PhD School of SCIENCE

Available PhD positions at the University of Copenhagen

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The PhD school of SCIENCE organises training and education of researchers within all areas of science, with a view to ensure the highest scientific level among the next generations of researchers. The PhD school aims to train PhD candidates with all the required scientific skills plus complementary competencies at the highest level.

The PhD programme at SCIENCE lasts three years and includes an independent research project, stays at other/international research institution(s), PhD level courses, teaching and other types of knowledge dissemination. The PhD is concluded by writing and defending a PhD thesis.

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Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


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Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark


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Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

We study the basic molecular and biochemical processes that mediate cellular growth and development and cellular interactions in living organisms.

We use highly advanced analytical and biochemical techniques and computational tools (bioinformatics) to characterize and understand gene organization, protein structure and function as well as membrane composition and dynamics. Our research provides insight into the mechanisms of disease development, for instance in diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and pathogenic bacterial infections.

The international and interdisciplinary scientific research environment at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology provides an excellent platform for a future career in biotechnology, biomedicine or bioinformatics.

Jakob Møller-Jensen, Head of Department

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Read about BMB in this brochure

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Southern Denmark

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Last Updated 19.08.2024

Aarhus University logo

Graduate School of Natural Sciences

Molecular biology and genetics, phd programme for the department of molecular biology & genetics, the programme:.

The PhD programme ’Molecular Biology and Genetics’ comprises a large number of projects within molecular life sciences. Even though projects are not necessarily limited to the fields described below, the list gives a comprehensive overview of the activities at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics:

Molecular Medicine

Molecular embryology and fertility, Retroviruses in tumorgenesis and as gene vectors, Neurobiology, Stem cells, Cell differentiation and development, Disease models in zebrafish, Ageing, Regulation by cytokines and peptides, Cell signalling, Regulation of cell function and differentiation by phosphate, Plasminogen activation, Molecular genetics, Genomic instability, DNA topology, RNA processing, mRNA control, Transcriptional regulation, Infectious patogenes.

Structural Biology

Structure-function analysis, Macromolecular crystallography, Protein complexes, Translational apparatus, RNA regulation and processing, mRNA control, Membrane proteins, Primary and secondary transporters, Neuroreceptors, Carbohydrate and scavenger receptors, Calcium binding proteins, Cytokines and peptide hormones, Proteolytic enzymes, Innate immunity, Protein engineering.

Systems Biology

Animal and plant genome sequencing, Genome annotation, non coding RNA biology, MicroRNA biology, Genetic mapping of complex traits, Identification of disease genes, Disease models, Functional genomics, Molecular genetics, Epigenetics, Expression quantitative trait loci, Transcriptomics, Genetic and structural variation, Metagenomics, Bioinformatics.

Plant Molecular Biology

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Plant development, Seed formation, Plant-microbe interaction, Genetics and genomics, Plant biotechnology, Molecular biological studies of cereals and grasses, Gene expression analysis, Biolistic and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of barley and wheat, Transgenic plants, QTL analysis of perennial ryegrass with primary focus on flowering, cell wall composition and male sterility, Mechanisms behind the availability, utilization and metabolism of phosphate, nitrogen, starch, amino acids, minerals and cell walls, New cereal and grass varieties with improved properties for yield and use as feed, food and biomass for bioethanol production, Biomass production in wheat and ryegrass, BAC libraries, genetic mapping, microsatellite markers, laser capture microdissection, microarray.


Bioinformatics focuses on developing computational methods for collecting, handling and analyzing biological data. Research ranges from formulating models and theories about biological systems, to constructing algorithms and developing computer programs, and requires expertise in many traditional disciplines. Bioinformatics has a strong emphasis on molecular evolution, molecular population genetics, and statistical and algorithmic approaches to bioinformatics, and our research spans from addressing purely theoretical questions, to program development, applications and empirical collaborations.

Research facilities available:

The PhD programme in Molecular Biology and Genetics allows students to take advantage of a range of modern and advanced technologies in addition to standard molecular biology methodologies. Advanced methods include: Next generation sequencing, DNA array technology, greenhouses and controlled environment cabinets for growth of transgenic plants, stables for transgenic animals, mink breeding facilities, facilities for zebrafish, class 2 cell culture facilities, macromolecular x-ray crystallography, biophysics equipment for measurements of kinetic/equilibrium parameters, 3D molecular graphics, nano-drop macromolecular crystallization equipment, high resolution protein purification, fermentation, and large scale protein production.

International collaboration:

A large part of the projects of the PhD programme involve interaction between molecular biology and medicine and are therefore naturally carried out in collaboration with research groups at AU Health. These projects are mainly aimed at 1) understanding and preventing the development of diseases, 2) improving diagnostic methods based on a molecular understanding of human diseases, and/or 3) developing novel therapeutic approaches towards human diseases. Some projects focus on understanding protein function, because such knowledge is required for a molecular understanding of disease. Other projects focus at understanding disease at the level of the genome, or involve animal model systems. The PhD programme is a partner in the European Graduate School in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EGS-ABG, ).

Geographic location:

The PhD programme is associated with the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, which is situated at four locations in or close to the Aarhus University campus: “Biokæden”, C. F. Møllers Allé 130 and Forskerparken, Gustav Wieds Vej 10c, iNANO, Gustav Wieds Vej 14 and Biomedicine, Ole Worms Allé 8. More information about the locations .

Approx. number of PhD students:

Current list of PhD students at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Latest PhD defences at the  Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Information for PhD students enrolled in the PhD programme  

Whom to contact.

If you have any questions, both in connection with your start at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG), but also in general, please feel free to contact the Head of MBG's PhD Programme Committee or the PhD student secretary (please see below) who can answer your questions, or help you further. 

Head of Programme

Ditlev Egeskov Brodersen

Ditlev Egeskov   Brodersen

Local programme secretary, molecular biology.

Helle Homann

Helle   Homann

Nat phd partner.

Mie Meulengracht Christensen

Mie Meulengracht   Christensen

Advisory committee.

All PhD students from the MBG PhD programme must have an advisory committee. The committee consists of the supervisor, and at least two other members, one of which must be a member of the scientific staff who is not involved in the project. This staff member may be a person from the Department and does not have to be 'external'.

The size of the committee is not limited, so any co-supervisor or daily supervisor is welcome to participate.

The committee should meet with the student at least every six months. The Qualifying exam can count as a meeting.

Please inform Helle Homann ( [email protected] ) about the members of your advisory committee and report to her the date when you have held a meeting.

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research

  • PhD and Postdoc
  • Bioscience PhD

CPH Bioscience PhD Program

PhD student in lab

CPR is part of the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD program, a Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) initiative, offering up to 16 motivated international students funding to join a four-year rotation PhD program. Four of the students will join CPR.

The program is designed to introduce students to a range of world-class research within biomedicine and biotechnology, and equip them with exceptional skills for their future careers.

Pre-doc year ensures a great match for the PhD

The four-year PhD programme is a unique new concept for PhD education in Denmark, with students recruited initially to the PhD programme rather than individual labs. The first (pre-doc) year incorporates common courses and short rotation projects to optimize student-supervisor matching and encourage interdisciplinary research ideas.

3 year PhD with your selected research group

Students select a lab for their long-term project partway through the pre-doc year, and work on their PhD project during years 2-4 (the PhD years). Throughout the four years, the PhD programme supports the building of researcher networks, development and successful execution of PhD project plans, and acquisition of a broad base of knowledge and expertise.

Enrolment through application

Each cohort starts in September and candidates must apply for enrollment in the fall the previous year. You apply to the Novo Nordisk Foundation for funding by completing the application form on their website and providing all requested documents.


Applicants must have completed an education that brings them to the entry level for a PhD. It is required that applicants hold at least one degree from outside Denmark, and have been living and working outside Denmark for a significant period of time.

See more about the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme and application -

Read more about doing a PhD at CPR

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Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme

Fully-funded four year phd programme in an international scientific environment.

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The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme recruited approximately sixteen outstanding candidates per year from 2016-2022 to launch their careers in a world-class biomedicine and biotechnology research environment. No future admissions are planned.

More information about admissions can be found here:


The interview visit typically ran for 2-3 days, and included a panel interview with the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme Admissions Panel, one-on-one meetings with supervisors of interest, site visits to the four Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers, meals and activities. The Admissions Panel comprised two Group Leaders from each of the four NNF Research Centers, and a representative from NNF. Travel and accommodation for the interview visits were paid by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Final assessment of applicants took into account their academic record and references, the content of the submitted application form and CV, performance in the panel interview, feedback from one-on-one meetings with Group Leaders, and participation in the interview visit in general.

Get a PhD education at DTU

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PhD education at DTU

At DTU you can get a research education equal to the world’s very best in fields such as mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, biotechnology, chemical and biochemical engineering, electrical engineering, communications technology, space science, mechanical engineering, nanotechnology, energy, civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, food science, veterinary science, and life science.

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Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme

About the grants.

Fully funded PhD-programme

Denmark, International recruitment to Denmark

PhD students

Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine, Biotechnology-based Synthesis and Production, Clinical and Translational Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism

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The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme recruits up to 16 motivated international students annually to launch their careers in the vibrant scientific environment of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers in Copenhagen. For enrolment in September 2022, applications will be open from November 1, 2021. The application deadline is January 17 2022 at 14:00 AM CET.

Please read  ”Information and FAQ” carefully before initiating the application process, and refer to “ How to Apply ” throughout completion of the online application form. Additional and essential information is found in these documents.

Selection is based on academic achievements, research experience, academic references and interviews. The interview visit for up to 40 shortlisted applicants comprises panel interviews, one-on-one meetings with potential supervisors, and tours of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers. The Novo Nordisk Foundation arranges and pays for travel and accommodation for interviewing candidates. The interview visit will take place in Copenhagen in March 2022.

Programme outline

The four-year programme is divided into a pre-doctoral year followed by three years of PhD training at the University of Copenhagen or the Technical University of Denmark:

NNF Center for Protein Research

NNF Center for Biosustainability

NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research

NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine – ReNEW

The pre-doctoral year includes short rotation projects, choice of a lab for the long-term (PhD) project, and research-based courses. Approximately 15% of time during the pre-doctoral year is spent on courses, and the remaining 85% on lab-based research. All awardees must pass an assessment at the end of the pre-doctoral year to qualify for the following three years of PhD education.

All students in the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme complete three two-week rotation projects at the start of the pre-doctoral year. These rotation projects allow students to gain experience with the methods, important scientific questions and research environment in the labs they are interested in joining. During each rotation project, the student and supervisor are expected to discuss potential long-term project ideas. After completing the three rotation projects, the student makes an agreement with one of their rotation supervisors to join their lab for the long-term (PhD) project.

For more information about the pre-doctoral year and courses, see the  programme website.

Supervisors and research areas By submitting this application, applicants apply primarily to the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme, and also pre-select one of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers. Each Center conducts research in several research areas around a central theme within biotechnology or biomedicine. More information about research areas can be found on the programme website and the Center websites (see links above).

Applicants are required to explain their interest in particular supervisors and/or research topics in the application form. Potential supervisors and projects are listed on the programme website.



The CPH Bioscience PhD programme is designed for international talents to come to Denmark and start their research careers at one of the NNF Research Centers.

Applicants must fulfill the following:

  • Submit a fully completed application form before the deadline via the Novo Nordisk Foundation web-based application system.
  • Provide a minimum of two academic references.
  • Hold, or anticipate receiving before enrolment, a university degree that formally qualifies the applicant to enter a PhD programme (typically a Master’s degree).
  • Hold, or anticipate receiving before enrolment, a university degree from outside of Denmark.
  • The programme is also open for applicants with a Danish degree who can document at least 12 months of full-time research experience from outside Denmark, confirmed by at least one of their academic references.
  • Provide proof of English language skills (for example, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE scores).

Full salary and tuition fee will be covered by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Funding for the first year is awarded unconditionally to all successful applicants. Funding for the following three years is awarded conditionally, to be approved following a successful qualifying assessment at the end of the first (pre-doctoral) year. Up to sixteen positions will be funded for a programme start in September 2022. Applicants of all nationalities may be awarded funding, provided they fulfill all of the eligibility criteria.

For more information, see the  programme website.

Application process

Applications must be completed and submitted using the Novo Nordisk Foundation electronic application system.

Once signed up and logged in at the Novo Nordisk Foundation grant administration system, you can find the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme call for applications under the ‘Copenhagen Bioscience’ tab.

All complete applications submitted are reviewed by a committee of Group Leaders from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers.

Applicants can expect a reply from the review committee in February 2022.

Questions about the application process or about the programme: Amelia Green Programme Coordinator, Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Center Cluster University of Copenhagen / Technical University of Denmark [email protected]

Questions about technical issues with the online application form: [email protected]

Grant listings

Managing a grant, novo nordisk fonden.

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Denmark: 10 fully-funded PhD positions in the field of biomedical research


The International Doctoral Programme ‘Discovering treatment from biomedical research’ (DISCOVER) is supported by the H2020 Marie S. Curie programme and will recruit 24 talented fellows over three calls during 2021-2023. Up to 10 fully funded PhD positions are available under the current call at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen. Discover is a unique opportunity for young researchers to join an international and interdisciplinary PhD program within biomedicine. The programme offers:

Fully funded 36-month fellowships with attractive employment and salary conditions

Research training in an international top research centre (main research supervisor) and formalized collaboration with one of the neirboring hospitals (clinical co-supervisor)

Elaborate training in transferable skills and personal career development support


The vision of DISCOVER is to empower diverse research talent to become creative and responsible researchers, with an ability to translate their biomedical research into clinical value. The past decades have presented great breakthroughs in the fundamental knowledge required for understanding and diagnosing many diseases. However, the ability to move basic discoveries towards new treatments is lagging behind the pace of discovery. DISCOVER’s ambition is to inspire and enable fellows to a research career bridging basic and clinical research. This will be done as a joint venture between BRIC and a number of clinical partner organizations.

Three programme CORNERSTONES are central to pursue the vision:

Build bridge across ‘bed and bench’

Discover approaches and tools to stimulate creativity and translation of research

Explore and implement sustainability in biomedical research

With DISCOVER we will address an unmet need for closer ties between basic research and the clinic, through education of translational researchers with abilities to move basic biomedical research findings down the path towards treatment.

The Discover fellows will receive a contract with UCPH with BRIC as the daily workplace. The contract will be for 3+36 months (3 months as research assistant to develop the PhD-project and prepare the PhD-enrolment and 36 months as a PhD student). The employment conditions will be equal to those of other researchers employed at BRIC/UCPH. The terms of employment are in accordance with agree­ments between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State and include:

Depending on seniority, the monthly salary begins around 28.365,85 (aprox. 3.782 EUR).54 DKK (ca. 3,824 EUR) plus pension as a PhD fellow plus pension as a PhD fellow

Full social benefits including public health care

Right to paid holidays (five weeks plus five special holidays, on top of national holidays)

Right to salary during own illness and child’s first two sick days

Right to parental leave (up to 32 weeks paid leave) and two childcare days/child/year until age 7

The overall working conditions at UCPH is set out in a ‘Personnel Policy’, presented in a Personnel Policy Handbook and centred around a set of basic principles ensuring an open, collaborative, secure, including and developing work environment with equality for all staff. The Discover fellows will:

Have flexible work hours in a family friendly environment (e.g. regular meetings between 9-16)

Be hosted in a healthy physical work and psychosocial work environment

Have Annual Performance and Development Reviews with nearest leader (main supervisor)

Participate in university and centre-wide satisfaction and well-being assessments

How to apply

Make sure to read carefully the discover guide for applicants and use the mandatory templates for your CV, the eligibility declaration and list of referees when you apply! Incomplete or late applications will not be evaluated.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria are precise criteria regarding mobility and level of education:

  • International mobility : Candidates can have any nationality but must undertake transnational mobility according to the MSCA rules. Thus, candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Denmark for more than 12 months in the three years prior to the call deadline. Further, applicants working at UCPH for more than 3 months before the deadline will be considered ineligible.
  • Education : Candidates must hold a master’s degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field at the time of application, obtained no longer than three years before application deadline. Candidates can switch to another field of research than their masters but must have sufficient understanding/skills to address the potential research project. In acknowledgement of different career paths, candidates holding a MD degree can apply until five years from obtaining their degree. To ensure equal opportunities, exceptions to the 3/5-year rule are made for applicants with documented career breaks (parental leave, illness, mandatory military/civil service). Candidates must not already hold a PhD degree.
  • Application requirements : In order to be eligible, a complete set of application material submitted in due time is required.

Application Requirements

Application can only happen online via the link on the Discover homepage, the KU job portal, Euraxess or Nature job. A complete set ofapplication material ( in English ) is required:

Online application form including personal details

Motivation letter/cover letter

CV ( mandatory template )

A signed eligibility declaration ( mandatory template )

List of two-three referees, whereof one should preferably be the master’s degree supervisor ( mandatory template )

Certified copy of original master diploma and transcripts records in the original language, including an authorized English translation if issued in other language than English *

Documentation of English test**

Documentation of career breaks, if any

Other relevant information for consideration

* The master’s degree needs to be completed so that the diploma is issued no later than start of the fellowship (1 January 2023). If the master’s degree is not completed at time of application, a certified/signed copy of a recent transcript of records or a written statement from the institution or supervisor is required.

** Please read here if you need to upload an English test If not available at the time of application, copy of an English test will be required at time of interview.

Read more here: Admission requirements and English language skills

Mandatory templates for your application:

Declaration of eligibility

List of referees

Application Deadline: 7 August 2022


Host research groups

More Information

Clinical Cancer Research

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Mandatory courses for CCR students:

Mandatory courses for clinical PhD students:

  • Clinical Cancer Research. Held once a year (until 2019 every second year). 
  • The Annual National PhD Course. We recommend every year. Mandatory at least once. We offer two different. You choose the one that is most relevant for your project.

Recommended for clinical PhD students:

  • Mechanisms of Cancer - Cancer Biology and Translational Cancer Research

Mandatory courses for non-clinical students:

  • The Annual National PhD Course. We recommend every year. Mandatory at least once. We offer two different. You choose the one that is most relevant for your project.

Dates for courses.

  • Mechanisms of Cancer - Cancer Biology and Translational Cancer Research  (approx. 3,5 ECTS):  November 4-8, 2024. Now open for enrollment. Deadline October 4, 2024. Go to this webpage to enroll.
  • Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy (approx. 2,1 ECTS):  Next course around March 2025.
  • Clinical Cancer Research (approx. 4,4 ECTS):  November 20-22, 2024 and January 8-10, 2025. 6 days in all. Now open for enrollment. Deadline October 20, 2024. Go to this webpage to enroll.
  • The Annual National PhD Course in Hematology (approx. 1,4 ECTS):  Next course will be in 2025.
  • The Annual National PhD Course in Clinical Cancer Research (approx. 1,2 ECTS):   April 2-3, 2025. Organizer is SDU, Helle Normann Petersen, [email protected].

You will find all available courses in the catalogue here

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Study in Denmark

Master (2 years) of Science in Biology, 120 ECTS

2 years
7300 EUR


Career opportunities  .

  • pharmaceutical companies
  • government ministries
  • municipalities
  • universities
  • upper secondary schools
  • intellectual property consultancies
  • environmental organisations
  • biotech start-ups


Further information, non eu/eea citizens, application date, eu/eea/swiss citizens, university of copenhagen (ucph), north campus, description.

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How to apply

Read about the application process and the steps you need to take to study at a Danish Institution of Higher Education

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  • Center for Synthetic Biology
  • PhD in plant synbio av...

PhD in plant synbio available

Production and storage of high-value natural products in biocondensates. Deadline January 24, 2021

The Plant Biochemistry Laboratory at Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen is offering a PhD scholarship in plant synthetic biology to investigate the production and storage of high value natural products in photosynthetic cells and yeast. The fellowship will commence 1 April 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Description of the scientific environment The PhD fellowship is financed by a five year Novo Nordisk Foundation Distinguished Investigator research grant “ The Black Holes in the Plant Universe ” and with the   Plant Biochemistry Laboratory as the working place.  The successful applicant will join the Synthetic Biology research group headed by Professor Birger Lindberg Møller ( Our research is focused on (1) plant pathway discovery including diterpenoids, vanillin and anthocyanins; (2) the role of N-hydroxylations in plant metabolism and the coupling to the production of cyanogenic glucosides; (3) establishment of metabolic channeling using cyanogenic glucosides as a model system; (4) the possible involvement of natural deep eutectic solvents in the storage of plant natural products in dense biocondensates.   The Plant Biochemistry Laboratory is among the world leading laboratories within plant synthetic biology. Built on truly interdisciplinary research, a strong international network, a highly interactive international research environment and continuous strong support from external funds, the laboratory has made many seminal contributions to science and has fostered a multitude of eminent researchers with influential positions in Denmark and abroad  ( Our laboratory aims to provide science-based solutions facilitating the global   move into The Planthroprocene Era where use of fossil fuels is replaced by use of renewable energy resources and bio-based production. Green photosynthetic organisms play a vital role in this transition as providers of both food, biomaterials and energy as well as essential medicines, nutraceuticals, condiments and colorants. However, the precious substances produced are often present in very small amounts in the plants, extraction is difficult and harvest in nature is not sustainable. Our research initiative is going to overcome these limiting factors.

Project description The focus of “The Black Holes in the Plant Universe” research initiative is to unravel the biological mechanisms behind the intriguing ability of specific plants (e.g. sorghum, vanilla orchid, cannabis) to store rare and sparingly soluble natural products at seemingly impossibly high molar concentrations and the possible involvement of an attuned matrix of simple molecules termed a natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) in the process.  In planta  formation and organization of NADES-based bio-condensates remains unchartered territory. Joint research expeditions into this territory will be organized to provide invaluable clues into plants’ orchestration of bio-condensates for production, regulation and storage of bio-active natural products while avoiding auto-toxicity. The research defines new approaches for future bio-based production of high-value natural products in photosynthetic cells and yeast. The research takes our understanding of plant plasticity and adaptation to climate change to an entirely new level.  The research project will thus contribute with highly attractive knowledge for design and development of more efficient and commercially sound bio-production systems.  The project will involve heterologous production of selected natural products including cyanogenic glucosides, vanillin and anthocyanins in yeast with the aim to re-generate bio-condensates in a heterologous system. In order to achieve this goal, bioinformatics analysis will be employed to decipher key chemical modifications that facilitate natural product condensation and to elucidate key components such as sugars and acids and scaffolding proteins that may be required to form efficient intracellular NADES.

Principal supervisor  is   Professor D.Sc.   Birger Lindberg Møller ([email protected],  Direct Phone: +45 20 43 34 11) and Co-supervisors Assistant Professor Tomas Laursen and post doc Mette Sørensen, Plant Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences,.

Job description

The position is available for a 3-year period and your key tasks as a PhD student at SCIENCE are:

  • To manage and carry through your research project
  • Attend PhD courses
  • Write scientific articles and your PhD thesis
  • Teach and disseminate your research
  • To stay at an external research institution for a few months, preferably abroad
  • Work for the department

Formal requirements Applicants should hold an MSc or an equivalent academic degree in natural product biochemistry, molecular biology, metabolomics, plant and yeast genetics, or in cell organelle and enzyme isolation. The successful applicant has obtained high grades and masters good English. As criteria for the assessment of your qualifications, emphasis will also be laid on previous publications (if any) and relevant work experience. Key personal skills include enthusiasm and good interpersonal communication skills, a curiosity driven interdisciplinary approach to science and a generous and open mindset.

Terms of employment The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.

Terms of appointment and payment according to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.

The starting salary is currently at a minimum DKK 331,125 (approx. €43,750) including annual supplement (+ pension at a minimum DKK 53,811). Negotiation for salary supplement is possible.

Application Procedure The application,   in English , must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

Please   include

  • Cover Letter detailing your motivation and background for applying for this specific PhD project
  • Diploma and transcripts of records (BSc and MSc)
  • Other information for consideration, e.g. specific qualifications and a list of publications
  • 1-3 reference letters to be uploaded with the application

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

The deadline for applications is January 24th 2021 23:59 GMT +1.

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee. Afterwards  an assessment committee will be appointed to evaluate the selected applications. The applicants will be notified of the composition of the committee and the final selection of a successful candidate will be made by the Head of Department, based on the recommendations of the assessment committee and the interview committee.

The main criterion for selection will be the research potential of the applicant and the above-mentioned skills. The successful candidate will then be requested to formally apply for enrolment as a PhD student at the PhD school of Science.   You can read more about the recruitment process at .

Questions For specific information about the PhD scholarship, please contact the principal supervisor Professor Birger Lindberg Møller, email:   [email protected] ,   Direct Phone +45 20433411.

General information about PhD programmes at SCIENCE is available at

Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.

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PhD fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology

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-organization, self-healing, and self-pumping. We offer a highly creative and collaborative research atmosphere at the interface between physics, biology and fluid mechanics. The PhD fellowship is given in

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Department of Biology

  • BIO - English

Research Centres

Core facilities, publications.

The Department's research activities cover everything in the biological world – from the smallest constituents of life, DNA and proteins, to the diversity of the plant and animal kingdom.

The research takes place in research sections and centres with each one's specialties, partners and facilities.

Biomolecular Sciences

Cell and neurobiology, cell biology and physiology, computational and rna biology, ecology and evolution, freshwater biology, functional genomics, marine biology, microbiology, terrestrial ecology.

  • Sun. Sep 1st, 2024

Best Global Research Positions in Agriculture and Biosciences

3 PhD Funded Positions and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/ Mechanobiology Within the GreenTE Gravitation Program in The Netherlands

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By Agristok

phd biology denmark

3 PhD Funded Positions and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/Mechanobiology Within the GreenTE Gravitation Program in The Netherlands: Plant Mechanobiology is an field that explores how mechanical forces and physical properties influence the growth, development, and behavior of plants. At its heart, plant mechanobiology investigates how plants perceive, respond, and adapt to mechanical stimuli, which can include forces like wind, gravity, touch, or even the pressure exerted by their own growth. This field bridges physics, biology, and engineering to understand these interactions.

Mechanobiology plays a crucial role in plant morphogenesis. The mechanical properties of cell walls, influenced by the arrangement of cellulose microfibrils, determine how cells expand and divide, shaping plant organs. This includes how plants bend or how leaves fold, as seen in the rapid movements of the Mimosa pudica when touched, which involves specialized motor organs called pulvini. Understanding plant mechanobiology can lead to advancements in agriculture, like developing crops that are more resilient to wind or mechanical stress, or optimizing plant architecture for better light capture and yield.

Plant mechanobiology , therefore, not only enriches our understanding of plant life but also opens avenues for innovation in biotechnology, agriculture, and even materials science, where plant-inspired designs could lead to new technologies. This field continues to evolve, with each discovery peeling back another layer of the complex life of plants, revealing them as dynamic, responsive organisms far beyond passive greenery.

About GreenTE: Green Mechanobiology is positioned at the interface of classical disciplines: biology, mechanics, physics and chemistry. A central aim in mechanobiology is not to view the physical and mechanical aspects of plant life as separate from the complex biological reality, but as an intrinsic and deeply intertwined part of the whole. The field of Green Mechanobiology aims to integrate concepts from physics and mechanics into a biological viewpoint on the processes of life for a systems level understanding.

A foundational basis of our GreenTE project is our shared conviction that to understand how mechanics couples to biological programs in the life of plant cells and tissues, and to learn how such knowledge can be leveraged to gain engineering control over plant development or resilience, we need to bring together a broad range of expertise. We not only believe that an inherently multidisciplinary problem requires a truly interdisciplinary team, but are also convinced that it is essential to train a new generation of young researchers to integrate concepts from these disparate fields in their intuitive scientific thinking, which can only be effectively achieved by embedding their training in a collaborative community that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. Thus, the GreenTE consortium strives to advance the field of plant mechanobiology both by pushing the frontiers of our scientific knowledge and by fostering a new generation of researchers that is equipped to better approach complex problems using a multidisciplinary approach.

The GreenTE community will build strong links to adjacent international fields of plant biomechanics and (animal and microbial) mechanobiology. We will link our efforts to those of other international initiatives, in part through our Scientific Advisory Board members, by organizing international conferences, by enabling exchange in the form of scientific visits by GreenTE researchers to other institutes (such as the NSF Center for Engineering MechanoBiology (CEMB)) and by offering support to international scientists to visit and work in GreenTE labs. We will provide a rich playing field for translational science through the inclusion of an Industrial Stakeholders Committee, comprising both small to medium and large enterprises, that will support and help identify novel applications of our fundamental research.

We have 3 PhD Positions and 2 Postdoctoral Positions available:

PhD position: Modeling the mechanical regulation of plant development and regeneration:

The opening is for a PhD research position within the field of mathematical or theoretical biology, computational physics, applied mathematics or computational science. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

Key responsibilities:

  • Develop and interpret novel two-dimensional multiscale mathematical models of mechanical regulation of plant development and regeneration in close collaboration with members of the GreenTE consortium, in particular the group of experimental plant biologist Prof. dr. Dolf Weijers at Wageningen University.
  • Further develop the plant modeling package VirtualLeaf to reflect mechanical manipulation as performed in the experimental lab.
  • Incorporate detailed insights into the model of the mechanical properties of cell walls based on experiments and small-scale simulations developed elsewhere in the GreenTE consortium.
  • Correct and improve your mathematical models in close collaboration with experimental biologists, particularly PhD students at Wageningen University who will perform mechanical interventions (e.g., stretching, squeezing or poking) of embryo development and root regeneration of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • At a later stage: extend the models to three dimensions in close collaboration with a postdoc in computational science in our team.

Enquiries about the position can be made to Prof.dr. Roeland Merks, [email protected]

To apply for this vacancy, please ensure that you join to your application the following additional documents:

  • A letter of motivation
  • An updated CV
  • Letters of recommendation or contact details of 1 or 2 former supervisors
  • The transcripts of your MSc studies
  • Examples of previously written code

Application deadline September 9 th 2024.

  • PhD position: Mechanical signaling during seed germination

Within the GreenTE Gravitation program, we are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to explore mechanisms of mechanical signaling during seed germination. In this PhD project, we aim for mapping the mechanical responses during seed germination. We will use a multi-point indentation technique to characterize the seeds’ mechanical properties, such as stiffness and rupture force, with a spatial resolution of a few micrometers. Further, we will use the plant-specific molecular mechanoprobes to generate high-resolution maps of the mechanical properties and turgor pressure inside the seed, using multiphoton confocal microscopy. We will link the gained knowledge to transcriptome, translatome and phosphoproteome data that will be generated by other researchers in the project team to finally create an integrated model of seed germination. The constructed models will be functionally characterized using Arabidopsis mutants.

The candidate will be embedded in the Wageningen Seed Science Centre (Leónie Bentsink group) which is part of the Laboratory of Plant physiology, Wageningen University, and within the larger GreenTE program. The latter includes physicists, chemists, theoreticians and plant biologists. We are looking for an MSc graduate (or soon to graduate MSc candidate) with a strong affinity with curiosity-driven plant science and experience in (plant) molecular biology approaches (including confocal microscopy). The (full-time) position is funded for 4 years and available from October 2024 onwards.

This PhD project is part of the Gravitation programme GreenTE (Green Tissue Engineering), a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 Dutch universities. Together, GreenTE will unravel how plants sense and respond to mechanical stimuli; these fundamental insights will be the basis to develop engineering interventions to improve plant regeneration, seed germination and defenses against disease. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

For more information about this position, please contact Prof dr Leónie Bentsink ( [email protected] ) This vacancy is open up to and including September 2, 2024. If you are interested in joining our diverse team, please apply online through APPLY NOW by uploading a motivation letter and CV

  • PhD Position in Mechanical signaling in plants

Within the GreenTE Gravitation program, we are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to explore mechanisms of mechanical signaling in plants. Our recent data identified rapid protein phosphorylation as a potentially profound mediator of responses to mechanical stress in Arabidopsis cells. In this project, the candidate will use a combination of microfluidics and phosphoproteomics to systematically explore rapid responses to mechanical signals, and investigate the role of newly identified candidate regulators and mediators in the perception of and response to mechanical signaling in development and/or immunity.

The candidate will be embedded in a multi-disciplinary team both at the host department (Dolf Weijers and Joris Sprakel groups; Wageningen University), and within the larger GreenTE program. The latter includes physicists, chemists, theoreticians and plant biologists.

We are looking for an MSc graduate (or soon to graduate MSc candidate) with a strong affinity with curiosity-driven plant science and experience in one or more of the following areas: (1) Proteomics, (2) Microfluidics, (3) Engineering. The (full-time) position is funded for 4 years and available from September 2024 onward.

This PhD/PD project is part of the Gravitation programme GreenTE (Green Tissue Engineering), a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 Dutch universities. Together, GreenTE will unravel how plants sense and respond to mechanical stimuli; these fundamental insights will be the basis to develop engineering interventions to improve plant regeneration, seed longevity and defenses against disease. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

To apply: Please contact Dolf Weijers ( [email protected] ) or Joris Sprakel ( [email protected] ) to inquire about the position or to apply. When applying, please provide a motivation letter, a detailed CV and names of 2-3 individuals from whom a letter of reference can be requested. This vacancy is open up to and including September 2, 2024.

  • Postdoc position: Three-dimensional simulation models of plant tissue mechanobiology

The opening is for a Postdoc research position within the field of computational science, mathematical or theoretical biology, computational physics, or applied mathematics. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

  • Develop novel, three-dimensional simulation techniques suitable for modeling the mechanical regulation of plant development and regeneration in close collaboration with members of the GreenTE consortium.
  • Integrate the new techniques into the plant modeling package VirtualLeaf .
  • Design simulation experiments to reflect and interpret mechanical manipulation of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana as performed elsewhere in the GreenTE consortium.
  • Incorporate detailed insights into the model of the mechanical properties of cell walls based on experiments and simulations at the subcellular level as developed elsewhere in the GreenTE consortium.
  • Collaborate with a PhD student working in our group, also within GreenTE, to extend two-dimensional models of mechanical regulation of plant development to three dimensions and to validate these against experimental data produced elsewhere in the consortium.
  • Publication of the results in the scientific literature.
  • Postdoc position: Mechanosensing mechanisms of seed desiccation survival; Postdoc Seed Desiccation – GreenTE

As part of the GreenTE Gravitation program, we are looking for a talented, motivated, and proactive postdoctoralresearcher who is interested in unravelling the mechanosensing mechanisms of seed desiccation survival.

Producing dry seeds is vital for plants since it enables them to survive in harsh environmental conditions and it ensures that their species can thrive over time. Extreme loss of water (or desiccation) during seed development or germination is an important factor that affects seed survival, resilience, and storability. However, little is still known about how drying is sensed and integrated into seed developmental programs.

As a postdoctoral researcher, you will investigate how mechanical and biochemical signals trigged by drying affect the transcriptome (RNA-seq) and phosphoproteome during seed maturation and germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Besides designing and conducting experiments, analyzing the results and writing scientific manuscripts, you will have the opportunity to contribute with teaching and supervising MSc and BSc students.

Your qualities:

  • You have a recently obtained a PhD degree in plant sciences, with a focus on molecular biology, developmental biology, biochemistry, or related fields,
  • You have experience with detailed phenotyping and affinity with precision work in model species, such as molecular biology and microscopy techniques,
  • You have interest or affinity with biophysical and/or biochemistry research in plants,
  • Experience with seed physiology experiments, phosphoproteomics, transcriptomics, and/or bioinformatics approaches are an advantage,
  • Have excellent organizational and writing skills, work independently and reliably, and are proactive and enthusiastic for the project.

You will work at the Seed Resilience Group, led by Dr. Mariana Silva Artur. Our group addresses fundamental questions related to seed survival in the dry state. We are also embedded in the Wageningen Seed Science Centre which is part of the Laboratory of Plant Physiology. This project is part of the GreenTE Gravitation program, a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 Dutch universities who aims at unravelling how plants sense and respond to mechanical stimuli and to develop engineering interventions to improve plant regeneration, seed longevity and defenses against disease. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Mariana Silva Artur ([email protected]) . This vacancy is open up to and including September 2, 2024. If you are interested in joining our diverse and interdisciplinary team, please apply please apply online through: APPLY NOW by uploading a motivation letter and CV.

See More Opportunities Like this here .

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Admission Steps

Biological sciences - biology, ecology and evolution - phd, admission requirements.

Terms and Deadlines

Degree and GPA Requirements


Additional standards for non-native english speakers, additional standards for international applicants.

For the 2025-2026 academic year

See 2024-2025 requirements instead

Fall 2025 quarter (beginning in September)

Priority deadline: December 16, 2024

Final submission deadline: August 14, 2025

International submission deadline: May 5, 2025

Priority deadline: Applications will be considered after the Priority deadline provided space is available.

Final submission deadline: Applicants cannot submit applications after the final submission deadline.

Degrees and GPA Requirements

Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution.

University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for graduate study at the University of Denver must meet one of the following criteria:

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the baccalaureate degree.

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the last 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits (approximately two years of work) for the baccalaureate degree.

An earned master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the recognized equivalent from an international institution supersedes the minimum GPA requirement for the baccalaureate.

A cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate coursework completed for applicants who have not earned a master’s degree or higher.

Students with an undergraduate major in chemistry, physics or mathematics and minimal preparation in biological sciences also will be considered but may be required to take undergraduate courses when the prerequisites are lacking. Course prerequisites include: one year of general chemistry, one year of calculus (recommended), one year of physics, two years of biology and one year of organic chemistry.

Official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), C1 Advanced or Duolingo English Test are required of all graduate applicants, regardless of citizenship status, whose native language is not English or who have been educated in countries where English is not the native language. Your TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test scores are valid for two years from the test date.

The minimum TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test score requirements for this degree program are:

Minimum TOEFL Score (Internet-based test): 80

Minimum IELTS Score: 6.5

Minimum C1 Advanced Score: 176

Minimum Duolingo English Test Score: 115

Additional Information:

Read the English Language Proficiency policy for more details.

Read the Required Tests for GTA Eligibility policy for more details.

Per Student & Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) regulation, international applicants must meet all standards for admission before an I-20 or DS-2019 is issued, [per U.S. Federal Register: 8 CFR § 214.3(k)] or is academically eligible for admission and is admitted [per 22 C.F.R. §62]. Read the Additional Standards For International Applicants policy for more details.

Application Materials

Transcripts, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation.

Required Essays and Statements

We require a scanned copy of your transcripts from every college or university you have attended. Scanned copies must be clearly legible and sized to print on standard 8½-by-11-inch paper. Transcripts that do not show degrees awarded must also be accompanied by a scanned copy of the diploma or degree certificate. If your academic transcripts were issued in a language other than English, both the original documents and certified English translations are required.

Transcripts and proof of degree documents for postsecondary degrees earned from institutions outside of the United States will be released to a third-party international credential evaluator to assess U.S. education system equivalencies. Beginning July 2023, a non-refundable fee for this service will be required before the application is processed.

Upon admission to the University of Denver, official transcripts will be required from each institution attended.

GRE scores are optional for admission to this program. Applications submitted without scores will receive full consideration. Every application undergoes a comprehensive evaluation, including a careful review of all application materials. If you choose to submit test scores, you may upload your Test Taker Score Report PDF, which is considered unofficial. Official scores must be received directly from the appropriate testing agency upon admission to the University of Denver. The ETS institution code to submit GRE scores to the University of Denver is 4842.

University Standardized Test Policy

Three (3) letters of recommendation are required.  Letters should be submitted by recommenders through the online application.

Essays and Statements

Personal statement instructions.

A personal statement of at least 300 words is required. The statement should include information concerning your career goals, life, education, practical experience, special interests and specific purpose for applying to the University of Denver.

You are required to identify the program to which you are applying (Cell & Molecular Biology or Ecology & Evolution). Applicants can also identify if they have directly contacted a faculty member(s) whose research is of particular interest to the applicant. In most cases, acceptance into the program is contingent upon support by a member of the faculty.

Start the Application

Online Application

Financial Aid Information

Start your application.

Your submitted materials will be reviewed once all materials and application fees have been received.

Our program can only consider your application for admission if our Office of Graduate Education has received all your online materials and supplemental materials by our application deadline.

Application Fee: $65.00 Application Fee

International Degree Evaluation Fee: $50.00 Evaluation Fee for degrees (bachelor's or higher) earned from institutions outside the United States.

Applicants should complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 15. Visit the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.


UCL Faculty of Life Sciences

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  • Innovation and enterprise


First Wellcome Optical Biology PhD Student Retreat in Lisbon

19 August 2024

Group of students standing in sunshine

16-19 June 2024

University college london - instituto gulbenkian de ciência - champalimaud centre for the unknown.

Our Wellcome Optical Biology PhD student Retreat kicked off with a keynote speech from Prof. Rita Fior, who discussed current progress in using "Zebrafish Avatars for Personalized Medicine" which aims to bring bench-side cancer drug screening results to cancer patients in a mere 10 days. Prof. Michael Orger gave an intriguing talk on "Imaging Structure and Function in the Larval Zebrafish Brain" focusing on in-house imaging setup across multiple scales, leveraging the optical accessibility of zebrafish. Prof. Ricardo Henriques focused on cutting-edge super-resolution microscopy and shared with us recent efforts to develop tools for microscopy imaging which ended with an amazing roundtable discussion on the “randomness” and reproducibility of data produced with deep learning-based methods.

Followed by the keynote talks, the group leaders of imaging facilities talked to us about the imaging setups available on campus, how their staff is uniquely positioned to help researchers both within Portrugal and through collaboration as part of the “EuroImaging” Group. We also had tours of imaging centres and the campuses led by local students. All keynote speakers from both institutes joined us for the roundtable sessions, coffee breaks, and lunches, meaning that most of us were able to interact and connect with the speakers directly to talk about research and their career in science.

On the afternoons of the Retreat, we had amazing poster sessions in the tropical gardens of Champalimaud surrounded by greenery and student “blitz talks” in IGC. Both posters and student talks covered a huge range of topics from population genetics and mechanochemical signaling of wound healing, from retinal development to acousto-optic lens based imaging system. All of us appreciated the chance to practice our presentation skills in a friendly environment and discuss our research with other students alike.

Related News

  • BE Headquarters
  • Open Positions
  • Staff Directory
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Restricted Electives
  • Concentrations
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Toxicology and Environmental Health
  • Career Resources
  • Undergraduate Thesis
  • PhD Course Requirements
  • Advisor Selection
  • Graduate FAQ
  • Meet The Graduate Students

How Do I Apply?

  • Application Assistance Program
  • Masters Degree
  • Graduate Life
  • Biomechanics
  • Biomolecular Design
  • Cancer Biology
  • Chemicals and Materials
  • Computational Systems Biology
  • Climate, Environment, and Toxicology
  • Immunoengineering
  • Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Microbiome Engineering and Infectious Disease
  • Neurobiology
  • Plant and Agriculture
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Research Centers
  • Named Lectureships
  • Wishnok Prize
  • Student Leadership
  • BioMaker Space
  • Communication and Data Labs
  • Faculty Only
  • Thesis Committee
  • PhD Oral Exam
  • PhD Dissertation Requirements

Applying to the Biological Engineering PhD program

Thank you for your interest in MIT BE – we want to receive your application! This page explains the application process and provides information specific to our program that you may use to strengthen your application. Our evaluation process begins with your electronic application folder and proceeds through an on-site interview.

We believe that our diverse, welcoming, and collaborative community fosters the most effective environment for training students to conduct world-class research. To maintain and further strengthen our culture, we depend on continuing to receive applications representing a broad range of academic and personal backgrounds. From 2019-2022, we invited applicants from 64 different undergraduate institutions holding and expecting bachelors degrees in many different disciplines to interview for admission. Of applicants invited to interview from 2019-2022, about 52% self-identified as female, and more than 18% self-identified as underrepresented minorities (as defined by MIT). Many students join the program immediately after completing their undergraduate studies, while others have already received advanced degrees or acquired post-baccalaureate professional experience.

The guidance below is intended to help prospective students understand the aspects of academic preparation and experience that poise applicants for success in our program and how to present this information effectively in their application materials. This guidance is not intended to describe any “ideal” application profile or minimum standards for admission (no quantitative standards exist). Every complete application received is reviewed holistically by BE faculty.

Application to MIT BE is competitive, with fewer than 10% of applicants receiving an offer to interview each year (we offer admission to the majority of interviewees). Applicants holding international undergraduate degrees may apply, and such applicants received about 3% of the interview offers made from 2019-2022. Interview offers are communicated asynchronously to applicants in January and February each year.

Evaluation of applications for PhD study in BE particularly focuses on:

  • Evidence of strong academic preparation and demonstrated interest in both a quantitative discipline and a biological discipline
  • Evidence of aptitude for and experience/accomplishment in scientific or engineering research
  • Explanation of interest in pursuing a career that leverages PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the guidance of MIT BE faculty advisors

Academic preparation. Success in the challenging coursework and research components of the MIT BE PhD program requires a strong academic background in both biology and quantitative engineering or science. While many successful applicants hold undergraduate engineering degrees and have completed substantial coursework in biology, there are many different ways to demonstrate the academic preparation needed. Applicants whose principal degree is quantitative, computational, engineering, or in the physical sciences can bolster their training in biology by taking core biology courses like biochemistry, genetics, and cell biology. Applicants whose principal degree is in a life science field can acquire quantitative training in courses beyond calculus, biostatistics, and programming/informatics such as differential equations, linear algebra, and advanced courses in probability, statistics, analysis, and computer science.

Understanding that every applicant’s personal and college experience is unique and that grading practices differ, BE has no minimum grade point average (GPA) requirement. We strongly consider the factors other than GPA described on this page in our admissions process. However, most applicants receiving an interview offer have a GPA in the A range (>3.6 on an A = 4.0 scale), and from 2019-2022 the median GPA of interviewees was 3.94. Many applicants with high GPAs do not receive interview invitations, and applicants with GPAs below the A range may be competitive for admission in our holistic evaluation process given other extraordinary aspects of their academic record, experiences, and achievements detailed in their application materials.

Applicant statement. This application component is a free-form opportunity to introduce yourself in writing to the admissions committee, explain your interest in Biological Engineering at MIT, and contextualize other application components including your academic record, research experience, and letters of recommendation. The admissions committee wants to hear why PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the mentorship of MIT BE faculty is right for you, which research groups you may be interested in joining, how you have prepared to receive PhD training, and how this training may power your aspirations for the future. The MIT BE Communications Lab CommKit has additional content on writing statements of purpose . While not a particular focus of our evaluation, the statement is an opportunity to directly demonstrate your writing skills and attention to detail.

Letters of recommendation provide crucial evidence of research aptitude in successful applications. The most impactful support letters come from your faculty research supervisor(s) who know you well and have substantial experience advising PhD students. Support letters from other research supervisors, academic advisors, or course instructors may also be included. You can find general guidance (not specific to applications to study in the BE PhD program) on requesting letters of recommendation and on support letter content from the Biological Engineering Communication Lab.

To apply , go to the online application and create a user id and password. You do not need to complete the entire application in one sitting. You may begin the application, save it, and return to it at a later time using your user ID and password.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications ahead of the deadline and are responsible for ensuring that all admissions credentials are submitted on time. Your application will not be reviewed until all materials have been received. There is no separate application for financial support; all admitted applicants are offered a full support package.

The BE Department does not require the standardized Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test as part of our application process, but will consider scores if provided by the applicant.

To apply follow these steps.

1. Fill out the online application by 23:59, EST, December 15.

You will be providing the following information:

  • Field(s) of interest
  • Personal information/addresses
  • International student data
  • Three or more names and email addresses of letter writers
  • Scanned copies of your College Transcripts
  • For international students, scanned copies of your IELTS scores
  • Academic preparation and research/work experience
  • Applicant statement
  • Credit card payment of $90 (Information on requesting a fee waiver is here )

2. Arrange for submission of the following (official reports only):

Scanned PDF transcripts and IELTS scores are considered unofficial documents but are sufficient for review purposes. Official documents are required before an admissions decision can be made. Please have any test scores electronically transmitted to MIT Admissions and mail official copies of your transcript(s) to:

MIT Department of Biological Engineering

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. 16-267

Cambridge, MA 02139

For international students:

IELTS scores should also be electronically sent directly to MIT.

  • To register for a test, visit the IETLS website.
  • IELTS does not require a code. Please write “Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology”. No address is required as scores are reported electronically.
  • If you are an international student, you should take the IELTS test by November 15. The Department of Biological Engineering does not waive this requirement.

The IELTS is waived for applicants who are citizens of Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, or the United Kingdom, or for applicants who have or will earn a BS degree at a US university.


  1. International PhD Fellowship in Plant Molecular Biology, Denmark

    phd biology denmark

  2. International PhD Fellowships in Structural Biology at University of

    phd biology denmark

  3. University of Copenhagen International PhD Fellowship in Dopamine

    phd biology denmark

  4. PhD programme

    phd biology denmark

  5. International PhD Fellowships in Plant Biology and Bioimaging, Denmark

    phd biology denmark

  6. Biology Scholarship for PhD at The University of Southern Denmark

    phd biology denmark


  1. PhD Admission 2024 PhD Entrance Exam Updates Shivaji University Kolhapur

  2. PhD

  3. Applying for PhD funding in Denmark

  4. Countries with well paid PhD students!

  5. Fully Funded PhD in Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology at University of Southern California

  6. Master


  1. PhD programme

    University rankings typically place the field of biology/biochemistry at the University of Copenhagen first in Denmark and among the top 30 universities internationally. The mission of the PhD programme at the Department of Biology is to offer world-class research training and education through participation in exciting, frontier research ...

  2. PhD School of SCIENCE

    The PhD school aims to train PhD candidates with all the required scientific skills plus complementary competencies at the highest level. The PhD programme at SCIENCE lasts three years and includes an independent research project, stays at other/international research institution (s), PhD level courses, teaching and other types of knowledge ...

  3. PhD programmes

    In Denmark you must apply for PhD programmes in writing via advertised projects and scholarships. Usually, you either apply for an opportunity with a pre-defined research topic, or you propose your own research ideas. You also have to include a transcript of your grades for your bachelor's and master's degrees with documentation of your ...

  4. PhD Programme in Biology at Graduate School of Natural Sciences, AU

    Biology. The Department of Biology is one of the largest at the Faculty of Natural Sciences housing 207 staff members and more than 450 enrolled students including 40-60 PhD students. The department conducts both basic and applied research across a range of biological disciplines.

  5. Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme

    Fifty Copenhagen Bioscience PhD students have defended their theses so far - including all of the students that started in 2016 and 2017. So far in 2024: Julio Liu, Mikaela Koutrouli, Holda Anagho, Samuel Bradley, Kata Krizic, Henry Webel, Philip Gorter de Vries, Zehra Abay-Nørgaard, Matthias Mattanovich, Paul Cachera and Isidora Banjac.

  6. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    The international and interdisciplinary scientific research environment at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology provides an excellent platform for a future career in biotechnology, biomedicine or bioinformatics. Jakob Møller-Jensen, Head of Department. Read about BMB in this brochure.

  7. Department of Biology

    At the Department of Biology, research and teaching include: in Aquatic Biology, Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Cell Biology ...

  8. PhD Programme in Molecular Biology and Genetics at GSNS, AU

    The PhD programme is associated with the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, which is situated at four locations in or close to the Aarhus University campus: "Biokæden", C. F. Møllers Allé 130 and Forskerparken, Gustav Wieds Vej 10c, iNANO, Gustav Wieds Vej 14 and Biomedicine, Ole Worms Allé 8. More information about the ...

  9. PhD in marine biology

    The PhD students of the Department of Biology each year arrange a PhD day. This is an inspiring way to establish connections and get to know other PhD students in the department. If you are interested in joining the Marine Biological Section as a PhD student you are welcome to contact the individual supervisors directly. Current PhD students at MBS

  10. CPH Bioscience PhD Program

    The four-year PhD programme is a unique new concept for PhD education in Denmark, with students recruited initially to the PhD programme rather than individual labs. The first (pre-doc) year incorporates common courses and short rotation projects to optimize student-supervisor matching and encourage interdisciplinary research ideas. ...

  11. Admissions

    The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme recruited approximately sixteen outstanding candidates per year from 2016-2022 to launch their careers in a world-class biomedicine and biotechnology research environment. No future admissions are planned.

  12. Get a PhD education at DTU

    PhD education at DTU. At DTU you can get a research education equal to the world's very best in fields such as mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, biotechnology, chemical and biochemical engineering, electrical engineering, communications technology, space science, mechanical engineering, nanotechnology, energy, civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, food science ...

  13. Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme

    The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme recruits up to 16 motivated international students annually to launch their careers in the vibrant scientific environment of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers in Copenhagen. For enrolment in September 2022, applications will be open from November 1, 2021. The application deadline is January 17 2022 at 14:00 AM CET. […]

  14. Denmark: 10 fully-funded PhD positions in the field of biomedical

    Up to 10 fully funded PhD positions are available under the current call at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen. Discover is a unique opportunity for young researchers to join an international and interdisciplinary PhD program within biomedicine. The programme offers: Fully funded 36-month fellowships with ...

  15. Clinical Cancer Research

    Deadline October 20, 2024. Go to this webpage to enroll. The Annual National PhD Course in Hematology (approx. 1,4 ECTS): Next course will be in 2025. The Annual National PhD Course in Clinical Cancer Research (approx. 1,2 ECTS): April 2-3, 2025. Organizer is SDU, Helle Normann Petersen, [email protected].

  16. 76 phd biology Jobs in Denmark, August 2024

    The Department of Biology, Section of Microbiology invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Microbiology. The project is part of the research project "DISCOVIR: DISCOvery of anti-VIRal immune strategies in bacteria", financed by a Villum Young Investigator grant. Start date is expected to be December 1st 2024, or as soon as possible ...

  17. Biology

    Admission. To be admitted to the MSc in Biology, you must have a bachelor's degree in a relevant subject. Read more about the admission requirements of the university. In addition, documentation may be required verifying that your proficiency in English is at a specified level. Read about the language requirements of the University of Copenhagen.

  18. PhD in plant synbio available

    New PhD position in Plant Synthetic Biology available: Production and storage of high-value natural products in biocondensates. Deadline January 24, 2021. The Plant Biochemistry Laboratory at Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen is offering a PhD scholarship in plant synthetic biology to ...

  19. 80 phd-in-plant-biology positions in Denmark

    National Center of Excellence looking for Post-Doctoral Fellow in Nutrition, Metabolomics and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2024-224-05998) candidate with skills in nutrition, data analysis, computational biology, metabolomics, and a special interest in IBD. The ideal candidate has: • A PhD in nutrition or a PhD in epidemiology and special.

  20. PhD courses in Denmark

    Open market for PhD courses. The Danish universities have entered into an agreement that allows PhD students at a Danish university (except Copenhagen Business School) the opportunity to free of charge take a subject-specific course at another Danish university. Further information +.

  21. 96 phd-in-molecular-biology positions in Denmark

    A position as assistant professor in plant biochemistry is available at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The position is for a 3-year period starting. Enter an email to receive alerts for phd-in-molecular-biology positions.

  22. 108 phd-in-reproductive-biology PhD positions in Denmark

    PhD fellowship in Structural Biology of Viral Replication at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre. University of Copenhagen | Denmark | 2 months ago. The research group of Eva Kummer is looking for an excellent and highly motivated PhD candidate to investigate how Herpes virus replicates its genome using biochemical and structural approaches.

  23. Douglas A. Lauffenburger, PhD

    Douglas A. Lauffenburger, PhD. Ford Professor of Engineering ... engineering analysis and synthesis — for receptor regulation of cell function by exploiting techniques of molecular biology to alter parameters characterizing receptor or ligand properties in well-characterized cell systems. Quantitative experimental assays are used to measure ...

  24. Christopher A. Voigt

    Christopher A. Voigt, PhD. Daniel I.C. Wang Professor Head, Department of Biological Engineering Department Head. Pushing the scale of genetic engineering. Application of synthetic biology to address humanity's greatest challenges in manufacturing, environment, health and agriculture. Contact. Email [email protected]. MIT Address NE47-140 ...

  25. Research

    Research. The Department's research activities cover everything in the biological world - from the smallest constituents of life, DNA and proteins, to the diversity of the plant and animal kingdom. The research takes place in research sections and centres with each one's specialties, partners and facilities.

  26. Masters Degree

    The program emphasizes the fusion of engineering with modern molecular-to-genomic biology as in our SB and PhD degree programs. ... In addition to Thesis credits, at least 66 units of Graduate level coursework are required. Of the 66 units, a minimum distribution in each of three categories is specified below. Core Requirements.

  27. 3 PhD and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/Mechanobiology

    3 PhD Funded Positions and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/Mechanobiology Within the GreenTE Gravitation Program in The Netherlands: Plant Mechanobiology is an field that explores how mechanical forces and physical properties influence the growth, development, and behavior of plants. At its heart, plant mechanobiology investigates how plants perceive, respond, and adapt to mechanical ...

  28. Biological Sciences

    A cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate coursework completed for applicants who have not earned a master's degree or higher. Prerequisites Students with an undergraduate major in chemistry, physics or mathematics and minimal preparation in biological sciences also will be considered but may be required to take undergraduate ...

  29. First Wellcome Optical Biology PhD Student Retreat in Lisbon

    16-19 June 2024 University College London - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência - Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown. Our Wellcome Optical Biology PhD student Retreat kicked off with a keynote speech from Prof. Rita Fior, who discussed current progress in using "Zebrafish Avatars for Personalized Medicine" which aims to bring bench-side cancer drug screening results to cancer patients in a mere ...

  30. How Do I Apply?

    Success in the challenging coursework and research components of the MIT BE PhD program requires a strong academic background in both biology and quantitative engineering or science. While many successful applicants hold undergraduate engineering degrees and have completed substantial coursework in biology, there are many different ways to ...