•   Saturday, August 31, 2024

Future Educators

Future Educators

Helping America's Future Teachers

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay

My dream is to become a teacher . If you have this dream, you’re not alone. Here’s a collection of short essays by aspiring teachers. Current and future education students were asked to describe their motivation; what inspires them to succeed at their teacher training studies.

In these 31 student essays, future educators answer the question “I want to become a teacher because …” or “I want to become a teacher to …”. The short student essays are grouped thematically, forming the top reasons to become a teacher.

1. Giving Brings Its Own Rewards

Early childhood teacher

Helping people is the unifying theme as to why students are inspired and motivated to become teachers. Education is a field where you can help young people directly in a personal way; potentially changing their lives for the better. Teaching is more than just a job.

For a significant percentage of education students, the opportunity to be of service provides plenty of motivation to pursue a teaching career. In each Why I Want to Become a Teacher essay here, a future educator explains why teaching is an opportunity to do something meaningful and beneficial.

by Hanna Halliar

If I can make an impact in just one child’s life, I will be able to consider myself successful. That is my motivation. As a future educator, what else would it be?

Every day that is spent in class, the late nights at the library, the endless hours of studying are all just steps getting me closer to the goal. When I am still up at 1 a.m. struggling to keep my eyes open, but only half way through my 6 page paper I remember how excited I am to work with my own students one day.

To me, being a teacher is so much more than the typical response most people have towards education majors. “Oh, you’re going to be a teacher. You know how much you will make?” Yes, I’m aware that I will be making an average of $50,000 a year in Indiana.

To me being a teacher means that I get the opportunity to not only teach my students math, English, and science but to teach life lessons that will stick with them as well.  It means walking into school every day being the reason my students look forward to coming to school. It means being surrounded by crafts, books, and music and not being stuck in an office. It means educating our future generation. And if somebody has to do it, it should be somebody who is passionate about it.

So what motivates me to study? It is so simple, it is the kids.

by Savannah Stamates

I lay awake at night and practice my first morning message to my first round of students whom I will not meet for more than a year.

I wonder if I will have hungry children, happy children, or broken children. I wonder if I will be good enough or strong enough to reach those most in need.  I wonder if my students will trust me enough to tell me that they are hungry, happy, or scared.

I worry that I will not be strong enough to share their burden or provide a place for peace and learning. I worry that I will misread their actions or their words or miss them reaching out.

So I study, even when I am tired from working two jobs or sick of not being where I want to be. When my time comes to walk into that classroom, my worries and doubts will be silenced by the knowledge I have mastered and the dream I have finally achieved.

by Charity Latchman

Dreams for the future are subjective. They can be based on what we desire. But visionary dreams are not only for us. Imagine asking some of the greatest revolutionaries and pioneers about their dreams. They generally had others in mind. In the famous “I have a Dream” speech, Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said “we” more than thirty times. Dreams are not for our benefit alone, but to encourage, inspire and benefit others.

Recently I graduated from California Baptist University with a degree in English literature. During my studies, I was cared for my disabled mother. She was a religious studies professor who inculcated me with a diligent and steadfast approach to schoolwork. Managing the role of caregiver with university studies was challenging. But the goal to become a teacher kept me going. Approaching graduation, my mother was diagnosed with throat cancer. She didn’t worry about herself as much as you might expect but kept pushing me to finish the final paper in the program.

With her encouragement, my faith, and a burning desire to teach English literature, I graduated. My motivation comes from wanting to help, to encourage, and to inspire others.  Teaching is an act of giving that has its own rewards.  Life’s trials bring ups and downs. But we must always strive to attain our dreams, especially when others are central to them.

by Katheryn England

As a high school senior, many people assume I’m prepared for college and know what I want to study after graduation. These assumptions cause me to experience moments of self-doubt. Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.

A goal I have in my life is to be an elementary teacher, also known as an early childhood teacher. As a teacher,  I can share the knowledge I’ve gained to leave behind a better future for our world .

Last year, I had the opportunity to work alongside a previous elementary teacher and mentor of mine. I’d visit her classroom daily, and taught lessons alongside her or independently. Uniquely, they were the opening act in my high school’s original winter play. They read first-hand from our scripts and learned what happens behind the scenes. Showing a new part of the world to the youth of my community has motivated me to pursue my dreams.

Remembering this experience and the positive influence I had on those students helps me overcome self-doubt and stay focused on my goals. Thanks to the goals I’ve set for my life, I not only can find purpose for my efforts, but find the will to be confident in whatever choices I make.

by Emma Lillard-Geiser

I have always known that I would become two things: a mother and a teacher. What I didn’t know is that I would become the mother before the teacher. Having a child that depends on me is what fuels my desire to succeed in life. When I get frustrated with my studies I take a deep breath, look at my daughter, and know that I have reason to persevere. I know that one hour of studying will give me hours with my daughter as soon as I am done.

My mother is a teacher and growing up I cherished learning from her. She had knowledge that I admired and I quickly realized that I had to spend my whole life learning. I love to learn, to have that light go off in my head when it all just clicks.

I cannot wait to see that light in the eyes of my daughter and my future students.  For every thing that I learn, is another thing I can teach someone else.  It isn’t easy to study when you have a small child to take care of but I know that my education will provide me with the ability to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

2. Help Disadvantaged Students

Teacher helping disadvantaged student

Students are disadvantaged for many reasons, whether it’s because of a handicap, where they live, economic disadvantage or a language barrier.

Future educators may want to become teachers so they can make a difference in the lives of students who face extra learning challenges. This special interest often comes from the future teacher’s own experience, either personally or involving people they’ve known.

by Ian T Thomason

While attending the University of Minnesota-Mankato, I have aspirations of becoming a Special Education Teacher. Becoming a Special Education Teacher and helping students who have a need for extra help and students who are having troubles with everyday life are things that I dream of doing.  I was in their shoes once and know how difficult it is to deal with everyday life and how nice it was have a teacher to talk to.

Becoming a Special Education Teacher is my ultimate goal and, when difficult times arise, I have to remind myself of the children out there who have it potentially worse than I. When I remember this, I also think back to all of the support that I had from my parents, family members, and teachers. I also know that there are lots of children who don’t have this type of support and, if I can be there for them, that would make my career choice all the more worth it.

My Special Education degree is something more than just a degree for me. It is a degree that allows me to help children improve their education. I realize that children are our future and that their minds are terrible things to waste. So, instead of wasting their minds, why not put our best foot forward to educate them? My dream is to help kids realize their full potential, promote education and a brighter future for every child.

by Katherine

Motivation allows you to persist through difficult circumstances. Mine comes from a desire to grow into an instructor who is able to make a difference to many children’s lives.

In elementary school, I actually was a special education student. I’ve had to work hard most days of my life to achieve anything. I could not have succeeded without the support of some absolutely amazing teachers. Now I desire to take on that supporting role for as many students as I can reach.

When a class or an assignment I don’t want to do come up, I think of what motivates me. And the motivation is children. Many students feel powerless about their education, just like I did.  I could be a teacher who turns their education around, providing vital support and motivation to succeed at their studies.  Ultimately, everyone motivates themselves by one way or another. My motivation comes from the pure desire to help future students.

by Robbie Watson

My road to graduate school has been a long one. I studied religion and culture in undergrad, interested in the material, yet not sure how I would apply it later. Yet I found places, got involved in community and international development, engaged with different cultures, and now feel I use my degree every day.

For over two years I worked alongside Congolese refugees in Rwanda, developing educational opportunities for youths who could not finish secondary school in the underfunded camps. It is these refugees, young and old, the students, the teachers, their passion and vision for a better future that has driven me to seek out more education for myself. I remember how they would pay from their families’ meager funds to attend classes led by volunteer teachers. When finances were against them, or time, or family obligations, or the dire depression of the camp life itself, or even government officials were against them, still those students attended, still those teachers taught.

It is their example of perseverance towards a goal against all odds that inspires me now. I think of them often, think of the friends they were, are still. And I think of how that passion is in me now, to better understand education so that I might better educate, and thus equip such downtrodden communities to work for transformation themselves. I work not only for myself, and am motivated by the potential in those students and educators, which is also in me, and in others like them.

by Natalie Pelayo

I’m a young Latino woman working towards the goal of earning a bachelor degree in bilingual education. On occasions, I feel a slowing in my motivation. But, every time it happens, I think about the goal and that pushes me to move forward.

Looking back to a middle school class I attended, there was a boy who never really participated. He sat in his hoodie, looking down to his desk. Only after trying to talk with him, I discovered he spoke with broken English and a thick Spanish accent. It seemed as if no-one in our class actually knew that he struggled to understand what was being taught because it was presented in English.

By his manner, it was apparent that he had already accepted a dismal fate. Past teachers may have been unable to communicate with him. Eventually, he’d become demoralized.  Thinking about the disadvantages he had to endure provides ongoing motivation to study hard.

I aim to become a bilingual elementary school teacher to support young Spanish-speaking children. As a teacher, I’ll be able to show them that they can succeed. Children need not grow up thinking they’re incapable of learning due to a language barrier. I’ll keep working towards my goal to help ensure teaching is inclusive of all children, no matter their first language.

by Abigail Young

I am an American citizen, but my whole life I have lived in Cameroon, Africa. I have been blessed with an enormous amount of opportunities and a great education at a private international school.

Every day I have seen children and teenagers around me who do not get the same education or have the same possibilities of a “bright” future. I see schools that are forced to have three children share a small table, paper, and pens. I have seen a badly lit room with poor roofs and walls made from bricks. Even in my school there are numerous Cameroonians, my friends, and classmates that do not have the same chances at a higher level education, although they work just as hard.

When I study, I study hard because I do not want to let this chance and opportunity go to waste. I study because I have been undeservedly blessed to be able to go the United States for a high education with better chances at getting scholarship money. I study my hardest because  it is my dream that I may come back and make a difference in countries like Africa with poor education systems . It should be a right for children to be able to learn like I have. Therefore, because of this mindset, I am driven to study not just out of thankfulness for my circumstances, but also in hope that I may be able to give other children a better chance, and a greater reason to study.

3. Helping Many People Is Achievable in Teaching

Crowded classroom with many hands up

A powerful source of motivation for some education students is the potential to touch and positively impact the lives of many people. Education is a field of consequence and that’s a good reason for wanting to join the teaching profession.

Over the course of a long career, a classroom teacher may help shape the learning experience of hundreds or even thousands of students. In policy roles, educators can affect millions of people.

by Rachel Bayly

Through high school I worked as a teacher at a daycare. When I left for college I said goodbye to a lot of people, including my students. All summer I had woken up at five in the morning to go to work and wait for them to arrive and put a smile on my face. Those kids motivated me to keep waking up and working hard, and leaving them was not easy.

The thing that made that goodbye worth it, the reason that I keep pushing through this tying chapter of my life is that  I am determined to improve early childhood education in the United States .

I want to be a positive force in the lives of as many children as I possibly can, and I plan on doing that by improving standards and policies for early childhood education and making it more affordable.

Every week I write in my planner, “I will make a difference” and one way that I will change the lives of children and families. On days that I find myself asking, “why am I here?” “why am I going into debt, paying to be stressed out all the time?” I think of my students. I read my “I will make a difference” statements.

I remember that some children out there are stuck in low quality child care centers, they will never reach their full potential, and they need help. I keep working hard everyday so that I can help those children.

by Megan Burns

My ultimate goal is to change the lives of people. Studying to be a teacher is hard. All of the classes that are required, all of the practicums, and all of the time spent just to become a teacher is stressful, but the thought of being able to help just one person changes everything.

It takes one person to be a light in someone’s life. It take one person to be a helping hand. It takes one person to change an unmotivated, broken life, and make it brand new. Qualified teachers are those people.  We motivate students to do their best, we guide students to success when no one else will, and we are always available to listen.  One teacher can change the lives of thousands of students. That is my motivation.

I know that after college, I will be a teacher, a guider, a counselor, and a friend to so many students. No matter how many bad days I have or how many times I want to quit, I just think of what is to come in the future. I can be that change this world needs, even if its in a small high school classroom. It just takes one person.

by Victoria Shoemkaer

My dream is to make a difference in the life of children.

  • To make them excited about learning.
  • To make it fun the way it used to be when they were younger.
  • To show them that someone cares about them and wants to see them succeed.
  • To show that they are much more that a test score or a number.
  • To believe in them so much, that I do not let them get discouraged from chasing their dreams.
  • To showing them that everyone fails and it’s your recovery that determines what happens next.
  • To sacrifice myself to gives them more opportunities for success.
  • To encourage students to succeed in and out of the classroom for the betterment of themselves and the community.
  • To inspire them to change the world, because they can.
  • To help them transform into caring and compassionate adults who are ready to conquer the word, but remember where they came from.
  • To teach them to do good in the world because anyone can accomplish doing well.

Most importantly, my dream is to make children feel like their voice is important and valued and that they are loved more than they know.

4. Lives Can Be Improved by Dedicated Instructors

African boy showing a computer tablet

Teaching a subject such as Math or English is the everyday task of a teacher. But our prospective teachers see a greater purpose in their training and career path.

The daily motivation to teach doesn’t come from the superficial advantages of a teaching career, such as great job security or extra vacation time. Here are stories by future educators who want to go beyond the curriculum and improve people’s lives all round.

by Savannah Luree Weverka

Teachers are the ones who ignited my love for learning and there is not a day that goes by when I do not challenge myself to a personal goal of lifelong learning.

My mother is a teacher, so I was a student educated in an institution filled with support and a home that also supported education. I recall many teacher “get-togethers” and Husker parties where an informal invitation led to my presence.

Due to all of this support and interaction received throughout my elementary and high school career, Elementary Education continues to be at the top of my career choices. And now, as a senior looking forward to graduating from high school,  teachers remain my role models .

In considering a focus in Elementary Education, I now realize that many teachers not only teach children eight hours of the day, but become doctors for scraped knees, dictionaries for challenging words, mediators between students, and parents away from home.

Now, as I am taking the steps to make my dream come true I hope to make school an escape to free their minds and expand their knowledge. I want to share my love of learning with my students.

by Aaron Banta

Since I was younger, I have had the dream of becoming a history teacher at the high school level. The reason I am striving for this career is thanks to a teacher I had.  They held such a passion for history and taught it so well that it made me want to keep learning everything I could about it.

In college, I have had to work multiple jobs and attend school full-time. I would wake up early in the morning and not get home until late at night. The one thing that kept me on top of my studying and work was the dream I have; to be able to teach history and express my love for it by teaching the next generation. I strive to impact their lives for the better just like mine was.

Being able to pass my courses and get a degree and teaching credentials is the first main goal I am striving for. But being able to have a positive impact on students I have will be an even greater goal that I want to accomplish. I am hoping to guide them through their study of my favorite subject so I can teach them about the world and help them just like my teacher had helped me.

by Chelsea Rogers

At USC Upstate, I am studying to be a Secondary Education Mathematics teacher. The math courses are not easy and the education courses pushes you to challenge yourself. The thought of being a future teacher is what motivates me to keep pushing.

Although I do not know any of my students, they are precious to me and I believe it is my job to change their lives for the better.  Teaching math is my job, but looking beyond my content and into the wellbeing of my students is my passion.

The question I always ask myself is how can I teach students who may not trust me? I have to establish a connection with each student so that they will see I care about them academically, physically, and emotionally. Once students see that you care about them in these areas, it becomes easier to teach them and they are willing to perform to the best of their ability because they know their teacher supports them 100 percent. Being a great teacher is what motivates me to continue striving for my degree.

by Micayla Watroba

One plus one is two. Phone is pronounced with an F sound. 60 divided by 15 is 4. An essay typically has five paragraphs. I know all these things because I went to school. I also had teachers that helped me understand it even when I didn’t get the same opportunities as everyone else.

See, when I was in first grade I was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. This made school very hard. I was either out of school so often that I missed entire chapters or I was bullied so badly that I couldn’t focus because I was so scared. Having cancer also made it hard for my mom and dad to pay for food and rent much less after school activities and tutoring. I grew up knowing that there were some things that were just not in reach for us. 

For as bad as I had it, I can’t imagine having to live on the streets, going hungry, or even being taught in a language I don’t know.

My dream is to be the teacher that makes sure that every student gets an education that helps them succeed.  I want to make sure that my students not only enjoy being at school but feel safe while there.  My students will know that it doesn’t matter where they came from or what background they came from. I am going to be there and I will not leave them behind. This is my dream.

5. Promote Lifelong Learning in Young People

Curriculum delivery in the classroom

What inspires some people to become teachers is the power to set young people on the right education path. Helping children to have good early experiences and embrace the learning process can profoundly enhance someone’s life. The potential for transformative early development applies to handicapped and disadvantaged kids as much as anyone.

by Lesley Martinez-Silva

I aspire to make a difference in others’ lives through education. I’m studying to be an elementary school teacher because I believe that children can achieve so much more if they learn early of their potential.

Education has always been my priority. My parents always stressed the importance of obtaining an education, having missed that opportunity themselves. My parents taught me as a child that schooling was vital to success in life. Truly, that lesson has been the most important in my path to college. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far had I not taken my education seriously.

I want to teach others about the importance of education so they too can prosper.  Everything I’m learning at university is important for my future career and, if I don’t study it, I’m failing my future students. Every child deserves the best education available and I should strive to be the best educator possible to provide that for them. When balancing academics, work, and my social life, it can get challenging to keep going. But, with the future of children’s education in my hands, I always get back on track.

by Brianna Rivers

One of my goals is to become a teacher and work in an public elementary school within the greater Boston area (possibly my own elementary school). I want to be a teacher because I enjoy working with children and I know how important teachers are in children’s lives. I plan on receiving my Bachelor’s degree for Early Childhood Education and my Master’s degree in Special Education.

I want to major in Early Childhood Education because  early education is significant for children and is a building block for their future in learning . I also want to major in Special Education because I believe all children should receive equal learning opportunities as well as equal treatment (meaning an inclusive environment, etc).

I think all of my experiences have a positive impact on myself because I am learning more about what it takes to be a teacher and what it takes to be a good teacher. My experiences also have a positive impact on the children and adults I work with. I offer a helping hand to the teachers and a friendly face to the children.

I plan to continue to work hard and take advantage of learning opportunities to achieve both of my goals. Being a teacher is my desire and I will stop at nothing to be a great teacher one day.

by Jennamarie Moody

When I close my eyes, I picture myself in a school located in an urban setting, teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. These students are in the second grade, meaning that they are impressionable yet vulnerable to their environment whether this means at home, at school, or in their greater community.

Some of these students don’t speak English as their first language, and some come from low-income households that can limit their educational experiences outside of the classroom. And yet, no matter what differences these students bring to the table, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects, and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working towards; the goal  to inspire our youth to become self-advocates for their learning .

Opportunities for equal educational experiences may not exist, however the beauty lies in the growth of love young students can develop as they are challenged in the classroom to question their surroundings. I plan to make a difference in the lives of the children I meet along the way, and to create a safe learning environment.

Although the tests for certification and studies can be difficult, my passion for education and dedication to shaping the lives of my students is what keeps me going. The end goal is to nurture the development of my students to become active and engaged participants in society, and that is what I intend to do completely.

by Julie Anderson

My long-time goal has been to become a teacher, and this year I’m in a class called Teachers for Tomorrow, where I get to shadow a kindergarten teacher. Working with her and the students has increased my interest in children with special needs.

From here on out, I want to support my students in academics and other parts of their lives so I can help them learn, grow, and succeed. I know that children need a strong start to their school career because the first few years of school are crucial; this is when students begin to love or hate learning itself. Whether or not children enjoy school, they deserve to appreciate learning. Students who love learning will always want to improve themselves.

I will make an effort to provide a loving environment where each child can prosper. However, for students with special needs, this task becomes even harder to accomplish because traditional classrooms are usually set up for non-disabled students.  While I know I can’t “save” every student I teach, and some of them will still hate learning, at least I can start them off right.

When I’m swamped with schoolwork, I will imagine my future students and how I could influence their lives. Even though not all of my college classes will relate to my major, forming a habit of working hard in college will help me to succeed as a future teacher.

6. Teachers Are Excellent Role Models

Enthralled student in classroom

The experience of being helped and transformed by a good teacher leaves a lasting impression. Teaching is considered a noble profession for good reasons.

Some education students are motivated to become a teacher to emulate their own role models. They want to provide the same kind of service they once received. An added reason for pursuing a teaching career is to be a role model to younger people outside the classroom, including one’s own children.

by Teresa Pillifant

My first day – well, more like first semester- of my freshman year in high school was the hardest semester of my whole school career. Usually the kind of student who loves school, I found myself getting stomach aches in the morning and dreading school with my whole being. I was new to the school, and the number of students was overwhelming.

It seemed like there was no relief, except for my first hour Spanish class. Having no friends, I would always arrive at my first hour class early. As this pattern continued, my Spanish teacher and I developed a relationship. My teacher started giving me books to read, asking my opinion on what we should do in class and just talked to me in general about life. Through my teacher’s support, I grew to find my place in the school and became more confident.

Her kind words and actions inspired me to become a teacher myself.  Now, whenever school or life gets difficult, I think of my freshmen year Spanish teacher and how she inspired me. I want to do what she did for me for my future students. Whether it be a difficult test or a challenging class, my goal of making a difference in a student’s life keeps me going.

by Mo Cabiles

The world we live in is hard, unsteady and ruthless. We see this everyday in the harshness of homelessness, to social media screaming for justice. What motivates me to continue on is that I have felt the bitter cold bite of homelessness. I know what it’s like to not have enough to eat and to be scared of what will happen next.

I am fortunate to no longer be in those situations but that, by no means, is an indicator that it will all now come easy. As an adult learner and your “non-traditional” student, there are other obstacles I must overcome. From transportation to childcare or education application mastery to APA formatting, the many roadblocks I tackle both large and small are what I consider to be my victories.

I’ve seen what having a higher education can do for someone and I want that for myself and that of my daughters.  I strive to be a good example for them , to show them that, regardless of social standing and unforeseeable circumstances, if they work hard and put their best effort forward, they can achieve their dreams.

My dream is to obtain my Masters in Education with an emphasis in counseling. I want to be an academic advisor or guidance counselor. I’ve seen so many youths attempt community college and fail because they fell through the cracks. These students need to realize their potential and I want to help them achieve that and to be their cheerleader.

by Gia Sophia Sarris

In every school I’ve ever attended, experienced teachers were there to support and inspire me. I have looked up to these people ever since I was in elementary school, and they have had an immense and positive impact on my life and my view of the world.  My fondness for these people [educators] has led me to aspire to become a teacher.

I want to “pay it forward” and improve the lives of children and teenagers who grow up struggling as I did, or in any way for that matter. I want to make a difference in their lives and let them know that they are not alone with their problems.

This is what motivates me to study hard. Becoming a teacher, I believe, will help me fulfill my purpose in life, which I think is to create happiness and ease the burdens of others. I feel that children and teenagers need this especially, because they are struggling to understand the world and their place in it. I study hard for their sake.

by Jennifer Wolfert

From elementary school to my first year at college, I struggled to establish a dream for myself. Trying to figure out what career I wanted to pursue as successful adult always filled me with anxiety. I had spent multiple years in special education and left with a low academic self-esteem. So, after high school I attended Bucks County Community College in search for more time. Still I made no progress. Then I decided to change my outlook. I stopped asking “what do I want to do?” and started asking “who do I want to be?”. That’s when my dream took shape.

The educators that I met during my time at community college were my inspiration.  They are brilliant, hardworking people with a passion for their specialty that I had never seen before. Their belief in hard work was infectious. School began to fill me with excited anticipation and my grades improved. I started to believe that if I worked hard enough then I could be like them and inspire others like they had inspired me.

At the end of my second year attending community college, I accomplished a task that had previously racked me with fear. I applied to Temple University as a Secondary English Education major. I have now completed my second semester at Temple and earned my first 4.0 GPA. In time, I am confident that I will be able to accomplish my dream. I will become the passionate and inspiring educator that my younger self never had.

by Jenyfer Pegg

My entire life has been filled with discouragement. I grew up in a household where I was constantly told “No”. I was told my ideas were stupid and would not work. In my junior year of high school, my teachers and counselors started talking about college and sending in applications to different places. At that point, I knew I was not going. I came from a poor family and I knew we could never have money for something like college.

But I went on college visits, I listened to people speak about their college, and I was set. I had a lot of things pushing me, except the one thing I really wanted, my family. No one in my family has gone to college, and when I told my mother, she was shocked. She told me she just wanted me out of the house.

When I came to school, I realized I wanted to teach high school. I want to make an actual difference in someone else’s life. My family has taken the same road for years, and I’m not going down that road. I won’t live paycheck to paycheck like my mom, I will be a person that others will look up to.

I’m going to do something worthwhile, and I will work harder than anyone else if it gets me there.  I’ve seen what my life will be like without school and motivation and there is absolutely no way I’m going down that road. I’ve got bigger plans.

7. Unlock the Success Potential of Students

College student holding books

Educators want to help students in every way they can but, for some future teachers, the focus is on helping students soar. That child in front of you in the classroom might grow up to do great things for society, raise a strong family, or just be happy and fulfilled.

Whatever the potential of a pupil, a teacher’s job is to help unlock talents and remove any barriers to future success.

by Tamara Vega

The thing that motivates me the most is the thought of having my own classroom someday. I want to be the teacher that changes a child’s life, inspires them to set high goals for themselves and encourages them to reach it.

College can be so hard at times and I get really anxious and scared. I worry about not passing my classes and exams, I worry about not getting my degree. Despite that I do not give up because I have to do this and I want to do this.

I cannot see myself doing anything else besides teaching, I have never been this passionate about something. I want to graduate and get my degree. I’d love to look at it and say, “I worked hard for this and I earned it”.

The idea that the students in my classroom could grow up to cure cancer, or become president, pretty much anything they want, brings me so much excitement.   I want to be the teacher that they remember, the one who helped them realize their dream and who gave them the knowledge needed to reach it.

Be the teacher that I needed as a child but unfortunately never had. That is what gets me through all the stress and anxiety, I know in my heart that all the studying I’m doing right now will be worth it in the end.

by Nicole Gongora

The dream of success motivates me to study – not my success, my future students’ success. I push myself through the rough spots for them.

I was a lost child in high school; I didn’t know how to apply to college, let alone afford it. No child should have to experience that. As a future educator, I am committed to helping my students succeed, achieve more, and continue onto higher education.  Every child should be given the opportunity to showcase their strengths and follow their dreams.

College was never a dream for me; it was a far off, unattainable fantasy. I met some inspiring teachers in high school who encouraged me to change my life and who helped me to thrive. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I plan to work at a low-income school similar to the one I attended. These types of schools are the ones who lack resources. I will serve as a resource to my students and I hope to be an inspiration to them. In turn, I hope they become kind, respectful adults. I want them to see the virtue in helping others and I hope they will serve others in their future careers. I want to be the teacher they remember. I want to be the teacher that helped them succeed.

I’ll feel successful as a teacher if my students are successful in attaining their goals. If one student decides to achieve more then I will have lived out my dream.

by Madison Sherrill

I’ve decided to become a teacher because I want to show the value of compassion and diversity.

As I begin college this upcoming fall, my main motivation is the students. While I haven’t even met them yet, they inspire me to persist in my classes and stay optimistic.  My classroom will support innovative thinking and celebrate each student’s individuality.

As a classroom teacher, I want to encourage and positively influence the next generation. They should know that they can be successful and achieve what they aspire to become while making the world better. By teaching the value of inclusiveness and the power of kindness, my students may turn out to be visionary thinkers and leading members of society.

by Alicia Costin

I am returning to school after taking a few years off. After graduating from California Lutheran University with my BS in Mathematics, I wanted to land a job with benefits and begin my “adult life”.

While it took me a few months to find my current job, is it just that; a job. I have benefits, a full-time schedule, weekends and holidays off, but am I happy? Is this what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life? I have asked myself this question a few times and the answer is always the same; no.

My dream is to become a teacher and help motivate and encourage students to do their best in their studies and in life.  It is my dream to do what I was meant to do; shape young minds and help future generations.

When things become difficult during my graduate program, I know to keep pushing, thriving, and studying hard so that, when I do become a teacher, I can use this as a positive story to shape their way of life. I landed a job outside of college, however now it is time for me to land my career.

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19 Top Ideas for a “Why I want to be a Teacher” Essay

19 Top Ideas for a “Why I want to be a Teacher” Essay

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Here are the 19 best reasons you would want to be a teacher that you can include in your essay:

  • To help children learn more effectively.
  • To ensure children have positive mentors.
  • To improve children’s lives.
  • To help future generations solve the problems of today.
  • To help the future generations become good citizens.
  • To inspire future generations to create a more equal world.
  • To give back to the community I grew up in.
  • To be a part of helping my community thrive.
  • To be a part of my community’s decision-making processes.
  • Because you have the patience for working with children.
  • Because you have compassion for children.
  • Because you want to learn from children.
  • Because you’re enthusiastic about learning.
  • Because you are a generous person.
  • Because you’re interested in learning how to teach difficult students.
  • Because you’re interested in learning how to work with difficult parents.
  • Because you’re interested in learning diverse strategies for teaching,
  • Because you’re interested in learning to master classroom management.
  • Because you’re interested in learning what works and what doesn’t in teaching.

The ‘Why I want to be a teacher’ essay is all about showing you have thought in-depth about what a teacher does and what their role is in society. It’s also about showing you think you’d be a good person to conduct that role.

The 9 Tips are split into five categories. You can scan this whole post or browse through the categories here:

This essay is hard to get right.

Most students write the exact same thing as one another with the same old cliché statements like “because I love kids” (ugh, wrong answer!). If you do this, your teacher will just give you an average grade (or worse).

You need your essay on “why you want to be a teacher” to be different – indeed excellent – so it stands out for your teacher.

I’ll show you how.

Why should you listen to me? Well, I’ve been teaching university students in education departments for 8 years. In that time I’ve marked several thousand essays by people aiming to become teachers. I know what essays get top marks and which ones are average. I also know exactly what mistakes students make that make their essays seem … dull.

So, let me get you started out by introducing 19 points that you should make in your essay on why you want to be a teacher. I’ll break these 19 points down into 5 separate categories. Check them out below.

Read Also: Is Being a Teacher Worth It? (Why I Quit a Good Job)

1. Definitely do not say “because kids are fun”. Do this instead.

The word ‘fun’ is a big red flag for markers. Too many people want to become teachers because they think it would be a fun profession. Or, they might think that they want to help children have fun . No, no, no.

This is an incorrect answer in your essay about why you want to become a teacher.

Yes, teaching is fun a lot of the time. And it is really nice to see students having fun based on activities you’ve set for them.

But society isn’t paying you to have fun, or even to make children have fun. You’re not going to be a child minder, aunt, uncle or clown. You’re going to be a professional who has a bigger social purpose than having fun.

Now, a lot of students say to me “But, students learn more when they’re having fun.” Sure, that might be true – but it’s not a central reason for teaching.

If making learning more fun is genuinely a reason why you decided to become a teacher, then you need to frame it in a way that shows the importance of teaching for the good of students. Here’s three better ways to say ‘because kids are fun’; for each on, we can start with “I want to become a teacher because…”:

  • I want to help children learn more effectively. You could say something like: …When I was in school, learning was hard and I therefore hated teaching. There were a lot of teachers who seemed uninspired and uninterested in whether their children are learning. I was inspired to become a teacher so I could help children like myself to learn in ways that are engaging, motivating and inspiring.
  • I want to ensure children have positive mentors. You could say something like: …Many children in the world don’t have positive mentors at home. A teacher is often the one person in a child’s life who is a stable mentor that the child can lean upon. I chose to become a teacher because I believe all children need a positive mentor that instils in them an interest in the world and a belief that they can make something of themselves.
  • I want to improve children’s lives. You could say something like: …Being a teacher will give me the power to make children’s lives better. Learning opens doors to new opportunities, ways of thinking and paths in life that children wouldn’t have had before me. I am inspired by the idea of helping a child who is sad, uncertain and lacks confidence to see their own potential for creating a fulfilling life for themselves.

All three of those ideas still skirt around the idea that helping children have fun is something you want to see happen, but they also point out that there’s something deeper here than the idea that children should have fun: they should have fun for a reason. That reason could be so they learn more, develop an interest in the world, or see that their lives are full of potential.

Note that in my three examples above, I never used the word ‘fun’: it’s too much of a red flag for your markers.

2. Explain how teaching helps the world! Here’s how.

Have you ever heard someone say that ‘Teaching is a noble profession’? Well, it is. And this is something you really should be talking about in your essay on why you want to become a teacher.

Your teacher will be impressed by your understanding that teaching is a profession that keeps the world turning. Without teachers, where would we be? Probably back in the dark ages where people couldn’t read or write, technology wasn’t advancing very quickly at all, and people mostly lived in ignorance of their world.

So, being a teacher is has a bigger social purpose. As a teacher, you’ll be an important piece of society. You’ll be one of the army of tens – no, hundreds – of thousands of people helping future generations to propel our world towards better days. Below are some ways teaching helps the world. You can start these off with “I want to become a teacher because…”

  • I want to help future generations solve the problems of today. Being a teacher gives you the opportunity to propel students to greater heights. The children in your classrooms will be the people who solve climate change (oh, goodness, I hope so!), create the technologies to make our lives more comfortable, and get us out of the ecological, economic and political messes we seem to have gotten ourselves into!
  • I want to help the future generations become good citizens. There’s a concept called the ‘ hidden curriculum ’. This concept points to the fact that children learn more at school than what’s in the tests. They also learn how to get along, manners, democratic values and the importance of sharing. These soft skills are more than just a by-product of education. They’re incredibly important for showing our students how to get along in our society.
  • I want to inspire future generations to create a more equal world. A lot of what we talk about at school are moral issues: what’s the right and wrong thing to do? How do our actions ensure or hinder equality of races, genders and social classes? As a teacher, you will be instilling in children the idea that the decisions they make will lead to a more or less equal world. And of course, we all want a more equal world for our children.

These points are some higher-order points that will help you teacher see that you’re becoming a teacher for more than ‘fun’. You’re becoming a teacher because you see the noble purpose in teaching. If you do this right, you’ll surely impress your teacher.

3. Discuss your commitment to community. Here’s how.

Teachers are at the center of communities. Parents take their children to school, drop them off, then go to work. They busily get on with their jobs: architect, shop assistant, nurse, builder, and so on… Then, they all come back at the end of the day to collect their children from school.

School is one of the few things that brings all of these different members of a community together. Parents gather around the pick up location to gather their kids, and there they stand around and chat about sports and politics and community issues.

School is at the heart of community.

And you, as a teacher, will be one of the respected members of that community: there to serve all the members of the community by helping to raise their children with the values of the community in which you live.

You can talk about this as a central reason why you want to be a teacher. How about you start off with: “I want to become a teacher because…”

  • I want to give back to the community I grew up in. You could say …I grew up in a close-knit community where we all looked out for one another. Being a teacher will give me the opportunity to give back to my friends and mentors in the town who need someone to raise their children who they trust will do a great job.
  • I want to be a part of helping my community thrive. You could talk about how you are from a growing community that needs good quality, respectable people who will educate future members of your community. As a teacher, you will be at the heart of ensuring your local town remains a great place to live.
  • I want to be a part of my community’s decision-making processes. Teachers hold a certain authority: they know how students learn, and they usually have a very deep understanding of what is best for children in order to ensure they thrive. You can talk about how you want to become a person with deep knowledge about the children in your community so you can help guide you community’s decisions around how to raise their young people.

Note that in this group of ideas, ‘community’ represents the close-knit town in which you live, whereas in point 2, I talked about ‘society’, which was the bigger picture of the future of our nation or world rather than just your town.

4. Discuss the personality traits you think you can bring to the role. Here’s how.

You should show how you have reflected on the requirements of the role of teaching and thought about whether you have the personality traits that are required.

Why? Well, you need to be able to show that you know what being a teacher is all about… and that you think you’d be good at it.

So, let’s dive in to 5 personality traits that teachers have, and how you can show you have those traits:

  • Patience. Patience is an enormously popular skill for teachers to have. You’ll have kids who just don’t understand concepts one iota, and you’ve got to sit there and work with them until they get it. It’s tedious, let me tell you!
  • Compassion. Patience and compassion go hand-in-hand. If you don’t feel empathy for the kid who’s struggling super hard at learning, you’ll get pretty mad and just give up. You might also say some mean things to the kid! So, compassion is really necessary if you want to become a good teacher.
  • Open minded. Teachers always need to be learning new things. We often talk about the importance of learning with students more than directly teaching If you set a student a task, you’ll be sending them out to gather as much information on the topic as possible. They’ll often come back with new knowledge and you will want to praise them for teaching you something new.
  • Enthusiasm. Let me tell you, when it’s Wednesday afternoon in the middle of a hot school week and everyone’s depressed and flat there’s one person to rally the troops: you! Teachers need to wake up every morning, put their happy face on, and march into the classroom with boundless enthusiasm. It’ll motivate your students and make them feel welcome in the learning environment.
  • Generosity. You need to be generous with your time and praise. You need to be constantly thinking about the students in your care and doing anything you can to help them learn, instil in them a love of learning, and give them the confidence to try anything. Teachers need to be very generous people.

There’s a ton more traits that make a good teacher that you can talk about. These are just a few. Go forth and learn more, and add them to your essay!

5. Conclude with the things you still need to learn. Here’s how.

One more thing: good teachers are constantly learning. As someone studying to be a teacher, you need to remember that there’s a long way to go before you have all the answers. Heck, I’ve been a teacher for nearly a decade and I’m not even half way towards knowing everything about being a good teacher.

So, conclude your essay by highlighting that you understand what the role of a teacher is in society and the key competencies required of a teacher; but then go further and mention your enthusiasm to learn more about the profession over the coming years.

Here’s 5 things you can mention that you still need to learn:

  • How to teach difficult students. Some students hate school – mostly because of their terrible experiences in the past. You need to learn to get through to difficult students, and this takes time and patience to learn the art of inspiring the uninspired.
  • How to work with difficult parents. Oh boy, you’ll have a lot of these. You can highlight this as one of the key things you want to work on in the coming years: again, you’ll need to draw on that skill of patience (as well as the skill of diplomacy ) when it comes time to deal with an angry parent.
  • Diverse strategies for teaching. There are a lot of different ways to go about teaching. Over the years you’ll pick up on the various strategies and tricks different teachers have to help children learn.
  • Classroom management. This is one of the hardest things young teachers need to learn. And really, it just takes time. Discuss how this is something you want to focus on, and how you’ll use mentors to really work on this skill.
  • What works and what doesn’t. Great teachers have this intuitive knowledge about what works and what doesn’t, all based upon their deep experience and trial-and-error. The only way to learn to teach is to do it. Over the coming years, you’ll be learning about this. A lot.

You’ll only need one or two paragraphs on this final point, but it’s a great way to end your essay on why you want to become a teacher. It’ll show your humility and eagerness to take on one of the noblest professions in the world.

If you want to learn to write a top notch conclusion, you might also like my post on the 5 C’s Conclusion method .

Before you finish up your essay, you might want to check out my awesome posts on how to improve your essays, like these ones:

  • How to write a killer Introduction
  • My perfect paragraph formula , and
  • How to edit your essay like a pro .

I promised 19 thoughtful points to make in your essay about why you want to be a teacher. Here they are, all summed up in one final list:

  • Say you want to help children learn more effectively.
  • Say you want to ensure children have positive mentors.
  • Say you want to improve children’s lives.
  • Say you want to help future generations solve the problems of today.
  • Say you want to help the future generations become good citizens.
  • Say you want to inspire future generations to create a more equal world.
  • Say you want to give back to the community you grew up in.
  • Say you want to be a part of helping your community thrive.
  • Say you want to be a part of your community’s decision-making processes.
  • Say you want to share your patience with your students.
  • Say you want to share your compassion with your students.
  • Say you want to learn from your students (be ‘open minded’)
  • Say you want to share your enthusiasm for learning with your students.
  • Say you want to share your generosity with your students.
  • Say you’re interested in learning how to teach difficult students.
  • Say you’re interested in learning how to work with difficult parents.
  • Say you’re interested in learning diverse strategies for teaching,
  • Say you’re interested in learning to master classroom management.
  • Say you’re interested in learning what works and what doesn’t in teaching.

Why I want to be a teacher essay

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  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 21 Montessori Homeschool Setups
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 101 Hidden Talents Examples

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Essay About Being a Teacher: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

If you are writing an essay about being a teacher, here are some examples to give you inspiration.

Without a doubt, teaching is one of the most important professions one can have. Teachers give children the lessons they must learn to face the future and contribute positively to society. They can be considered the gateway to success stories such as Oprah Winfrey , Adele , and John Legend , all of whom have cited their teachers as major inspirations to their careers. 

Many educators would say that “teaching is its own reward.” However, it may be difficult to see how this is the case, especially considering the fact that being an educator entails massive amounts of stress and pressure. Teaching has actually been reported to be one of the most underpaid jobs , yet many teachers still love what they do. Why is this?

If you want to write an essay about being a teacher, whether you are one or not, you can get started by reading the 5 examples featured here. 


1. Reflections on being a teacher … by Darren Koh

2. teaching in the pandemic: ‘this is not sustainable’ by natasha singer, 3. why i got rid of my teacher’s desk by matthew r. morris, 4. stress is pushing many teachers out of the profession by daphne gomez, 5. doubt and dreams by katheryn england, top writing prompts on essay about being a teacher, 1. what makes teaching so fulfilling, 2. what can you learn from being a teacher, 3. why do people become teachers, 4. should you become a teacher, 5. how have teachers helped you become who you are today.

“Although strictly speaking, based on the appointments I hold, I really do not have time to do much of it. I say teach, not lecturing. The lecturer steps up to the lectern and declaims her knowledge. She points out the difficulties in the area, she talks about solutions to problems, and she makes suggestions for reform. The focus is on the subject – the students follow. The teacher, however, needs to meet the students where they are in order to bring them to where they have to be. The focus is on the student’s ability.”

Koh writes about how he teaches, the difficulties of teaching, and what it means to be a teacher. He helps his students hone their skills and use them critically. He also discusses the difficulty of connecting with each student and focusing their attention on application rather than mere knowledge. Koh wants students to achieve their full potential; teaching to him is engaging, inspirational, and transparent. He wants readers to know that being a teacher is rewarding yet difficult, and is something he holds close to his heart.

“‘I work until midnight each night trying to lock and load all my links, lessons, etc. I never get ahead,” one anonymous educator wrote. ‘Emails, endless email. Parents blaming me because their kids chose to stay in bed, on phones, on video games instead of doing work.’”

Singer writes about the difficult life of teachers trying to balance in-person and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. On top of the standard class routine, being a teacher during the pandemic has entailed the burden of handling students who opt for remote learning. They are faced with additional struggles, including connection issues, complaining parents, and being overworked in general- it’s as if they teach twice the number of classes as normal. This is exhausting and may prove detrimental to the American education system, according to the sources Singer cites. 

“What it means to me is that I am checking (or acknowledging) my privilege as a teacher in the space of the classroom and in order to facilitate a more equitable classroom community for my students, erasing one of the pillars of that inequity is a step in the right direction. I am comfortable in my role as the head member in my classroom, and I don’t need a teacher’s desk anymore to signify that.”

Morris, an educator, writes about what teaching means to him, highlighted by his decision to remove his teacher’s desk from his classroom. Being a teacher for him is about leading the discussion or being the “lead learner,” as he puts it, rather than being an instructor. His removal of the teacher’s desk was decided upon based on his desire to help his students feel more equal and at home in class. He believes that being a teacher means being able to foster authentic connections both for and with his students.

“Teachers want to help all students achieve, and the feeling of leaving any student behind is devastating. The pressure that they put on themselves to ensure that they serve all students can also contribute to the stress.”

Gomez writes about the stress that comes with being a teacher, largely due to time constraints, lack of resources, and the number of students they must instruct. As much as they want to help their students, their environment does not allow them to touch the lives of all students equally. They are extremely pressured to uphold certain standards of work, and while they try as hard as they can, they do not always succeed. As a result, many teachers have left the profession altogether. Gomez ends her piece with an invitation for teachers to read about other job opportunities. 

“Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.”

Taken from a collection of short essays, England’s essay is about why she so desperately wishes to become a teacher. She was previously able to work as a teaching assistant to her former elementary school teacher, and enjoyed imparting new knowledge unto children. Even in moments of self-doubt, she reminds herself to be confident in her dreams and hopes to be able to make a difference in the world with her future profession.

Essay about being a teacher: What makes teaching so fulfilling?

When it comes to teachers, we often hear about either “the joy of teaching” or the immense stress that comes with it. You can explore the gratitude and satisfaction that teachers feel toward their jobs, even with all the struggles they face. Read or watch the news and interviews with teachers themselves.

Research on the skills and qualifications people need to be teachers, as well as any qualities they may need to do their job well. What skills can you get from teaching? What traits can you develop? What lessons can you learn? 

Despite the seemingly endless barrage of stories about the difficulties that teachers face, many people still want to teach. You can explore the reasoning behind their decisions, and perhaps get some personal insight on being a teacher as well. 

Based on what you know, would you recommend teaching as a job? If you aren’t too knowledgeable on this topic, you can use the essay examples provided as guides- they present both the positive and negative aspects of being a teacher. Be sure to support your argument with ample evidence- interviews, anecdotes, statistics, and the like.  

Teachers, whether in a school setting or not, have almost certainly helped make you into the person you are now. You can discuss the impact that your teachers have had on your life, for better or for worse, and the importance of their roles as teachers in forming students for the future.

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

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I Want to Be a Teacher: 10 Essays

Do you want to become a teacher? So do the university and college students who wrote these essays.

Here we share 10 essays from education students who explain their reasons for wanting to become teachers. In each essay, a student discusses the reasons why they want to be a teacher and their motivation for studying towards their education degree.

The essays share similar themes of passion, commitment, and perseverance in pursuing a career in teaching. We hope you find them informative, useful and inspiring!

1. Future Leaders

The first essay discusses the importance of being a difference-maker and inspiring future leaders through a classroom that celebrates individuality and inclusion.

In a society where diversity is often not embraced, I strive to be the change that we need to see. This is why I have chosen to pursue a career in teaching. My goal is to be a role model of compassion and support for every individual in my classroom; to make sure that my students know that they are valued for who they are.

As I begin my journey as a university student, my focus is firmly fixed on my future students. Even though I haven’t met them yet, they inspire me to work hard in my studies and to remain hopeful for what lies ahead. I am determined to create a learning environment that fosters creative thinking and celebrates the unique qualities that each of my students possess.

As a teacher, my aim is to have a positive impact on the next generation, motivating and encouraging them to succeed and pursue their dreams while also making a difference in the world. I believe that teaching the value of inclusivity and the power of kindness will help to shape my students into forward-thinking and well-educated members of society.

Ultimately, I aspire to help create a world where diversity is not only accepted but celebrated, where every individual is valued and appreciated for their unique talents and qualities. Through my role as a teacher, I am confident that I can play a part in making this vision a reality. I’m excited to embark on this journey with my future students.

2. For My Students

Essay number two highlights the student’s personal experience of being inspired by teachers in high school who helped her thrive and how she aims to do the same for her future students, particularly those from low-income schools.

As I reflect on my journey towards becoming a teacher, I realize that my ultimate motivation is not my own success, but the success of my future students. When faced with challenging coursework or long hours of studying, it’s the thought of being a positive influence on their lives that keeps me going.

My high school experience was one of confusion and uncertainty. I know that many other students in similar situations need guidance and support. No child should feel lost or hopeless when it comes to their future. As an educator, it’s my responsibility to help them navigate the path towards success. I understand the struggles of those from low-income backgrounds, and am committed to helping these students achieve more than they thought possible.

I plan to work in a school that faces similar challenges to the one I attended. These schools often lack the resources needed to provide students with the best opportunities. But I aim to be a resource for them. My hope is to be an inspiration to my students, to show them that anything is possible with hard work and determination. I want them to see that kindness and respect can go a long way, and that helping others can be a rewarding experience.

As a teacher, I want to be the one my students remember for the rest of their lives. I want to be the teacher who helped them achieve their goals and encouraged them to strive for more. My personal success will be measured by the success of my students. If even one student decides to pursue higher education or achieve more than they ever thought possible, then I will have achieved my dream. I know that being a teacher will be challenging, but it is the thought of positively influencing the lives of my students that will keep me going.

3. ESL Children

The third essay is about the goal of becoming an English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) teacher to help young ESL children succeed in a world where an education in their native language is often unavailable.

I’m a Hispanic young woman working towards my goal of earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Bilingual Education. At times, I definitely have felt a slowing in my motivation. But, every time that happens, I think about my end goal and that gets me moving again.

I recall one middle school class where a boy caught my attention. He remained disengaged and would never participate in class. After interacting with him, I learned that he spoke broken English with a Spanish accent, and that he struggled to understand his teacher’s lessons because they were delivered in English. It was clear that he had given up due to his past experiences.

Thinking about that boy and the struggles he faced inspires me to keep working hard. I am determined to become an English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) teacher so that I can make a positive impact on young ESL children and show them that they can succeed in this world. I refuse to let another child believe that they are incapable of learning simply because they do not speak English fluently. Children are the future, and it is my goal to make sure that the future includes all children, regardless of their first language.

I know that pursuing a degree in Bilingual Education will not be easy, but I am ready to put in the work. I believe that being able to communicate with and support non-native English speakers will be an essential part of my role as a teacher. It will be a privilege to help them understand the material and overcome language barriers. In the end, the reward of seeing my students succeed and grow will be more than enough to keep me motivated.

4. Want to Give

Essay 4 expresses a desire to teach English literature and the importance of giving back to others through teaching.

Dreams are not just about our own personal desires and aspirations. They also have the power to inspire and uplift others, and this is something that has always been important to me.

Throughout history, some of the most important and influential people have had a vision for the future that went beyond their own individual success. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a prime example of this. In his famous “I have a Dream” speech, he spoke not just about his own dreams, but about the dreams of a whole community.

A desire to help and inspire others has been a driving force in my life. When I was in college, I was also caring for my disabled mother, who was a religious studies professor. Despite the challenges of being a caregiver and a student at the same time, I was motivated by my desire to teach English literature. My mother’s influence also taught me the importance of diligence and steadfastness in pursuing my goals.

As I graduated from California Baptist University with my degree in English literature, my mother was facing a new challenge: she had been diagnosed with throat cancer. But even in the face of this difficult news, she continued to encourage me to finish my final paper so that I could graduate. With her love and support, as well as my own religious faith, I was able to complete my degree and move forward towards my dream of becoming a teacher.

For me, the idea of giving back is a central part of my dream. I believe that teaching is a way to share what I have learned with others and to inspire them to pursue their own dreams. Life is full of challenges, but by striving towards our goals and dreams, we can make a positive impact on the world around us. This is what motivates me to keep studying and working towards my dream of becoming a teacher.

5. Giving Back

The fifth essay discusses a young woman’s personal experience of being a special education student in primary school and how that has motivated her to become a teacher who can make a difference in the lives of many children.

I believe that my motivation to become a teacher stems from my own experiences as a special education student. As a child, I often felt lost and hopeless in school, but I was lucky to have amazing teachers who helped me succeed. Their support inspired me to want to become a teacher myself so that I could help other students who were struggling.

Whenever I feel unmotivated, I think of the impact that I can have on children’s lives. I think about the children who are struggling in school, just like I did, and I know that I have the power to make a positive difference in their lives. It’s not just about helping them get good grades; it’s about giving them the confidence and support they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives.

I also find motivation in the fact that every child is unique and has their own set of strengths and challenges. As a teacher, I want to create an environment where all students feel seen and heard, and where they can thrive in their own way. I want to help them discover their strengths and build on them, while also providing support and guidance in areas where they may struggle.

In the end, my motivation is not just about me and my own success, but about the success of my future students. I believe that every child deserves a chance to succeed, and I want to be the teacher who helps them achieve their dreams.

6. Good Morning

Teacher giving model wind power demonstration to students

In Essay 6, the author discusses the flaws they see in the current education system and their desire to become a teacher to create positive change from within.

I completely understand what it feels like to not be considered “naturally intelligent.” I too have never been the kind of person who can easily get good grades without putting in the hard work. But that’s precisely what motivates me to study harder and push myself to be the best I can be.

For me, that motivation comes from my dream of becoming a primary school teacher. I want to be the kind of teacher who can inspire children to pursue their passions and achieve their dreams, just like my teachers did for me. When I see the joy on my siblings’ faces when they understand a new concept, it makes me even more determined to pursue my dream.

Despite the long hours of studying and the sacrifice of my free time, I never lose sight of my end goal. The thought of being able to introduce myself to a new class of students and say, “Good morning class, my name is Ms. Meyers,” makes all the hard work worth it. I know that I can make a real difference in the lives of my students, and that is what keeps me going.

So, even though I may not be a naturally gifted student, I know that with hard work and dedication, I can achieve my dreams and become the kind of teacher I have always wanted to be.

7. Listen to Them

In the 7th essay, the future education explains their childhood dream of becoming a teacher and how they have pursued this dream through their education.

As someone who dreams of becoming a teacher, my motivation stems from the desire to be a positive influence on my students’ lives. Through volunteering with local youth organisations, I’ve had the opportunity to interact with teenagers and to be a role model and advocate for them. These experiences have only served to strengthen my passion for teaching.

One of the most rewarding things is being able to speak with teens about their lives and listen to their experiences. I remember how much it meant to me when I had someone who took the time to listen and provide guidance when I was a student. As a future teacher, I want to be as engaged as possible in my students’ growth and to treat them with the respect and care they deserve.

One of the challenges I’ve noticed when working with some of the students from these organisations is that they come from unique social and economic backgrounds that can make them feel ostracised by their peers. By being aware of their stories and experiences, I believe I can create an inclusive environment that recognises and values the diversity that each student brings to the classroom.

Through my experiences, I’ve learned that it’s not enough to just teach the curriculum; as an educator, I want to make a positive impact on my students’ lives and help them become confident and capable individuals. I believe that by being an attentive listener, providing guidance and support, and embracing diversity, I can help my future students achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

8. Life Coach

In the 8th essay, the author discusses their passion for teaching and how they want to empower young minds to think critically, creatively, and independently.

As I progress in my studies towards becoming a high school teacher, my motivation only grows stronger. Knowing that I have the potential to make a positive impact on the lives of teenagers, who are in the process of shaping their future and the future of generations to come, is a huge responsibility that I don’t take lightly.

When I think about the immense responsibility of being a mentor to my students, it can be overwhelming. But I believe that the potential positive outcomes far outweigh the challenges. For many teenagers, school is a safe haven and I want to be a teacher that my students can look up to and trust. I want to be the teacher that they can confide in and feel comfortable with, knowing that I am there for them, no matter what.

Having had the experience of not always feeling safe and secure at home, I want to be that support system for my students. I want them to know that they can rely on me to be there for them, to listen and to offer guidance. I believe that this will be a long-term effect, as my students will not only find comfort in my class but also find the motivation to continue to strive in their studies and reach their full potential.

Reflecting on my own high school experience, I remember Coach Morgan, who was funny, practical, and nice. He was the kind of teacher that every student trusted, and I want to be that kind of teacher for my students. I want to be the teacher that my students can count on, the one who they can trust and the one who they will always remember as a positive influence in their lives. It is this desire to be that teacher, to make that impact, that drives me to study and work hard to achieve my goal.

9. The Motivator

Essay 9 emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with students to create a positive learning environment and how the future educator wants to do this as a teacher.

As a high school senior, I’m at a turning point in my life where I’m excited about what the future holds for me. After much thought and consideration, I’ve decided to pursue an online teaching degree in Primary Education at university. It’s an opportunity for me to give back to the community and make a positive difference in the lives of young children.

Looking back on my own school experiences, I’ve had the privilege of being taught by some truly inspiring individuals who have helped me discover my passion for teaching. These teachers were not just educators, they were role models who motivated and encouraged me to achieve my goals. Their dedication and love for their work have inspired me to follow in their footsteps.

As a future teacher, my goal is to be just as effective as the teachers who have had a profound impact on my life. I want to make a difference in the lives of my students and inspire them to reach their full potential. In today’s world, children need someone to look up to, to encourage and motivate them, and I want to be that person for them.

Knowing that I can be a positive influence in a child’s life is what motivates me to pursue my dreams. I’m determined to succeed, to be a successful university student, and eventually, a successful teacher. I’m excited about what lies ahead, and I’m ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come my way. My university education is the first step towards a bright future, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

10. Special Needs

In the final essay, the writer describes their deep sense of calling to become a teacher and how they want to use their skills and talents to inspire and make a positive impact on the lives of their students.

I see him walk into the gym. We make eye contact. His arms open and he smiles as big as he can. He makes his way up the challenging steps on the bleachers to get to me. He hugs me harder than anyone else. He doesn’t judge how I look or what I am wearing. He is truly happy to see me for who I am. He has down syndrome and his name is Kellan.

The moment I met Kellan was a defining one in my life. I had always known that I wanted to make a difference in the world, but in that instant, I realized that the difference I wanted to make was for children like Kellan. His pure joy and acceptance of me, without any judgement, was a transformative experience.

My dream is to create a safe and nurturing environment for all of my students, just as Kellan has shown me. I want to create a classroom where my students feel seen, heard, and understood. I believe that by building strong relationships with my students, I can help them to overcome any obstacle they may face.

Kellan’s resilience and determination are an inspiration to me. I want to help all of my students to develop the same level of self-confidence and to see that they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to. I want to help my students to develop a growth mindset, to see that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow, and to never give up on themselves.

Kellan will always hold a special place in my heart. His warm embrace and genuine happiness have left an indelible mark on my soul. I know that my dream of making a difference in the lives of children is not only achievable but also necessary. I will continue to work hard to become the best educator I can be and make a positive impact in the lives of my future students.

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay
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Becoming a Teacher: What I Learned about Myself During the Pandemic

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Introduction to the Article by Andrew Stremmel

Now, more than ever, we need to hear the voices of preservice teachers as well as in-service teachers during this pandemic. How has the pandemic affected them? In what ways has the pandemic enabled them to think about the need to really focus on what matters, what’s important? What were the gains and losses? These are very important questions for our time.  In this essay, Alyssa Smith, a senior studying early childhood education, attempts to address the lessons learned from her junior year, focusing on the positive aspects of her coursework and demonstrating an imaginative, growth mindset. This essay highlights the power of students’ reflection on their own learning. But I think it does so much more meaningful contemplation than we might expect of our students in “normal” times. Alyssa gains a new appreciation for this kind of active reflection—the opportunity to think more critically; to be more thoughtful; to stop, step back, catch her breath, and rethink things. As a teacher educator and her mentor, I believe this essay represents how the gift of time to stop and reflect can open space to digest what has been experienced, and how the gift of reflective writing can create a deeper level of thinking about how experiences integrate with one’s larger narrative as a person.

About the Author

Andrew Stremmel, PhD, is professor in early childhood education at South Dakota State University. His research is in teacher action research and Reggio Emilia-inspired, inquiry-based approaches to early childhood teacher education. He is an executive editor of  Voices of Practitioners .  

I’ve always known I was meant to be a teacher. I could feel my passion guide my work and lead my heart through my classes. So why did I still feel as if something was missing? During the fall of my junior year, the semester right before student teaching, I began to doubt my ability to be a great teacher, as I did not feel completely satisfied in my work. What I did not expect was a global pandemic that would shut down school and move all coursework online. I broke down. I wanted to do more than simply be a good student. I wanted to learn to be a great teacher. How was I supposed to discover my purpose and find what I was missing when I couldn’t even attend my classes? I began to fret that I would never become the capable and inspirational educator that I strived to be, when I was missing the firsthand experience of being in classrooms, interacting with children, and collaborating with peers.

It wasn’t until my first full semester being an online student that I realized the pandemic wasn’t entirely detrimental to my learning. Two of my early childhood education courses, Play and Inquiry and Pedagogy and Curriculum, allowed limited yet meaningful participation in a university lab school as well as engagement with problems of substance that require more intense thinking, discussion, analysis, and thoughtful action. These problems, which I briefly discuss below, presented challenges, provocations, possibilities, and dilemmas to be pondered, and not necessarily resolved. Specifically, they pushed me to realize that the educational question for our time is not, “What do I need to know about how to teach?” Rather, it is, “What do I need to know about myself in the context of this current pandemic?” I was therefore challenged to think more deeply about who I wanted to be as a teacher and who I was becoming, what I care about and value, and how I will conduct myself in the classroom with my students.

These three foundations of teaching practice (who I want to be, what I value, and how I will conduct myself) were illuminated by a question that was presented to us students in one of the very first classes of the fall 2020 semester: “What’s happening right now in your experience that will help you to learn more about yourself and who you are becoming?” This provocation led me to discover that, while the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light (and at times magnified) many fears and insecurities I had as a prospective teacher, it also provided me with unique opportunities, time to reflect, and surprising courage that I feel would not otherwise have been afforded and appreciated.

Although I knew I wanted to be a teacher, I had never deliberately pondered the idea of what kind of teacher I wanted to be. I held the core values of being an advocate for children and helping them grow as confident individuals, but I still had no idea what teaching style I was to present. Fortunately, the pandemic enabled me to view my courses on play and curriculum as a big “look into the mirror” to discern what matters and what was important about becoming a teacher.

As I worked through the rest of the course, I realized that this project pushed me to think about my identity as an educator in relation to my students rather than simply helping me understand my students, as I initially thought. Instead, a teacher’s identity is formed in relation to or in relationship with our students: We take what we know about our students and use it to shape ourselves and how we teach. I found that I had to take a step back and evaluate my own perceptions and beliefs about children and who I am in relation to them. Consequently, this motivated me to think about myself as a classroom teacher during the COVID-19 pandemic. What did I know about children that would influence the way I would teach them?

I thought about how children were resilient, strong, and adaptable, possessing an innate ability to learn in nearly any setting. While there were so many uncertainties and fear surrounding them, they adapted to mask-wearing, limited children in the classroom, and differentiated tasks to limit cross-contamination. Throughout, the children embodied being an engaged learner. They did not seem to focus on what they were missing; their limitless curiosity could not keep them from learning. Yet, because young children learn primarily through relationships, they need some place of learning that helps them to have a connection with someone who truly knows, understands, and cares about them. Thus, perhaps more than any lesson, I recognized my relationship with children as more crucial. By having more time to think about children from this critical perspective, I felt in my heart the deeper meaning children held to me.

My compassion for children grew, and a greater respect for them took shape, which overall is what pushed me to see my greater purpose for who I want to be as an educator. The pandemic provided time to develop this stronger vision of children, a clearer understanding of how they learn, and how my identity as a teacher is formed in relationship with children. I don’t think I would have been able to develop such a rich picture of how I view children without an in-depth exploration of my identity, beliefs, and values.

In my curriculum course, I was presented a different problem that helped me reflect on who I am becoming as an educator. This was presented as a case study where we as students were asked the question, “Should schools reopen amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?” This was a question that stumped school districts around the nation, making me doubt that I would be able to come up with anything that would be remotely practical. I now was experiencing another significant consequence of the pandemic: a need for new, innovative thinking on how to address state-wide academic issues. My lack of confidence, paired with the unknowns presented by the pandemic, made me feel inadequate to take on this problem of meaning.

To address this problem, I considered more intentionally and reflectively what I knew about how children learn; issues of equity and inequality that have led to a perceived achievement gap; the voices of both teachers and families; a broader notion of what school might look like in the “new normal”; and the role of the community in the education of young children. Suddenly, I was thinking in a more critical way about how to address this problem from the mindset of an actual and more experienced teacher, one who had never faced such a conundrum before. I knew that I had to design a way to allow children to come back into a classroom setting, and ultimately find inspiration for learning in this new normal. I created this graphic (above) to inform families and teachers why it is vital to have students return to school. As a result, I became an educator. I was now thinking, feeling, and acting as a teacher. This case study made me think about myself and who I am becoming as a teacher in a way that was incredibly real and relevant to what teachers were facing. I now found inspiration in the COVID-19 pandemic, as it unlocked elements of myself that I did not know existed.

John Dewey (1916) has been attributed to stating, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Learning may begin in the classroom, but it does not end there. Likewise, teaching is not a role, but a way of being. The ability to connect with children and to engage them meaningfully depends less on the methods we use than on the degree to which we know and trust ourselves and are willing to share that knowledge with them. That comes through continually reflecting on who we are in relation to children and their families, and what we do in the classroom to create more meaningful understanding of our experiences. By embodying the role of being an educator, I grew in ways that classroom curriculum couldn't prepare me for. Had it not been for the pandemic, this might not have been possible.

Dewey, J. 1916. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education . New York: MacMillan.

Alyssa Marie Smith  is currently an early childhood education student studying at South Dakota State University. She has been a student teacher in the preschool lab on campus, and now works as a kindergarten out of school time teacher in this same lab school. In the fall, she plans to student teach in an elementary setting, and then go on to teach in her own elementary classroom.

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Why I Want to Be a Teacher, Essay Sample

Teaching is a noble job that requires passion, dedication, and commitment. It’s a challenging yet rewarding career with many rewards and opportunities. Thinking about becoming a teacher? Well, this essay, written with the help of custom paper writing service , will explore why I want to be a teacher, what inspired my interest in teaching, and the different roles teachers play in the lives of students. 

I Want to Become a Teacher Because It Inspires Me

I have always been passionate about education and helping other people learn. Ever since I was in high school, I enjoyed attending classes as well as helping out my peers with their studies. As an adult, I realized how much of an impact teachers can have on students’ lives. Seeing the positive influence that educators had on their students made me want to become part of it too. 

I had some truly incredible teachers who encouraged me to pursue my dreams and gave me the confidence that I could do anything if I put my mind to it. They inspired me with how much effort they put into making sure their students were engaged and learning in an enjoyable way. Their enthusiasm for teaching was contagious, and it made me want to become a teacher myself one day.

Being a Teacher is Very Responsible

Teachers are more than just instructors; they are mentors and role models for their students. They take on multiple roles such as educator, counselor, advisor, confidant, friend, and even parent figure at times. In addition to teaching academic content knowledge and skills necessary for success in life after school, teachers also need to be able to build meaningful relationships with their students, so they can help them develop emotionally and socially while also providing guidance when needed.  

Teaching is an Important Social Role

Besides, teachers play a principal role in society because they help young people develop their minds and learn new skills. They teach students things such as reading, writing, and math, but also how to be responsible citizens of the country.

Teaching Makes it Easy to Meet Different People

I also want to be a teacher because it will allow me to work with people from all walks of life. There are many different types of people in the world, and having the opportunity to work with all of them would be amazing!

The Power of Education

Another reason I want to become a teacher is that I believe in the power of education. Education can open doors that would otherwise remain closed; it can give people opportunities they never would have had before; it can be life-changing. As a teacher, I will have the chance to help instill these values into my students while providing them with valuable knowledge that will stay with them for years to come. 

Teaching Helps to Make Changes

In addition to it, teaching gives me the chance to make a difference in someone else’s life — and that’s something that money just can’t buy! When you are able to inspire someone else and watch them grow as an individual, it is incredibly rewarding. 

Moreover, teaching provides you with plenty of opportunities for growth and development yourself: you get to work alongside other inspiring professionals and learn new skills every day! 

Being a teacher is not just about imparting knowledge from textbooks but it’s about inspiring others to reach for greatness and supporting them through it all. It’s a complex job that requires great responsibility, but one that can be immensely rewarding when you see your students succeed because of your efforts. 

That’s why I want to be a teacher – so I can make an impact on future generations by helping them reach their full potential while making sure they have fun while learning!

Tips on Writing Why I Want to be a Teacher Essay

A teacher is one of the most important professionals in any society. They are responsible for teaching students various subjects including math, science, English, and many more. If you want to become a teacher, then you should write an essay on why you want to be a teacher. To start with, you can read personal statement essay example . The essay will show your passion for education and how much you want this job. Here are some tips that will help you write an amazing essay

Give a Clear Answer to Yourself

Make sure you have an answer. The most important thing about this essay is that it has a very clear and concise point. This means that you need to be able to clearly explain why you want to become a teacher and why it’s important for you. If you can’t do this, then your essay will not be successful at all. 

So make sure that before you begin writing, you know exactly what your answer will be (and how it will relate to the question). This way, when someone reads it, they will understand exactly what your intentions are with becoming a teacher and why it’s important for them too.

Use an Appropriate Tone

Choose a friendly tone for your essay so that your reader can easily understand what you are trying to say without having any confusion or difficulty in understanding. Use active voice instead of passive voice whenever possible, since it makes your writing more engaging and readable.

Narrow Your Focus

Another important step in writing your “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” Essay is to narrow your focus. You do not have to write about all the reasons why you want to teach; rather, focus on one specific reason that is important to you.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling and persuasive essay that demonstrates your commitment to becoming a teacher.

Key Reasons Why Someone Might Want to Become a Teacher

Teaching is a profession that involves shaping the minds and lives of the next generation. It can be a challenging yet rewarding career that offers many opportunities for personal and professional growth. Here are some of the key reasons why someone might want to become a teacher:

Reasons to Become a Teacher Description
Making a Difference Teachers have the ability to make a positive impact on the lives of their students. They can inspire, encourage, and motivate their students to reach their full potential.
Love of Learning Many teachers have a deep passion for learning and want to share that love of learning with others. They enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts and helping their students do the same.
Job Security Teaching is a stable and secure profession with a high demand for qualified professionals. Teachers are needed in every community and at every level of education, from early childhood to post-secondary.
Creativity Teaching allows for a great deal of creativity in lesson planning and instruction. Teachers can design lessons that engage and excite their students, making learning fun and meaningful.
Work-Life Balance Teaching can offer a good work-life balance, with many opportunities for flexible schedules and holidays. This can be especially beneficial for those with families or other responsibilities.

Note that these are just some of the reasons why someone might want to become a teacher. Teaching can be a fulfilling and rewarding profession for those who have a passion for education and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

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Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher


Life is about striving. Everyone has an ambition to achieve something in life. My life’s ambition is to become a teacher.

Reason for Choosing Teaching

The reason I want to become a teacher is because I love the idea of making a difference in a child’s life. Teachers shape the future of the nation by nurturing young minds.

Role of a Teacher

Teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also help in moral and ethical development. They are the guiding light in a student’s life.

In conclusion, my ambition to become a teacher is driven by my desire to contribute to society.

250 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

The power of education.

Education is a tool that can change the world, and teachers are the catalysts. They are the ones who kindle the flame of curiosity, instilling a thirst for knowledge in young minds. As a teacher, I aspire to inspire students to explore the world around them, to question, and to learn.

The Role of a Teacher

A teacher is not just an instructor, but a mentor, a guide, and a friend. They help students to navigate the complexities of life, to understand the world, and to find their place in it. I wish to be that beacon of light for my students, guiding them towards knowledge and wisdom.

Contribution to Society

By becoming a teacher, I aim to contribute to society by nurturing the future generation. I believe that the values, ethics, and knowledge that I impart to my students will help them to become responsible and compassionate citizens.

In conclusion, my ambition to become a teacher stems from a deep-rooted passion for education and a desire to make a difference. I am determined to work tirelessly towards this goal, knowing that the fruits of my labor will be seen in the success of my students.

500 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

From a young age, I have always been drawn to the idea of shaping minds and influencing the future through education. This lifelong aspiration has culminated in my ambition to become a teacher, a beacon of knowledge and a guide for the young learners. The role of a teacher extends beyond imparting academic knowledge; it involves molding character, instilling values, and inspiring a lifelong love for learning.

The Joy of Teaching

Teaching is not just a profession; it is a passion, a calling. The joy of teaching lies in the ability to make a difference, to stimulate young minds, and to see students grow and evolve. There is a profound satisfaction in witnessing the transformation of a student from a passive listener to an active learner, from a follower to a leader. The joy of teaching also lies in the continuous learning that it entails. As a teacher, one is constantly learning, evolving, and growing along with the students.

My Motivation

My motivation to become a teacher stems from my belief in the transformative power of education. Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is about holistic development, about empowering individuals to realize their potential and contribute positively to society. I believe that as a teacher, I can play a pivotal role in this transformative journey. I am inspired by the idea of shaping young minds, of sparking curiosity and creativity, and of instilling a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

My Vision as a Teacher

In conclusion, my ambition to become a teacher is driven by my passion for education, my belief in its transformative power, and my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of students. I am excited about the opportunity to shape minds, inspire dreams, and contribute to the creation of a more enlightened and compassionate society. As a teacher, I look forward to being a part of the journey of discovery, exploration, and growth that education entails.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Why Should I Become a Teacher? The Impact and Benefits of Teaching

  • Publication date November 9, 2023
  • Categories: Career Blog

essay of becoming a teacher

Teaching is a profoundly rewarding profession, one that carries the power to shape the future, both on an individual level and for society as a whole. Teachers are the torchbearers of transformation, witnessing the positive changes first-hand that education can bring to the lives of students. In this article, we will delve into the importance of teaching and explore the myriad of benefits associated with a career in teaching. As with any profession there are challenges, but the positives in this career path far outweigh the negative.

The Impact and Importance of Teaching

At its core, teaching plays a pivotal role in shaping the future by providing students with the knowledge, skills, and guidance they need to thrive.  The process on how to become a teacher has many gratifications, educators possess a unique opportunity to inspire and empower the next generation, instilling in them a love for learning and a desire to make a difference in the world around them. By nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and a thirst for knowledge, teachers arm their students with the tools required to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Teachers do more than mold young minds; they also shape the hearts of their students. They serve as role models, imparting values like empathy, respect, and integrity. Through their unwavering dedication and passion, teachers create a positive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel valued and supported, fostering personal growth, and enabling students to reach their full potential.

Benefits of a teaching career

Personal fulfillment and satisfaction in teaching.

One of the most gratifying aspects of a teaching career is the personal fulfillment and satisfaction it brings. As a teacher, you bear witness to the growth and development of your students, experiencing those priceless “aha” moments when they grasp a new concept or overcome an obstacle. Knowing that you played a role in their success is incredibly fulfilling. The joy of seeing your students flourish and realizing the positive difference you’ve made in their lives is unmatched.

Furthermore, teaching imparts a sense of purpose and meaning. Each day presents an opportunity to contribute to something greater than yourself – the education and well-being of future generations. This sense of purpose infuses your work with deeper meaning, making each day in the classroom meaningful and fulfilling.

Job security and stability in the teaching profession

In an ever-changing job market, the teaching profession offers a sanctuary of stability and job security. According to the  National Education Association , teaching is one of the most secure professions someone can choose, and it has a job security rating of 4.4 out of 5.5 to prove it. The demand for qualified teachers will always be in-demand, guaranteeing a consistent stream of job opportunities across the country. Whether you choose to teach in a public school, a private institution, or an international setting, the need for educators will always exist, because children will always exist.

Moreover, teaching provides a stable income, benefits, and time off. While salaries may vary based on factors such as location and experience, teachers generally enjoy competitive pay, health insurance, retirement plans, and other benefits. This stability allows teachers to focus on their passion for teaching without the constant worry of job insecurity.

Making a positive difference in students’ lives

One of the most profound benefits of a teaching career is the opportunity to make a positive difference in students’ lives. Teachers possess the power to inspire and motivate, helping students discover their strengths and conquer their challenges. Teachers do not just teach school curriculum, they often help students overcome difficult situations, serve as mentors and role models, and even help to build up each student’s self-esteem. By nurturing their talents and providing guidance, teachers can set the trajectory of a student’s life.

Furthermore, teachers often have the privilege of working with a diverse group of students from various backgrounds and cultures. Through these interactions, teachers promote understanding, empathy, and inclusivity. They have the ability to create a safe and supportive space where students can express themselves, learn from one another, and develop a sense of empathy and respect for others. These are all real-world skills that help an individual excel and become a positive light in society.

Teaching as a career path

Embarking on a career in teaching offers a multitude of opportunities for growth and professional development. Whether you choose to specialize in a particular subject, pursue a leadership role, or explore different teaching methodologies, there are endless avenues for continuous learning and improvement. Being a life-long learner is not just for students, it’s for educators as well.

The teaching profession also allows for a flexible work-life balance. With regular breaks during school holidays and the possibility of part-time or remote teaching positions, teachers can prioritize their personal lives and pursue other interests or hobbies. Let’s not forget to mention summer vacation. This time off gives teachers the opportunity to relax and refresh before starting a new academic year.

Choosing teaching as a Fulfilling and Impactful Career

A career in teaching offers numerous benefits and rewards. From personal fulfillment and satisfaction to job security and the opportunity to make a positive impact on students’ lives, teaching is a profession that allows individuals to turn their passion into purpose. If you have a love for learning, a desire to inspire, and a heart for making a difference, then teaching may be the perfect career path for you. Take the leap and embark on a journey that will not only transform the lives of others, but also bring immense fulfillment to your own. Teaching isn’t just a job; it’s a calling, a vocation that holds the power to shape a brighter future for all.

To learn more about the opportunities and programs offered by LAPU,  visit our website  and discover how you can take the first steps towards a fulfilling and impactful teaching career.

  • Our Mission

Becoming a Teacher: A Never-Ending Journey

How to prepare for a career in education.

For as long as she could remember, Maria loved teaching. As a little girl, she would read to toddlers, play school with her friends, and explain the mysteries of the universe to anyone who would listen.

As a peer tutor in middle school, she discovered there was no better feeling than when someone she was working with finally grasped challenging concepts such as photosynthesis or the Pythagorean theorem. In high school, her favorite times were spent sharing with friends what she'd learned researching reports and projects on the Internet. As she faced choosing a college and career, she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

The children of today who, like Maria, dream of becoming teachers have a lot to look forward to. The mysteries of how people learn are gradually being revealed through the careful scrutiny of scientists, researchers, and practicing teachers. A growing stock of new tools and strategies is enabling educators to be more effective than ever in meeting student needs. Slowly but surely, we're heading toward a time when teachers have the knowledge and freedom to help all children achieve at high levels.

For the next generation of teachers, getting there will be exciting, but it won't be easy. Education students will find that it's harder to become proficient; there's more to study, more to learn, more to practice. To get a glimpse of how best to prepare fledgling educators for this challenge, let's imagine what lies in store for Maria on her quest to become a teacher.

Learning the Basics

After lots of research, Maria settled on a five-year college program leading to a master of arts in teaching. She chose math as her major because she had always loved grappling with complex mathematical ideas and problems.

During her first years in college, Maria immersed herself in educational philosophy and research, studying the works of trailblazers such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Maria Montessori. In courses on teaching practices and curriculum development, she learned ways to engage students in experiences that allow them to integrate skills into hands-on activities and to conduct their own inquiries and experiments. She explored how technologies such as the Internet and sophisticated computer simulations can open a whole new world of possibilities for classroom learning and make the curriculum more meaningful for students.

Her professors didn't lecture from textbooks or measure learning with multiple-choice tests. Instead, they modeled the strategies Maria herself would use as a teacher; they created learning opportunities that enabled their students to apply knowledge in real teaching situations.

Maria spent a lot of time in schools observing experienced teachers and working with students. These chances to apply her classwork meant she never found studying theory to be dull or abstract. On the contrary, she found it gave her a powerful set of lenses through which to view the classroom.

During one semester, she conducted a case study of John, a seven-year-old boy she tutored at a local school. As she observed him in class and at play, either in person or on videotape, she could see what she'd learned in her classes coming to life before her eyes.

She engaged in long discussions with her professors and fellow students about how John's physical and social development affected his academic performance and talked about how these areas could be supported and stretched. She noticed that the boy was proficient in some skills, such as building models, but struggled with others, like reading.

These observations helped her understand the usefulness of studying theories on different types of intelligences, such as those of educational researcher Howard Gardner. She concluded that one of her biggest challenges as a teacher would be to discover each student's unique strengths and find ways to use them to overcome the student's weaknesses.

The Fifth Year

Maria's fifth and final year of college was an internship at a professional-development school -- a middle school committed to providing state-of-the-art teacher preparation as well as state-of-the-art education for children. There, she joined a small team of student teachers under the guidance of both university faculty and expert teachers.

In seminars and in classrooms, the team examined ways to identify and accommodate different learning styles and needs, strategies for addressing misconceptions students hold about certain subjects, and approaches to common learning problems such as dyslexia.

Her classroom work, guided by a mentor team, included observing specific children and documenting their learning, evaluating lessons, tutoring and working with small groups, and sitting in on family conferences. She also took part in school and team planning meetings, visited homes and community agencies, planned field trips and curriculum segments, and taught lessons and short units. Finally, at the end of the year, she assumed responsibility for a class for a month.

This work was supplemented by reading and discussions of case studies of teaching. Some were drawn from an electronic database compiled by teachers all over the country; others were videotaped by teachers at her professional-development school.

These case studies enabled student teachers such as Maria to look at practice from many angles, examine how situations in the classroom arise from incidents in the past, see how strategies actually turn out, and understand the thinking teachers use to make decisions about students, subjects, and curriculum goals.

The combination of classroom work, research, and seminars during her yearlong internship helped Maria learn to observe and listen to students to understand their experiences, prior knowledge, and learning strengths. She discovered how to provide emotional support and develop teaching strategies responsive to their particular needs. She found out how to create engaging tasks that would stretch and motivate students, and how to manage the learning process so they could succeed at this challenging work.

She began to better juggle and balance the competing demands between individuals and groups, between curriculum goals and student interests, and between helping students versus challenging them. She developed the skills to reach out to students who might otherwise slip past or fall through the cracks. She learned always to question what she was doing and constantly to reexamine her own teaching and that of her colleagues.

A Beginning Teacher

When Maria finished her rich, exhausting internship year, she was ready to try her hand at what she knew would be an equally demanding first year of teaching. She submitted a portfolio of her college work for review by the state professional-standards board, passed the rigorous performance examination required for an initial teaching license, and was offered a teaching position at an innovative middle school.

In her first months on the job, Maria found herself delighted and intrigued by her students. Although she found teaching challenging, she did not feel overwhelmed by classroom-management issues the way beginning teachers once had. Her extensive internship had really prepared her to establish a well-functioning classroom from the start.

She still had a lot to learn, though. She was grateful for the support from her school district that included assigning her a mentor teacher and providing time off to continue her professional studies. The mentor teacher spent several hours each week observing and assisting Maria in her classroom, helping her examine and adjust teaching strategies.

In addition, all the district's mentor teachers and beginning teachers met periodically to discuss specific problems of practice. They interacted frequently via an online network, through which they could chat, post questions, and share ideas and materials.

Thanks to team teaching and flexible scheduling that provided her with periods when she was not responsible for students, Maria was able to regularly observe in other classrooms and meet with groups of teachers at her new school. She and other math and science teachers got together weekly to discuss curriculum plans and share demonstration lessons.

Maria also consulted often with her five-member teaching team, which consisted of teachers from different subject areas. This team used its time together to discuss interdisciplinary connections and the progress of the students for whom they shared responsibility.

When a concern arose about a particular student's progress, teachers in the team held a review session to examine the student's work and behavior using their pooled experiences and insights. Maria found that these sessions helped her learn about particular students and ways to address their needs, and also helped her better understand learning in general and specific strategies that strengthened her teaching.

Maria appreciated having access to her colleagues' knowledge and thinking about both subject-matter issues and student concerns. She never felt as though she was alone in her efforts to tackle the many challenges of beginning teaching. She always had peers to turn to for advice, counsel, and support.

A Lifetime of Learning

Maria soon became aware of the rich array of ongoing professional-development courses and experiences offered teachers by local universities, school districts, and even area businesses. In her spare moments at her computer, she sometimes cruised the rich offerings of teacher-oriented Web sites or visited forums where teachers and other experts were holding lively discussions about different aspects of learning.

As she understood more about such resources, she realized that her development as a teacher would never be over. Her experiences in college and during her first year on the job were the beginning, not the end, of her quest to be a better teacher. She was just starting a lifelong learning adventure.

Linda Darling-Hammond is Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Teaching and Teacher Education at Stanford University and a former member of Edutopia's National Advisory Board.

essay of becoming a teacher

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7 reasons why becoming a teacher might be right for you

Teacher sitting in circle with preschool students

Teachers have a profound impact on students, molding their futures and imparting life lessons. This guide helps answer the following questions you may have about why you should become a teacher, including:

  • Why is teaching a good career?
  • Why should someone want to be a teacher?
  • How do I answer why I want to be a teacher?
  • Why teaching is a good career?
  • Why is it important that we are teachers?

This guide has seven great reasons to help you find the answer you need and also explores the perks that make teaching a rewarding profession beyond the classroom.

Is becoming a teacher right for you?

If you’re thinking of becoming a teacher, you’re likely weighing the pros and cons of the job. No job is perfect, life and careers have unavoidable stressors and tasks that you may like less than others. But if you’re considering a career in education, it’s important to ask yourself why you want to become a teacher. Luckily for you, we’ve got seven great reasons to help you get started.

1. You can make a difference.

Becoming a teacher means you’ll be molding future generations through the curriculum you set and bits of personal wisdom you impart. You’ll have the ability and power to teach life lessons as well as core subjects. There’s a good chance that you may be spending more waking hours with these children than their own parents. This means you’ll be the one to help teach them social skills, time management, conflict resolution, how to cope with stressors and how to focus on a task.

If we were lucky, we had a teacher who is indelible in our minds. They showed how much they cared about us and their subject, they inspired us to be better, push harder, go further. Now is your turn to be that teacher for someone else.

2. You’ll get variety in your days.

If you teach high school, you may teach the same lesson content several times in one day, but with new faces and personalities each period, it’s unlikely that the actual lesson will unfold the same way twice. There’s always the chance that students will ask different questions, have different struggles and different reactions to the subject matter. Your days will likely be interesting and varied, making for days that don’t feel as monotonous or sluggish.

3. You can share your love of learning.

4. you’ll have great job security..

Teaching is also a skill that can transfer nearly anywhere. If you train and become a certified teacher, you’ll be able to work almost anywhere in the world. Whether you’re teaching English or a special subject, you could theoretically teach and explore the globe at the same time. International schools and education programs are expanding globally and look for instructors who have trained and are certified.

5. Fun is encouraged

Teaching is also a highly social job. Becoming a teacher means you’ll be joining a team of colleagues who you can lean on in hard times and laugh with during the good. You’ll be interacting with your fellow faculty members as well as students and their parents. Becoming a teacher means becoming a key member of the community as you get to know families.

6. You’ll have a pretty great schedule.

The holidays that teachers get are undoubtedly a pretty great perk of the job. If you become a teacher you may get nearly eight weeks off each summer, paid time off in winter and spring. Most teachers also get paid holidays in addition to the breaks and professional development days without students so that they can have a quiet work day.

7. There are intangible rewards.

But nothing can beat the moment when a student who has been struggling with a concept “gets” it. The sight of their joy when it “clicks” for them and they celebrate their accomplishment is likely one of the greatest rewards of teaching.

This is more than a job.

Whether you’re already an administrator looking for ways to advocate for yourself and your colleagues, or an aspiring school principal looking ahead for ways to fully prepare for the position, consider how an online master's in educational administration from a Top 10 Best Education School (among public universities) 4 can help you achieve your goals to the best of your ability.

  • Retrieved on September 23, 2019, from suttontrust.com/research-paper/great-teaching/
  • Retrieved on September 23, 2019, from forbes.com/sites/petergreene/2019/09/05/we-need-to-stop-talking-about-the-teacher-shortage/

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Essay On Teacher

Explore the qualities that make a great teacher in our insightful essay on teachers – a must-read for educators, parents, and students alike.

essay on teacher

Table of Contents

Essay On Teacher (Set 1)

Essay on teacher (set 2), recommended book, essay on teacher (set 4), essay on teacher (set 5), frequently asked questions (faqs).

As a teacher, I understand that building relationships with students is of utmost importance. Not only are we educators; we’re mentors, role models, and guides as well – helping young people navigate the complexities of the world while offering support as they grow and learn. In this essay on teachers, we will explore all facets of this important profession; whether you’re a teacher yourself, a parent of students in our schools, or a student yourself this post will shed some light on this essential service and offer tips for becoming the best possible instructor possible!

We will explore what qualities make a great teacher, such as patience, empathy, and passion for learning. Additionally, we’ll address some of the challenges teachers are currently facing – from managing classrooms to dealing with difficult students and parents – before exploring what impact teachers can have both academically and personally on their students.

At the bottom of this post, you’ll find links to resources that can help you further explore teaching. These may include books, websites, or products designed to strengthen your teaching abilities while connecting with fellow educators.

So whether you’re an experienced educator looking to hone your craft, or an interested parent or student looking for more insight and information into this profession, we hope this essay on teachers will provide some insightful and educational materials. Let’s get down to work!


Teachers are special people who help us learn and grow. Teachers teach us the fundamentals such as reading, writing, and problem-solving; but more than that they inspire us to be kind, curious, and creative individuals.

A good teacher is patient and kind. They understand that learning can be challenging for everyone and always offer assistance when we need it or provide encouragement when we feel discouraged.

Teachers work tirelessly to create an atmosphere in their classroom where all children feel included and valued, encouraging us to work collaboratively, respect each other’s differences, and find peaceful solutions to problems.

As students and educators ourselves, we should express our thanks and appreciation for their hard work by working hard, being kind and respectful, and thanking them for all they do.

Remember, teachers are special people who make an enormous difference in our lives – take the time now to appreciate all they do! Let’s thank them for everything!

Teachers are like superheroes – with the power to transform our world through education. Their guidance inspires and motivates us all, helping us realize our fullest potential and reach it faster than ever before.

An exceptional teacher is someone who cares deeply for their students and wants them to succeed. They’re patient and understanding, taking time to get to know each student personally.

Teachers use their creativity and expertise to make learning fun and engaging for their students in the classroom, coming up with games, projects, and activities to help us understand complex ideas and concepts.

But being a teacher can be hard work; teachers spend long hours grading papers and planning lessons; they face challenges due to challenging students or limited resources – yet remain dedicated to both their craft and students.

Showing our appreciation for teachers can take many forms; listening carefully, asking thoughtful questions, and working diligently in class are all ways we can show our gratitude and show them we appreciate all they do for us. Additionally, saying thank you and showing how much we value their contributions can also show our thanks.

Conclusion Teachers are true superheroes in education; they shape our future through caring, creative teaching methods that lead to our success. Let’s thank them for all they do to make our world a better place!

Essay On Teacher (Set 3)

Teachers play an incredibly valuable role in our lives. They’re there to guide our growth and enable us to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead.

An amazing teacher is someone who is passionate about their subject matter and enjoys teaching it, with the ability to make even complex topics accessible and interesting for students.

Teachers play an essential part in our personal growth. They teach us fundamental values such as respect, kindness, and perseverance while inspiring us to pursue our dreams and believe in ourselves.

Teaching can be an exhausting career; teachers encounter unique challenges such as difficult students, tight budgets, and an ever-evolving curriculum. But teachers remain committed to making an impactful difference in the lives of their pupils every day.

Teachers deserve our thanks for showing respect, hard work, and engagement during class time. Additionally, it would be nice if we took time out of each day to thank them and acknowledge how much their efforts are appreciated.

Teachers are unsung heroes in our society, educating students and shaping our collective future one at a time. Let us all take the opportunity to thank them for all they do and show our appreciation for their hard work!

Some More Topics

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essay of becoming a teacher

Teachers serve as guides along our life’s path, leading us through challenges of learning and growth to discover our passions and advance our skills.

An exceptional teacher is someone patient, kind, and supportive. They understand the challenges associated with learning can be hard; everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses – yet still encourage us to keep trying when we become discouraged.

Teachers also help us develop vital life skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork, and effective communication. In addition, they demonstrate ways to be contributing members of society while at the same time being responsible members.

No matter the obstacles they encounter such as long hours and limited resources, teachers still show up each day determined to make an impactful difference in the lives of their students. Their dedication is truly inspirational for us all.

Teachers deserve our appreciation for being respectful, engaged, and enthusiastic learners. We should thank them for all they do and express how much we value their hard work.

Teachers are indispensable guides on our life’s journey. They instill invaluable values and skills into us that we will carry throughout our lives, so let’s thank our teachers for helping us become the best versions of ourselves!

Teachers are champions of education, fighting tirelessly to ensure every child has access to learning and growth. Teachers inspire us all to be our best selves and strive towards reaching our dreams.

An incredible teacher is someone who demonstrates both enthusiasm and care for the subject being taught, resulting in learning that is exciting, and encouraging us to explore new ideas while encouraging critical thought.

Teachers play an essential part in our emotional growth. By creating a safe and welcoming learning environment where we can freely express ourselves without judgment from teachers, they help develop resilience and self-confidence by teaching us to trust ourselves and push through challenges to meet goals.

Teachers remain unsung heroes of society; shaping our future through one student at a time. Despite facing many obstacles such as limited resources and demanding schedules, they still work tirelessly to make a difference for their pupils. They truly make a positive contribution.

Respect, engagement, and enthusiasm can help us show our appreciation for teachers. Additionally, we should thank them for everything they have done to assist in our success and to improve society at large.

Teachers are the true heroes of education, fighting tirelessly to secure our society’s future. Their wisdom inspires challenges and supports us – helping us all be our best versions. Let’s thank our teachers for everything they do and honor their important efforts!

Essay On Teacher (Set 6)

Teachers are at the core of education, providing us with knowledge and skills that help prepare us for lifelong success. Teachers help us discover our interests and talents while leading us toward an enriching future that promises fulfillment and satisfaction.

An exceptional teacher is someone who embodies patience, kindness, and empathy; someone who connects with their students on an individual basis by understanding their unique challenges and providing assistance throughout their journey. An ideal learning environment should enable children to safely explore, take risks, and develop as individuals.

Teachers play an invaluable role in our social development. They teach us how to interact with others ethically and respectfully, building strong relationships while working effectively as a team. Furthermore, teachers foster an environment in which all of their students feel valued and respected for who they are as individuals.

Even when faced with limited resources and overcrowded classrooms, teachers still show up each day with great passion for their profession. Their commitment inspires us to be our best selves and have an impactful impact on the world.

Teachers deserve our appreciation for being responsible and respectful students, arriving on time, completing our assignments on schedule, and being open-minded toward learning new material. Additionally, we should thank them for their dedication and hard work; acknowledging how integral their role in our lives may be.

Teachers are at the core of education, providing us with the knowledge, skills, and guidance we need for success in life. Teachers are unsung heroes in society who work tirelessly to make an impactful difference in students’ lives – let’s thank our teachers and recognize their important work!

Hindi Essays & Letters

Conclusion Teachers are unsung heroes in society, shaping the minds of our youth to prepare them for brighter futures. Hopefully, these six essays on teachers have shed some light on the significant roles they play and inspired you to show your gratitude.

If this post has been informative and beneficial to you, please share it with someone who could gain from its content. Also, visit Playway Teacher for additional insights into education as well as resources.

Thank you for stopping by our site; we hope to see you back again soon! We thank you for choosing to visit us, and hope that soon after visiting again we may meet again soon!

What qualities make a great teacher?

A great teacher possesses qualities such as patience, empathy, and a passion for learning. They inspire students to be kind, curious, and creative individuals.

How do teachers contribute to students’ personal growth?

Teachers play a crucial role in students’ personal growth by instilling fundamental values like respect, kindness, and perseverance, and by inspiring them to pursue their dreams.

What challenges do teachers face in their profession?

Teachers face challenges like managing classrooms, dealing with difficult students and parents, and working with limited resources. Despite these challenges, they remain committed to making a positive impact on their students.

How can students show appreciation for their teachers?

Students can show appreciation by being respectful, engaged, and enthusiastic learners. Additionally, expressing gratitude through words and actions, such as asking thoughtful questions, is a meaningful way to appreciate teachers.

Why are teachers considered unsung heroes in society?

Teachers are unsung heroes because they work tirelessly to shape the minds of the youth, facing challenges like limited resources and demanding schedules, yet remain dedicated to making a positive difference in students’ lives.

What role do teachers play in social development?

Teachers contribute to social development by teaching ethical and respectful interactions, building strong relationships, and fostering an environment where students feel valued and respected for their individuality.

How can parents support teachers in their efforts?

Parents can support teachers by encouraging their children to be respectful and engaged in class. Additionally, staying involved in their children’s education and expressing gratitude for the teacher’s efforts are ways to provide support.

What impact can teachers have academically and personally on students?

Teachers can have a significant impact academically by imparting knowledge and skills. They contribute to students’ growth by instilling values, inspiring them to pursue their dreams, and building their confidence.

Why is teaching considered a challenging career?

Teaching is considered challenging due to managing diverse classrooms, facing limited resources, and adapting to an ever-evolving curriculum. Despite these challenges, teachers remain dedicated to their profession.

How can educators further enhance their teaching abilities?

Educators can enhance their teaching abilities by exploring resources such as books, websites, or products designed to strengthen their skills and connect with fellow educators. Links to such resources can be found at the bottom of the provided content.

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Why I Want to Be a Teacher Essay: Writing Guide [2024]

Some people know which profession to choose from childhood, while others decide much later in life. However, and whenever you come to it, you may have to elaborate on it in your personal statement or cover letter. This is widely known as “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay.

The primary reasons to pursue this career are:

  • Raising new generations and changing the world for the better are your goals.
  • You have all the qualities and skills to become a teacher.
  • Duties, responsibilities, and creativity that the profession involves fascinate you.
  • Growing up, you had a fantastic teacher who became your role model.

If you’re having trouble coming up with arguments, you have come to the right place! Here, at Custom-Writing , we gathered all the essential tips to use in a “being a teacher” essays.

🎓 7 Reasons to Become a Teacher

🛑 7 reasons not to become a teacher.

  • 📜 Paper Types

✍️ “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” Essay

📑 “why i want to be a teacher” personal statement, 🖨️ 50 teacher essay topics, 🤔 why i want to be a teacher faq, 🔗 references.

Why do you want to be a teacher? Being one seems manageable if it’s your dream job. At the same time, it’s the hardest profession that wouldn’t fit everyone. Check the following reasons to become a teacher that you can use in your paper.

Also, the following points are entirely appropriate for children. If they have a task like a “When I grow up, I want to become a teacher because…” essay, they will find this section useful.

🌱 Raising New Generations

Do you think that future generations require different teaching? Do you have an idea of a new proper approach? Whatever you believe, make sure to write about it:

  • Elaborate on the problem:

Would you like to see a more environmentally-conscious generation? Or do you find that kids lack concentration and the will to succeed? Explain why you consider children and teens need guidance.

To support your argument, give statistics and real-life examples of the problems modern children and teens have. Provide the leading causes and solutions for this issue in your “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay.

  • Talk about your reasoning:

How did you understand that the problem above exists? You have to write why you thought about it in the first place.

For example, siblings. Do you have a younger sibling? Or a nephew who often asks you to play with him or her? Then, in your “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay, you might mention that this child helped you choose a future career.

  • Explain why you:

What makes you think you might be a good teacher? Does the child enjoy spending time with you? Did you manage to teach the child something useful? Make sure to discuss this in your essay.

So, are you ready to write about raising new generations? Check this essay sample below to ensure your success:

🎨 Creativity in Teaching

In this kind of essay, you would shift the focus from yourself to the teacher’s profession in general. You’ll elaborate on why you find this profession a great creative outlet.

Talk about creativity that you’ll bring to the classroom. Use this reasoning to explain why this profession is one of a kind and appropriate for you in particular. Do you think that you might use your creative abilities to become an excellent teacher?

To underline your points:

Share several ideas on how to educate children using innovative approaches. Kids are naturally compelling storytellers because of their sincerity and imagination. Maybe, you’ll find a way to use it.

🔍 Qualities of a Good Teacher

All the educator’s responsibilities require communication and writing skills. They have to acquire accountability, patience, creativity, etc.

You may be wondering: how can this topic help me explain why I want to become a teacher? The essay should compare the qualities of a good teacher with your own. Thus, you’ll show how good you are for the position.

  • Do you believe that a good teacher should be kind? If positive, mention some example that proves your desire to help. For example, you might have volunteered at an animal shelter.
  • Do you argue that a good teacher should be knowledgeable? Tell your readers about your good grades in college.

Still, wondering about how to write a good paper on an educator’s qualities? Check the useful teacher essay sample, written by a student:

🏫 Duties and Responsibilities

While this topic may sound similar to the previous ones, it’s all about how you present your arguments and structure your narrative. This topic offers you an opportunity to examine the day-to-day lives of teachers.

First of all , you can describe the duties and responsibilities of a teacher. Explore it, be it grading assignments, cooperating and communicating with parents, or continuously learning.

Secondly , you can focus on the aspects of teaching that you find rewarding. You can add in your essay writing the sadness that a teacher feels when his or her students graduate. Or talk about the joy they experience when they see students learning and improving their grades.

Whichever approach you choose, make sure it’s beneficial for you and reveals your strong sides.

👩‍🏫 My Best Teacher

This type of essay is similar to the previous ones. Here, you also describe the characteristics of an excellent teacher. There is, however, one key difference:

Rather than describing some abstract figures, you would describe a real-life teacher. Talk about the person who served as a role model and inspired you to pursue this career.

The premise of this essay is excellent:

First , you show an understanding of what the job of a teacher encompasses. Second , you also demonstrate your appreciation for someone who made a difference in your life.

“My best teacher” topic is an excellent opportunity to pay tribute to your teacher or a trainer who has significantly influenced your life.

🦉 Changing the World

How many times have you heard that teachers change the world? It might sound quite trivial, but they do. Educators have a significant impact on the new generation’s development and their effect on society. Their influence expands to every sphere of our life, from business to community, from ecology to economics.

How teachers change the world.

Here are the four secrets of how teachers change the world:

  • Sharing. A good educator shares their knowledge with others: students and colleagues. They bring their ideas and concepts to conferences, write blogs, and hold school meetings. Everyone benefits from this sharing. An educator gets feedback while their audience learns something new and motivating. Yes, it takes a lot of effort to set aside time for this, especially when you have a tight schedule. But it’s worth it. Think, would learning theories have ever existed if teachers didn’t share them?
  • Caring. Educators not only care for their students, but in most cases, they actively participate in charity. Think about what impact it can have when students, parents, and teachers work together for something significant. It can be anything: from planting trees to fundraising for cancer. Such activities help students to gain valuable experience in helping others and saving our planet. In most cases, they will continue doing so even after graduation.
  • Networking. In daily lives, teachers overcome various challenges. The networking and learning from other’s experiences allow the educator to see alternative points of view, motivate others, and find out new approaches to teaching.
  • Reflection. Educators regularly analyze what works and what not at their lessons. Regular observations help them adjust the curriculum or change teaching methods. A critical approach to their work allows the educator to optimize and make their job more impactful.

Now you have all the arguments to consider in your essay about the teacher’s profession.

Teaching is not easy and not a profession you should choose unless ready to face all its challenges. And here’s the “shortlist” of them:

  • Low salary. Yes. Educators from all over the world don’t get paid enough. On average, teachers’ weekly wages are 19.6% lower than those of other professions. So if you are not ready to live, hardly able to make ends meet, being a school educator is not your number one career choice.
  • Teachers spend their salaries on students and school staff. Most teachers spend a part of their earnings on purchasing school tools and gear. In 2012-2013, K-12 educators spent 1.6 billion dollars on classroom supplies. That’s not fair. Are you ready to waste your hard-earned money this way? Moreover, you will have to transport all this stuff to class on your own.
  • Teachers have to deal with all disturbing trends. Des-pa-si-to. Does this song make you roll up your eyes? And what about the whole class with fidget spinners? How about that these things repeat day by day for a couple of months? Think if you can deal with your irritation and anger. If negative, consider another profession.
  • Teachers don’t have weekends and vacations. You may be wondering why. And here’s the answer: they write lesson plans, check countless essays and projects, etc. Yes, in most cases, you won’t have time for yourself and your hobby. And… even for your family.
  • Educators are at high risk of public embarrassment. This means you will have to control everything you post on social media, your behavior, and every word you say to anyone. It’s like living under the microscope. And it’s exhausting.
  • Students always try to escape studying, and some parents blame teachers for that. Have you ever missed an essay submission deadline because of procrastination? Even if the answer is “No,” your students will. And some of their parents will blame you. They can say that you did not adequately explain the lesson material, or you’re too prejudiced to their kids, or… whatever it would be, you’ll be wrong.
  • Students can be abusive. Even the best teacher faced abuse and bullying in class. Think, will you be able to deal with troubled youth and bad behavior day by day?

As you can see, teaching is a stressful, low-paying, and thankless job. There are many reasons not to become a teacher you can use in your paper and to think about when choosing a career. However, many people still decide to be teachers because it is much more than just a profession. They want this career path as the passion of their lives.

📜 Teacher Topic: Paper Types

You may say that it’s just a teacher topic essay, what are we talking about? There are plenty of other types of essays on teaching that your professor may also ask to write. Check our blog to learn more about their specifics.

Below, we will give you all the essentials on being a teacher paper:

🗺️ Application Essay

You will have to write this type of essay when applying for a job. This paper is a crucial part of your application. You have to prove to your future employer that you meet all the requirements of your future career.

At first sight, it’s similar to a CV or a cover letter. But the job application essay is an entirely different paper. And here are some of the features of these papers:

  • Life experience and hobbies. In your CV or resume, you state your hobbies, interests, and even the places you have visited. However, in the teacher application, you provide only relevant information about yourself that clearly shows that your experience makes you the best candidate for this position.
  • Personalization. You may not change your CV when applying to various companies (unless you want to tailor it to a particular employer and position). But your teacher application essay must be customized. Some employers will ask you to tell more about yourself while others require you to solve a specific issue in the application.
  • Your ambitions and enthusiasm. The CV doesn’t show your objectives or attitude to various teaching theories. Otherwise, your employer can ask you to write an essay that represents your professional goals.

🔔 Personal Statement

The personal statement is quite similar to the job application letter. You will write it when applying to a college, university, or for a job. The difference between personal statement and a job application essay is that the first one leaves more space for your creativity.

As in the teacher application essay, you will have to customize it according to the job requirements and express both your ambitions and personal features.

Some employers require you to submit a personal statement along with the CV and cover letter.

💭 Autobiography

You may be wondering why you may need to write an autobiography of a teacher. This essay will be useful for your future portfolio. For example, you can add it to a job search portfolio or “about me” section on social media.

Needless to say that social networking nowadays is an essential part of a job search or career change. So, make sure that your autobiography of becoming a teacher contains only positive details.

However, you have to remember that an autobiography on Facebook or LinkedIn (or wherever you decide to place it) should make your profile searchable .

Above, we’ve provided the pros and cons of being a teacher. We hope, by now, you have the answer to the “why I want to be a teacher” question.

So, another issue arises: how to write an essay? Below we will show you all the essentials on writing teacher topic essays with examples.

1. ✔️ Preparation

Proper preparation is key to an A+ paper. First, you should determine the topic and arguments you will use in your essay on teacher jobs.

The arguments depend on the paper type you have to write. For example, you should prepare merits and demerits, or choose points to use in the argumentative essay. Maybe, you should research for a literature review. Whatever it takes, don’t skip this stage!

2. ✔️ Outline

The next step is to outline your future paper. An outline is a mandatory part of any essay writing. It’s a plan that will let you structure your ideas and stick to the required word count.

Here’s an example of “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” college essay outline:

“Why I want to be a teacher” college essay outline.

In this 300-word “Why I Would Like to Be a Teacher of Political Science” essay, our experts organized the paper structure and put key ideas to explore in the paper. As you can see, after the introduction, they put the topic aspects to cover and left a part for sources analysis.

Make a list of your arguments and ensure that they are logically connected. Your professor can require you to write an outline with headings and subheadings as complete sentences or a series of words (phrases). So make sure you’ve carefully read the paper guidelines and understood them.

3. ✔️ Thesis Statement

After you’ve finished your outline, you can start essay writing. At this stage, you need to develop a good thesis statement.

The purpose of your thesis is to explain your position—the central idea of the essay. Tell your reader what you will write in the paper and explain the significance of the subject.

The thesis statement is usually 1-2 sentences long and concludes the introduction paragraph. You can sketch out your thesis and add some touches after the paper is completed to make sure it meets the essay content.

4. ✔️ Introduction

Next, start with an introduction. Here you will have to briefly show the understanding of the teaching profession and its peculiarities:

  • A teacher essay introduction opens your paper with a hook. This first sentence aims to grab your reader’s attention. You can start it with a quote or an interesting fact.
  • Then provide the context necessary for understanding the issue.
  • End with the thesis statement. Make it as clear and precise as possible.
  • If you have time and space, outline the evidence that you’ll use in the body paragraphs.
  • Try to avoid phrases like “In this essay, I…” or “In my essay, I’m going…”

Here’s how your introduction can look like:

Teacher essay introduction sample.

5. ✔️ Body Paragraphs

Now, it’s time to recall all the arguments and evidence you put in your outline. You will write them in your essay body paragraphs. Depending on the required word count and the number of evidence, the paper body typically contains at least three body paragraphs.

However, some papers can have two body paragraphs. You should know that each idea and point of view must be stated in a separate part. If you have three or five arguments, you have to write three or five paragraphs in your essay, respectively.

Here’s our sample:

Teacher essay body sample.

6. ✔️ Conclusion

And the last but not the least part of your essay is the conclusion. Here you have to summarize all the ideas presented in the body section and explain how they meet your thesis statement.

Don’t try to repeat the thesis word by word or provide any new ideas. Here’s an example of a conclusion for an “I Want to Become a Teacher” essay:

Teacher essay conclusion sample.

If you used any sources, don’t forget to include the reference list in your paper according to the required citation style .

The purpose of the personal statement is to tell the admissions officer or recruiter why you decided to become a teacher. You can be required to submit one along with your college, university, scholarship, or job application.

A teacher’s personal statement is a document where you can express your personality. Want to learn all the dos and don’ts of its writing?

Just keep reading!

📝 Personal Statement: Tips

A typical personal statement is up to 700 words or 4,000 characters long, including intro, body, and conclusion. To keep word count tracking, you can type it in Word or Google Documents. Now, let’s consider critical points of personal statement writing that you can use for college/uni and job application:

  • Intro. Your introductory paragraph is an excellent opportunity to open the statement with memorable sentences about why you chose to become a teacher. Make it bright and clear.
  • Structure. As we mentioned above, each of your points should have supporting evidence. For example, if you’re writing about your experience, explain what you have learned and how this will help you in your future career.
  • Conclusion. The secret of good personal statement endings is to keep it simple and clear. Explain why you would be a perfect asset to this company or college and make a statement on why they would be lucky to have you as an employee or a student.
  • Personal statement for primary teaching. In case you’re going to apply for a teaching role or major, you should mention skills that will be useful for extracurricular school activities. You need to prove that you will be able to help with school plays or organize various off-class events.
  • Postgraduate personal statement. Here, you have to show your abilities and academic interests. Persuade the admission officers how you will benefit from studying the program and your impact on science.

The next point to consider is what to write in the body section of your “Why Do You Want to Be a Teacher” personal statement. Here are some questions to answer in your paper:

  • Why do you want to become a teacher?
  • Why did you decide to teach at this level?
  • What are your strengths?
  • Do you have teaching experience?
  • What personal skills do you have?
  • Why do you think you deserve a place in this company/university above others?
  • What is your background?
  • What are your career goals?

🙅‍♀️ Personal Statement: Common mistakes

A personal statement may be the only way to make a first impression on your recruiter or admissions officer. There might be no other opportunity. That’s why you must know the most common mistakes to avoid:

  • Negative tone. Believe us: no one wants to read the pessimistic, weak, or adverse essay. Even if you have to describe an uncomfortable fact, try to make it positive.
  • Using online templates. If you found a great personal statement template that you think will perfectly fit your paper, stop! Recruiters and college admissions have seen dozens and dozens of them, so there are high chances that your application will be declined. Spend a little more time and write a statement yourself.
  • Including irrelevant facts or lies. Recruiters spend, on average, six seconds on reading the CV and a personal statement. That’s why you should neither tell a cool story about your grandmother’s birthday nor tell lies. In the first case, it’s annoying. Moreover, it may lead to firing or dismissal from the college.
  • Using clichés, jargon, overused words, etc. A personal statement requires a formal tone, so conversational tone is merely unacceptable.
  • Using the same personal statement for different applications. Even if you send your application to ten different companies or colleges, personalize it! Include some facts from the firm’s or university’s history, mission, or vision, and explain how your skills meet them.
  • Leaving writing the statement to the last minute. It takes some time to prepare, draft, and polish your paper to make it stand out from other applications.

10 Cliches to avoid.

If you still need a “Why Do You Want to Be a Teacher?” personal statement example, check the sample below:

In case you want something more than “why did you decide to become a teacher,” check the topics below. We believe that your teacher will appreciate reading your paper.

  • A recess for primary school students. Imagine if you were a school principal. Would you sacrifice breaks in favor of additional study time? Explain your point of view.
  • Homework : yay or nay? Think about how much time students should spend on their homework in elementary school. Should there be any homework at all? Provide your points and evidence and show how they are connected to your teaching philosophy.
  • Technologies in education : pros and cons. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using desktops and tablets at school and for homework.
  • Handwriting in elementary school . Some schools stopped teaching students cursive handwriting. Provide your point of view on whether handwriting is a lost art or an unnecessary relic.
  • School uniform and dress code. Should students wear a uniform? And what about the teachers?
  • Standardized tests in school. Are these tests discriminatory? Should they be tied to funding? Elaborate on whether they cause too much anxiety for students.
  • Second language learning : advantages and disadvantages. How many languages should an average school graduate know? Do pupils need to learn any second language at school?
  • Armed security in educational institutions. More and more school mass shootings are reported every year. Can armed guards protect students? Do your research on gun control and demonstrate your opinion.
  • Early start times at school . Explore how such start times impact on students’ perception of the lesson material.
  • Inclusive education for children with disabilities . Research the techniques that will fit your students with special needs. Show the connection between them and your teaching approach.
  • Personal philosophy of education and views on teacher’s career.
  • Discuss how teachers can influence students’ personal life .
  • Analyze the social and emotional competencies teachers should possess.
  • Describe the difficulties a teacher may face when working with children.
  • Personal development plan of a teacher .
  • Who is responsible for children’s low academic achievement.
  • Explain why you want to be physical education teacher .
  • Discuss pros and cons of distance education and traditional degree.  
  • Describe an ideal public school .
  • Remembering who you were: my teacher .
  • What educational system would you prefer if you were a teacher?
  • Analyze the difficulties a teacher may face trying to implement multicultural educational practices.  
  • Compare the efficiency of private and public schools.  
  • Road to becoming a good teacher .
  • Why constant professional development is crucial for teachers.
  • Describe an educational style a teacher can use when teaching English as a second language.  
  • Is music useful or harmful for student academic performance?
  • Methods teachers can use to improve the school for young learners.
  • Examine the effect a teacher has on student’s personality .
  • Discuss the specifics of teaching music in middle schools.
  • Analyze the crucial meaning of effective student-teacher interaction in inclusive education.
  • Explain the teacher’s role in integration of children with special needs.  
  • Reading problems and ways of helping students with reading disabilities. 
  • Describe the strategies a teacher can use to improve student learning.
  • What can a teacher do to help students in developing social and emotional skills ?
  • Examine the value of education in student life.
  • Why e-learning is an important part of contemporary education.  
  • Teacher’s influence on student’s career choice .
  • Discuss the role teacher plays in students’ moral development .
  • What can a teacher do to avoid workplace burnout .
  • Compare and analyze the role of teachers and parents in students’ math performance.
  • Career goal of a maths teacher.
  • Should the government allow armed teachers on campus for students’ safety?
  • Examine the most important classroom management areas for a new teacher .
  • Why are laptops and iPads so important for students?
  • Analyze how book clubs for teachers can stimulate professional development.
  • Is it right to expel bullies from school ?
  • Motivation to choose a teacher’s profession .
  • Explain why teachers’ attitude is important for educational system success.
  • Why is low teacher retention a real problem and what can be done about that?

Want more tips and advice on resume writing? Check this article on how to make a resume written by our experts!

Good luck with your essay about being a teacher! Share the article with those who may need it.

Learn more on this topic:

  • Scholarship Essay Examples about Yourself
  • How to Write a Scholarship Essay about Why You Deserve It
  • Financial Assistance Essay: Useful Tips to Make It Rock
  • How to Write an Essay Describing Your Financial Need
  • Why i Want to be a Pharmacist Essay: Step-by-step Guide
  • College Application Essay Writing Mistakes to Avoid
  • How to Write a 250 Words College Personal Statement

Becoming a good professional has never been easy. Getting employed as a teacher is not the most difficult part of the process. Acquiring professionalism (e.g., building “soft skills,” psychological competence, broad knowledge base) takes more time and effort.

Formalities of the employment process might not coincide in Canada, US, UK, and any other location. The overall algorithm is as follows:

Choose an educational level and/or a subject to focus on. Study the requirements for the desired role and opportunities to meet them.

Start developing the competencies you are lacking.

Try to recollect how you first thought you would wanna become a teacher

Compose a list of the benefits of this rewarding occupation.

Organize the selected ideas to create a body of the essay. Write an appropriate introduction and conclusion.

Recollect what you dreamed about in your childhood.

Compare it with what you want to be in the future as of today.

Think about the reasons for your choice.

Present the comparison and why your choice looks like this in the essay body.

Write an appropriate introduction and conclusion.

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  • 19 Top Ideas for a “Why I want to be a Teacher” Essay
  • Reasons for Becoming a Teacher
  • My Dream to Be a Teacher | Essays
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  • Why Become a Teacher? Educators Share What They Love About Their Work
  • Why I Want to Become a Teacher
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  • How to Write an Autobiography: 8 Steps for Writing Your Autobiography
  • How to Write a Resume
  • How to Write a Perfect Teaching Resume (Examples Included)
  • Working Toward “Wow”: A Vision for a New Teaching Profession
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  • Essay on Teacher for Students and Children
  • 5 Reasons to Love Teaching
  • Why Do YOU Want to be a Teacher?
  • Review Essay: Reflections on Scholarship and Teaching in the Humanities
  • How To Write A Great Personal Statement For A Teaching Job
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Nice And informative article

Thanks all of this was so helpful, could you send me more on being a teacher to my email [email protected]

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Nice and informative

This article is really very informative and full of great ideas.

I am happy to see new creative writing and wonderful thoughts.

These are super cool guidelines to help me with my essay. Fresh ideas started popping right up. Thnx a whole bunch!

You have really done a good job. More grace to you.

How to Be an Effective Teacher Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Works cited.

Education is an important part of human’s life. Education is a power. Nowadays people try to get a good education as it influences their future life. The high quality of education makes it possible to get a good well paid job. People’s education depends on teachers. The higher the teachers’ qualification the higher level of knowledge they can give people.

The effectiveness of further education depends on the teacher’s first day at school. Everything depends on the way how he or she will organize the work in class during their first days. There are a lot of factors that can help to succeed the teacher during his/her first week.

Harry K. and Rosemary T. Wong in their book write that, ‘knowing how to structure a successful first day of school will set the stage for an effective classroom and a successful school year’ (2009 – 3). It is very important to organize the work in class correctly. The authors of the book give very useful recommendations of how to organize the teachers’ work during their first week.

Completing this assignment has allowed the students to demonstrate their competency in Florida Educator Accomplished Practices, especially in critical thinking, human development and learning, planning and the role of the teacher in the class (Florida Educator Accomplished Practices).

Students get much experience in class work organizations during investigating this research. This topic is very important for students as it gives instructions of how to behave during the first weeks in class. It is especially useful for students who have never had a pedagogical practice. The research may be improved by means of personal experience and future search for similar information.

Internet is an essential part of present life. People use Internet for different purposes; they are entertainment, job search, looking for some information, communication. Using modern technologies in class is one of the main aspect on which every teacher should work.

Anita E. Woolfolk tries to explain in the section of the book “Enhancing Your Expertise: Continuing your Learning” the importance of Internet during developing teachers’ experience (Woolfolk 2006).

The Internet has a rich source of information for students and teachers. Students may find lots of information for their classes and research papers. Teachers may also look for some information dealing with this or that task, some hints of how to organize work in class. Internet also gives some information about new ways of teaching, new approaches and methods of teaching. The Internet is a source of fresh ideas dealing with improving the work in class.

The present research may help students to gain such knowledge from the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices as continuous improvement of skills, diversity of educational methods, knowledge of subject matter, technology and others.

Teacher may give some tasks in Internet, as there are a lot of websites with exercises dealing with this or that problem. Using Internet in class helps to vary the assignments, to make the work in class more vivid and interesting for students. But still teacher should make a very difficult and long research in the internet before giving tasks for students from this or that source.

The life of Internet does not stand on one and the same spot, it enlarges develops every minute and there are always lots of new information which can be useful for teachers and students.

“Florida Educator Accomplished Practices”. Florida International University: College Education. (2009). Web.

Woolfolk, A. Educational Psychology (with MyLabSchool). New York: Allyn and Bacon, 2006.

Wong, Harry K., Wong, Rosemary T. The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher. Harry K. Wong Publications, 4 edition, 2009.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 4). How to Be an Effective Teacher. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-to-be-an-effective-teacher/

"How to Be an Effective Teacher." IvyPanda , 4 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/how-to-be-an-effective-teacher/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'How to Be an Effective Teacher'. 4 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "How to Be an Effective Teacher." December 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-to-be-an-effective-teacher/.

1. IvyPanda . "How to Be an Effective Teacher." December 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-to-be-an-effective-teacher/.


IvyPanda . "How to Be an Effective Teacher." December 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-to-be-an-effective-teacher/.

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Why Are Teachers Important in Our Society?

essay of becoming a teacher

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: August 12, 2019


Teachers are arguably the most important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical point that makes a child ready for their future. Why are teachers important? Let’s count the ways…

Teacher in front of students raising hands

Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash

How do teachers influence students.

Teachers can profoundly impact students’ academic success, personal growth, and lifelong learning. Through effective instruction and mentorship, they promote positive relationships and inspire students to reach their full potential. By creating a supportive learning environment, they can help students develop essential skills for future success.

Reasons Why Teachers Matter

Children carry what they are taught at a young age throughout the rest of their lives. They will use what they have learned to influence society. Everyone knows that today’s youth will become tomorrow’s leaders, and teachers have access to educate the youth in their most impressionable years — whether that is in teaching preschool, teaching extracurriculars, sports or traditional classes.

Teachers have the ability to shape leaders of the future in the best way for society to build positive and inspired future generations and therefore design society, both on a local and global scale. In reality, teachers have the most important job in the world. Those who have an impact on the children of society have the power to change lives. Not just for those children themselves, but for the lives of all.

Teacher teaching student on computer

Photo by  stem.T4L  on  Unsplash

How teachers bring change in a student’s life.

Great teachers have the ability to change lives for the better.

Teachers can act as a support system that is lacking elsewhere in students’ lives. They can be a role model and an inspiration to go further and to dream bigger. They hold students accountable for their successes and failures and good teachers won’t let their talented students get away with not living up to their full potential.

Teachers of all walks of life and subjects have the ability to shape opinions and help form ideas about society, life and personal goals. Teachers can also expand students’ limits and push their creativity.

Teaching is a tough job, but it is one where you can make the most impact in another person’s life. If you’re thinking of becoming a teacher, here are even more reasons why you should invest in a teaching career .

Role Models

Teachers are the ultimate role models for students. The fact that students come into contact with many different types of teachers in their academic career means that more likely than not, there will be a teacher that speaks to them.

The teacher-student connection is invaluable for some students, who may otherwise not have that stability. Teachers will stay positive for their students even when things can seem grim. A great teacher always has compassion for their students, understanding of their students’ personal lives, and appreciation for their academic goals and achievements. Teachers are role models for children to be positive, always try harder, and reach for the stars.

They Provide the Power of Education

Knowledge and education are the basis for all things that can be accomplished in life. Teachers provide the power of education to today’s youth, thereby giving them the possibility for a better future.

Teachers simplify the complex, and make abstract concepts accessible to students. Teachers also expose children to ideas and topics that they might otherwise not have come into contact with. They can expand on interests and push their students to do better.

Teachers don’t accept failure, and therefore, students are more likely to succeed. Teachers know when to push students, when to give a gentle nudge in the right direction, and when to let students figure it out on their own. But they won’t let a student give up.

Teacher provide guidance to students of all types.Teachers are able to see each child’s strengths and weaknesses and can provide assistance and guidance to either get them up to speed or push them higher.

They will help to reveal student’s best skills and teach valuable life skills as well, such as communication, compassion, presentation, organization, following directions, and more.

They are also a source of inspiration and motivation. Teachers inspire students to do well, and motivate them to work hard and keep their academic goals on track.

One of the most important parts of teaching is having dedication. Teachers not only listen, but also coach and mentor their students. They are able to help shape academic goals and are dedicated to getting their students to achieve them. Teachers have patience for their students and are understanding when a concept isn’t taking.

Teachers do what they do because they want to help others. They are not teaching for recognition or a paycheck but because they have a passion for youth and education. Teachers typically believe in the power of education and the importance of providing children with good role models and are teaching because of that belief. They are dedicated to the cause.

Finally, teachers’ dedication is shown by their ‘round-the-clock work habits. Teachers don’t stop working when the school bell rings. They are grading papers, making lessons, and communicating with parents after school and on weekends. Most teachers arrive earlier than school starts to set up their day and provide extra assistance to struggling students.

Teachers Play a Great Role in the Economic Development of the Country

Education is a fundamental aspect in the development of a country. If the youth of a society is educated, a future is born. Teachers provide the education that improves quality of life, therefore bringing so much to both individuals and society as a whole.

Teachers increase productivity and creativity of students and therefore, of future workers. When students are pushed to be creative and productive, they are more likely to be entrepreneurial and make technological advances, ultimately leading to economic development of a country.

The Most Important Characteristics of a Great Teacher

Teacher and student playing soccer and smiling

Photo by  Sebastián León Prado  on  Unsplash

Attributes that make a good teacher.

  • Compassion: Compassion is important not only when dealing with the students but also other teachers, other school staff, and parents.
  • Passion for Learning and Children: Teaching can be incredibly stressful, so great teachers must have a deep passion to keep them going every day.
  • Understanding: Teachers need a deep understanding of where their students are coming from — their backgrounds, their struggles, and their abilities.
  • Patience: Patience is key. This is very true of teaching, and not just patience with the students! Teachers also need patience in dealing with the school system, bureaucracy, and parents as well.
  • Ability to Be a Role Model: Teachers must come into work every day knowing their students will soak up their actions like sponges. They must show how to be a good person not just by telling, but also by being.
  • Communication Across Generations and Cultures: Teachers need to be able to effectively communicate with students from multiple cultures and generations, as well as teaching staff and superiors with various backgrounds and from other generations.
  • Willingness to Put in the Effort: If a teacher doesn’t care or doesn’t make the effort, their students won’t either. If a teacher shows students that they do truly care, they’ll do the same.

How to Become a Teacher

Student-teacher creating lesson plans

Photo by  Brooke Cagle  on  Unsplash

1. get experience.

Before you start studying to become a teacher, be sure that you have the patience and temperament to work with children or teenagers for seven or more hours per day. If you still want to teach and make a difference but don’t think the traditional route will work for you, consider teaching after-school classes, coaching, or adult teaching opportunities.

2. Pre-K, K-8, or High School

This decision is an important one because it will make a difference for what degree or certificate you will need. Hopefully by now, you have some idea of the age group or subject matter you would like to teach. If not, get some experience to find out. For high school teachers, you’ll need to decide on a specialization during your studies.

3. Get a Degree

All full-time teaching jobs, even preschool, require degrees nowadays. University of the People in collaboration with the International Baccalaureate (IB) offers a Master’s Degree in Education that is 100% online, tuition-free, and US accredited. Any bachelor’s degree is accepted as a prerequisite so you can start your dream of becoming a teacher, no matter your background.

4. Get a Teaching Certificate

While some independent schools do not require a teaching certificate, the vast majority do. Some graduate programs will concurrently graduate students with a degree and a certificate at the same time but others will not. In some cases, you will only need a teaching certificate and not a degree, such as with teaching English.

Why are teachers important? Teachers truly are the backbone of society. They are role models to children, offer guidance and dedication and give young people the power of education. Because of teachers, countries are able to further develop socially and economically. Next time you or your community achieve something great, take a moment to think of and be grateful for the teachers who made it possible.

FAQ Section

How do teachers impact students’ academic and personal development.

Teachers boost academic achievement and personal growth by providing guidance, fostering a positive learning environment, and acting as role models.

What qualities make a teacher effective in the classroom?

Effective teachers are compassionate, patient, knowledgeable, and able to communicate clearly. They engage students and adapt to their needs.

How do teachers adapt to diverse learning styles and needs?

Teachers use differentiated instruction, employ various teaching methods, and incorporate technology to meet diverse learning styles and needs.

Are there any challenges teachers face in today’s society?

Teachers face challenges like large class sizes, limited resources, diverse student needs, and high stress levels.

How can you become a teacher?

To become a teacher, earn a bachelor’s degree, complete a teacher preparation program, and obtain a teaching license.

Can teachers influence students’ career aspirations and choices?

Yes, teachers can inspire and guide students toward potential career paths through mentorship and exposure to various opportunities.

Are teachers properly recognized for their contributions to society?

Often, teachers are not fully recognized or compensated for their critical contributions to society, despite their significant impact.

How do teachers foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

Teachers encourage critical thinking and problem-solving by asking open-ended questions, promoting discussion, and incorporating real-world problems into lessons.

What innovations are enhancing teaching methods in modern society?

Innovations like digital tools, online resources, interactive learning platforms, and blended learning enhance modern teaching methods.

How can teachers inspire a love for learning in students?

Teachers inspire a love for learning by making lessons engaging, showing enthusiasm for the subject, and encouraging curiosity and exploration.

Can teachers play a role in promoting social justice and equity?

Yes, teachers can promote social justice and equity by fostering inclusive classrooms, teaching about diversity, and advocating for all students’ rights.

In this article

At UoPeople, our blog writers are thinkers, researchers, and experts dedicated to curating articles relevant to our mission: making higher education accessible to everyone. Read More

Atwater teacher arrested for inappropriate conduct with students, district confirms

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ATWATER, Calif. (KFSN) -- A special education teacher in Atwater was arrested Friday following accusations of inappropriate behavior with prior students.

The Merced Union High School District confirmed Julio Barcelo is now on administrative leave.

The Merced County Sheriff's Office arrested him after allegations of inappropriate conduct with students during previous academic years.

The district says it is cooperating with law enforcement and also conducting its own investigation into the Buhach Colony High School teacher.

Barcelo was booked into jail on several charges, including molesting a victim believed to be under the age of 18, jail records show.

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