Europass cover letter

The Europass cover letter is the most popular CV template in Western Europe, as it was designed by the European Union in order to promote accessibility and transparency across member nations. If you intend to apply for jobs in an EU nation, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the Europass cover letter. Here’s what you need to know.

What is a Europass cover letter?

The Europass cover letter template is a standardized CV and cover letter format. It helps you present your qualifications and skills in an easy-to-digest format. For employers, the Europass cover letter offers standardization, which promotes faster application processing and hiring. You can access the customizable document on the European Union’s official website ( 1).  

While a CV is technically the equivalent of a resume , the EU template lets you create a matching CV and cover letter , hence the term “Europass cover letter.” 

The document is best known for its timeline-style format, where your most recent work experience is listed at the top of the document, followed by your subsequent role, and so on, until you cover all relevant positions and education. The EU template has a line along the left border of the document, with bullet points marking the start of each job or educational experience. 

Overall, the Europass cover letter represents an excellent tool for making applying for jobs in the EU easier and more efficient. However, the layout of the template can lead to lengthy or bloated CVs and cover letters. Fortunately, you can use other resume templates to streamline your application.

Other products for jobseekers by Europass

The European Union has built on the success of the Europass cover letter and CV template by creating several other products for job seekers. Like the original resource, these tools are free to use and are designed to promote a more open and accessible hiring process across member nations. These products include: 

Europass profile

Before you can create a Europass cover letter, you’ll need to make an account on the platform first. Fortunately, this is quite easy — and free. When setting up your profile, make sure to include all relevant work, training, and educational experiences. Also, list any volunteer work, language proficiency, and digital skills.

You can always go back and edit this information later or add new work experience. Additionally, you can pull information from your profile to create cover letters and other Europass documents. 

“The Europass cover letter template is a standardized CV and cover letter format. It helps you present your qualifications and skills in an easy-to-digest format.”

Europass Mobility

Europass Mobility is a supporting document that provides more detail about your educational experiences. As with all Europass tools, this feature is totally free. 

If you have acquired a diverse education from multiple nations across Europe, this tool can be a great addition to your job application. Just make sure to avoid making your cover letter too long or bloated, as doing so can make reviewing your documents cumbersome for hiring teams. 

Europass Language Passport 

The Language Passport allows you to showcase your linguistic talents. If you are proficient in two or more languages, you can create this document and use it to bolster your application. 

This is especially important when applying for jobs where the native language is different from your own. After all, employers want to know that you can effectively communicate with team members if you earn the job. 

Europass Certificate Supplement

The Europass Certificate Supplement provides employers with insights about your certifications or specialty qualifications. This document is especially popular among tech professionals due to the wide range of add-on certifications available in the field. However, you can use it anytime you need to outline non-traditional educational experiences. 

Europass Diploma Supplement

The Europass Diploma Supplement provides a deep dive into your higher education. If you attended a prestigious university and were highly involved in extracurricular activities like clubs or sports teams, use the Europass Diploma Supplement. 

Should I use the Europass cover letter?

Overall, the Europass cover letter template can be a great tool when applying for jobs abroad. The various add-on tools provide even more value to your job-hunting process. However, the template itself can be a bit dated and rigid. While you can customize it with your personal experiences, many of the formatting aspects cannot be changed. 

If you aren’t sure if the Europass cover letter is a good fit for you, consider exploring other cover letter examples and resume articles from Jobseeker. Our growing library of resources can help you compare different options and decide the best way to showcase your skills and talents to European businesses.

Expert Tip:

Keep in mind that almost everyone applying for jobs in the EU uses the Europass cover letter template, which makes it difficult to stand out in competitive hiring processes. Using a more dynamic template can differentiate you from other job seekers and increase your odds of landing an interview.

The pros of a Europass cover letter

There are some undeniable benefits associated with using the Europass cover letter, including:

You enjoy access to complementary tools

If you use the EU’s free platform, you’ll have access to a range of complimentary tools, including Mobility, Language Passport, and Certificate Supplement. These add-ons allow you to go into greater detail about your abilities, work history, educational experience, and background. 

Conversely, generic CV templates can be a bit limiting. That’s where the Europass template shines. 

You benefit from standardization

If you have never applied for a job in Europe, using the Europass platform can make the entire process much easier. The standardized format takes the guesswork out of creating your cover letter and CV, as you can simply fill in the blanks. 

Standardization also makes life simpler for hiring teams, as they know what order your information will be presented and where to find key details. 

You have the opportunity to share a lot of information

If you have an extensive educational or professional background, the Europass cover letter can be expanded to suit your needs. You can add supplementary documents via the EU’s free tools and tell employers everything they need to know about who you are as a candidate. 

The cons of a Europass cover letter

Before you create a Europass profile and get to work on your standardized cover letter, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks of these templates. Here are three of the biggest shortcomings: 

The U.K. doesn’t use the Europass

The United Kingdom doesn’t use the Europass cover letter. After Brexit, the U.K. made a concerted effort to differentiate itself from EU member nations. 

The transition away from Europass cover letters was a relatively small change compared to some other post-Brexit changes. But if you are seeking a job in the U.K., it’s important to know that employers don’t expect a Europass CV.

The good news is that you can still nail your U.K. job application with a little help from Jobseeker. Our resume examples and cover letter articles offer real-world insights into what your U.K. documents should look like and how to make them stand out. 

The template is restrictive

Perhaps the biggest shortcoming of the Europass cover letter is that it can be restrictive and rigid. You don’t have much freedom to change the overall layout of the document, only the information it contains. This can lead to your application blending in when it should be standing out. 

Your CV may be too long

Another downside to the Europass template is that it can yield a long, multi-page document that obscures important information. 

If you have a dynamic professional history and extensive educational background, you justifiably want to showcase it. But if you rely on Europass tools, your CV and cover letter could have a combined length of four pages or more. 

You need a concise and engaging way of putting your skills on display. That’s where Jobseeker can help! Our matching CV and cover letter templates offer conciseness and standardization while also making applications stand out. 

Stand out with Jobseeker 

When it comes to writing a great cover letter, Europass alternatives like Jobseeker’s resume and cover letter templates represent a better option. Check out our Europass CV , a modern and highly customizable alternative designed to help you stand out and land your dream job. 

Ready to get started? Connect with Jobseeker for personalized support.  


(1) Europass Cover Letter Editor:  

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European CV + Cover letter with the free Europass service, Templates 2021

  • Published on 13/01/2021
  • Modification : 06/04/2023
  • 6 Commentaires

europass cover letter online editor

If you are looking for a job in your country or abroad you need to know that CV is the key document and your first contact with the employer. In a way, it represents your identity card. To an employer, you don't exist without a CV.

Human resources managers, and even more so company directors, don't like to waste a lot of time. A Comprehensive CV that highlights your skills and training in a clear, precise and standardized way will be a major asset in increasing your chances for initial selection.

With this in mind, following an initiative by  the European Union  (through the Directorate-General for Education and Culture), the Europass system was launched in 2004. A system that has evolved over time.

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What is the Europass CV?

Europass is a free service for creating a European-standard CV and cover letter online. This will simplify the job search for candidates in Europe, but the CV can also be used in any country.

Europass is a European action aimed at increasing the transparency of European systems in terms of national education systems, employment and improving their compatibility across Europe. Europass documents and the Europass portal are designed to promote mutual understanding of skills and qualifications in Europe.

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The five Europass documents are the CV, the Language Passport, the Europass Mobility, the Certificate Supplement and the Diploma Supplement, which share a common brand and logo. Since 2012, users have been able to merge all Europass documents into the European Skills Passport.

europass cover letter online editor

Who can use the Europass service?

Although this service was originally designed for European citizens, anyone can now use it. You can create your CV easily on the Europass website, without even registering if you wish, although to take full advantage of the site's various features in addition to the CV, registration is compulsory.

The editor takes you step-by-step through the process of filling in your CV, providing detailed instructions and helping you to a successful CV . This ensures that you don't forget to include any important information, and that you can create a clear, up-to-date CV in a minimum of time. This CV is of course particularly suitable for applicants who wish to submit application documents abroad.

Languages supported on Europass

The system covers all the languages used in Europe:

Basque - Bulgarian - Catalan - Croatian

Czech - Danish - Dutch - English - Esperanto - Estonian

Finnish - French - Galician - Gaelic

German - Greek - Hungarian - Icelandic

Italian - Latvian - Lithuanian - Maltese

Moldavian / Romanian - Norwegian - Polish

Portuguese - Russian - Slovak - Slovenian

Spanish - Swedish - Turkish

How to create a Europass CV and cover letter

europass cover letter online editor

The Europass website lets you create a CV in just a few minutes, without having to install any programs or applications on your computer or smartphone. Using the website is easy:

  • Visit the Europass website:
  • Click on the "Create a CV" link. You will then be invited to register on the site. If you wish to continue without registering, click on "continue".
  • A new page will appear for you. Simply enter your details.
  • Once you've completed your details, don't forget to click on "Save". You can now download the CV in PDF format. However, if you wish to download it in other formats, click on "Other formats" and then choose the format you prefer.

To create a cover letter To create a cover letter, follow the same steps by clicking on the "Create a cover letter" link instead of creating a CV.

europass cover letter online editor

Another alternative to the Europass site is EuroCV:

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hello, i have a problem, i can't generate my cover letter, when i download it when i've filled in everything, it says error, please try again; this has been going on for 4 days. i've used my smart phone and my computer, still the same thing.


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europass cover letter online editor

2.3. Europass Cover Letter

Create a europass cover letter as a registered user.

The Europass Cover Letter editor provides users with the option of four different cover letter templates. The templates are designed to match the graphics of the Europass CVs. Users can prepare their Europass Cover Letters through guest access or as registered users. There are several pathways to prepare the Europass Cover Letter in the editor. The editor itself consists of several parts that together form the structure of the Cover Letter. These parts are:

  • Contact details of the person preparing the cover letter
  • Information about the person/organization to whom the document is addressed
  • City, date and subject

On the Europass portal users can edit the Europass Cover Letter in multiple ways:

  • via "Me": select "My Europass" from the drop-down menu, then look for the "Create Cover Letter" button under personal data

europass cover letter online editor

  • via "My Library": several categories of documents are stored in this section; the second sub-category, "Cover Letters", allows you to prepare your cover letter by selecting the "Create a Cover Letter" icon.

europass cover letter online editor

In both cases, users you have several options as their next step:

  • Import a ready-made Europass Cover Letter that can be further updated. The cover letter can be imported from your device (computer, memory stick, etc.) by clicking on "Import Cover Letter", or it can be uploaded from the Europass Library by clicking on "Choose from Library";
  • Prepare a completely new Europass Cover Letter from scratch ("Create a new cover letter"). If the system proposes an option to continue the cover letter draft, it means that the user has not finished editing a cover letter that was already started within the last 48 hours.

europass cover letter online editor

In reality, this does not pose any problem: you can resume with the editing of the cover letter, and when you want to finish it, click the "Finish" icon after transferring it to PDF/saving it.

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  • COURSE ORIENTATION (About the course)
  • CHAPTER 2: The Europass platform : profile, CV and cover letter
  • CHAPTER 3: The Europass platform: other functionality
  • CHAPTER 4: How to use Europass with clients
  • Get the Digital Badge

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Europass Portal

[Translate to Englisch:] Eine junge frau schaut lächelnd in die Kamera. Im Hintergrund sieht man einen Schreibtisch mit aufgeklapptem Laptop.

The European career management portal Europass offers many useful tools. The best known is the Europass CV Editor that helps you to create a perfect CV online.

In addition to the Europass CV, you can create a Europass cover letter and take a digital skills test on the portal. Information on the European Digital Credentials for learning is also available. The Europass CV is standardized across Europe and available in 30 languages. It makes education, work experience and skills internationally understandable. The Europass CV scores with its flexible and well-structured format. It enables the systematic documentation of formal qualifications, informally acquired competencies and personal skills, as well as soft skills. With the Europass CV editor you can:

  •     create, save, re-upload and update your CV
  •     choose from different templates

The editor can be used without registration. However, creating a free account offers many other advantages

  • personal library with free storage for CVs, cover letters, certificates,...
  • create resumes and cover letters in different designs
  • temporary sharing of the profile with third parties
  • receive suitable job and training offers based on the data entered in the profile
  • test digital skills using the tool and save them in the personal profile

In addition, all Europass profiles are secured by 2FA (two-factor authentication)!

Europass Video

Questions on how to use the Europass portal?

The Europass film, which is available in three languages on Youtube (German, English, Ukrainian), gives a good overview.

europass cover letter online editor

Europass is a European initiative, which offers a set of free, multi-lingual digital tools and resources to support citizens' preparedness for the job market and lifelong learning. People can create their Europass profile for free and use it as a personal online space to record their learning, work experiences, skills, and interests. They can then share it with others or create CVs and cover letters to prepare their applications. The Europass CV format is one of the most recognised CV by employers and education training providers throughout Europe.

This set of tools are being developed and managed by the European Commission in cooperation with EU Member states and other participating countries as elaborated in the Europass decision .

Europass has a strong focus on reskilling and supporting anyone who wants to learn something new or switch to an entirely different career path.  To achieve this, the Europass tool offers:

  • the Europass profile to record experiences, achievements and skills.
  • online editors to create CVs and cover letters .
  • a user-friendly search function to discover relevant jobs from thousands of job opportunities powered by EURES , courses and training opportunities throughout Europe.
  • an easy way to store professional and education qualifications, certificates, licenses, recommendation letters and other documents online.
  • supporting information and articles on working, studying, and training abroad.
  • personalised course and job suggestions matching users skills and interests.

The initiative also works to establish interoperability with other learning, employment, information, and communication systems to enable learners to exchange CVs and profiles directly with recruiters, and find relevant job and training opportunities throughout Europe.

The  European Digital Credentials for Learning  are developed by the European Commission for organisations to issue digitally signed credentials to learners across the EU. Member States, employers, and education and training stakeholders can use the online tools or the standards to certify various types of learning achievements. The European Digital Credentials for Learning infrastructure provides a secure, trustworthy and tamper-evident system that ensures data privacy and data protection.

Initiative Details

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Create your Europass CV

The Europass CV builder makes it easy to create your CV online. You can use it to apply for a job, education or training opportunities as well as volunteering.

The best-known CV format in Europe

The Europass CV is one of the best-known CV formats in Europe. It is easy-to-use and familiar to employers and education institutions.

You will first have to create your Europass profile with information on your education, training, work experience and skills. After you complete your Europass profile, you can create as many CVs as you want with just a few clicks. Just select which information you want to include, pick your favourite design and Europass will do the rest. 

You can create, store and share CVs in 31 languages . You can download your Europass CV, store it in your Europass Library share it with employers, with  EURES  or other job boards.

How to create a good CV

Remember that your CV is your first opportunity to communicate your skills and experiences to a future employer. It is a snapshot of who you are, your skills, your educational background, work experiences and other achievements.

Present your experience clearly

Highlight examples of your skills and experiences matching the job you are applying for. Pay close attention to the details published in the vacancy notice.

Tailor your CV

Make sure you update the ‘About Me’ section to highlight why you are the best person for the job. Do not include a full detailed history. Focus on facts and main points that match the job you have in mind.

Make it readable

Make sure your CV is easy to read. Use clear and simple language.  Use strong verbs (e.g. ‘managed’, ‘developed’, ‘increased’).

Use reverse chronological order

Always list the most recent experience on the top followed by previous ones. In case of long gaps in working or learning, include an explanation.

Polish and fine-tune

Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, provide a professional e-mail address, and add a professional photograph of yourself.

Your Europass profile

Your Europass profile is the place to keep a record of all your skills, qualifications and experiences. If you keep your Europass profile up-to-date then you will always have all the information you need to create tailored CVs and job applications quickly.

Good luck with your applications!

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CVs & Résumés

  • Dec 16, 2021

How to Create a Europass CV (Tips and Example)

The Europass CV is great for applying for jobs within Europe — here’s everything you need to know!

Nikki Vivian

Nikki Vivian

Careers Coach and Writer

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Close-up of a Europass CV and how to write one

When it comes to writing a CV , there are so many templates and formats to choose from that it can get confusing. Do you choose a chronological or a skills-based format ? Do you keep the design simple or use a fancy template? The choice can be overwhelming.

To keep things simple, if you’re applying for a role within Europe, you can overcome the confusion by using the Europass CV. Rather than worrying about what type of CV to choose, working with a Europass CV template means your CV will be easy to put together and easily recognisable by EU employers and educational institutions alike.

In this article, you will learn what a Europass CV is, what to use it for and how to put one together with our top tips, as well as see an example in action.

What is a Europass CV?

The Europass CV is one of the best-known résumé formats within Europe. Like a standard CV, its purpose is to present your work history, education, skills and other important information to potential employers.

It is part of the online Europass platform , an incentive set out by the EU to help create some uniformity and transparency of experience and qualifications so that they’re clearly understood by employers throughout Europe.

As well as offering an online CV editor, the Europass platform provides four other tools:

  • The cover letter editor , which helps you create a structured cover letter from different templates.
  • The Diploma Supplement , a document that describes the skills and knowledge you acquired through a higher education degree.
  • The Europass Mobility document, which records any skills and knowledge you acquired through work placements, traineeships and internships in another country.
  • The Certificate Supplement document, which details the skills and knowledge you acquired through vocational training.

Pros and cons of a Europass CV

While the idea of having a uniform system for assessing candidates has been praised, others find the process very restrictive. There are different views on its effectiveness. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the Europass CV.

Those who support the Europass CV believe it holds many advantages over a less structured CV approach, including:

  • It’s free: Creating a Europass CV is as easy as creating an account and inputting your details. It doesn’t cost anything, so no need to pay a résumé writer or fork out for expensive CV templates.
  • It’s easy for employers to compare: If everyone applying for a role uses a Europass CV, it’s easy for an employer to compare candidates and data. When different CV formats are used, and information is presented differently, it can take a long time to pick out relevant achievements and skills to score candidates against each other.
  • It can be used outside of the EU: The Europass CV can be used by anyone and is available in 24 languages, regardless of where you’re from or where you’re applying to work.

While Europass has support and is widely accepted, it does have its disadvantages, such as:

  • It’s harder to stand out: While being uniformed has some advantages, it makes it very difficult for candidates to stand out from their competition. It doesn’t allow you to add sections for things that may be unique for you, and the overall look of the CV is bland and clumsy.
  • It lacks flexibility: Along the same lines as above, the Europass CV is so structured that information needs to be input into the appropriate sections , even if it isn’t relevant. This can make for a very long CV, lacking the creativity of combining sections. The structure also often gets split across two pages, making sections difficult to read, so vital information could be missed.
  • Website errors are common: There have been reports that the Europass CV builder is very buggy and in need of some review. Dates often get changed, and if an error is presented, the website doesn’t allow you to change it. All of this can be very frustrating and makes the process much more complicated than it should be.

How to create a Europass CV

Creating a Europass CV is a fairly simple process, and it can be broken down into four steps:

1. Create your own Europass Profile

Setting up a Europass Profile is completely free. You don’t have to create an account but it’s a good idea that you do so that you can save your information and progress and return to the website later to make any changes. If you don’t create an account, it’s important to note that any information you enter on the platform will be deleted after 48 hours and so you’ll need to start all over again.

2. Add your details

Once you create an account, head over to the Europass CV editor , where you’ll be invited to complete the different sections of your CV, specifically your personal details, a summary, your professional experience, education and training , and skills and competencies. You can also add additional sections language skills, publications, volunteer work, and hobbies and interests .

3. Select a template

When you’ve added all your information to your CV, you can select an appropriate design for it from a selection of templates. In this step, you can also edit your CV’s colour palette, change font size and add page numbers. There’s also an option to remove the Europass logo from your CV here, which is automatically added to the first page.

4. Save and download your CV

All you have to do now is save your CV in your Europass Library or publish it on EURES (a cooperation network of employment services aimed to facilitate employment mobility among EU member states) — provided that you’ve created a Europass Profile. You can also download your CV as a PDF file. (Make sure to give it an appropriate name, like ‘John Smith CV’.)

Tips for writing a Europass CV

As with writing any type of CV, there are certain things you can do to make yours stand out from other candidates and mistakes to avoid making . Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Be concise

When describing your experience, make sure that you use short statements — this makes your CV more readable and easily understandable, and it shows that you respect the reader’s time. On that note, it’s a good idea to avoid clichés like ‘excellent problem-solver’ and to start statements with action words like ‘oversaw’ and ‘supervised’.

2. Tailor your experience

Rather than just including everything and anything in your CV, make sure the information you pick is relevant to the role you’re applying for . A good idea here is to look at the job description to identify key words and phrases and any relevant details, and incorporate these into your CV.

3. Use measurables

Make sure your CV highlights your results and achievements with facts and figures. Use percentages to show improvement and numbers to indicate things like how many people you manage, how much money you saved a company and how you scored in an appraisal.

4. Focus on transferable skills

It’s not all about skills that feel very specific to the job you’re applying for. Employers want to know about your transferable skills, too — so, make sure you highlight things like communication skills , leadership abilities and a desire to collaborate.

5. Use the correct tenses

A common mistake people often make with a CV is getting tenses muddled. Your current role should be written in the present tense (although some achievements that have passed may be in the past tense). Previous roles should always be written in the past tense.

6. Proofread

It may sound like an obvious thing to do, but make sure you give your CV a thorough proofread before submitting. A CV with lots of errors will give a bad impression, even if your experience is amazing. It shows a lack of attention to detail or, worse, a lack of effort. Grammar must be checked, as well as spelling and formatting.

Europass CV example

Want to see a Europass CV in action? Check out this example!

Europass CV Example

Final thoughts

A Europass CV is a great option for having a recognised CV format, accepted and approved, all over Europe. There are many pros and cons to using this format but, overall, it’s easy to create and it saves the hassle of designing a CV yourself or paying for the service. A well-thought-out Europass CV can look professional and give you a solid basis for any future CVs you need to write.

Have you ever used a Europass CV in your job search? Do you think it’s worth creating one? Let us know in the comments section.

This article is an update of an earlier version published in September 2014.

Résumé Formats

Résumé Examples

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  • CV and Cover Letter
  • Writing a Europass CV: how it...

Writing a Europass CV: how it differs from a standard CV

8 min read · Updated on September 12, 2024

Laura Slingo

Discover what a Europass CV is and how to write one

Have you ever wondered how to apply for a job in Europe? Meet the Europass CV – a universally recognised CV format used across all European countries (excluding the UK). It's designed to simplify the job application process across Europe with standardisation. But before deciding if the Europass CV format is right for you, read on to explore what it is, how it differs from a standard UK CV, and weigh its advantages and disadvantages.

What is a Europass CV?

A Europass CV is a standardised CV format developed by the European Union to simplify and streamline the European job application process. It was created to provide an internationally accepted CV format in Europe to aid job mobility across the region.

In short, a Europass CV format ensures your qualifications and experience are easily understood across European countries, regardless of where you apply.

The Europass CV is part of a broader initiative called Europass , which is a free set of online tools for managing and planning your career in Europe. You create a Europass profile online to record and update your skills, experiences, and qualifications in one location. Using this profile, you can then develop documents, like the Europass CV, to submit to prospective employers.

Who should use a Europass CV format?

If you're based in the UK and looking to pursue a role in Europe, a Europass CV could be a valuable tool. 

Employers in France, Germany, and other EU countries are familiar with the Europass CV, so it can enhance your application by helping to bridge any potential gaps in understanding due to different educational or professional standards. 

However, the Europass CV is not widely recognised in the UK, so you'll need to decide if it's the right choice for your application. While you can use the Europass CV builder to create a CV that resembles a UK format, we advise against sharing your Europass profile with prospective UK employers, as it's not standard practice here.

What's the difference between a standard CV & a Europass CV?

Here are the key differences between a standard CV in the UK and a Europass CV:


Tailored to individual job requirements

Specifically designed for European mobility and consistency

Domestic job applications and industry-specific roles

Jobs across Europe and multinational companies

Flexible format and customisable to your needs

Limited formatting and layout options

Can be tailored to specific roles or industries

Limited to 4 template options and 6 colours

Typically written in one language

Easily created in multiple languages (currently supports 31 languages)

Widely accepted in the UK

Recognised across Europe

Entirely customisable and can be personalised with additional sections

Preset sections, with option to add custom sections (some fields can't be removed)

Requires manual formatting and updates

Online tool simplifies creation and updates

How to write a Europass CV

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you write a Europass CV when applying for European jobs. You'll notice that it's a very similar process to writing a standard CV : 

1. Access the Europass CV tool

Your Europass CV must be created via the Europass online CV tool . Head to the website, create a profile, and follow the prompts to populate the forms with your information.

2. Add your personal information

Enter your personal information, including your full name, address, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL . Europass will also allow you to include a headshot if you wish. Make sure your contact details are accurate so employers can respond!

Europass will also let you add your gender, date of birth, and nationality. It's up to you whether to include it. While we would advise omitting this information, in some European countries, it's standard practice to include details like this on your CV, so check before you send it.

3. List your work experience

As with a standard CV, your work experience comes next. Working in reverse chronological order, start with your most recent role. For each position, include your job title, company name, employment dates, and key achievements. 

We recommend using bullet points to highlight your achievements to make this section easy to read. Strengthen each point with tangible facts and figures , and use action verbs to demonstrate your impact. Steer clear of generic CV phrases and cliches – focus on what truly sets your contributions apart. 

4. Add your education and training

In this section, list your educational background in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent qualification. For each entry, include the institution's name, the qualification title, your grades or pass mark (if applicable), and the date it was awarded or the years of study.

Remember, your education and training aren't limited to formal schooling. Feel free to include any additional courses or training relevant to the job you're pursuing, as these can further demonstrate your qualifications and commitment to continuous learning.

5. Showcase your skills and competencies

Use this section to highlight relevant skills the prospective employer will value. The Europass CV is excellent for categorising skill sets into language skills , digital skills, and other relevant abilities. 

Include your level of competence for each skill and consider including examples of how you have used these skills in the workplace like you would in a functional CV .

6. See if additional sections are needed

If adding more details about your personal or professional life would strengthen your application, you can include them. The Europass CV builder lets you add additional sections such as:

Conferences and seminars

Creative works

Driving Licence

Hobbies and interests

Honours and awards

Networks and memberships



Social and political activities


7. Review and finalise

Before you download and send your Europass CV, review everything! Proofread your CV to check for spelling and grammar errors, ensure all information is accurate, and make sure it looks professional and polished.

Advantages & disadvantages of using a Europass CV

As a UK professional, a Europass CV might not be the ideal format for job applications within the UK. However, if you're targeting opportunities in Europe and opting for a Europass CV, it's important to consider the following pros and cons before you commit:

Advantages of a Europass CV format

Here are the pros of using the Europass CV format:

Standardisation across Europe: The Europass CV is a standardised format recognised across Europe, making it easier for employers to evaluate and compare your qualifications

Multilingual options: Europass enables you to create your CV in 31 languages, which is a huge advantage if you're applying for a job where English isn't the primary language

Clarity and uniformity: The Europass CV's clear, structured format helps European employers quickly understand your qualifications, making your application more effective

Ease of use: The Europass CV online tool simplifies the process of writing and updating your CV as it guides you through what to include

Disadvantages of a Europass CV format

Here are the cons of using the Europass CV format:

Limited customisation: The standardised format of a Europass CV means it's difficult to tailor your CV to different roles or industries

Design restrictions: The Europass CV template is limited to four designs, six colours, and three font sizes, which limits your ability to include creative or personalised touches that could help you stand out

Wasted space: The format often leaves the right side of the page blank and big gaps between sections, which might mean you're struggling to keep your CV to two pages

PDF-only format: The Europass CV can only be saved and downloaded as a PDF from the CV builder section, limiting flexibility compared to the more widely preferred and editable Word file formats

What is the alternative to a Europass CV?

While the Europass CV offers a standardised and widely recognised format, it's not the best fit for UK employers and some European markets. Instead, a more tailored and visually engaging CV can better highlight your unique skills and fit for the role.

Consider these alternatives to the Europass CV:

Chronological CV: This type of CV focuses on your career progression in reverse chronological order, which helps employers easily track your recent roles and accomplishments

Functional CV: This type of CV centres on your skills and achievements rather than job titles and dates. It's ideal if you're changing careers or have gaps in your work history

Tailored professional CV: A CV customised to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and career goals can make a more substantial impact and help you stand out

A CV review and writing service like TopCV can be a great way to explore your options beyond the Europass CV. We not only help you create a professional CV that's not only aligned with industry standards but also tailored to your specific career goals. With expert guidance, you'll have a CV that stands out and increases your chances of securing interviews.

Explore our CV writing services and work with a professional CV writer to create a CV that best represents your professional journey and supports your career aspirations. Or submit your CV for a free review to see how it measures up.

Recommended reading:

Professional CV writing service cost in 2024

The 9 best CV makers: compare top features & costs

The best CV format to get hired (with examples)

Related Articles:

What's the difference between a CV and a resume?

How to find a job fast: 9 smart moves

3 strategic tips for explaining career gaps on your CV

See how your CV stacks up.

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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles-ICDXNULU.css">

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  4. Europass digital tools

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  8. Creating a Europass Cover Letter

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  13. Home

    Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU. Europass also matches user skills and interests such as location and topic to success suitable jobs. It is a useful tool to find information on studying or working in the Europe.

  14. Europass Portal (incl. CV)

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  15. Europass

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    2. Add your details. Once you create an account, head over to the Europass CV editor, where you'll be invited to complete the different sections of your CV, specifically your personal details, a summary, your professional experience, education and training, and skills and competencies. You can also add additional sections language skills ...

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    Your Europass CV must be created via the Europass online CV tool. Head to the website, create a profile, and follow the prompts to populate the forms with your information. 2. Add your personal information. Enter your personal information, including your full name, address, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL.