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Design and manufacturing i, design handbook: engineering drawing and sketching.

To see an animated version of this tutorial, please see the Drawing and Drafting section in MIT’s Engineering Design Instructional Computer System. (EDICS)

Drawing Handout Index

Isometric drawing.

Orthographic or Multiview Drawings


Drawing tools.

Assembly Drawings

Cross-Sectional Views


Sections of Objects with Holes, Ribs, etc.

More Dimensioning

Where to Put Dimensions


One of the best ways to communicate one’s ideas is through some form of picture or drawing. This is especially true for the engineer. The purpose of this guide is to give you the basics of engineering sketching and drawing.

We will treat “sketching” and “drawing” as one. “Sketching” generally means freehand drawing. “Drawing” usually means using drawing instruments, from compasses to computers to bring precision to the drawings.

This is just an introduction. Don’t worry about understanding every detail right now - just get a general feel for the language of graphics.

We hope you like the object in Figure 1, because you’ll be seeing a lot of it. Before we get started on any technical drawings, let’s get a good look at this strange block from several angles.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 1 - A Machined Block.

The representation of the object in figure 2 is called an isometric drawing. This is one of a family of three-dimensional views called pictorial drawings. In an isometric drawing, the object’s vertical lines are drawn vertically, and the horizontal lines in the width and depth planes are shown at 30 degrees to the horizontal. When drawn under these guidelines, the lines parallel to these three axes are at their true (scale) lengths. Lines that are not parallel to these axes will not be of their true length.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 2 - An Isometric Drawing.

Any engineering drawing should show everything: a complete understanding of the object should be possible from the drawing. If the isometric drawing can show all details and all dimensions on one drawing, it is ideal. One can pack a great deal of information into an isometric drawing. However, if the object in figure 2 had a hole on the back side, it would not be visible using a single isometric drawing. In order to get a more complete view of the object, an orthographic projection may be used.

Orthographic or Multiview Drawing

Imagine that you have an object suspended by transparent threads inside a glass box, as in figure 3.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 3 - The block suspended in a glass box.

Then draw the object on each of three faces as seen from that direction. Unfold the box (figure 4) and you have the three views. We call this an “orthographic” or “multiview” drawing.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 4 - The creation of an orthographic multiview drawing.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 5 - A multiview drawing and its explanation.

Which views should one choose for a multiview drawing? The views that reveal every detail about the object. Three views are not always necessary; we need only as many views as are required to describe the object fully. For example, some objects need only two views, while others need four. The circular object in figure 6 requires only two views.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 6 - An object needing only two orthogonal views.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 7 - An isometric view with dimensions.

We have “dimensioned” the object in the isometric drawing in figure 7. As a general guideline to dimensioning, try to think that you would make an object and dimension it in the most useful way. Put in exactly as many dimensions as are necessary for the craftsperson to make it -no more, no less. Do not put in redundant dimensions. Not only will these clutter the drawing, but if “tolerances” or accuracy levels have been included, the redundant dimensions often lead to conflicts when the tolerance allowances can be added in different ways.

Repeatedly measuring from one point to another will lead to inaccuracies. It is often better to measure from one end to various points. This gives the dimensions a reference standard. It is helpful to choose the placement of the dimension in the order in which a machinist would create the part. This convention may take some experience.

There are many times when the interior details of an object cannot be seen from the outside (figure 8).

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 8 - An isometric drawing that does not show all details.

We can get around this by pretending to cut the object on a plane and showing the “sectional view”. The sectional view is applicable to objects like engine blocks, where the interior details are intricate and would be very difficult to understand through the use of “hidden” lines (hidden lines are, by convention, dotted) on an orthographic or isometric drawing.

Imagine slicing the object in the middle (figure 9):

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 9 - “Sectioning” an object.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 10 - Sectioning the object in figure 8.

Take away the front half (figure 10) and what you have is a full section view (figure 11).

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 11 - Sectioned isometric and orthogonal views.

The cross-section looks like figure 11 when it is viewed from straight ahead.

To prepare a drawing, one can use manual drafting instruments (figure 12) or computer-aided drafting or design, or CAD. The basic drawing standards and conventions are the same regardless of what design tool you use to make the drawings. In learning drafting, we will approach it from the perspective of manual drafting. If the drawing is made without either instruments or CAD, it is called a freehand sketch.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 12 - Drawing Tools.

"Assembly" Drawings

An isometric view of an “assembled” pillow-block bearing system is shown in figure 13. It corresponds closely to what you actually see when viewing the object from a particular angle. We cannot tell what the inside of the part looks like from this view.

We can also show isometric views of the pillow-block being taken apart or “disassembled” (figure 14). This allows you to see the inner components of the bearing system. Isometric drawings can show overall arrangement clearly, but not the details and the dimensions.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 13 - Pillow-block (Freehand sketch).

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 14 - Disassembled Pillow-block.

A cross-sectional view portrays a cut-away portion of the object and is another way to show hidden components in a device.

Imagine a plane that cuts vertically through the center of the pillow block as shown in figure 15. Then imagine removing the material from the front of this plane, as shown in figure 16.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 15 - Pillow Block.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 16 - Pillow Block.

This is how the remaining rear section would look. Diagonal lines (cross-hatches) show regions where materials have been cut by the cutting plane.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 17 - Section “A-A”.

This cross-sectional view (section A-A, figure 17), one that is orthogonal to the viewing direction, shows the relationships of lengths and diameters better. These drawings are easier to make than isometric drawings. Seasoned engineers can interpret orthogonal drawings without needing an isometric drawing, but this takes a bit of practice.

The top “outside” view of the bearing is shown in figure 18. It is an orthogonal (perpendicular) projection. Notice the direction of the arrows for the “A-A” cutting plane.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 18 - The top “outside” view of the bearing.

A half-section is a view of an object showing one-half of the view in section, as in figure 19 and 20.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 19 - Full and sectioned isometric views.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 20 - Front view and half section.

The diagonal lines on the section drawing are used to indicate the area that has been theoretically cut. These lines are called section lining or cross-hatching . The lines are thin and are usually drawn at a 45-degree angle to the major outline of the object. The spacing between lines should be uniform.

A second, rarer, use of cross-hatching is to indicate the material of the object. One form of cross-hatching may be used for cast iron, another for bronze, and so forth. More usually, the type of material is indicated elsewhere on the drawing, making the use of different types of cross-hatching unnecessary.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 21 - Half section without hidden lines.

Usually hidden (dotted) lines are not used on the cross-section unless they are needed for dimensioning purposes. Also, some hidden lines on the non-sectioned part of the drawings are not needed (figure 12) since they become redundant information and may clutter the drawing.

Sectioning Objects with Holes, Ribs, Etc.

The cross-section on the right of figure 22 is technically correct. However, the convention in a drawing is to show the view on the left as the preferred method for sectioning this type of object.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 22 - Cross section.

The purpose of dimensioning is to provide a clear and complete description of an object. A complete set of dimensions will permit only one interpretation needed to construct the part. Dimensioning should follow these guidelines.

  • Accuracy: correct values must be given.
  • Clearness: dimensions must be placed in appropriate positions.
  • Completeness: nothing must be left out, and nothing duplicated.
  • Readability: the appropriate line quality must be used for legibility.

The Basics: Definitions and Dimensions

The dimension line is a thin line, broken in the middle to allow the placement of the dimension value, with arrowheads at each end (figure 23).

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 23 - Dimensioned Drawing.

An arrowhead is approximately 3 mm long and 1 mm wide. That is, the length is roughly three times the width. An extension line extends a line on the object to the dimension line. The first dimension line should be approximately 12 mm (0.6 in) from the object. Extension lines begin 1.5 mm from the object and extend 3 mm from the last dimension line.

A leader is a thin line used to connect a dimension with a particular area (figure 24).

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 24 - Example drawing with a leader.

A leader may also be used to indicate a note or comment about a specific area. When there is limited space, a heavy black dot may be substituted for the arrows, as in figure 23. Also in this drawing, two holes are identical, allowing the “2x” notation to be used and the dimension to point to only one of the circles.

Where To Put Dimensions

The dimensions should be placed on the face that describes the feature most clearly. Examples of appropriate and inappropriate placing of dimensions are shown in figure 25.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 25 - Example of appropriate and inappropriate dimensioning.

In order to get the feel of what dimensioning is all about, we can start with a simple rectangular block. With this simple object, only three dimensions are needed to describe it completely (figure 26). There is little choice on where to put its dimensions.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 26 - Simple Object.

We have to make some choices when we dimension a block with a notch or cutout (figure 27). It is usually best to dimension from a common line or surface. This can be called the datum line of surface. This eliminates the addition of measurement or machining inaccuracies that would come from “chain” or “series” dimensioning. Notice how the dimensions originate on the datum surfaces. We chose one datum surface in figure 27, and another in figure 28. As long as we are consistent, it makes no difference. (We are just showing the top view).

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 27 - Surface datum example.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 28 - Surface datum example.

In figure 29 we have shown a hole that we have chosen to dimension on the left side of the object. The Ø stands for “diameter”.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 29 - Exampled of a dimensioned hole.

When the left side of the block is “radiuses” as in figure 30, we break our rule that we should not duplicate dimensions. The total length is known because the radius of the curve on the left side is given. Then, for clarity, we add the overall length of 60 and we note that it is a reference (REF) dimension. This means that it is not really required.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 30 - Example of a directly dimensioned hole.

Somewhere on the paper, usually the bottom, there should be placed information on what measuring system is being used (e.g. inches and millimeters) and also the scale of the drawing.

engineering drawing presentation

Figure 31 - Example of a directly dimensioned hole.

This drawing is symmetric about the horizontal centerline. Centerlines (chain-dotted) are used for symmetric objects, and also for the center of circles and holes. We can dimension directly to the centerline, as in figure 31. In some cases this method can be clearer than just dimensioning between surfaces.


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Engineering Drawing Basics Explained

An engineering drawing is a subcategory of technical drawings. The purpose is to convey all the information necessary for manufacturing a product or a part.

Engineering drawings use standardised language and symbols. This makes understanding the drawings simple with little to no personal interpretation possibilities.

So let’s look at the different line and view types you will come across in the engineering discipline.

The Purpose of Engineering Drawings

As already said, such a technical drawing has all the information for manufacturing a part or welding and building an assembly . The info includes dimensions, part names and numbers, etc. So once a manufacturing engineer gets the drawing, he can start the production process without a second thought.

First, we have to pause for a second and address our own customers here to avoid confusion. The drawings you submit for instant pricing and manufacturing in our system do not need any of this. The same applies to 3D models. CAD files and drawings made according to our design tips include all the necessary information for making your product. The only time we ask for a drawing is if you want to specify tolerances.

Still, knowing all the rules and basics of formatting is an absolute must in the industry , as traditional manufacturing companies still need detailed drawings.

How to Make Drawings?

A few decades ago, you would have had to sit down at a drawing board covered with papers of different size, rulers, callipers, etc. Today, all these instruments are still good for manual drafting but no contemporary manufacturer really wants such drawings.

Why? Because most of the machinery uses CNC systems that can read the information straight from the files and produce a cutting program accordingly. Drawings done by hand would just add a lot of manual work for manufacturing engineers.

So, we are left with only one option really – every engineer should use CAD (computer aided design) software because of its many advantages .

You can, of course, use CAD for making drawings from scratch. But the easier option is to first make a 3D model and create the drawings from that, as the programs generate the views with only a few clicks. All you need to do is add the dimensions. Having models also makes updating the drawings for revisions simple.

Basic Components of an Engineering Drawing

Let’s see what makes up an engineering drawing. A single drawing includes many elements with quite a few variations to each of them. So let’s take a closer look here.

Different Types of Lines

Not every line on an engineering drawing is equal. The different options make it possible to show both visible and hidden edges of a part, centre lines, etc.

continuous line

The most common is a continuous line, also known as a drawing line. This represents the physical boundaries of an object. Put simply, these lines are for drawing objects. The line thickness varies – the outer contour uses thicker lines and the inner lines are thinner.

hidden line

Hidden lines can show something that would not be otherwise visible on the drawings. For example, hidden lines may show the length of an internal step in a turned part without using a section or a cutout view (we explain both later).

centre or axis line on engineering drawing

Centre lines are used to show holes and the symmetric properties of parts. Showing symmetricity can reduce the number of dimensions and make the drawing more eye-pleasing, thus easier to read.

Dimension lines

Extension lines annotate what is being measured. The dimension line has two arrowheads between the extension lines and the measurement on top (or inside, like in the image above) the line.

broken view line

Break lines indicate that a view has been broken. If you have a part that is 3000 mm long and 10 mm wide with symmetric properties, using a break-out makes gives all the info without using as much space.

While a good way for giving information to people, CNC machines need full views in order to cut the parts . Otherwise, the manufacturing engineer has to reconstruct the whole part from the measurements.

cutting plane line

When using a cutout view, the cutting plane lines show the trajectory of the cutout. Here you can see that the A-A cutting line brings both types of holes into the view.

Types of Views

So let’s take a closer look at the different types of views that are often present in a manufacturing drawing. Each serves a certain purpose. Bear in mind that adding views should follow the same logic as dimensioning – include as little as possible and as much as necessary.

A tip for good engineering practice – only include a view if it contributes to the overall understanding of the design.

Isometric View

Isometric drawing

Isometric drawings show parts as three-dimensional. All the vertical lines stay vertical (compared to the front view) and otherwise parallel lines are shown at a 30-degree angle.

The lines that are vertical and parallel are in their true length. This means you can use a ruler and the scaling of the drawing to easily measure the length straight from a paper drawing, for example. The same does not apply to angled lines.

perspective view vs isometric view

It is important to distinguish the isometric view from a perspective view. A perspective view is an artistic one that represents an object as it seems to the eye. Engineers stay true to the dimensions rather than optical illusions.

Orthographic View

Multiview drawing

This is the bread and butter of an engineering drawing. An orthographic view or orthographic projection is a way of representing a 3D object in 2 dimensions.

Thus, a 2D view has to convey everything necessary for part production. This kind of representation allows avoiding any kind of distortion of lengths.

Orthographic projection for drawings

The most common way to communicate all the information is by using three different views in a multiview drawing:

It may be possible that some additional views are necessary to show all the info. But again, less is more.

The positioning of the views differs a bit regionally. For example, look at the image below to compare the US and ISO layouts.

ISO vs US drawing layout

The one on the left is called first-angle projection. Here, the top view is under the front view, the right view is at the left of the front view, etc. The ISO standard is primarily used in Europe.

On the right, you can see a third-angle projection. The right view is on the right, the top view is on the top of the front view, etc. This system is especially popular in the US and Canada.

Flat Pattern

Flat pattern drawing

If you are making a folded sheet metal part, do not forget to add a flat pattern view. The cutting job comes before bending. When it comes to our customers, the easiest way is just to upload a STEP file without any accompanying drawings.

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Creating a flat pattern view is usually pretty simple. Just be aware that you are using the sheet metal environment when making sheet metal parts in CAD. There you have the option to “generate a flat pattern” which you can easily add to the main drawing.

If you are using the standard part environment, the same option is not available. Still, many CAD programs can convert a standard part into sheet metal if the part properties correspond to sheet metal (e.g. uniform thickness, inside radius, etc.).

Section View

Section view

A section view can easily display some of the part features that are not evident when looking just from the outset. Cross section is the preferred option compared to hidden lines as it brings more clarity. The cross hatching feature is an indicator for cross sectional views.

Cutout View

Cutout view

This is the same image we used for illustrating the section view. With one slight difference – the side view includes cutouts. Cutouts can reduce the number of different views on a single drawing.

Thus, we could easily delete the section view and add all the necessary dimensions to cutouts.

Detail View

Detail view

The detail view gives us a close-up of a selected section of a larger view. This can be especially useful if an otherwise large part includes many important dimensions in a small area. Using the detail view improves the readability of these measurements.

Auxiliary View

Auxiliary view

An orthographic view to represent planes that are not horizontal or vertical. It helps to show inclined surfaces without any distortion.

As said before, new CNC machines are actually able to read the dimensions straight from the lines. But a traditional manufacturing drawing shows all the necessary dimensions for producing the parts.

The keyword here is necessary. Avoid using the auto-dimensioning feature that a lot of CAD programs offer because they tend to show everything they can find. For a beginner, it may seem like adding it all ensures that no mistakes can be made.

Actually, it can result in a confusing web of measurements that is left for the manufacturing engineer to untangle. Also, adding all dimensions you can find makes it hard to pinpoint which ones are the most important.

Driven dimension example

The image above shows a shaft with all the measurements. In reality, it creates a closed system whereby the manufacturer cannot guarantee all these dimensions 100%. Therefore, you have to determine the most important ones. In our case, we chose the end steps to be more important than the length of the central part. Thus, we should delete the 120 mm dimension.

One crucial bit of information that is missing from CAD models is geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD & T) . For example, when looking to produce a shaft for a bearing system, limits and fits are of high importance. The right dimensions can guarantee a longer life with less maintenance.

While you can fetch all the dimensions automatically by clicking the measure button, adding engineering tolerances needs manual action.

Therefore, adding dimensions with lower and upper limits or fit classes is still important. Regarding Fractory’s service, we would ask you to enclose a separate drawing with these parameters. Note that you do not have to provide the whole dimensioning – only include the tolerances of a single hole on your engineering drawings if necessary.

Information Blocks

Engineering drawing bill of materials (BOM)

The little boxes in the bottom right corner show additional information. The title block includes the author’s name, part name, part number, quantity, coating, scale, etc. There can be much more info on there but the title blocks vary widely between different companies.

Information blocks also include a bill of materials, or BOM for short. These blocks list all the components used in the assembly, along with additional information like quantities, part names, etc.

Assembly Drawings

Many engineers’ drawings make the mistake of trying to include all the information about each individual part in an assembly drawing. To avoid this, remember the purpose of these engineering drawings during the creation process – they must make the assembling easy.

Exploded views , section views, numbered parts, general dimensions, cutouts, and detail views (or close-ups) are all tools you can use to achieve this goal.

It should be clear where each part goes and how it is attached – whether it needs welding , bolted connections, riveting or something else. The bill of materials is there to help you, so make sure the information available there is correct regarding part numbers, names and quantities.

Keeping everything above in mind will help you create assembly drawings that make life easier on the shop floor. A piece of great advice I once received goes like this – keep the thinking in the drawing room. Avoiding multiple interpretation possibilities at later steps will significantly decrease the number of errors.

What Does the Future Hold?

Engineering drawings are still a big part of an engineer’s job. All in all, making them contributes to about 20% of a design engineer’s work time.

We at Fractory are trying to save this time by automating the reading of 3D models for production, be it for different cutting and bending operations or CNC machining . This leaves engineers with the task of producing assembly and GD&T drawings only. The purpose is to keep the focus on engineering better products.

The engineering community is seeing this movement as a new trend. But as we all know, taking the whole industry up to a new standard takes a lot of time. Thus, if you still outsource your production to manufacturing companies that need drawings, you must know the basics at the very least.

Leaving room for interpretation creates a situation where your idea may not be executed as planned. And there is nobody else to blame but the author.

So consider this stage of the product development process as an integral part that requires thinking along. Keep the thinking in the drawing room.

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Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Design

Published by Wilfred Garrett Modified over 6 years ago

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Engineering Drawing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Engineering Drawing

An engineering drawing, a type of technical drawing, which is used to fully and clearly define requirements for engineered items with scales. engineering drawing ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • When any idea comes in your mind, you draw a simple or rough drawing of the object without using any drawing instruments or tolls and this is called a conceptual sketch.
  • Helps as a reference to workers, technicians or architects.
  • Easy to understand Since a picture is easiest method than thousand words, a technical drawing is a much more effective tool for engineers than a written plan.
  • Engineering drawings is used in all engineering fields, including, but not limited to, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and architecture.
  • Sketch made without drafting tools... Just pencil and paper. Scale is approximate, not accurate, but the sketch should still look like the object.
  • Engineering Drawing Made with drafting tools... Ruler, set squares, protractor and compass. Scale should be accurate and the drawing carefully made.
  • If straight lines are drawn from various points on the contour (A contour line is a imaginary line which connects points of equal elevation) of an object to meet a plane, the object is said to be projected on that plane.
  • The figure formed by joining, in correct sequence, the points at which these lines meet the plane, is called the projection of the object.
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  • Orthographic projection
  • Isometric projection
  • Orthographic Projection is a way of drawing an 3D object from different directions.
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  • Similarly, the parallel projectors shall form the pictures on the respective picture planes from the positions B and C.
  • Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions in technical and engineering drawings
  • Isometric drawings consist of two-dimensional drawings that are tilted at some angle to expose other views and give the viewer the illusion that what he or she is viewing is a three-dimensional drawing.
  • Diagrams are simplified versions of a drawing. Diagrams show how an object works, not necessarily how it looks.
  • Diagrams often use symbols rather than actual pictures to represent things.
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engineering drawing


Aug 09, 2014

981 likes | 2.1k Views

ENGINEERING DRAWING. What is Engineering Drawing..? It communicates an idea, design, schematic or model. It comes in many forms- Electrical -Civil - Mechanical. What is the need…..?. That’s why Drawing is the L anguage of Mechanical Engineers….!!. What is Projection…?.

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  • isometric projection
  • machine components
  • various parts
  • special sections


Presentation Transcript

ENGINEERING DRAWING • What is Engineering Drawing..? • It communicates an idea, design, schematic or model. • It comes in many forms- Electrical -Civil -Mechanical

What is the need…..?

That’s why Drawing is the Language of Mechanical Engineers….!!



What about 2nd Angle & 4th Angle Method ……??

How to identify the Method of Projection…?

MACHINE DRAWING • It contains: • Drawing of machine components, machine assemblies and subassemblies. • Conventional representation of different materials, sections and machine components. • Representations of limits, fits & tolerances etc. • Modeling softwares.


ASSEMBLY DRAWING: • Assembly is combination of various links & parts grouped together to perform some function. • It’s the drawing which shows various parts of machine in their working position. • One can find the way & sequence in which these parts are assembled together.

ASSEMBLY DRAWING (contd…) • Assembly drawing should satisfy: • Manufacturing requirements, • Operational requirements, • Maintenance requirements.


DETAIL DRAWING: • Describes a single part, or several parts individually with all detail specifications. • For manufacturing individual parts we need detailed drawing of each part. • It should furnish complete information & standard conventions. • These are made from the assembly drawings.

DETAIL DRAWING (contd…) • It should carry : • Size & shape description with min. possible no. of orthographic views. • Special sections/auxiliary/pictorial views. • Thorough dimensions. • Material, surface finish grade, No. of parts required, etc.


Identification • Ballooning: - A part is located and identified, in an assembly drawing, by using a circle containing the part number and a leader line that points to the corresponding part.

Leader lines point to the corresponding part. Balloons containing part numbers.

Balloons are placed in orderly horizontal or vertical rows.

The leader lines; • should not cross, • be as parallel as possible.

Parts List / Bill of Material • The parts list is an itemized list of the parts that make up the assembled machine.

Parts List / Bill of Material • Parts lists contains: • Part number, part name, the number required and the material of the part. • Parts are listed in order of their part. • Parts are usually assigned based on the size or importance of the part.

The parts list may be placed in the upper right corner of the drawing. - Part# 1 is at the top.

The parts list may be placed in the lower right corner of the drawing. - Part# 1 is at the bottom.

NEED OF SOFTWARES : • Increases accuracy & productivity of designer. • Allows design alterations. • Transfer of drawing is faster & cheaper. • Easy to store & retrieve. • Better drawing visualization through colours. • Improves the quality of drawing.



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Planting design is a large and complicated topic, therefore, this unit is only an introduction to one aspect.  There are at least four components to the topic: 1) engineering 2)horticultural 3) architectural 4)aesthetic. Each of these four are reviewed briefly below.


The the drawings in this page are from Motloch,


Plants are sometime used for site engineering purposes such as slope stabilization, cleaning polluted water, reducing glare or heat, raising humidity, etc.

This is an image of a constructed storm water treatment pond.  The primary purpose of the planting design is to improve water quality and reduce downstream flooding.  Secondary values are open space, habitat and fairly attractive visual composition.



The horticultural aspect of planting design involves matching the site conditions to the water, light, temperature and soil needs of the plants.  The plant shown here is Russian Sage.  It requires full sun, little water, alkaline soils and a temperate climate to grow well (as it does in Moscow).




The spatial or architectural use of plants is the arrangement of trees, shrubs, ground cover and herbaceous plants to establish spatial definition.  Space is defined through the manipulation of the base plane, vertical plane and overhead plane in the exterior environment just as it is in the interior setting.  Each of those planes can be opaque, pierced, veiled or merely suggested through the selection of plant forms and their organization.

The first image shows garden entry in an semi-arid climate.  The plants form a ceiling for the space and reduce solar radiation on the user and raise the humidity.  Illustrating both spatial and engineering functions that result in a pleasant microclimate.

The second image shows row of tall Cypress trees that form a partially closed plane or screen.



The aesthetic aspect of planting design involves presentation of plants for a positive visual, tactile or olfactory experience.  Below we will concentrate on the visual facet of planting design.

In the first image the colorful perennial border makes for a pleasant entry corridor while in the second image the white flowering vine on the left side of the image is a fragrant Star Jasmine that enhances the cool entry space.



Plant materials can be used to draw attention to features you would like to highlight such as buildings entries, sculpture, architectural features, and signage. The plants in first image accentuate the historic bell by providing a contrasting background.  In the second image the plants visually lead the eye to the building entry.


These images are more examples of planting design with the purpose of articulating or emphasizing other elements.
Plants can also be used to draw attention away from features such as building mechanical systems, loading docks, trash bins and other necessary, but usually less appealing building amenities such as the parking lot behind the hedge in this image.




Plants can be used as visual cues for entrances or for movement through the space.

Plants can be sculpture or focal points in the landscape. Trees used as focal points are designated as "specimen" trees because they are unique to a design.

In this first illustration the three ornamental trees are used as focal points. In the second illustration the three taller shrubs accent the entire grouping and create visual interest.  Elements at eye level are visually dominant.

The tree in the first image is a sculptural accent due to its contrasting coarse texture, upright form and since only one specimen is used. 

In the second image a single accent is not presented.  The plants compete for attention since they are all dramatic in color.  The plant with the coarse texture and reddish leaves is Canna.  Its not a good specimen plant because of its rather ragged habit but is a dramatic display of texture and color when several plants are grouped together.  In contrast to the accents, plants are often planted in masses to emphasize one or more visual characteristic such as color or texture.




Plant materials are often used to close spaces and create a level of intimacy in an otherwise large space. The proper usage of plants can divide large spaces into smaller "rooms" which may be desirable in making the transition smoothly from the outdoor space to the indoor space. 

This illustration shows a grouping of trees surrounding a patio or terrace. The trees create a visual edge to the space and make the space much smaller and intimate, however the open patio still provides light and open space.

The second image shows strong architectural use of plants to enclose a section of the landscape and separate from the circulation space.


When all vegetation is removed during grading to form pads for buildings and parking, the mass of the building can appear unrelated to its site.  Planting design that is sensitive to the architecture can eliminate the discordant contrast between the horizontal plane of the site and the mass of the building.  This can emphasize the architecture by giving it a context and serving as a transition to wilder nature in situations where the qualities of the site (dramatic vegetation, rock outcrops, etc.) are to dominate the composition.

To compliment a building, plant materials can be used to extend the lines of the structure into the landscape. This can be very literal, as in the first drawing, or more subtle as is shown in the following two illustrations to the left.


Be able to discuss the planting design attributes of the four images above


There are as many rules to grouping plants as there are plants. Some of the common rules include using odd numbers (3,5,7,9 etc.), maintaining continuity, and complimenting each other and the surrounding landscape in form, color and texture. 

In the two drawings, neither is wrong, however the second can be defended as more appealing because the surrounding plants are more densely grouped which highlights the three central trees better.

When laying out groupings, it is tempting to just randomly move a circle template around and sketch plants. Thinking critically about the layout of the grouping and the plants within the grouping can have a profound impact on the overall design. In a large spaces single plants rarely have the design strength to full express their character (texture, form, color) because of visual competition from other plants. In the third image here plants are massed for impact (annual color) and as a foil (green background).  This produces a unified and comprehensible design but needs some variety to avoid oversimplification and lack of detail interest.

Massing should be modified when the composition is seen from a moving vehicle rather than as a pedestrian to simplify the information so that it can be comprehended quickly.  The last image is this set illustrates such a planting design.




Unifying a composition can help close spaces, direct movements or tie a space together. 

In the first three illustrations the two groups of plants are next to each other but not quite together. This results in a tension in the composition that can be resolved by adding the groundcover or a row of small shrubs. Neither removes lines of sight or overcrowd the space, but they do tie it all together.

The forth and fifth illustrations show how trees can be used as a common facade to tie the buildings together into one context. Next time you walk down Main Street in Moscow, notice how different each building is from its neighbors and imagine how the street would be different if there were no Honey Locust trees to unify the composition. 

The final illustration shows how a grouping can be unified into a composition. The first appears quite disheveled while the second, containing essentially the same plants is more uniform and easier to interpret.



Adding visual interest to a grouping or composition is necessary to balance unity with variety. As a general rule mixing forms, colors, and textures to provide distinctive displays throughout the four seasons is desired. This rule is both easy to understand and difficult to apply to every situation. 

The first two illustrations show a solutions that satisfie the goal of unity and variety in the composition.

The third illustration has a variety of plant forms, but they may be interpreted as identical plants because of their similar sizes. 

The forth shows and example of over concentration of conifers. Although conifers come in many colors and textures, there is very little seasonal change. This can lead to boredom in the landscape. The opposite can be said about an all deciduous grouping. The spring, summer, and fall may be interesting and engaging, however the winter will be dull.


Buffalo grass

How much water does buffalo grass require compared to Kentucky blue grass?


Sustainable site design in the semi-arid southwest must include the use of drought tolerant plants.  Drought tolerance is an important issue in Idaho and especially over sole source aquifers such as the Grande Ronde. 

Turf is the largest consumer of summer irrigation water in ornamental landscapes of the southwestern US.  Designers can improve water conservation by reducing the amount of lawn called for in landscape designs and substituting gravel, mulch or plant ground covers.  Where grass is necessary for play or other uses designers can specify new varieties of rye or buffalo grass. 

Buffalo grass, , is a perennial grass native to the Great Plains from Montana to Mexico. It is one of the grasses that supported the great herds of buffalo that roamed the Great Plains.  It grows 8-10" tall with 10-30" of rainfall compared to Kentucky blue grass which requires about 18" of water in addition to our natural rainfall of 25 inches.   When planted by seed it tends to form clumps but installation of sod creates a uniform lawn.

Buffalo grass is, perhaps, our only truly native turf grass. Its tolerance to prolonged droughts and to extreme temperatures together with its seed producing characteristics enables buffalo grass to survive extreme environmental conditions.

Buffalo grass spreads by surface runners, or stolons, and seed. It forms a fine textured, relatively thin bladed turf with a soft blue-green color. 


Drought tolerant Plants for Moscow



The plants listed below are a small sample of the hundreds available for landscape design in Idaho.  Some are native (N) others are adapted to our climate and require very little supplemental water.

Black locust  (N)
Mountain ash
White pine (N)
Douglas Fir (N)
Service berry (N)


Douglas Fir
White Pine
Ponderosa Pine (this is the tree in the grove between architecture south and the education building)

Russian sage


Junipers varieties 18" to 8' tall
Mountain mahogany (N) 6' tall
Oregon grape (N) varieties 2' to  5' tall
Russian Sage 3' tall
Great Basin Sage (N) 4' tall


Juniper ground cover


Ornamental Grasses (N)
California poppy

is the local grower of native and drought tolerant plants for Idaho.  This link is to their web site.





Official Homepage of the 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium

engineering drawing presentation

1F – Multilayered structures for new generation of SAW devices with improved performance: fundamentals, wave characteristics and applications

Title1F - Multilayered structures for new generation of SAW devices with improved performance: fundamentals, wave characteristics and applications
InstructorNatalya F. Naumenko, National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Overview of topics covered

or LiTaO plates bonded to a supporting substrate, as an example: optimization and potential applications
TimeMonday, October 22
AbstractAcoustic wave resonators with low losses, high quality (Q) factor and improved temperature characteristics are strongly required for the next generation of SAW devices used in mobile communication systems with very narrow gaps between the specified frequency bands. Multilayered structures combining materials with different properties in one stack can satisfy these requirements and can be considered as a new class of substrate materials for SAW devices. Proper selection of materials and orientations to be combined, as well as optimization of the number and thicknesses of the layers, requires understanding of fundamentals of wave propagation in layered structures, main types of acoustic waves, which can be generated in these structures by interdigital transducers, methods of their theoretical and numerical investigation and other important aspects. The main goal of this short course is to provide a guidance to SAW designers and researchers, who work or plan to work with multilayered structures as new materials for resonator SAW filters or SAW sensors. In addition to basics of wave propagation in different types of multilayered structures, a special attention will be paid to methods of improvement of Q-factor and suppression of spurious modes in SAW resonators. An overview of the previously reported and promising layered and multilayered structures will be provided, with summary of achievable characteristics and examples of applications in SAW devices.
Short CV of Instructor Natalya F. Naumenko received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in the physics of dielectrics and semiconductors from the Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute (today National University of Science and Technology, NUST) in 1979 and 1984, respectively. Since 1979 she works as a researcher in SAW device design, first in the Radio-Engineering Institute, Moscow, and since 1990 in NUST. From 1995 to 2011, Dr. Naumenko was also a consultant for the company TriQuint Semiconductors (SAWTEK Inc. before 2001, today merged with Qorvo), in Apopka, FL. She was engaged in modeling and development of advanced software for improvement of SAW device performance and investigation of new materials for SAW devices. From 2011 to 2018, she also performed research projects for TDK-EPCOS, Germany, CTR, Austria and TST, Taiwan. Dr. Naumenko is the author of sixteen issued U.S. patents on the optimal substrate orientations for SAW devices, including the patent on the optimal cut of langasite, which is widely used today in SAW filters and sensors operating at high temperatures. She is the author of more than 90 publications in SAW material research. Her current research interests include investigation of novel SAW materials, such as multilayered substrates for SAW filters and sensors, and development of improved simulation tools for design of SAW and BAW devices, including resonator SAW filters, delay lines and wireless SAW sensors. Since 2011 Dr. Naumenko is member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium. In 2016, Dr. Naumenko and Prof. Tao Han, from Shanghai University, gave a joint short course on wireless SAW sensors for harsh environment applications at the IUS-2016 in Tours, France.

engineering drawing presentation

Moscow 2016. Team design


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    engineering drawing presentation

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  2. PDF Engineering Drawing Lecture 1: Introduction to Engineering Drawing and

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  13. PPT

    The parts list may be placed in the lower right corner of the drawing. - Part# 1 is at the bottom. NEED OF SOFTWARES : • Increases accuracy & productivity of designer. • Allows design alterations. • Transfer of drawing is faster & cheaper. • Easy to store & retrieve. • Better drawing visualization through colours.

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    Name four aspects of planting design. (Austin, 2004) Planting design is a large and complicated topic, therefore, this unit is only an introduction to one aspect. There are at least four components to the topic: 1) engineering 2)horticultural 3) architectural 4)aesthetic. Each of these four are reviewed briefly below.

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    Since 1979 she works as a researcher in SAW device design, first in the Radio-Engineering Institute, Moscow, and since 1990 in NUST. From 1995 to 2011, Dr. Naumenko was also a consultant for the company TriQuint Semiconductors (SAWTEK Inc. before 2001, today merged with Qorvo), in Apopka, FL. ... Presentation Guidelines now available;

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