Scientists Capture New View of How the Ocean Melts Antarctica’s Ice Shelves

The first detailed maps of the underside of a glacier, obtained from autonomous underwater vehicle, reveal clues to future sea-level rise.

“A great research university produces, preserves, and transmits new ideas, insights, and knowledge. Its basic research activities promote and nurture scientific progress, develop artistic and creative expression, and sustain an informed democratic society and its political life.” – NYU Framework 2031

The modern research university has a dual mission: to educate its students, and to discover new knowledge through scholarship. These two missions enhance and inform one another: students at a research university in many instances are taught by the discoverers of the information being discussed in the course, and the classroom's free exchange of ideas can help sharpen research.

The quality of the research enterprise is what truly distinguishes a great university, permitting it to draw in the most talented scholars and the top students. NYU’s faculty are at the forefront of their scholarly disciplines, and their research helps shape the understanding of an enormous range of academic fields: from the mathematical sciences to economics, from philosophy to neural science, from art history to sociology.

NYU Leads NYC in National Research Ranking

In the news, when the “who” in a whodunit is rich and famous.

Liberal Studies Professor James Polchin discusses his new book, which compares a case from the 1920s Jazz Age tabloids to today’s “true crime” narratives.

How a Legal Loophole Allows Unsafe Ingredients

According to a new study, gaps in FDA oversight enable the food industry to determine which substances are “generally recognized as safe.”

What Makes a Grammy Winner?

NYU researchers created an algorithm that takes into account a song’s traits, such as its lyrics, along with other information, including Billboard rankings, to illuminate the variables of successful songs.

How Lemurs Find Their Food

Long-term memory, smell, and social cues work in tandem to help lemurs locate their food and remember where to find it weeks later.

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Nearly 90 Percent of NYC Transit Workers Have Been Harassed or Assaulted

How a Legal Loophole Allows Unsafe Ingredients in U.S. Foods

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Our Research

Research impact, columbia center for children's environmental health, research in new york city.

We conduct state-of-the-art research to document the impact of environmental exposures on the health and neurodevelopment of children, and to translate that knowledge to prevention.

The Center’s flagship study is in low-income neighborhoods in northern Manhattan and the South Bronx. Rates of  asthma  in these areas are among the highest in the country, and incidence rates of low birth weight and other developmental problems are also elevated. We enrolled into the study mothers who were all healthy non-smokers and who had been living in their neighborhood for at least one year.

We have also conducted studies near the World Trade Center site after the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Below, a brief description of our New York City research studies.

Mothers & Children Study in Northern Manhattan and the South Bronx

The Mothers & Children Study in Northern Manhattan and the South Bronx follows a group of 725 African American and Latino pregnant women and their children. From birth through adolescence, we monitor the children’s health and development. Northern Manhattan and the South Bronx are low-income neighborhoods that bear a disproportionate share of New York City’s pollution sources. They include diesel bus depots, major commercial roadways, and derelict public housing, which is often infested with pests. Unfortunately, these are conditions are all too common in other urban environments. We examine the respiratory health, cognitive development, and level of cancer risk in children prenatally exposed to common urban air pollutants from fuel burning (e.g., vehicles, industry), environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), residential pesticides, cockroach and mouse  allergens ,  phthalates  and bisphenol A (chemicals commonly found in plastics), mold, mercury, and lead.

Disease Investigation through Specialized Clinically-Oriented Ventures In Environmental Research (DISCOVER)

Disease Investigation through Specialized Clinically-Oriented Ventures In Environmental Research (DISCOVER) was a special initiative from 2007 to 2013, consisting of four linked studies designed to increase our understanding of when and how air pollutants increase the risk for childhood asthma through additional research in the Center’s Mothers & Newborns Study  cohort :

  • “Time Windows of Asthma Vulnerability” aimed to determine at what point in their development, young inner-city children are most vulnerable to air pollution exposure, and to also monitor the effects of recent policy changes on exposure to traffic-related air pollution.
  • “New Air Sampling Technology” aimed to develop a small lightweight, personal air sampling system (the size of an iPod) for a group of children in our cohort to wear while at home, in school, and in transit. We collected data from asthmatic and non-asthmatic children wearing this system, with the goal of better understanding how exposure to diesel exhaust can exacerbate asthma symptoms in young children.
  • The “Genes & Asthma” project investigated whether modifications on a genetic level are involved in the process of childhood asthma development.
  • “Air Pollution & Asthma Medicine” examined the effects of traffic-related pollutants on specific cell receptors (β2-adrenergic receptors or β2AR). These receptors play an important role in airway dilation. Once the true effects of air pollutants on these receptors are known, effective asthma medications can be developed and asthma symptoms in young children can be successfully alleviated.

Sibling/Hermanos Study

The  Sibling/Hermanos Study , launched in 2008 as a component of the New York City Mothers & Newborns Study, aims to quantify shared environmental,  epigenetic  and genetic characteristics, which cannot be evaluated in a study of unrelated children. It provides valuable new data to enable us to assess more precisely the role of environmental exposures in disease risk. This research will help us as we continue to explore factors that may mediate and modify the relationships between pre-conception, prenatal and postnatal environmental exposures and health outcomes and  biomarkers  of disease risk.

World Trade Center (WTC) Pregnancy Study

The World Trade Center (WTC) Pregnancy Study assesses the effects of air pollutants released by the destruction of the WTC towers on fetal growth, respiratory health, and cognitive development in 329 newborns whose mothers were pregnant and living near the WTC on 9/11/01 and shortly thereafter. We have shown that babies born to women living within two miles of the WTC in the weeks after 9/11 were on average born five ounces lighter and one-third of an inch shorter than babies born to women living further away. In addition, women who were in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy on 9/11, regardless of where they lived or worked, had slightly shorter pregnancies by an average of 3.6 days. The study followed the children’s health and development through the age of six. Click  here  to read more about the study and its findings.

Phthalate Studies

Two Phthalate Studies are currently conducted at the Center using the NYC Mothers and Newborns Study cohort. Phthalates are a family of chemicals added to numerous consumer products; they typically are used to make plastics more flexible but are also found in vinyl flooring, cosmetics, and food packaging. Because several of the phthalates are  endocrine disruptors  and limited epidemiologic evidence has linked them with respiratory health outcomes, the Center is studying whether exposure to specific phthalates, particularly in the prenatal period, is associated with the development of allergy and asthma. A separate analysis will examine associations between phthalate exposures and child thyroid function as well as an array of neuro-cognitive developmental outcomes.

MRI Studies

Two MRI Studies, also using subjects already enrolled in the NYC cohort, focus on prenatal and early childhood exposure to environmental toxicants and their potential to adversely affect neuropsychological and behavioral function. One study explores the effects of pre- and postnatal exposure to the organophosphorus (OP) pesticide  chlorpyrifos  (CPF); the other study focuses on pre- and postnatal exposure to  environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)  on neurobehavioral function. To identify the neural basis for toxicant effects on fetal growth and neurodevelopment, the studies use magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the biochemical and morphological changes in the brain and to associate changes with performance on a battery of neuropsychological assessments.

To learn more about our research and key findings from our NYC studies, visit our  Featured NYC Research Findings page .


  1. Research Centers and Institutes - NYU

    From leading international centers for research and education, to one of the most technologically advanced lecture halls and screening facilities in New York City, the varied institutes and centers at NYU serve as critical points of convergence for the University experience.

  2. Research | Columbia University in the City of New York

    Research. Columbia has a long and distinguished history in the discovery of knowledge. We work to foster the continuation of those creative endeavors and to promote an environment that sustains the highest standards of scholarship, learning, and safety.

  3. Research - NYU

    NYU’s faculty are at the forefront of their scholarly disciplines, and their research helps shape the understanding of an enormous range of academic fields: from the mathematical sciences to economics, from philosophy to neural science, from art history to sociology.

  4. Research at Mount Sinai | Icahn School of Medicine

    The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is home to dozens of top-funded research institutes, centers, and laboratories, collaborating across disciplines to make swift and meaningful advances in medicine.

  5. Clinical Research - NYU Langone Health

    At NYU Langone Health, our clinical research mission is to support, train, inspire, supervise, and facilitate a network of health practitioners who conduct research to improve health and manage disease.

  6. NYAS - New York Academy of Sciences

    Since 1817, The New York Academy of Sciences has driven innovative solutions to society’s challenges by advancing scientific research, education and policy.

  7. Research Centers and Institutes | The City College of New York

    The advanced research complex planned for City College’s south campus heralds an era of increased leadership in the sciences in the 21st century. The Centers and Institutes described below are crucial in sustaining and promoting our research activity and enhancing the research infrastructure.

  8. Research - NYU Langone Health

    Our faculty have placed us among the nation’s top research universities receiving National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding. With $815 million in awards in 2021, our scientists are leading multidisciplinary studies that reveal the underlying mechanisms driving health and disease.

  9. Cancer Research - NYU Langone Health

    At NYU Langone’s Perlmutter Cancer Center, our researchers and scientists collaborate to investigate the causes of cancer at the cellular level. They use the latest research findings to develop more effective diagnostic and treatment approaches for all types of cancer.

  10. Research in New York City - Columbia Public Health

    We conduct state-of-the-art research to document the impact of environmental exposures on the health and neurodevelopment of children, and to translate that knowledge to prevention. The Center’s flagship study is in low-income neighborhoods in northern Manhattan and the South Bronx.