.

Evening Read "Farewell to Man" (+3 Courage)

January 20th

As Dojima and Nanako are coming home, you can't do anything in the daytime.

Daytime Meetings: None, taken up by a story event

Night Meetings : Sayoko (Devil) Ayane/Yumi (Sun)

Daytime Spent welcoming back Nanako and Dojima.

Evening Read "Changing Careers" (+2 Understanding)

  • You get +1 Understanding for reading while it is snowing.

January 21st

If you haven't completed Nanako and/or Dojima's Social Links, they will become available today. However, it's only until February 5th.

Quest 68 is available today.

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Kanji (Emperor) Rise (Lovers) Naoto (Fortune) Teddie (Star) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Eri (Temperance)

Night Meetings : Nanako (Justice) Shu (Tower) Naoto (Fortune) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Daytime Spent time with Yosuke to unlock his 3rd tier Persona Takehaya Susano-o.

Evening Read "Sensei's Friends" (+1 Understanding)

January 22nd

You celebrate Nanako's recovery today.

4 Soul Food and 2 Diet Food for 24800 Yen 2 Ryugu Stone and 3 Amrita Soda for 21800 Yen

Night Meetings : Dojima (Hierophant)

Daytime Spent celebrating Nanako's recovery.

Evening Read "The Final Lesson" (+2 Understanding)

That's the last book, you should get the Compulsive Reader achievement now. You get the Reader King accessory as proof.

January 23rd

Quest 69 is available today. If you have been completing the quests up until this point, this is the last quest for you to complete.

Teddie is available for a scooter ride today.

Lunch is Oden.

  • Boil quickly on a strong flame - Throw away
  • Boil slowly on a medium flame - Muddy Soup Oden (Bad)
  • Keep on a low flame and don't boil - Clear Soup Oden (Good)

Night Meetings : Nanako (Justice) Rise (Lovers) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Kanji (Emperor)

Daytime Spent time with Yukiko to get her 3rd tier Persona Sumeo-Okami.

Evening Made a model (+1 Diligence)

  • Completed the model Turbo Recon Dyaus.

January 24th

Night Meetings : Dojima (Hierophant) Shu (Tower) Ai (Moon) Yosuke (Magician)

Daytime Spent time with Chie to get her 3rd tier Persona Haraeda-no-Okami.

Evening Went to North Central Shopping District to visit the hobby store and get a new Unfinished Model.

Made a model (+1 Diligence)

January 25th

You'll have a dream about Marie today if you chose to save her. This is followed by an update from Margaret.

Answer "Red" in class today to get +1 Expression and a relationship boost with Yukiko.

Night Meetings : Nanako (Justice) Sayoko (Devil) Naoto (Fortune) Chie (Chariot)

Daytime Answer "Red" (+1 Expression, relationship boost with Yukiko)

Spent time with Naoto to get her 3rd tier Persona Yamato Sumeragi.

  • Completed Mobile Model Varna.

January 26th

Lunch is Cream Stew. (Ai likes this)

  • Heat the milk, then add slowly - Throw away
  • Dump in all the cold milk - Creamy Cream Stew (Good)
  • Keep the milk cool, then add slowly - Lumpy Cream Stew (Bad)

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Kanji (Emperor) Teddie (Star) Ayane/Yumi (Sun) Kou/Daisuke (Strength) Ai (Moon) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Night Meetings : Dojima (Hierophant) Sayoko (Devil) Shu (Tower) Rise (Lovers) Kanji (Emperor)

Daytime Spent time with Teddie to get his 3rd tier Persona Kamui-Moshiri.

January 27th

You can talk to Dojima today and he will take you to Junes.

Night Meetings : Dojima (Hierophant) Sayoko (Devil) Ayane/Yumi (Sun)

Daytime Today is a good day to enter the TV world if you want to complete the Empress Social Link. Your Social Links are high enough to get the skills needed when fusing the different Personas with the required skills. Consult the Empress Social Link section for more guidance.

Went into the TV world to defeat Lost Okina (+1 Courage) and earn money for fusions to complete the Empress Social Link (if I haven't already done so).

Evening Head to Dojima to Junes to pick up an item.

January 28th

Today you get the option to help Nanako with her homework. You can accept or decline, but you will gain additional relationship boosts with her and Dojima should you accept.

Night Meetings : Shu (Tower) Naoto (Fortune) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Daytime Went to Chagall Cafe in Okina City to acquire a Skill Card.

Evening Helped Nanako with her homework (relationship boost with Dojima and Nanako)

January 29th

Today's Shopping Channel Deals are:

1 Wizard's Mark and 3 Longevity Pill for 69800 Yen 1 Masuda Stone and 1 Kaiou Stone for 39800 Yen

You will continue helping Nanako with her homework today.

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Yukiko (Priestess) Kanji (Emperor) Rise (Lovers) Naoto (Fortune) Hisano (Death)

January 30th

You will learn that you have exams soon, and that they will cover material from the entire year.

Answer "Petabyte" in class today to get +1 Knowledge.

You can talk to Rise to study together today.

Daytime Meetings: Yosuke (Magician) Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Naoto (Fortune) Naoki (Hanged Man) Eri (Temperance)

Daytime Answer "Petabyte" (+1 Knowledge)

Went to Chagall Cafe in Okina City to acquire a Skill Card.

  • Completed D-Type Prithvi.

January 31st

You can talk to Kanji to study together today.

Daytime Meetings: Chie (Chariot) Yukiko (Priestess) Naoto (Fortune) Naoki (Hanged Man)

Evening Visit the Marutake Hobby Shop to get an Unfinished Scooter.

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Persona 4 Golden: Heaven Walkthrough


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Elden ring player finds that promised consort radahn can revive you, black myth: wukong - endings, explained, quick links, things to know before going to heaven, shadows and personas in heaven, heaven walkthrough.

Usually, the dungeons in Persona 4 Golden are created by the feelings of only one person, but when it comes to Heaven, the dungeon is a collaborative effort between Nanako Dojioma and Taro Namatame. Nanako believes it's where her mother went when she passed away, while Namatame believes it’s where he’s keeping people safe inside the Midnight Channel.

RELATED: Persona 4 Golden: The Best Party For Each Dungeon

But for as colorful and bright as Heaven appears, the sentiment behind the dungeon and the stakes for completing it are some of the saddest in all of P4G. For help finishing Heaven and rescuing Nanako, read on ahead with our guide.

We're focused on the combat in our dungeon guides, and we avoid them where we can, but this guide still contains spoilers for the central story of Persona 4 Golden.

naoto discussing how nanako is in danger with the investigation team in persona 4 golden

The Heaven dungeon in P4G is a beautifully horrifying combination of Nanako’s desire to be with her deceased mother again, and Namatame’s god-complex about “saving” people around Inaba.

The dungeon becomes available on 11/6 , and you have until 11/20 to complete it.

Heaven Limits Your Social Links' Availability

Beginning as soon as Nanako is put into the dungeon , you cannot hang out with your Investigation Team social links during your free time segments.

Your friends are concerned about the mission ahead, and therefore will be unavailable until you finish Heaven and save Nanako. Speaking to them if you see them around will only yield comments about the mission, even if this is during a time when this social link is regularly available to spend time with.

In addition to your teammates, both Dojima and Adachi are also unavailable for free time events during this section of the game.

Finally, it probably goes without saying, but Nanako is also unavailable to spend time with at night during this time.

Recommended Level

In order to save your precious little sister, you’ll be going up against shadows that range from Lv. 55-65 as you climb through the dungeon. The boss shadow here will be Lv. 65.

We recommend that you enter Heaven around Lv. 55 and ensure you reach at least Lv. 60 or so before attempting the boss fight. Shadow Namatame is fast and knows several punishing attacks, so you’ll want every advantage you can have before you fight.

This is where you may begin to feel the effects of your difficulty choice more than before, but this can be adjusted in your options if need be.

chie fighting a group of shadows in persona 4 golden's heaven dungeon

Though there are definitely bigger things on your mind as you go through Heaven looking for Nanako, you're still up against shadows along the way.

To help you get through Heaven in the most efficient way, we've compiled a full affinity chart for every shadow you'll fight in Heaven , as well as which Personas you're able to get from Shuffle Time while you're there.

Persona Affinity Table Key




This shadow is strong against this element, and attacks of this element deal .


This shadow is weak against this element, and attacks of this element deal .


This shadow will repel attacks of this element, onto you.


This shadow will nullify attacks of this element, and as such, they deal .


This shadow will gain health from attacks of this element, so attacks of this .


Attacks of this element deal to the shadow.

Shadows In Heaven



Available on Floors

Affinities and Weaknesses









Mythical Gigas


1 and 2






Finicky Papillon









Perpetual Sand









Growth Relic







Prime Magus







Brave Wheel






Apostate Tower







Curse Dice




Dark Eagle







Maniacal Book







Rash Panzer








Carnal Snake








Killer Drive









Regal Mother







Revelation Pesce








Stasis Giant




Reckless Okina






Dry Dexy







Phantom Lord






Angry Table







Devoted Cupid








Intrepid Knight


5, 8, and 9




Blossom Nyogo









Available on Floors

Affinities and Weaknesses









Light Balance









Green Sigil








Hallowed Turret


6, 8, and 9



Chaos Cyclops








Minotaur IV











Natural Dancer










Conviction Sword








Jotun of Blood








Shadows Only Present on Rainy Days

Raindrop Castle


1, 2, and 9



Rain Wind Musha


3-7, and 9





Rare Shadows

Luxury Hand





persona 4 golden shuffle time from the heaven dungeon

Shuffle Time Personas In Heaven






















Kurama Tengu








































Hanged Man











White Rider






Mother Harlot












the investigation team on an early floor of heaven hearing nanako calling for her mother in persona 4 golden

For as important as it is to the story, the Heaven dungeon in P4G is pretty straightforward to actually traverse.

There are ten floors total to the dungeon, and you'll notice the ambiance change every few floors.

Outside the final floor, the only one of true note is Floor Seven , as this is where you'll face the dungeon's mini-boss, World Balance.

After defeating it, simply continue through the dungeon as you had been until you reach the tenth and final floor , where you'll be taking on the boss fight against Kunin-Sagiri to finish the dungeon.

NEXT: Persona 4 Golden: Every Dungeon, Ranked

  • Triple-A Games
  • Persona 4 Golden

p4g help nanako with homework


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  2. Persona 4: Golden

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  3. Persona 4 Golden

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  5. Persona 4 Playthrough Part 121

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  6. Persona 4 playthrough pt117

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  3. Persona 4 Golden

  4. Persona 4! First Playthrough, Part 13! Human Teddie isn't real, he cant hurt you

  5. Persona 4 Golden Real-Time Playthrough

  6. [P4G] Persona 4 Golden, pt. 03


  1. Should I help Nanako with her homework?

    You don't have to if you got better things to do, but you'll feel bad leaving her to finish her homework by herself. A test to prove you're her Big Bro. I failed, : ( lol. It wasn't worth my time. You gave in into comments not to >.> it's freakin Nanako-chan. <,<. Still was able to max social link, and read all books.

  2. August 29th

    August 29th, Monday. Weather: Rainy. Social Links Available. Persona Fusing Benefits: Justice SL Question: "Was it raining the day that we worked on my Art homework?" Answer: It stopped raining by ...

  3. Should I help Nanako with her homework?

    Yes, work on other things. grendelnargent 11 years ago #6. yes. each day you do it you get a few point for each of your social links. The_Limit (Topic Creator) 11 years ago #7. Yukiko, Yosuke, and Chie are maxed already, I forgot to mention. Zembaphobia 11 years ago #8. F*** Nanako. I'm reading a book.

  4. Quick Questions (Summer assignments & nanako)

    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. Quick Questions (Summer assignments & nanako) Andre388 15 years ago #1. Okay I maxed out knowledge before Summer vacation even started. So I'm a bit annoyed to find out that all of these oppurtunites are coming up for me to raise it.

  5. Should I help Nanako with her homework? : r/persona4golden

    It's better to help Nanako, especially if there are several members of the team you need to gain extra affinity with. 24th, Teddie and Yosuke will come over. 25th, Chie and Yukiko will come over. 26th, during the day, Chie will call you - if you have the affinity, you'll rank up with her here. 27th, Kanji and Rise will come over.

  6. August 28th

    The day starts with a call from Rise. You are free to hang out with her or skip it. In the evening you can help Nanako with her homework. Be a good Big Bro and

  7. Nanako's Homework: Help or not? : r/persona4golden

    ADMIN MOD. Nanako's Homework: Help or not? First time player so please no spoilers! It's 1/28, whole squad is maxed out, including Nanako, Dojima, & the Fox. Margaret, Ai, Marie and the nurse are also maxed out. Shu, Ayane & Hisano are rank 8. Saki's brother is rank 7, Kou is rank 6 and Eri is rank 3. My goal is to max out as many people as ...

  8. August 23rd

    August 23rd, Tuesday. Today the gang will ask to go to the beach. If you do so, your friendship will increase with all party members. When you get home, you will have the option of doing homework ...

  9. Should you help Nanako with her homework Persona 4?

    Start the day off by finishing your summer homework. Aftward tou will help Nanako with hers. She will ask if it was raining the day your worked on her Art homeword. Anster It stopped raining by then. Persona 4 (Blind) Part 52 - The Crew Help Nanako with her Homework What are the benefits of helping Nanako with homework?

  10. Persona 4: Golden

    [Read description before commenting]Heading to the beach today with the crew since we all have our licenses. I wish the game had more animated cutscenes like...

  11. So what happens if you choose not to help Nanako with her homework?

    Except you have to live with the fact that you refused to help Nanako with her summer homework. The killer comes to your house and kills you without you ever appearing on the midnight channel because even he knows you're way worse than him. Its a good idea to if you want to level up your party slinks.

  12. Persona 4 Golden

    Decide whether you want to help Nanako with her homework on 8/23. An event will occur on the night of 8/23 where you must decide to either help Nanako with her homework for a few days or not. If you choose to help Nanaki, you will not be able to have free time at night for a few days, but your Social Link with Nanako and the other party members ...

  13. Social Link/Nanako Dojima

    on 1/2 will increase Nanako's Social Link progression by 2 point without a matching Persona, and 3 points with a Persona. In Golden, agreeing to help Nanako with her homework on 1/28 will increase her Social Link progression by 2 points, and will automatically increase by 2 points each on the evenings of 1/29 and 2/4.

  14. Summer Homework

    Its just a studying with a little extra boost. You be forced to do it for one day at like the end of summer, and theres no repercussions for avoiding it at all. So if your maxed on Knowledge just ignore it until the game forces you to do it. You can deny Nanako when she asks for help on hers, as they do take like 5 evenings.

  15. Persona 4 Golden: Nanako (Justice) social link choices & unlock guide

    The Nanako social link begins automatically as you progress through P4G's story. You can hang out with Nanako any night at your house so long as Dojima isn't there. This means Nanako's ...

  16. Everyone Helps Nanako With Her Homework! Let's Play Persona 4 ...

    Join Konoha and Rose as today, we balance between our various social links and helping precious little Nanako with her summer homework! Who the hell gives a ...

  17. August

    August 20th. Today is the first day of the Summer Festival. Answer "You look cute in it" to get a relationship boost with Nanako. When complimenting the girls, select the girl you want to ...

  18. End Game

    Nanako will ask you to help her out with her homework every night for awhile. Doing so will fill up your evenings. Doing so will fill up your evenings. If your Justice Social Link is already maxed ...

  19. February

    February 4th. You can talk to Yukiko to study together today. Teddie is available for a scooter ride today. If you volunteered to help out Nanako with her homework, you will have another evening ...

  20. Nanako

    Nanako - Justice. This section is about the Priestess Social Link, Nanako Dojima. You be able to see the optimal responses and what you gain after each rank. When you pursue this Social Link ...

  21. January 28th

    January 28th. By Hector Madrigal , jedmist1 , Bren McGrath , +8.8k more. updated Jul 14, 2021. Social Links Available. Persona Fusing Benefits: Once again your best best is to work at the daycare ...

  22. January

    January 2nd. You will build a snowman with Nanako and Dojima, gaining a relationship boost in the process. You will also get the chance to do New Year's Greetings with everyone you have made a ...

  23. How To Complete Heaven And Save Nanako In Persona 4 Golden

    Things To Know Before Going To Heaven. The Heaven dungeon in P4G is a beautifully horrifying combination of Nanako's desire to be with her deceased mother again, and Namatame's god-complex about "saving" people around Inaba. The dungeon becomes available on 11/6, and you have until 11/20 to complete it.