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Why Your Sales Process Should Start with a Hypothesis of Need

By: Salesloft Editorial

Updated: August 25, 2021

Published: June 5, 2018

Set yourself up for success by starting your sales process with a hypothesis of need

We all (hopefully) remember the term “hypothesis” from science class. It’s an educated assumption that requires further examination but serves as a starting point for investigation. The hypothesis of need in the sales process is similar as it allows the seller to prepare prior to the first call using customer profiles to form a hypothesis about what problems they can solve for the customer. This preparation allows the seller to have answers ready before ever speaking with the customer.

As a salesperson researches a lead, they are collecting data to help inform their hypothesis. What are the customer’s pain points? What are the trends in the industry? Where can your solution help? Knowing this information allows salespeople to hypothesize a reason for the call. If that reason is strong, objections can be more easily overcome.

Put Yourself in The Customer’s Shoes

The first step in developing a hypothesis of need is to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. Think about what type of accounts they target, who the competition is, what they’ve recently done, and how their industry is positioned. Understanding these areas gives you great building blocks from which to form a hypothesis.

It’s about being relatable to a customer. When they see that a salesperson has done their homework and can understand their frustrations, prospects feel more comfortable discussing their business needs in a consultative manner. No one wants to be sold to. We just want someone who can help with our problem. If a salesperson can demonstrate that they are there to find the solution, the buyer becomes interested in learning more.

70% of people make purchasing decisions to solve problems. 30% make decisions to gain something.

I’m sure we’ve all had experiences with this. Recently it happened when I purchased a suit for my brother’s wedding. With the suit picked out, all I needed was a pair of shoes to match. However, the salesperson refused to listen to my immediate problem and instead tried to repeatedly upsell me on the cardigans the store had on sale. I love a good cardigan, but the salesperson was focused more on selling me something instead of addressing my needs. He missed out on an easy sell by not discussing my needs first.

It’s the difference between selling to the customer, and being the consultant wanting to help solve a problem.

Have a Purpose

Amazon is famous for knowing what you want to buy before you buy it. This is no accident. Armed with consumer data and buyer profiles, they can deliver consumer goods quickly and efficiently. Salespeople can take this lesson in predictability and apply it to their roles. Get to know your prospects so that you can deliver the right solutions at the right time. “Winging it” isn’t a sales strategy. Not a good one, anyway.

There is no way of predicting every objection. If I had a crystal ball, I wouldn’t be writing this… I’d be in Vegas! What a salesperson can do is use research to form a hypothesis and come to meetings as a consultant. By having a purpose and a well-thought-out approach, you come across as knowledgeable and present yourself as an expert in the field. This builds trust with the customer and strengthens the relationship.

Understanding the company can help sellers navigate alternative solutions and differentiate themselves from the pack. Asking open-ended questions based on the hypothesis of need further develops the theory. Being able to pinpoint unique advantages over the competition is possible when a seller understands how a company is positioned and the prospect’s pain points.

Have Relatable Content Ready

With the purpose clearly defined, the next step is to prepare materials that help a salesperson be seen as an advisor and to relate to a buyer on their level. 80% of survey respondents believe that  personalized content is more effective  than “unpersonalized” content (duh). Don’t leave home without it, as the saying goes.

Case studies  are an excellent way to showcase how your product served as the solution for a similar company. When developing a hypothesis, you should reflect on customers that experienced comparable situations. Sharing those success stories not only helps a sense of empathy with a prospect but also provides a real-world example of how your solution solved a similar problem.

If you, as a salesperson, hypothesize that a company has difficulty with pipeline management, then personalized content addressing that specific issue could be the ticket to get your foot in the door. Relatable content that provides valuable information to the customer helps generate more interest in your solution. If pipeline management is an issue, then why speak at length about coaching solutions? Focus on what’s important to the customer and address their needs directly.

For example, suppose a customer wants their reps to spend more time on the phone to be more effective. Content centered around telephone capabilities would be appropriate. Materials that demonstrate the benefits of solutions like Live Call Studio and LocalDial that address the customer’s problem directly. This positions the seller as someone who listens to needs and finds solutions that will help a customer achieve their goals.

Hypothesize and Define Value and ROI

At the end of the day, buyers want to know one thing: what’s the return on investment? It’s the old “WIIFM” concept (ICYMI: that’s “what’s in it for me”). The seller’s job is to demonstrate the value that their solution provides, and what type of long and short-term results they can expect. An easy formula to remember is:

Motivation = Perceived Benefits – Perceived Cost

Motivation is the fuel that transforms a prospect into a customer. We tend to get comfortable and set in our ways; it’s a seller’s responsibility to nudge the customer to take the first step in finding a solution. Motivation is created when the buyer is shown the benefits they can expect to see, minus the cost to implement. It’s all about the ROI!

Demonstrating the ROI can be done several ways. For instance, if a seller anticipates that a company’s sales team spends too much time on administrative tasks, the ROI might be the amount of free time they will gain to do actual prospecting. The extra time could lead to 10 more calls per day, and we know (from our open-ended question asking) that X percentage of those will turn into meetings. The ability to use all of the information gleaned to reach a real ROI calculation again shows the customer that a seller is prepared and looking at the solution from all angles.

A prospect won’t buy something if there isn’t value in it for them. No reasonable person would. When a seller can demonstrate the value of their solution and the return a prospect can expect to see in their investment, it sets them apart from the competition. Getting to the ROI and, consequently, the “yes,” is more natural when a salesperson begins with the advantage of a hypothesis of need.

The hypothesis of need is a critical step in preparing for a successful sales call. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and understand their perspective; be an advocate for your customer. Spend time preparing your hypothesis of need, have a well-thought-out purpose, provide supporting content, and be able to demonstrate the ROI for the prospect. It’s hard to say no to someone who is offering you the answer to your problem and can lay out a timeline for an ROI!

define sales hypothesis

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Tips to Create and Test a Value Hypothesis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tips to Create and Test a Value Hypothesis: A Step-by-Step Guide


Developing a robust value hypothesis is crucial as you bring a new product to market, guiding your startup toward answering a genuine market need. Constructing a verifiable value hypothesis anchors your product's development process in customer feedback and data-driven insight rather than assumptions.

This framework enables you to clarify the potential value your product offers and provides a foundation for testing and refining your approach, significantly reducing the risk of misalignment with your target market. To set the stage for success, employ logical structures and objective measures, such as creating a minimum viable product, to effectively validate your product's value proposition.

What Is a Verifiable Value Hypothesis?

A verifiable value hypothesis articulates your belief about how your product will deliver value to customers. It is a testable prediction aimed at demonstrating the expected outcomes for your target market.

To ensure that your value hypothesis is verifiable, it should adhere to the following conditions:

  • Specific : Clearly defines the value proposition and the customer segment.
  • Measurable : Includes metrics by which you can assess success or failure.
  • Achievable : Realistic based on your resources and market conditions.
  • Relevant : Directly addresses a significant customer need or desire.
  • Time-Bound : Has a defined period for testing and validation.

When you create a value hypothesis, you're essentially forming the backbone of your business model. It goes beyond a mere assumption and relies on customer feedback data to inform its development. You also safeguard it with objective measures, such as a minimum viable product, to test the hypothesis in real life.

By articulating and examining a verifiable value hypothesis, you understand your product's potential impact and reduce the risk associated with new product development. It's about making informed decisions that increase your confidence in the product's potential success before committing significant resources.

Value Hypotheses vs. Growth Hypotheses

Value hypotheses and growth hypotheses are two distinct concepts often used in business, especially in the context of startups and product development.

Value Hypotheses : A value hypothesis is centered around the product itself. It focuses on whether the product truly delivers customer value. Key questions include whether the product meets a real need, how it compares to alternatives, and if customers are willing to pay for it. Valuing a value hypothesis is crucial before a business scales its operations.

Growth Hypotheses : A growth hypothesis, on the other hand, deals with the scalability and marketing aspects of the business. It involves strategies and channels used to acquire new customers. The focus is on how to grow the customer base, the cost-effectiveness of growth strategies, and the sustainability of growth. Validating a growth hypothesis is typically the next step after confirming that the product has value to the customers.

In practice, both hypotheses are crucial for the success of a business. A value hypothesis ensures the product is desirable and needed, while a growth hypothesis ensures that the product can reach a larger market effectively.

Tips to Create and Test a Verifiable Value Hypothesis

Creating a value hypothesis is crucial for understanding what drives customer interest in your product. It's an educated guess that requires rigor to define and clarity to test. When developing a value hypothesis, you're attempting to validate assumptions about your product's value to customers. Here are concise tips to help you with this process:

1. Understanding Your Market and Customers

Before formulating a hypothesis, you need a deep understanding of your market and potential customers. You're looking to uncover their pain points and needs which your product aims to address.

Begin with thorough market research and collect customer feedback to ensure your idea is built upon a solid foundation of real-world insights. This understanding is pivotal as it sets the tone for a relevant and testable hypothesis.

  • Define Your Value Proposition Clearly: Articulate your product's value to the user. What problem does it solve? How does it improve the user's life or work?
  • Identify Your Target Audience. Determine who your ideal customers are. Understand their needs, pain points, and how they currently address the problem your product intends to solve.

2. Defining Clear Assumptions

The next step is to outline clear assumptions based on your idea that you believe will bring value to your customers. Each assumption should be an assertion that directly relates to how your customers will find your product valuable.

For example, if your product is a task management app, you might assume that the ability to share task lists with team members is a pain point for your potential customers. Remember, assumptions are not facts—they are educated guesses that need verification.

3. Identify Key Metrics for Your Hypothesis Test

Once you've defined your assumptions, delineate the framework for testing your value hypothesis. This involves designing experiments that validate or invalidate your assumptions with measurable outcomes. Ensure that your hypothesis can be tested with measurable outcomes. This could be in the form of user engagement metrics, conversion rates, or customer satisfaction scores.

Determine what success looks like and define objective metrics that will prove your product's value. This could be user engagement, conversion rates, or revenue. Choosing the right metrics is essential for an accurate test. For instance, in your test, you might measure the increase in customer retention or the decrease in time spent on task organization with your app. Construct your test so that the results are unequivocal and actionable.

4. Construct a Testable Proposition

Formulate your hypothesis in a way that can be tested empirically. Use qualitative research methods such as interviews, surveys, and observation to gather data about your potential users. Formulate your value hypothesis based on insights from this research. Plan experiments that can validate or invalidate your value hypothesis. This might involve A/B testing, user testing sessions, or pilot programs.

A good example is to posit that "Introducing feature X will increase user onboarding by Y%." Avoid complexity by testing one variable simultaneously. This helps you identify which changes are actually making a difference.

5. Applying Evidence to Innovation

When your data indicates a promising avenue for product development , it's imperative that you validate your growth hypothesis through experimentation. Align your value proposition with the evidence at hand.

Develop a simplified version of your product that allows you to test the core value proposition with real users without investing in full-scale production. Start by crafting a minimum viable product ( MVP ) to begin testing in the market. This approach helps mitigate risk by not investing heavily in unproven ideas. Use analytics tools to collect data on how users interact with your MVP. Look for patterns that either support or contradict your value hypothesis.

If the data suggests that your value hypothesis is wrong, be prepared to revise your hypothesis or pivot your product strategy accordingly.

6. Gather Customer Feedback

Integrating customer feedback into your product development process can create a more tailored value proposition. This step is crucial in refining your product to meet user needs and validate your hypotheses.

Use customer feedback tools to collect data on how users interact with your MVP. Look for patterns that either support or contradict your value hypothesis. Here are some ways to collect feedback effectively :

  • Feedback portals
  • User testing sessions
  • In-app feedback
  • Website widgets
  • Direct interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Feedback forums

Create a centralized place for product feedback to keep track of different types of customer feedback and improve SaaS products while listening to their customers. Rapidr helps companies be more customer-centric by consolidating feedback across different apps, prioritizing requests, having a discourse with customers, and closing the feedback loop.

define sales hypothesis

7. Analyze and Iterate Quickly

Review the data and analyze customer feedback to see if it supports your hypothesis. If your hypothesis is not supported, iterate on your assumptions, and test again. Keep a detailed record of your hypotheses, experiments, and findings. This documentation will help you understand the evolution of your product and guide future decision-making.

Use the feedback and data from your tests to make quick iterations of your product and drive product development . This allows you to refine your value proposition and improve the fit with your target audience. Engage with your users throughout the process. Real-world feedback is invaluable and can provide insights that data alone cannot.

  • Identify Patterns : What commonalities are present in the feedback?
  • Implement Changes : Prioritize and make adjustments based on customer insights.

define sales hypothesis

9. Align with Business Goals and Stay Customer-Focused

Ensure that your value hypothesis aligns with the broader goals of your business. The value provided should ultimately contribute to the success of the company. Remember that the ultimate goal of your value hypothesis is to deliver something that customers find valuable. Maintain a strong focus on customer needs and satisfaction throughout the process.

10. Communicate with Stakeholders and Update them

Keep all stakeholders informed about your findings and the implications for the product. Clear communication helps ensure everyone is aligned and understands the rationale behind product decisions. Communicate and close the feedback loop with the help of a product changelog through which you can ​​announce new changes and engage with customers.

define sales hypothesis

Understanding and validating a value hypothesis is essential for any business, particularly startups. It involves deeply exploring whether a product or service meets customer needs and offers real value. This process ensures that resources are invested in desirable and useful products, and it's a critical step before considering scalability and growth.

By focusing on the value hypothesis, businesses can better align their offerings with market demand, leading to more sustainable success. Placing customer feedback at the center of the process of testing a value hypothesis helps you develop a product that meets your customers' needs and stands out in the market.

Rapidr helps companies be more customer-centric by consolidating feedback across different apps, prioritizing requests, having a discourse with customers, and closing the feedback loop.

Build better products with user feedback

Rapidr helps SaaS companies understand what customers need through feedback, prioritize what to build next, inform the roadmap, and notify customers on product releases

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A Beginner’s Guide to Hypothesis Testing in Business

Business professionals performing hypothesis testing

  • 30 Mar 2021

Becoming a more data-driven decision-maker can bring several benefits to your organization, enabling you to identify new opportunities to pursue and threats to abate. Rather than allowing subjective thinking to guide your business strategy, backing your decisions with data can empower your company to become more innovative and, ultimately, profitable.

If you’re new to data-driven decision-making, you might be wondering how data translates into business strategy. The answer lies in generating a hypothesis and verifying or rejecting it based on what various forms of data tell you.

Below is a look at hypothesis testing and the role it plays in helping businesses become more data-driven.

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What Is Hypothesis Testing?

To understand what hypothesis testing is, it’s important first to understand what a hypothesis is.

A hypothesis or hypothesis statement seeks to explain why something has happened, or what might happen, under certain conditions. It can also be used to understand how different variables relate to each other. Hypotheses are often written as if-then statements; for example, “If this happens, then this will happen.”

Hypothesis testing , then, is a statistical means of testing an assumption stated in a hypothesis. While the specific methodology leveraged depends on the nature of the hypothesis and data available, hypothesis testing typically uses sample data to extrapolate insights about a larger population.

Hypothesis Testing in Business

When it comes to data-driven decision-making, there’s a certain amount of risk that can mislead a professional. This could be due to flawed thinking or observations, incomplete or inaccurate data , or the presence of unknown variables. The danger in this is that, if major strategic decisions are made based on flawed insights, it can lead to wasted resources, missed opportunities, and catastrophic outcomes.

The real value of hypothesis testing in business is that it allows professionals to test their theories and assumptions before putting them into action. This essentially allows an organization to verify its analysis is correct before committing resources to implement a broader strategy.

As one example, consider a company that wishes to launch a new marketing campaign to revitalize sales during a slow period. Doing so could be an incredibly expensive endeavor, depending on the campaign’s size and complexity. The company, therefore, may wish to test the campaign on a smaller scale to understand how it will perform.

In this example, the hypothesis that’s being tested would fall along the lines of: “If the company launches a new marketing campaign, then it will translate into an increase in sales.” It may even be possible to quantify how much of a lift in sales the company expects to see from the effort. Pending the results of the pilot campaign, the business would then know whether it makes sense to roll it out more broadly.

Related: 9 Fundamental Data Science Skills for Business Professionals

Key Considerations for Hypothesis Testing

1. alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis.

In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis that’s being tested is known as the alternative hypothesis . Often, it’s expressed as a correlation or statistical relationship between variables. The null hypothesis , on the other hand, is a statement that’s meant to show there’s no statistical relationship between the variables being tested. It’s typically the exact opposite of whatever is stated in the alternative hypothesis.

For example, consider a company’s leadership team that historically and reliably sees $12 million in monthly revenue. They want to understand if reducing the price of their services will attract more customers and, in turn, increase revenue.

In this case, the alternative hypothesis may take the form of a statement such as: “If we reduce the price of our flagship service by five percent, then we’ll see an increase in sales and realize revenues greater than $12 million in the next month.”

The null hypothesis, on the other hand, would indicate that revenues wouldn’t increase from the base of $12 million, or might even decrease.

Check out the video below about the difference between an alternative and a null hypothesis, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more explainer content.

2. Significance Level and P-Value

Statistically speaking, if you were to run the same scenario 100 times, you’d likely receive somewhat different results each time. If you were to plot these results in a distribution plot, you’d see the most likely outcome is at the tallest point in the graph, with less likely outcomes falling to the right and left of that point.

distribution plot graph

With this in mind, imagine you’ve completed your hypothesis test and have your results, which indicate there may be a correlation between the variables you were testing. To understand your results' significance, you’ll need to identify a p-value for the test, which helps note how confident you are in the test results.

In statistics, the p-value depicts the probability that, assuming the null hypothesis is correct, you might still observe results that are at least as extreme as the results of your hypothesis test. The smaller the p-value, the more likely the alternative hypothesis is correct, and the greater the significance of your results.

3. One-Sided vs. Two-Sided Testing

When it’s time to test your hypothesis, it’s important to leverage the correct testing method. The two most common hypothesis testing methods are one-sided and two-sided tests , or one-tailed and two-tailed tests, respectively.

Typically, you’d leverage a one-sided test when you have a strong conviction about the direction of change you expect to see due to your hypothesis test. You’d leverage a two-sided test when you’re less confident in the direction of change.

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4. Sampling

To perform hypothesis testing in the first place, you need to collect a sample of data to be analyzed. Depending on the question you’re seeking to answer or investigate, you might collect samples through surveys, observational studies, or experiments.

A survey involves asking a series of questions to a random population sample and recording self-reported responses.

Observational studies involve a researcher observing a sample population and collecting data as it occurs naturally, without intervention.

Finally, an experiment involves dividing a sample into multiple groups, one of which acts as the control group. For each non-control group, the variable being studied is manipulated to determine how the data collected differs from that of the control group.

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Learn How to Perform Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a complex process involving different moving pieces that can allow an organization to effectively leverage its data and inform strategic decisions.

If you’re interested in better understanding hypothesis testing and the role it can play within your organization, one option is to complete a course that focuses on the process. Doing so can lay the statistical and analytical foundation you need to succeed.

Do you want to learn more about hypothesis testing? Explore Business Analytics —one of our online business essentials courses —and download our Beginner’s Guide to Data & Analytics .

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Value Hypothesis 101: A Product Manager's Guide

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Humans make assumptions every day—it’s our brain’s way of making sense of the world around us, but assumptions are only valuable if they're verifiable . That’s where a value hypothesis comes in as your starting point.

A good hypothesis goes a step beyond an assumption. It’s a verifiable and validated guess based on the value your product brings to your real-life customers. When you verify your hypothesis, you confirm that the product has real-world value, thus you have a higher chance of product success. 

What Is a Verifiable Value Hypothesis?

A value hypothesis is an educated guess about the value proposition of your product. When you verify your hypothesis , you're using evidence to prove that your assumption is correct. A hypothesis is verifiable if it does not prove false through experimentation or is shown to have rational justification through data, experiments, observation, or tests. 

The most significant benefit of verifying a hypothesis is that it helps you avoid product failure and helps you build your product to your customers’ (and potential customers’) needs. 

Verifying your assumptions is all about collecting data. Without data obtained through experiments, observations, or tests, your hypothesis is unverifiable, and you can’t be sure there will be a market need for your product. 

A Verifiable Value Hypothesis Minimizes Risk and Saves Money

When you verify your hypothesis, you’re less likely to release a product that doesn’t meet customer expectations—a waste of your company’s resources. Harvard Business School explains that verifying a business hypothesis “...allows an organization to verify its analysis is correct before committing resources to implement a broader strategy.” 

If you verify your hypothesis upfront, you’ll lower risk and have time to work out product issues. 

UserVoice Validation makes product validation accessible to everyone. Consider using its research feature to speed up your hypothesis verification process. 

Value Hypotheses vs. Growth Hypotheses 

Your value hypothesis focuses on the value of your product to customers. This type of hypothesis can apply to a product or company and is a building block of product-market fit . 

A growth hypothesis is a guess at how your business idea may develop in the long term based on how potential customers may find your product. It’s meant for estimating business model growth rather than individual products. 

Because your value hypothesis is really the foundation for your growth hypothesis, you should focus on value hypothesis tests first and complete growth hypothesis tests to estimate business growth as a whole once you have a viable product.

4 Tips to Create and Test a Verifiable Value Hypothesis

A verifiable hypothesis needs to be based on a logical structure, customer feedback data , and objective safeguards like creating a minimum viable product. Validating your value significantly reduces risk . You can prevent wasting money, time, and resources by verifying your hypothesis in early-stage development. 

A good value hypothesis utilizes a framework (like the template below), data, and checks/balances to avoid bias. 

1. Use a Template to Structure Your Value Hypothesis 

By using a template structure, you can create an educated guess that includes the most important elements of a hypothesis—the who, what, where, when, and why. If you don’t structure your hypothesis correctly, you may only end up with a flimsy or leap-of-faith assumption that you can’t verify. 

A true hypothesis uses a few guesses about your product and organizes them so that you can verify or falsify your assumptions. Using a template to structure your hypothesis can ensure that you’re not missing the specifics.

You can’t just throw a hypothesis together and think it will answer the question of whether your product is valuable or not. If you do, you could end up with faulty data informed by bias , a skewed significance level from polling the wrong people, or only a vague idea of what your customer would actually pay for your product. 

A template will help keep your hypothesis on track by standardizing the structure of the hypothesis so that each new hypothesis always includes the specifics of your client personas, the cost of your product, and client or customer pain points. 

A value hypothesis template might look like: 

[Client] will spend [cost] to purchase and use our [title of product/service] to solve their [specific problem] OR help them overcome [specific obstacle]. 

An example of your hypothesis might look like: 

B2B startups will spend $500/mo to purchase our resource planning software to solve resource over-allocation and employee burnout.

By organizing your ideas and the important elements (who, what, where, when, and why), you can come up with a hypothesis that actually answers the question of whether your product is useful and valuable to your ideal customer. 

2. Turn Customer Feedback into Data to Support Your Hypothesis  

Once you have your hypothesis, it’s time to figure out whether it’s true—or, more accurately, prove that it’s valid. Since a hypothesis is never considered “100% proven,” it’s referred to as either valid or invalid based on the information you discover in your experiments or tests. Additionally, your results could lead to an alternative hypothesis, which is helpful in refining your core idea.

To support value hypothesis testing, you need data. To do that, you'll want to collect customer feedback . A customer feedback management tool can also make it easier for your team to access the feedback and create strategies to implement or improve customer concerns. 

If you find that potential clients are not expressing pain points that could be solved with your product or you’re not seeing an interest in the features you hope to add, you can adjust your hypothesis and absorb a lower risk. Because you didn’t invest a lot of time and money into creating the product yet, you should have more resources to put toward the product once you work out the kinks. 

On the other hand, if you find that customers are requesting features your product offers or pain points your product could solve, then you can move forward with product development, confident that your future customers will value (and spend money on) the product you’re creating. 

A customer feedback management tool like UserVoice can empower you to challenge assumptions from your colleagues (often based on anecdotal information) which find their way into team decision making . Having data to reevaluate an assumption helps with prioritization, and it confirms that you’re focusing on the right things as an organization.

3. Validate Your Product 

Since you have a clear idea of who your ideal customer is at this point and have verified their need for your product, it’s time to validate your product and decide if it’s better than your competitors’. 

At this point, simply asking your customers if they would buy your product (or spend more on your product) instead of a competitor’s isn’t enough confirmation that you should move forward, and customers may be biased or reluctant to provide critical feedback. 

Instead, create a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a working, bare-bones version of the product that you can test out without risking your whole budget. Hypothesis testing with an MVP simulates the product experience for customers and, based on their actions and usage, validates that the full product will generate revenue and be successful.  

If you take the steps to first verify and then validate your hypothesis using data, your product is more likely to do well. Your focus will be on the aspect that matters most—whether your customer actually wants and would invest money in purchasing the product.

4. Use Safeguards to Remain Objective 

One of the pitfalls of believing in your product and attempting to validate it is that you’re subject to confirmation bias . Because you want your product to succeed, you may pay more attention to the answers in the collected data that affirm the value of your product and gloss over the information that may lead you to conclude that your hypothesis is actually false. Confirmation bias could easily cloud your vision or skew your metrics without you even realizing it. 

Since it’s hard to know when you’re engaging in confirmation bias, it’s good to have safeguards in place to keep you in check and aligned with the purpose of objectively evaluating your value hypothesis. 

Safeguards include sharing your findings with third-party experts or simply putting yourself in the customer’s shoes.

Third-party experts are the business version of seeking a peer review. External parties don’t stand to benefit from the outcome of your verification and validation process, so your work is verified and validated objectively. You gain the benefit of knowing whether your hypothesis is valid in the eyes of the people who aren’t stakeholders without the risk of confirmation bias. 

In addition to seeking out objective minds, look into potential counter-arguments , such as customer objections (explicit or imagined). What might your customer think about investing the time to learn how to use your product? Will they think the value is commensurate with the monetary cost of the product? 

When running an experiment on validating your hypothesis, it’s important not to elevate the importance of your beliefs over the objective data you collect. While it can be exciting to push for the validity of your idea, it can lead to false assumptions and the permission of weak evidence. 

Validation Is the Key to Product Success

With your new value hypothesis in hand, you can confidently move forward, knowing that there’s a true need, desire, and market for your product.

Because you’ve verified and validated your guesses, there’s less of a chance that you’re wrong about the value of your product, and there are fewer financial and resource risks for your company. With this strong foundation and the new information you’ve uncovered about your customers, you can add even more value to your product or use it to make more products that fit the market and user needs. 

If you think customer feedback management software would be useful in your hypothesis validation process, consider opting into our free trial to see how UserVoice can help.

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define sales hypothesis

How to Generate and Validate Product Hypotheses

define sales hypothesis

Every product owner knows that it takes effort to build something that'll cater to user needs. You'll have to make many tough calls if you wish to grow the company and evolve the product so it delivers more value. But how do you decide what to change in the product, your marketing strategy, or the overall direction to succeed? And how do you make a product that truly resonates with your target audience?

There are many unknowns in business, so many fundamental decisions start from a simple "what if?". But they can't be based on guesses, as you need some proof to fill in the blanks reasonably.

Because there's no universal recipe for successfully building a product, teams collect data, do research, study the dynamics, and generate hypotheses according to the given facts. They then take corresponding actions to find out whether they were right or wrong, make conclusions, and most likely restart the process again.

On this page, we thoroughly inspect product hypotheses. We'll go over what they are, how to create hypothesis statements and validate them, and what goes after this step.

What Is a Hypothesis in Product Management?

A hypothesis in product development and product management is a statement or assumption about the product, planned feature, market, or customer (e.g., their needs, behavior, or expectations) that you can put to the test, evaluate, and base your further decisions on . This may, for instance, regard the upcoming product changes as well as the impact they can result in.

A hypothesis implies that there is limited knowledge. Hence, the teams need to undergo testing activities to validate their ideas and confirm whether they are true or false.

What Is a Product Hypothesis?

Hypotheses guide the product development process and may point at important findings to help build a better product that'll serve user needs. In essence, teams create hypothesis statements in an attempt to improve the offering, boost engagement, increase revenue, find product-market fit quicker, or for other business-related reasons.

It's sort of like an experiment with trial and error, yet, it is data-driven and should be unbiased . This means that teams don't make assumptions out of the blue. Instead, they turn to the collected data, conducted market research , and factual information, which helps avoid completely missing the mark. The obtained results are then carefully analyzed and may influence decision-making.

Such experiments backed by data and analysis are an integral aspect of successful product development and allow startups or businesses to dodge costly startup mistakes .

‍ When do teams create hypothesis statements and validate them? To some extent, hypothesis testing is an ongoing process to work on constantly. It may occur during various product development life cycle stages, from early phases like initiation to late ones like scaling.

In any event, the key here is learning how to generate hypothesis statements and validate them effectively. We'll go over this in more detail later on.

Idea vs. Hypothesis Compared

You might be wondering whether ideas and hypotheses are the same thing. Well, there are a few distinctions.

What's the difference between an idea and a hypothesis?

An idea is simply a suggested proposal. Say, a teammate comes up with something you can bring to life during a brainstorming session or pitches in a suggestion like "How about we shorten the checkout process?". You can jot down such ideas and then consider working on them if they'll truly make a difference and improve the product, strategy, or result in other business benefits. Ideas may thus be used as the hypothesis foundation when you decide to prove a concept.

A hypothesis is the next step, when an idea gets wrapped with specifics to become an assumption that may be tested. As such, you can refine the idea by adding details to it. The previously mentioned idea can be worded into a product hypothesis statement like: "The cart abandonment rate is high, and many users flee at checkout. But if we shorten the checkout process by cutting down the number of steps to only two and get rid of four excessive fields, we'll simplify the user journey, boost satisfaction, and may get up to 15% more completed orders".

A hypothesis is something you can test in an attempt to reach a certain goal. Testing isn't obligatory in this scenario, of course, but the idea may be tested if you weigh the pros and cons and decide that the required effort is worth a try. We'll explain how to create hypothesis statements next.

define sales hypothesis

How to Generate a Hypothesis for a Product

The last thing those developing a product want is to invest time and effort into something that won't bring any visible results, fall short of customer expectations, or won't live up to their needs. Therefore, to increase the chances of achieving a successful outcome and product-led growth , teams may need to revisit their product development approach by optimizing one of the starting points of the process: learning to make reasonable product hypotheses.

If the entire procedure is structured, this may assist you during such stages as the discovery phase and raise the odds of reaching your product goals and setting your business up for success. Yet, what's the entire process like?

How hypothesis generation and validation works

  • It all starts with identifying an existing problem . Is there a product area that's experiencing a downfall, a visible trend, or a market gap? Are users often complaining about something in their feedback? Or is there something you're willing to change (say, if you aim to get more profit, increase engagement, optimize a process, expand to a new market, or reach your OKRs and KPIs faster)?
  • Teams then need to work on formulating a hypothesis . They put the statement into concise and short wording that describes what is expected to achieve. Importantly, it has to be relevant, actionable, backed by data, and without generalizations.
  • Next, they have to test the hypothesis by running experiments to validate it (for instance, via A/B or multivariate testing, prototyping, feedback collection, or other ways).
  • Then, the obtained results of the test must be analyzed . Did one element or page version outperform the other? Depending on what you're testing, you can look into various merits or product performance metrics (such as the click rate, bounce rate, or the number of sign-ups) to assess whether your prediction was correct.
  • Finally, the teams can make conclusions that could lead to data-driven decisions. For example, they can make corresponding changes or roll back a step.

How Else Can You Generate Product Hypotheses?

Such processes imply sharing ideas when a problem is spotted by digging deep into facts and studying the possible risks, goals, benefits, and outcomes. You may apply various MVP tools like (FigJam, Notion, or Miro) that were designed to simplify brainstorming sessions, systemize pitched suggestions, and keep everyone organized without losing any ideas.

Predictive product analysis can also be integrated into this process, leveraging data and insights to anticipate market trends and consumer preferences, thus enhancing decision-making and product development strategies. This approach fosters a more proactive and informed approach to innovation, ensuring products are not only relevant but also resonate with the target audience, ultimately increasing their chances of success in the market.

Besides, you can settle on one of the many frameworks that facilitate decision-making processes , ideation phases, or feature prioritization . Such frameworks are best applicable if you need to test your assumptions and structure the validation process. These are a few common ones if you're looking toward a systematic approach:

  • Business Model Canvas (used to establish the foundation of the business model and helps find answers to vitals like your value proposition, finding the right customer segment, or the ways to make revenue);
  • Lean Startup framework (the lean startup framework uses a diagram-like format for capturing major processes and can be handy for testing various hypotheses like how much value a product brings or assumptions on personas, the problem, growth, etc.);
  • Design Thinking Process (is all about interactive learning and involves getting an in-depth understanding of the customer needs and pain points, which can be formulated into hypotheses followed by simple prototypes and tests).

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How to Make a Hypothesis Statement for a Product

Once you've indicated the addressable problem or opportunity and broken down the issue in focus, you need to work on formulating the hypotheses and associated tasks. By the way, it works the same way if you want to prove that something will be false (a.k.a null hypothesis).

If you're unsure how to write a hypothesis statement, let's explore the essential steps that'll set you on the right track.

Making a Product Hypothesis Statement

Step 1: Allocate the Variable Components

Product hypotheses are generally different for each case, so begin by pinpointing the major variables, i.e., the cause and effect . You'll need to outline what you think is supposed to happen if a change or action gets implemented.

Put simply, the "cause" is what you're planning to change, and the "effect" is what will indicate whether the change is bringing in the expected results. Falling back on the example we brought up earlier, the ineffective checkout process can be the cause, while the increased percentage of completed orders is the metric that'll show the effect.

Make sure to also note such vital points as:

  • what the problem and solution are;
  • what are the benefits or the expected impact/successful outcome;
  • which user group is affected;
  • what are the risks;
  • what kind of experiments can help test the hypothesis;
  • what can measure whether you were right or wrong.

Step 2: Ensure the Connection Is Specific and Logical

Mind that generic connections that lack specifics will get you nowhere. So if you're thinking about how to word a hypothesis statement, make sure that the cause and effect include clear reasons and a logical dependency .

Think about what can be the precise and link showing why A affects B. In our checkout example, it could be: fewer steps in the checkout and the removed excessive fields will speed up the process, help avoid confusion, irritate users less, and lead to more completed orders. That's much more explicit than just stating the fact that the checkout needs to be changed to get more completed orders.

Step 3: Decide on the Data You'll Collect

Certainly, multiple things can be used to measure the effect. Therefore, you need to choose the optimal metrics and validation criteria that'll best envision if you're moving in the right direction.

If you need a tip on how to create hypothesis statements that won't result in a waste of time, try to avoid vagueness and be as specific as you can when selecting what can best measure and assess the results of your hypothesis test. The criteria must be measurable and tied to the hypotheses . This can be a realistic percentage or number (say, you expect a 15% increase in completed orders or 2x fewer cart abandonment cases during the checkout phase).

Once again, if you're not realistic, then you might end up misinterpreting the results. Remember that sometimes an increase that's even as little as 2% can make a huge difference, so why make 50% the merit if it's not achievable in the first place?

Step 4: Settle on the Sequence

It's quite common that you'll end up with multiple product hypotheses. Some are more important than others, of course, and some will require more effort and input.

Therefore, just as with the features on your product development roadmap , prioritize your hypotheses according to their impact and importance. Then, group and order them, especially if the results of some hypotheses influence others on your list.

Product Hypothesis Examples

To demonstrate how to formulate your assumptions clearly, here are several more apart from the example of a hypothesis statement given above:

  • Adding a wishlist feature to the cart with the possibility to send a gift hint to friends via email will increase the likelihood of making a sale and bring in additional sign-ups.
  • Placing a limited-time promo code banner stripe on the home page will increase the number of sales in March.
  • Moving up the call to action element on the landing page and changing the button text will increase the click-through rate twice.
  • By highlighting a new way to use the product, we'll target a niche customer segment (i.e., single parents under 30) and acquire 5% more leads. 

define sales hypothesis

How to Validate Hypothesis Statements: The Process Explained

There are multiple options when it comes to validating hypothesis statements. To get appropriate results, you have to come up with the right experiment that'll help you test the hypothesis. You'll need a control group or people who represent your target audience segments or groups to participate (otherwise, your results might not be accurate).

‍ What can serve as the experiment you may run? Experiments may take tons of different forms, and you'll need to choose the one that clicks best with your hypothesis goals (and your available resources, of course). The same goes for how long you'll have to carry out the test (say, a time period of two months or as little as two weeks). Here are several to get you started.

Experiments for product hypothesis validation

Feedback and User Testing

Talking to users, potential customers, or members of your own online startup community can be another way to test your hypotheses. You may use surveys, questionnaires, or opt for more extensive interviews to validate hypothesis statements and find out what people think. This assumption validation approach involves your existing or potential users and might require some additional time, but can bring you many insights.

Conduct A/B or Multivariate Tests

One of the experiments you may develop involves making more than one version of an element or page to see which option resonates with the users more. As such, you can have a call to action block with different wording or play around with the colors, imagery, visuals, and other things.

To run such split experiments, you can apply tools like VWO that allows to easily construct alternative designs and split what your users see (e.g., one half of the users will see version one, while the other half will see version two). You can track various metrics and apply heatmaps, click maps, and screen recordings to learn more about user response and behavior. Mind, though, that the key to such tests is to get as many users as you can give the tests time. Don't jump to conclusions too soon or if very few people participated in your experiment.

Build Prototypes and Fake Doors

Demos and clickable prototypes can be a great way to save time and money on costly feature or product development. A prototype also allows you to refine the design. However, they can also serve as experiments for validating hypotheses, collecting data, and getting feedback.

For instance, if you have a new feature in mind and want to ensure there is interest, you can utilize such MVP types as fake doors . Make a short demo recording of the feature and place it on your landing page to track interest or test how many people sign up.

Usability Testing

Similarly, you can run experiments to observe how users interact with the feature, page, product, etc. Usually, such experiments are held on prototype testing platforms with a focus group representing your target visitors. By showing a prototype or early version of the design to users, you can view how people use the solution, where they face problems, or what they don't understand. This may be very helpful if you have hypotheses regarding redesigns and user experience improvements before you move on from prototype to MVP development.

You can even take it a few steps further and build a barebone feature version that people can really interact with, yet you'll be the one behind the curtain to make it happen. There were many MVP examples when companies applied Wizard of Oz or concierge MVPs to validate their hypotheses.

Or you can actually develop some functionality but release it for only a limited number of people to see. This is referred to as a feature flag , which can show really specific results but is effort-intensive. 

define sales hypothesis

What Comes After Hypothesis Validation?

Analysis is what you move on to once you've run the experiment. This is the time to review the collected data, metrics, and feedback to validate (or invalidate) the hypothesis.

You have to evaluate the experiment's results to determine whether your product hypotheses were valid or not. For example, if you were testing two versions of an element design, color scheme, or copy, look into which one performed best.

It is crucial to be certain that you have enough data to draw conclusions, though, and that it's accurate and unbiased . Because if you don't, this may be a sign that your experiment needs to be run for some additional time, be altered, or held once again. You won't want to make a solid decision based on uncertain or misleading results, right?

What happens after hypothesis validation

  • If the hypothesis was supported , proceed to making corresponding changes (such as implementing a new feature, changing the design, rephrasing your copy, etc.). Remember that your aim was to learn and iterate to improve.
  • If your hypothesis was proven false , think of it as a valuable learning experience. The main goal is to learn from the results and be able to adjust your processes accordingly. Dig deep to find out what went wrong, look for patterns and things that may have skewed the results. But if all signs show that you were wrong with your hypothesis, accept this outcome as a fact, and move on. This can help you make conclusions on how to better formulate your product hypotheses next time. Don't be too judgemental, though, as a failed experiment might only mean that you need to improve the current hypothesis, revise it, or create a new one based on the results of this experiment, and run the process once more.

On another note, make sure to record your hypotheses and experiment results . Some companies use CRMs to jot down the key findings, while others use something as simple as Google Docs. Either way, this can be your single source of truth that can help you avoid running the same experiments or allow you to compare results over time.

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Final Thoughts on Product Hypotheses

The hypothesis-driven approach in product development is a great way to avoid uncalled-for risks and pricey mistakes. You can back up your assumptions with facts, observe your target audience's reactions, and be more certain that this move will deliver value.

However, this only makes sense if the validation of hypothesis statements is backed by relevant data that'll allow you to determine whether the hypothesis is valid or not. By doing so, you can be certain that you're developing and testing hypotheses to accelerate your product management and avoiding decisions based on guesswork.

Certainly, a failed experiment may bring you just as much knowledge and findings as one that succeeds. Teams have to learn from their mistakes, boost their hypothesis generation and testing knowledge , and make improvements according to the results of their experiments. This is an ongoing process, of course, as no product can grow if it isn't iterated and improved.

If you're only planning to or are currently building a product, Upsilon can lend you a helping hand. Our team has years of experience providing product development services for growth-stage startups and building MVPs for early-stage businesses , so you can use our expertise and knowledge to dodge many mistakes. Don't be shy to contact us to discuss your needs! 

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Sales forecast hypothesis: How to Use Hypothesis Testing to Validate Your Sales Forecast Assumptions

1. understanding the importance of sales forecast hypothesis, 2. key concepts and terminology, 3. the role of hypothesis testing in validating sales forecast assumptions, 4. formulating clear and testable statements, 5. gathering the necessary information for testing, 6. selecting the appropriate methodology, 7. step-by-step process and analysis, 8. evaluating the validity of your sales forecast assumptions, 9. leveraging hypothesis testing for accurate sales forecasting.

1. Why Sales Forecast Hypothesis Matters:

- Strategic Planning : Sales forecasts serve as the foundation for strategic planning. They guide decisions related to product development, marketing campaigns, and resource allocation. Without reliable forecasts, businesses risk making ill-informed choices.

- Resource Allocation : Whether it's inventory management, hiring, or budgeting, organizations rely on sales forecasts to allocate resources effectively . Overestimating or underestimating demand can lead to inefficiencies.

- Financial Projections : Investors, lenders, and stakeholders assess a company's financial health based on projected sales. Accurate forecasts are essential for budgeting, financial modeling, and investor confidence.

- Risk Mitigation : By identifying potential gaps or surpluses in demand, businesses can proactively address supply chain challenges , production bottlenecks, and inventory imbalances.

- Sales Team Performance : sales forecasts help evaluate sales team performance. Are they meeting targets? Are there seasonal patterns? Insights from forecasts guide coaching and incentive structures.

2. challenges in Sales forecasting :

- Data Quality : Garbage in, garbage out! Reliable forecasts require clean, relevant data. Historical sales data, market trends, and external factors (e.g., economic conditions, seasonality) all impact accuracy.

- Uncertainty : The future is inherently uncertain. Unexpected events (e.g., pandemics, regulatory changes) can disrupt forecasts. Incorporating probabilistic models helps account for uncertainty.

- Bias : Cognitive biases (e.g., optimism bias, anchoring) can skew forecasts. cross-functional collaboration and diverse perspectives mitigate bias.

- Model Selection : Choosing the right forecasting model matters. Time series methods (e.g., ARIMA, exponential smoothing) or causal models (e.g., regression) have trade-offs. Context matters!

- Assumptions : Forecasts rest on assumptions about customer behavior, market dynamics, and competitive landscape. Validating these assumptions is critical.

3. Examples to Illustrate the Concept:

- Scenario 1: New Product Launch

- Imagine a tech company launching a cutting-edge smartphone. sales forecasts guide production volumes, marketing budgets, and distribution channels. If the forecast underestimates demand, customers face shortages. Overestimation leads to excess inventory and financial losses.

- Scenario 2: Seasonal Trends

- A retail chain selling winter apparel anticipates higher sales during the holiday season. Historical data reveals consistent spikes in November and December. By incorporating seasonality, they optimize inventory levels and staffing.

- Scenario 3: Market Share Shifts

- An automotive manufacturer observes declining sales for sedans but rising demand for electric vehicles (EVs). Adjusting forecasts to reflect this shift allows them to reallocate resources and capitalize on EV growth.

In summary, sales forecast hypothesis isn't just about numbers; it's about informed decision-making . By embracing data-driven approaches, challenging assumptions, and learning from past experiences, businesses can harness the power of accurate forecasts to thrive in a dynamic marketplace.

Understanding the Importance of Sales Forecast Hypothesis - Sales forecast hypothesis: How to Use Hypothesis Testing to Validate Your Sales Forecast Assumptions

1. historical Data and trends :

- Insight : Historical sales data provides a foundation for forecasting. analyzing trends over time helps identify patterns, seasonality, and growth rates.

- Example : Suppose a retail company wants to predict holiday sales. They examine past years' data and notice a consistent spike in December due to holiday shopping. This historical trend informs their sales forecast assumptions .

2. market research and External Factors:

- Insight : Sales forecasts should consider external influences such as economic conditions, industry trends, and competitive landscape.

- Example : A tech startup planning to launch a new product analyzes market research reports . They discover that consumer preferences are shifting toward eco-friendly gadgets. Incorporating this insight, they adjust their sales assumptions to account for increased demand for sustainable tech products .

3. Seasonality and Cyclicality:

- Insight : Many industries experience seasonal fluctuations. Understanding these cycles is essential for accurate forecasts.

- Example : An ice cream manufacturer anticipates higher sales during summer months. They adjust their assumptions by incorporating seasonality factors, considering factors like temperature and school vacations.

4. product Lifecycle stages :

- Insight : Different product stages (introduction, growth, maturity, decline) impact sales. Assumptions should align with the product's lifecycle.

- Example : A software company launching a new app expects slow initial adoption (introduction stage) but rapid growth once users spread the word (growth stage). Their sales forecast assumptions reflect these stages.

5. sales Channels and customer Segmentation:

- Insight : Sales occur through various channels (e.g., direct sales, online, distributors). Assumptions should account for channel-specific dynamics.

- Example : A B2B company sells both directly to enterprises and through resellers. Their assumptions differentiate between these channels, considering factors like lead time and conversion rates .

6. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Assumptions:

- Insight : Assumptions can be qualitative (based on expert judgment) or quantitative (data-driven). A mix of both often yields better forecasts.

- Example : A fashion retailer combines historical sales data (quantitative) with insights from their experienced buyers (qualitative) to create robust assumptions for the upcoming season.

7. sensitivity Analysis and Scenario planning :

- Insight : Sales forecasts are inherently uncertain. Sensitivity analysis explores how changes in assumptions impact outcomes. Scenario planning considers multiple what-if scenarios.

- Example : An automotive manufacturer tests different assumptions (e.g., raw material costs, exchange rates) to assess their impact on sales projections. They prepare for optimistic, pessimistic, and base-case scenarios.

8. Assumptions Documentation and Review:

- Insight : Transparent documentation of assumptions is crucial. Regular reviews ensure adjustments based on new information.

- Example : A pharmaceutical company maintains a detailed assumptions log. When launching a new drug, they revisit and update assumptions as clinical trial results emerge.

Remember, sales forecast assumptions are not set in stone. They evolve as new data emerges and market dynamics change. By embracing a holistic view and incorporating diverse perspectives, organizations can enhance the accuracy and reliability of their sales forecasts.

Hypothesis testing plays a crucial role in validating sales forecast assumptions. It allows businesses to assess the accuracy and reliability of their sales projections by subjecting them to rigorous statistical analysis. By formulating hypotheses and conducting tests, companies can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their forecasting models and make informed decisions based on the results.

From a statistical perspective, hypothesis testing involves two competing hypotheses: the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H1). The null hypothesis represents the status quo or the assumption being tested, while the alternative hypothesis proposes a different outcome. In the context of sales forecasting, the null hypothesis could be that the projected sales figures are accurate, while the alternative hypothesis suggests that they are not.

To validate sales forecast assumptions using hypothesis testing , businesses can follow a systematic approach . Here is a numbered list outlining the key steps involved :

1. Define the hypotheses: Clearly state the null and alternative hypotheses that will be tested. For example, the null hypothesis could be "The projected sales figures accurately reflect the market demand," while the alternative hypothesis could be "The projected sales figures overestimate the market demand."

2. Select a significance level: Determine the level of significance that will be used to evaluate the test results. The significance level, often denoted as α, represents the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true. Commonly used significance levels include 0.05 and 0.01.

3. Collect data: Gather relevant sales data, including historical sales figures, market trends, customer behavior, and any other factors that may impact sales performance. The data should be representative and comprehensive to ensure accurate analysis.

4. Choose an appropriate test: Select a statistical test that is suitable for the type of data and research question at hand. Commonly used tests for sales forecast validation include t-tests, chi-square tests , and regression analysis.

5. Perform the test: Apply the chosen statistical test to the collected data and calculate the test statistic. This statistic quantifies the degree of agreement or disagreement between the observed data and the null hypothesis.

6. Determine the critical region: Based on the significance level chosen in step 2, establish the critical region or rejection region. This region represents the range of test statistic values that would lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis.

7. Compare the test statistic: Compare the calculated test statistic with the critical values from the chosen statistical test. If the test statistic falls within the critical region, the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis. Otherwise, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

8. Interpret the results: Analyze the test results and draw meaningful conclusions. If the null hypothesis is rejected, it suggests that the sales forecast assumptions are not valid and may require adjustments. On the other hand, if the null hypothesis is not rejected, it provides support for the accuracy of the sales projections.

9. Make informed decisions: Based on the findings from the hypothesis testing, businesses can make data-driven decisions regarding their sales forecast assumptions. This may involve revising the forecast model, adjusting sales targets, or implementing strategies to improve sales performance.

By utilizing hypothesis testing in the validation of sales forecast assumptions, businesses can enhance the accuracy and reliability of their projections. It enables them to identify potential weaknesses in their forecasting models and make necessary adjustments to optimize sales performance . Examples of such adjustments could include refining market segmentation , adjusting pricing strategies , or reallocating resources to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

The Role of Hypothesis Testing in Validating Sales Forecast Assumptions - Sales forecast hypothesis: How to Use Hypothesis Testing to Validate Your Sales Forecast Assumptions

## The Importance of Hypotheses

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's take a step back and appreciate why hypotheses matter. Imagine you're launching a new product, and you want to estimate its potential sales. You could make wild guesses, but that won't cut it in the competitive market. Instead, you need a systematic approach.

1. Multiple Perspectives:

- Business Perspective: From a business standpoint, hypotheses guide decision-making . They help you focus on specific aspects of your sales process, such as pricing strategies, marketing channels, or customer segments.

- Statistical Perspective: Statisticians love hypotheses because they provide a framework for testing assumptions. Without hypotheses, statistical analysis would be like navigating a foggy forest without a map.

2. Formulating Hypotheses:

- Null Hypothesis (H0): This is the default assumption. It states that there's no significant effect or difference. For example:

- "The new marketing campaign has no impact on sales."

- "The average monthly sales remain constant."

- Alternative Hypothesis (H1): This is what you're testing. It suggests a specific effect or difference. For example:

- "The new marketing campaign increases sales by 20%."

- "The average monthly sales have changed."

3. Testability and Clarity:

- Your hypotheses should be crystal clear and testable. Avoid vague statements like "something changed." Instead, be specific:

- "The conversion rate for online leads is higher than that for offline leads."

- "Sales during holiday seasons differ significantly from non-holiday periods."

4. Examples:

- Suppose you're a coffee shop owner. You want to test whether offering a loyalty card increases customer spending. Your hypotheses could be:

- H0: "The average spending of customers with a loyalty card is the same as those without."

- H1: "Customers with a loyalty card spend more on average."

- Another example:

- H0: "The sales of winter coats are consistent across different regions."

- H1: "Sales of winter coats vary significantly by region."

5. sample Size and power :

- A larger sample size increases the power of your hypothesis test. If you're testing a small effect, you'll need more data.

- Consider statistical power when designing experiments. Low power increases the risk of false negatives (failing to detect a real effect).

6. Avoid Common Pitfalls:

- Type I Error: Rejecting the null hypothesis when it's true (a false positive).

- Type II Error: Failing to reject the null hypothesis when it's false (a false negative).

- Balance significance level (alpha) and power to minimize these errors.

Remember, hypotheses are like the scaffolding of a building. They provide structure and direction. So, take your time, formulate them thoughtfully, and let the data guide you toward better sales forecasts!

Formulating Clear and Testable Statements - Sales forecast hypothesis: How to Use Hypothesis Testing to Validate Your Sales Forecast Assumptions

In this section, we delve into the crucial process of collecting data to support your sales forecast hypothesis. Gathering the necessary information is essential for accurate and reliable testing. By considering insights from different perspectives, we can ensure a well-rounded approach to data collection .

1. Identify the Key Variables: Start by identifying the key variables that impact your sales forecast . These variables can include market trends, customer behavior, economic indicators, and product performance metrics .

2. Determine Data Sources: Once you have identified the key variables, determine the appropriate data sources to gather relevant information . These sources can include internal sales data, market research reports, customer surveys, industry publications, and government databases.

3. Define data Collection methods : Choose the most suitable data collection methods based on the nature of the variables and available resources. Common methods include surveys, interviews, observations, and data mining techniques .

4. ensure Data quality : To ensure the reliability and accuracy of the collected data, implement measures to maintain data quality. This includes validating data sources, conducting data cleaning and preprocessing , and addressing any potential biases or errors.

5. Consider Sample Size: Determine the appropriate sample size for your data collection. A larger sample size generally leads to more reliable results, but it's important to strike a balance between statistical significance and practical feasibility.

6. Analyze Data: Once the data is collected, perform a thorough analysis to extract meaningful insights. Utilize statistical techniques, such as regression analysis or hypothesis testing , to identify relationships, patterns, and trends within the data.

7. Incorporate Examples: To enhance understanding, incorporate examples throughout the section. For instance, you can illustrate how different data variables impact sales forecasts by providing real-world scenarios or case studies.

By following these steps and utilizing a systematic approach to data collection, you can gather the necessary information to validate your sales forecast assumptions effectively.

Gathering the Necessary Information for Testing - Sales forecast hypothesis: How to Use Hypothesis Testing to Validate Your Sales Forecast Assumptions

### Understanding the Landscape

Before we embark on our statistical journey, let's appreciate the diverse perspectives that shape our decision-making process:

1. Business Context Matters : Statistical tests don't exist in a vacuum. They serve a purpose: to answer specific questions about our data. Consider the business context. Are you comparing sales figures across different regions? Testing the effectiveness of a new marketing campaign? Understanding the context helps narrow down the options.

2. Data Characteristics : Our data isn't always pristine. It might be skewed, noisy, or have missing values. Different tests have different assumptions about data distribution. For instance:

- Parametric Tests : Assume data follows a specific distribution (e.g., normal distribution). Examples include t-tests, ANOVA, and linear regression.

- Non-parametric Tests : Make fewer assumptions about data distribution. Examples include mann-Whitney U test , kruskal-Wallis test , and Spearman's rank correlation.

3. Sample Size : Small samples can lead to unreliable results. Some tests require larger sample sizes to be effective. For instance, a t-test might struggle with tiny samples, while bootstrapping remains robust.

### Navigating the Toolbox: A Numbered Guide

1. t-Tests : These come in various flavors (paired, independent, one-sample). Use them when comparing means between two groups . For example:

- Scenario : You want to compare the average sales performance of two product lines (A and B).

- Test : Independent two-sample t-test.

- Example : Calculate the mean sales for both product lines and check if the difference is statistically significant.

2. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) : When comparing means across more than two groups (e.g., multiple regions, marketing channels), ANOVA steps in. It assesses whether group means are significantly different.

- Scenario : You're analyzing sales data across three different regions (East, West, and Central).

- Test : One-way ANOVA.

- Example : Compare the average sales across the regions and identify any significant differences.

3. chi-Square test : Perfect for categorical data. Use it when comparing proportions or assessing independence between variables.

- Scenario : You're testing whether a new website design affects user engagement (e.g., clicks on different buttons).

- Test : Chi-square test of independence.

- Example : Tabulate the observed and expected frequencies and check for significant differences.

4. Correlation Tests : When exploring relationships between continuous variables:

- Pearson Correlation : Measures linear association.

- spearman Rank correlation : Works well for non-linear relationships.

- Scenario : You're investigating the correlation between advertising spend and sales revenue.

- Test : Pearson or Spearman correlation.

- Example : calculate the correlation coefficient and assess its significance.

5. Regression Analysis : When predicting one variable based on others:

- Linear Regression : Predicts a continuous outcome.

- Logistic Regression : For binary outcomes (yes/no, success/failure).

- Scenario : predicting future sales based on historical data and marketing spend.

- Test : Linear or logistic regression.

- Example : Fit the model, check coefficients, and evaluate goodness of fit.

### Wrapping Up

Remember, statistical tests aren't magic wands; they're tools. Choose wisely based on your data, context, and research question. And just like a skilled artisan, practice and experience refine your selection process. Happy hypothesis testing!

Selecting the Appropriate Methodology - Sales forecast hypothesis: How to Use Hypothesis Testing to Validate Your Sales Forecast Assumptions

1. Formulate Your Hypotheses:

- Null Hypothesis (H0): This is the default assumption that there is no significant effect or difference. It represents the status quo.

- Alternative Hypothesis (H1 or Ha): This is the opposite of the null hypothesis. It suggests that there is a significant effect or difference.

Suppose we're testing a new marketing campaign's impact on website traffic. Our hypotheses could be:

- H0: The campaign has no effect on website traffic.

- Ha: The campaign increases website traffic.

2. Choose a Significance Level (α):

- The significance level (often denoted as α) determines the threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis. Common values are 0.05 or 0.01.

- If the p-value (probability value) is less than α, we reject H0.

Let's set α = 0.05 for our marketing campaign analysis .

3. Collect Data and Calculate Test Statistic:

- Depending on the situation, choose an appropriate test (e.g., t-test, chi-square, ANOVA).

- Calculate the test statistic (e.g., t-value, F-value) based on your data.

Using a t-test, we compare the average daily website traffic before and after the campaign.

4. Determine the Critical Region:

- The critical region is the range of test statistic values that lead to rejecting H0.

- Find the critical value from the appropriate distribution (e.g., t-distribution, F-distribution).

If our t-value falls beyond the critical t-value, we reject H0.

5. Calculate the p-value:

- The p-value represents the probability of observing the test statistic (or more extreme values) under the null hypothesis.

- A small p-value indicates strong evidence against H0.

Suppose we calculate a p-value of 0.02. This suggests that the campaign likely had an impact.

6. Make a Decision:

- If p-value < α, reject H0 in favor of Ha.

- Otherwise, fail to reject H0.

With our p-value of 0.02 (less than α = 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis.

7. Interpretation:

- Provide context for your decision. What does it mean for the business or research question?

We conclude that the marketing campaign significantly increased website traffic , supporting our alternative hypothesis .

Remember, hypothesis testing is a blend of science and art. It requires domain knowledge, statistical expertise, and critical thinking. So, whether you're validating sales forecasts or unraveling mysteries in particle physics, embrace the journey of hypothesis testing—it's where data-driven insights come to life!

1. Context Matters:

- Before diving into the numbers, consider the context in which your sales forecast was developed. What are the market dynamics? Are there any external factors (e.g., economic trends, industry shifts, or regulatory changes) that might impact sales? Understanding the broader landscape helps you interpret the results more effectively.

2. Comparative Analysis:

- Compare your forecasted sales figures with historical data. Look for patterns, seasonality, and trends. If your assumptions align with past performance, it adds credibility to your forecast.

- Example: Suppose you're forecasting Q4 sales for a retail business . Analyze Q4 data from the last few years to identify consistent patterns (e.g., holiday spikes, end-of-year promotions).

3. Sensitivity Analysis:

- Test the sensitivity of your assumptions. What happens if certain variables change? Adjust key parameters (e.g., pricing, marketing spend, or lead conversion rates) and observe the impact on the forecast.

- Example: If your forecast assumes a 10% increase in advertising spend, explore scenarios where it's 20% or 5%. How does it affect the overall projection?

4. Scenario Planning:

- Create multiple scenarios based on different assumptions. These scenarios represent best-case, worst-case, and most-likely outcomes. Assign probabilities to each scenario.

- Example: Imagine you're launching a new product. Scenario A assumes aggressive market adoption, Scenario B is conservative, and Scenario C is moderate. Evaluate the implications of each.

5. Statistical Methods:

- Leverage statistical techniques to validate your assumptions. Regression analysis, time series models , and machine learning algorithms can provide insights.

- Example: fit a linear regression model to historical sales data. Assess the significance of predictors (e.g., advertising expenditure, seasonality) and validate their impact on sales.

6. Residual Analysis:

- Examine the residuals (the differences between actual and forecasted values). Are they randomly distributed, or do they exhibit a pattern? Patterns may indicate model misspecification.

- Example: Plot the residuals over time. If they consistently deviate from zero, investigate further.

7. Expert Judgment:

- Involve domain experts, sales managers, and stakeholders in the evaluation process. Their insights can validate or challenge assumptions.

- Example: Discuss your assumptions about customer behavior with the sales team. Are they aligned with their on-ground experience?

8. forecast Accuracy metrics :

- Calculate metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), or R-squared. These quantify how well your forecast aligns with actual results.

- Example: If your MAE is consistently low, it indicates accurate predictions. High MAE warrants revisiting assumptions.

9. Qualitative Insights:

- Sometimes qualitative information matters as much as quantitative data. Consider customer feedback, competitive intelligence, and anecdotal evidence.

- Example: A sudden positive review from a prominent influencer might impact sales beyond what your model predicts.

10. Iterate and Refine:

- Sales forecasting is an iterative process. Continuously update your assumptions based on new information, feedback, and changing circumstances.

- Example: After launching a product, monitor real-world sales data. Adjust your assumptions accordingly.

Remember, interpreting sales forecast results isn't just about numbers; it's about understanding the underlying story. By combining quantitative rigor with qualitative insights, you'll enhance the validity of your sales forecasts and make informed business decisions .

Feel free to adapt these insights to your specific context and explore further!

Evaluating the Validity of Your Sales Forecast Assumptions - Sales forecast hypothesis: How to Use Hypothesis Testing to Validate Your Sales Forecast Assumptions

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, accurate sales forecasting is a critical component for success. Organizations rely on these forecasts to allocate resources, plan inventory, and make informed strategic decisions . However, the process of sales forecasting is inherently uncertain, as it involves predicting future outcomes based on historical data and assumptions . In this section, we delve into the role of hypothesis testing in refining sales forecasts and ensuring their reliability.

1. The power of Hypothesis testing :

- Hypothesis testing provides a rigorous framework for evaluating assumptions and drawing meaningful conclusions from data. By formulating null and alternative hypotheses, we can systematically assess the validity of our assumptions about sales trends, seasonality, and other factors.

- Consider a scenario where a retail company aims to forecast sales for the upcoming holiday season. The null hypothesis might be that there is no significant difference in sales between the holiday period and non-holiday periods. The alternative hypothesis, on the other hand, suggests that holiday sales are higher.

- Through hypothesis testing, we can analyze historical sales data during holiday and non-holiday periods. If the p-value associated with our test statistic is sufficiently low (typically below 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. This indicates that holiday sales do indeed differ significantly from non-holiday sales.

2. Addressing Assumptions:

- sales forecasting models often rely on assumptions about customer behavior, market trends, and external factors. These assumptions can introduce bias and affect the accuracy of predictions.

- Hypothesis testing allows us to challenge these assumptions. For instance:

- Assumption: Customer purchasing behavior remains consistent across seasons.

- Hypothesis Test: Compare sales data across different seasons (e.g., summer, fall, winter) to identify any significant variations. If differences exist, adjust the forecasting model accordingly.

- Example: A beverage company assumes that cold drink sales increase during summer. By conducting a hypothesis test, they find strong evidence supporting this assumption, leading to better seasonal adjustments in their forecasts.

3. confidence intervals and Prediction Intervals:

- Hypothesis testing goes beyond point estimates. It provides confidence intervals (CIs) and prediction intervals (PIs) that quantify uncertainty.

- Confidence Interval: A range within which we are confident the true parameter (e.g., average sales) lies. For instance, a 95% CI for monthly sales might be $50,000 to $60,000.

- Prediction Interval: A wider range that accounts for both parameter uncertainty and random variability. It includes the potential variability in individual observations.

- Example: A software company forecasts quarterly subscription revenue. The 95% PI for the next quarter's revenue might be $200,000 to $250,000. This interval acknowledges both parameter uncertainty (related to the model) and random fluctuations.

4. Learning from Outliers:

- Hypothesis testing helps identify outliers—data points that deviate significantly from expected patterns. Outliers can distort forecasts if not handled appropriately.

- Outlier Detection: Use statistical tests (e.g., Grubbs' test, Dixon's test) to identify extreme values. Investigate whether these outliers are genuine anomalies or data entry errors.

- Example: An e-commerce platform observes unusually high sales during a flash sale. Hypothesis testing confirms that these sales are legitimate, allowing the forecasting model to adapt to such events.

5. Continuous Improvement:

- Sales forecasting is an iterative process. Regularly revisit assumptions, update models, and validate hypotheses.

- A/B Testing: Implement controlled experiments (A/B tests) to validate changes in pricing, marketing strategies, or product features. Hypothesis testing guides decision-making based on experiment results.

- Example: An online retailer tests a new website layout. Hypothesis testing reveals that the updated design leads to higher conversion rates , influencing future sales forecasts.

hypothesis testing is not merely a statistical exercise; it is a powerful tool for refining sales forecasts. By embracing uncertainty, challenging assumptions, and learning from data, businesses can enhance the accuracy of their predictions and make informed decisions in a dynamic marketplace. Remember that sales forecasting is both science and art—an ongoing journey toward better insights and outcomes.

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Hypothesis Testing in Business: Examples

hypothesis testing for business - examples

Are you a product manager or data scientist looking for ways to identify and use most appropriate hypothesis testing for understanding business problems and creating solutions for data-driven decision making? Hypothesis testing is a powerful statistical technique that can help you understand problems during exploratory data analysis (EDA) and identify most appropriate hypotheses / analytical solution. In this blog, we will discuss hypothesis testing with examples from business. We’ll also give you tips on how to use it effectively in your own problem-solving journey. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to confidently create hypotheses, run experiments, and analyze the results to derive meaningful conclusions. So let’s get started!

Before going any further, you may want to check out my detailed blog on hypothesis testing – Hypothesis testing steps & examples .

The picture below represents the key steps you can take to identify appropriate hypothesis tests related to your business problem you are trying to solve.

hypothesis testing for business - examples

Table of Contents

Business Objective / Problem Analysis to Asking Key Questions

Here are the steps which you can use to come up with hypothesis tests related to your business problems. You can then use data to perform hypothesis tests and arrive at different conclusions or inferences.

  • Setting / Identifying business objective : First & foremost, you need to have a business objective which you want to achieve. For example, achieve an increase of 10% revenue in the year ahead.
  • Identifying key business divisions / units and products & services : Second step is to identify key departments / divisions and related products & services which can help achieve the business objective. For current example, sales can be increased by increase in sales of products and services. For service based companies, it can be increase in sales of existing services and one or more new services. For products based companies, it could be increase in sales of different products.
  • Identify key personas / stakeholders : For each business division / department, identify key personas or stakeholders who could be accountable for contributing to achievement of business objective. For current example, it could personas / stakeholders who would own the increase in sales of products and / or services.
  • Are the sales of product A, B and C different?
  • Are the sales of product A, B and C similar across all the regions, countries, states, etc.?
  • Are there differences between products and competitors’ products vis-a-vis sales?
  • Are there any differences between customer queries / complaints across different products (A, B, C)?
  • Are there any differences between product usage patterns across different products, and for each product?
  • Are there differences between marketing initiatives run for different products?
  • Are there differences between teams working on different products?

Hypothesis formulation

Once the questions have been asked / raised, you can create hypotheses from these questions in order to arrive at the answers based on data analysis and create strategy / action plan. Lets take a look at one of the question and how you can formulate hypothesis and perform hypothesis testing. We will also talk about data and analytics aspects.

In order to create strategy around increasing sales revenue, it is very important to understand how has been the sales of different products in past and whether the sales have been different for us to dig deeper into the reasons and create some action plan?

The status quo becomes null hypothesis ([latex]H_0[/latex]. In our current analysis, the status quo is that there is no difference between the sales revenue of different products and that each product is doing equally good and selling well with the customers.

[latex]H_0[/latex]: There is no difference between sales revenue of different products.

The new knowledge for which the null hypothesis can be thrown away can be called as alternate hypothesis, [latex]H_a[/latex]. In current example, the new knowledge or alternate hypothesis is that there is a significant difference between the sales revenue of different products.

[latex]H_a[/latex]: There is a significant difference between sales revenue of different products.

Identifying Test Statistics for Hypothesis Testing

Once the hypothesis has been formulated, the next step is to identify the test statistics which can be used to perform the hypothesis test.

We can perform one-way Anova test to check whether there is a difference between sales based on the product. One-way ANOVA test requires calculation of F-statistics . The factor is product and levels are product A, B and C. Read my blog post on one-way ANOVA test to learn about different aspect of this test. One-Way ANOVA Test: Concepts, Formula & Examples

Apart from Hypothesis test and statistics, one can also set the level of significance based on which one can reject the null hypothesis or otherwise. Generally, it is chosen as 0.05.

Gather Data

Once the hypothesis test and statistics gets chosen, next step is to gather data. You can identify the system which holds the sales data and then gather the data from that system for last 1 year.

Perform Hypothesis Testing

Once the data is gathered, you can use Excel tool or any other statistical packages in Python / R and perform hypothesis testing by doing the following:

  • Calculating the value of test statistics
  • Calculate P-value
  • Comparing the P-value with level of significance
  • Reject the null hypothesis or otherwise

In conclusion, hypothesis testing is an essential tool for businesses to make data-driven decisions. It involves identifying a problem or question, formulating a hypothesis, identifying the appropriate test statistics, gathering data, and performing hypothesis testing. By following these steps, businesses can gain valuable insights into their operations, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions. It is important to note that hypothesis testing is not a one-time process but rather a continuous effort that businesses must undertake to stay ahead of the competition. Examples of hypothesis testing in business can range from identifying the effectiveness of a new marketing campaign to determining the impact of changes in pricing strategies. By analyzing data and performing hypothesis testing, businesses can determine the significance of these changes and make informed decisions that will improve their bottom line.

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“A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes. It is innocent, unless found guilty. A hypothesis is a novel suggestion that no one wants to believe. It is guilty until found effective.”

– Edward Teller, Nuclear Physicist

During my first brainstorming meeting on my first project at McKinsey, this very serious partner, who had a PhD in Physics, looked at me and said, “So, Joe, what are your main hypotheses.” I looked back at him, perplexed, and said, “Ummm, my what?” I was used to people simply asking, “what are your best ideas, opinions, thoughts, etc.” Over time, I began to understand the importance of hypotheses and how it plays an important role in McKinsey’s problem solving of separating ideas and opinions from facts.

What is a Hypothesis?

“Hypothesis” is probably one of the top 5 words used by McKinsey consultants. And, being hypothesis-driven was required to have any success at McKinsey. A hypothesis is an idea or theory, often based on limited data, which is typically the beginning of a thread of further investigation to prove, disprove or improve the hypothesis through facts and empirical data.

The first step in being hypothesis-driven is to focus on the highest potential ideas and theories of how to solve a problem or realize an opportunity.

Let’s go over an example of being hypothesis-driven.

Let’s say you own a website, and you brainstorm ten ideas to improve web traffic, but you don’t have the budget to execute all ten ideas. The first step in being hypothesis-driven is to prioritize the ten ideas based on how much impact you hypothesize they will create.

hypothesis driven example

The second step in being hypothesis-driven is to apply the scientific method to your hypotheses by creating the fact base to prove or disprove your hypothesis, which then allows you to turn your hypothesis into fact and knowledge. Running with our example, you could prove or disprove your hypothesis on the ideas you think will drive the most impact by executing:

1. An analysis of previous research and the performance of the different ideas 2. A survey where customers rank order the ideas 3. An actual test of the ten ideas to create a fact base on click-through rates and cost

While there are many other ways to validate the hypothesis on your prioritization , I find most people do not take this critical step in validating a hypothesis. Instead, they apply bad logic to many important decisions . An idea pops into their head, and then somehow it just becomes a fact.

One of my favorite lousy logic moments was a CEO who stated,

“I’ve never heard our customers talk about price, so the price doesn’t matter with our products , and I’ve decided we’re going to raise prices.”

Luckily, his management team was able to do a survey to dig deeper into the hypothesis that customers weren’t price-sensitive. Well, of course, they were and through the survey, they built a fantastic fact base that proved and disproved many other important hypotheses.

business hypothesis example

Why is being hypothesis-driven so important?

Imagine if medicine never actually used the scientific method. We would probably still be living in a world of lobotomies and bleeding people. Many organizations are still stuck in the dark ages, having built a house of cards on opinions disguised as facts, because they don’t prove or disprove their hypotheses. Decisions made on top of decisions, made on top of opinions, steer organizations clear of reality and the facts necessary to objectively evolve their strategic understanding and knowledge. I’ve seen too many leadership teams led solely by gut and opinion. The problem with intuition and gut is if you don’t ever prove or disprove if your gut is right or wrong, you’re never going to improve your intuition. There is a reason why being hypothesis-driven is the cornerstone of problem solving at McKinsey and every other top strategy consulting firm.

How do you become hypothesis-driven?

Most people are idea-driven, and constantly have hypotheses on how the world works and what they or their organization should do to improve. Though, there is often a fatal flaw in that many people turn their hypotheses into false facts, without actually finding or creating the facts to prove or disprove their hypotheses. These people aren’t hypothesis-driven; they are gut-driven.

The conversation typically goes something like “doing this discount promotion will increase our profits” or “our customers need to have this feature” or “morale is in the toilet because we don’t pay well, so we need to increase pay.” These should all be hypotheses that need the appropriate fact base, but instead, they become false facts, often leading to unintended results and consequences. In each of these cases, to become hypothesis-driven necessitates a different framing.

• Instead of “doing this discount promotion will increase our profits,” a hypothesis-driven approach is to ask “what are the best marketing ideas to increase our profits?” and then conduct a marketing experiment to see which ideas increase profits the most.

• Instead of “our customers need to have this feature,” ask the question, “what features would our customers value most?” And, then conduct a simple survey having customers rank order the features based on value to them.

• Instead of “morale is in the toilet because we don’t pay well, so we need to increase pay,” conduct a survey asking, “what is the level of morale?” what are potential issues affecting morale?” and what are the best ideas to improve morale?”

Beyond, watching out for just following your gut, here are some of the other best practices in being hypothesis-driven:

Listen to Your Intuition

Your mind has taken the collision of your experiences and everything you’ve learned over the years to create your intuition, which are those ideas that pop into your head and those hunches that come from your gut. Your intuition is your wellspring of hypotheses. So listen to your intuition, build hypotheses from it, and then prove or disprove those hypotheses, which will, in turn, improve your intuition. Intuition without feedback will over time typically evolve into poor intuition, which leads to poor judgment, thinking, and decisions.

Constantly Be Curious

I’m always curious about cause and effect. At Sports Authority, I had a hypothesis that customers that received service and assistance as they shopped, were worth more than customers who didn’t receive assistance from an associate. We figured out how to prove or disprove this hypothesis by tying surveys to transactional data of customers, and we found the hypothesis was true, which led us to a broad initiative around improving service. The key is you have to be always curious about what you think does or will drive value, create hypotheses and then prove or disprove those hypotheses.

Validate Hypotheses

You need to validate and prove or disprove hypotheses. Don’t just chalk up an idea as fact. In most cases, you’re going to have to create a fact base utilizing logic, observation, testing (see the section on Experimentation ), surveys, and analysis.

Be a Learning Organization

The foundation of learning organizations is the testing of and learning from hypotheses. I remember my first strategy internship at Mercer Management Consulting when I spent a good part of the summer combing through the results, findings, and insights of thousands of experiments that a banking client had conducted. It was fascinating to see the vastness and depth of their collective knowledge base. And, in today’s world of knowledge portals, it is so easy to disseminate, learn from, and build upon the knowledge created by companies.





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How to write a hypothesis for marketing experimentation

  • Apr 11, 2021
  • 5 minute read
  • Creating your strongest marketing hypothesis

The potential for your marketing improvement depends on the strength of your testing hypotheses.

But where are you getting your test ideas from? Have you been scouring competitor sites, or perhaps pulling from previous designs on your site? The web is full of ideas and you’re full of ideas – there is no shortage of inspiration, that’s for sure.

Coming up with something you  want  to test isn’t hard to do. Coming up with something you  should  test can be hard to do.

Hard – yes. Impossible? No. Which is good news, because if you can’t create hypotheses for things that should be tested, your test results won’t mean mean much, and you probably shouldn’t be spending your time testing.

Taking the time to write your hypotheses correctly will help you structure your ideas, get better results, and avoid wasting traffic on poor test designs.

With this post, we’re getting advanced with marketing hypotheses, showing you how to write and structure your hypotheses to gain both business results and marketing insights!

By the time you finish reading, you’ll be able to:

  • Distinguish a solid hypothesis from a time-waster, and
  • Structure your solid hypothesis to get results  and  insights

To make this whole experience a bit more tangible, let’s track a sample idea from…well…idea to hypothesis.

Let’s say you identified a call-to-action (CTA)* while browsing the web, and you were inspired to test something similar on your own lead generation landing page. You think it might work for your users! Your idea is:

“My page needs a new CTA.”

*A call-to-action is the point where you, as a marketer, ask your prospect to do something on your page. It often includes a button or link to an action like “Buy”, “Sign up”, or “Request a quote”.

The basics: The correct marketing hypothesis format

Level up: moving from a good to great hypothesis, it’s based on a science, building marketing hypotheses to create insights, what makes a great hypothesis.

A well-structured hypothesis provides insights whether it is proved, disproved, or results are inconclusive.

You should never phrase a marketing hypothesis as a question. It should be written as a statement that can be rejected or confirmed.

Further, it should be a statement geared toward revealing insights – with this in mind, it helps to imagine each statement followed by a  reason :

  • Changing _______ into ______ will increase [conversion goal], because:
  • Changing _______ into ______ will decrease [conversion goal], because:
  • Changing _______ into ______ will not affect [conversion goal], because:

Each of the above sentences ends with ‘because’ to set the expectation that there will be an explanation behind the results of whatever you’re testing.

It’s important to remember to plan ahead when you create a test, and think about explaining why the test turned out the way it did when the results come in.

Understanding what makes an idea worth testing is necessary for your optimization team.

If your tests are based on random ideas you googled or were suggested by a consultant, your testing process still has its training wheels on. Great hypotheses aren’t random. They’re based on rationale and aim for learning.

Hypotheses should be based on themes and analysis that show potential conversion barriers.

At Conversion, we call this investigation phase the “Explore Phase” where we use frameworks like the LIFT Model to understand the prospect’s unique perspective. (You can read more on the the full optimization process here).

A well-founded marketing hypothesis should also provide you with new, testable clues about your users regardless of whether or not the test wins, loses or yields inconclusive results.

These new insights should inform future testing: a solid hypothesis can help you quickly separate worthwhile ideas from the rest when planning follow-up tests.

“Ultimately, what matters most is that you have a hypothesis going into each experiment and you design each experiment to address that hypothesis.” – Nick So, VP of Delivery

Here’s a quick tip :

If you’re about to run a test that isn’t going to tell you anything new about your users and their motivations, it’s probably not worth investing your time in.

Let’s take this opportunity to refer back to your original idea:

Ok, but  what now ? To get actionable insights from ‘a new CTA’, you need to know why it behaved the way it did. You need to ask the right question.

To test the waters, maybe you changed the copy of the CTA button on your lead generation form from “Submit” to “Send demo request”. If this change leads to an increase in conversions, it could mean that your users require more clarity about what their information is being used for.

That’s a potential insight.

Based on this insight, you could follow up with another test that adds copy around the CTA about next steps: what the user should anticipate after they have submitted their information.

For example, will they be speaking to a specialist via email? Will something be waiting for them the next time they visit your site? You can test providing more information, and see if your users are interested in knowing it!

That’s the cool thing about a good hypothesis: the results of the test, while important (of course) aren’t the only component driving your future test ideas. The insights gleaned lead to further hypotheses and insights in a virtuous cycle.

The term “hypothesis” probably isn’t foreign to you. In fact, it may bring up memories of grade-school science class; it’s a critical part of the  scientific method .

The scientific method in testing follows a systematic routine that sets ideation up to predict the results of experiments via:

  • Collecting data and information through observation
  • Creating tentative descriptions of what is being observed
  • Forming  hypotheses  that predict different outcomes based on these observations
  • Testing your  hypotheses
  • Analyzing the data, drawing conclusions and insights from the results

Don’t worry! Hypothesizing may seem ‘sciency’, but it doesn’t have to be complicated in practice.

Hypothesizing simply helps ensure the results from your tests are quantifiable, and is necessary if you want to understand how the results reflect the change made in your test.

A strong marketing hypothesis allows testers to use a structured approach in order to discover what works, why it works, how it works, where it works, and who it works on.

“My page needs a new CTA.” Is this idea in its current state clear enough to help you understand what works? Maybe. Why it works? No. Where it works? Maybe. Who it works on? No.

Your idea needs refining.

Let’s pull back and take a broader look at the lead generation landing page we want to test.

Imagine the situation: you’ve been diligent in your data collection and you notice several recurrences of Clarity pain points – meaning that there are many unclear instances throughout the page’s messaging.

Rather than focusing on the CTA right off the bat, it may be more beneficial to deal with the bigger clarity issue.

Now you’re starting to think about solving your prospects conversion barriers rather than just testing random ideas!

If you believe the overall page is unclear, your overarching theme of inquiry might be positioned as:

  • “Improving the clarity of the page will reduce confusion and improve [conversion goal].”

By testing a hypothesis that supports this clarity theme, you can gain confidence in the validity of it as an actionable marketing insight over time.

If the test results are negative : It may not be worth investigating this motivational barrier any further on this page. In this case, you could return to the data and look at the other motivational barriers that might be affecting user behavior.

If the test results are positive : You might want to continue to refine the clarity of the page’s message with further testing.

Typically, a test will start with a broad idea — you identify the changes to make, predict how those changes will impact your conversion goal, and write it out as a broad theme as shown above. Then, repeated tests aimed at that theme will confirm or undermine the strength of the underlying insight.

You believe you’ve identified an overall problem on your landing page (there’s a problem with clarity). Now you want to understand how individual elements contribute to the problem, and the effect these individual elements have on your users.

It’s game time  – now you can start designing a hypothesis that will generate insights.

You believe your users need more clarity. You’re ready to dig deeper to find out if that’s true!

If a specific question needs answering, you should structure your test to make a single change. This isolation might ask: “What element are users most sensitive to when it comes to the lack of clarity?” and “What changes do I believe will support increasing clarity?”

At this point, you’ll want to boil down your overarching theme…

  • Improving the clarity of the page will reduce confusion and improve [conversion goal].

…into a quantifiable hypothesis that isolates key sections:

  • Changing the wording of this CTA to set expectations for users (from “submit” to “send demo request”) will reduce confusion about the next steps in the funnel and improve order completions.

Does this answer what works? Yes: changing the wording on your CTA.

Does this answer why it works? Yes: reducing confusion about the next steps in the funnel.

Does this answer where it works? Yes: on this page, before the user enters this theoretical funnel.

Does this answer who it works on? No, this question demands another isolation. You might structure your hypothesis more like this:

  • Changing the wording of the CTA to set expectations for users (from “submit” to “send demo request”) will reduce confusion  for visitors coming from my email campaign  about the next steps in the funnel and improve order completions.

Now we’ve got a clear hypothesis. And one worth testing!

1. It’s testable.

2. It addresses conversion barriers.

3. It aims at gaining marketing insights.

Let’s compare:

The original idea : “My page needs a new CTA.”

Following the hypothesis structure : “A new CTA on my page will increase [conversion goal]”

The first test implied a problem with clarity, provides a potential theme : “Improving the clarity of the page will reduce confusion and improve [conversion goal].”

The potential clarity theme leads to a new hypothesis : “Changing the wording of the CTA to set expectations for users (from “submit” to “send demo request”) will reduce confusion about the next steps in the funnel and improve order completions.”

Final refined hypothesis : “Changing the wording of the CTA to set expectations for users (from “submit” to “send demo request”) will reduce confusion for visitors coming from my email campaign about the next steps in the funnel and improve order completions.”

Which test would you rather your team invest in?

Before you start your next test, take the time to do a proper analysis of the page you want to focus on. Do preliminary testing to define bigger issues, and use that information to refine and pinpoint your marketing hypothesis to give you forward-looking insights.

Doing this will help you avoid time-wasting tests, and enable you to start getting some insights for your team to keep testing!

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The value hypothesis.

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Every time you propose a partnership with another company, you are making a guess as to why they'd want to work with you.  According to the Grand Unified Theory of Business Development , business development is fundamentally focused on creating long term value.  But whose value are you taking into consideration?

When two companies are evaluating an opportunity to work together, each is weighing the relative value of the same deal from their own unique perspective.  While you approach a company with an understanding of the value that they can bring to you and your organization, they are making the same judgement what you can bring to them - and will decide accordingly on how to proceed.

Properly preparing to engage a prospective partner requires you to make an assumption about what would be a satisfactory response to the most pertinent question on their minds: “What’s in it for me?”  I call this your Value Hypothesis .

What Is a Value Hypothesis

As any 7th grade grade science student can tell you, a hypothesis is an assumption that can be validated through experimentation and observation.  Similarly, a Value Hypothesis should be a testable statement that can be validated or refuted when facing your prospective partner.

Take an example:

“ Widgetco’s products sold through Gearly Inc.’s well-established sales channels in Europe can drive $15MM in incremental sales annually ,” might read one conceived by Gearly in an effort to court Widgetco in partnership.

Whether written merely to strategize how to connect with a potential partner or put directly into the context of an introductory email, your Value Hypothesis will inform your approach to engaging in partnership discussions from the very start.  As written from the perspective of one company, a Value Hypothesis makes an educated guess about whether and why an opportunity has any true appeal for the other.

Formulating a Value Hypothesis

A well-understood and carefully crafted Value Hypothesis enables a more deeply engaging partnership discussion at every stage from first contact to getting ink on a contract.

The more you can do to forecast the other side’s reaction to your Value Hypothesis, the more you can do to affect their response to it.  The more appealing you can make the prospect of partnering with you, the more likely you are to get a meeting, to get a deal, and to get a successful partnership in place that drives mutual value for the long-term.

There are a number of considerations to include when formulating your Value Hypothesis:

  • Can you clearly state the potential value of this opportunity to them?
  • Does this opportunity mesh with the organization’s strategy?  If not, might they consider it a worthwhile shift in their priorities?
  • Is this opportunity significant enough to be considered worth their time and energy?
  • Are there reasons why partnering with you would be the best route for them to realize the value of this opportunity?
  • Have they publicly signaled (in the press, a 10-K, other partnerships, or in their actions) an interest in the type of opportunity that you're proposing?

Validating the Value Hypothesis

Formulating a Value Hypothesis forces you to put a stake in the ground before approaching a partner, but when put in front of the partner those assumptions will be subjected to an exhaustive battery of tests that may determine the fate of your deal.

Validation #1 - Getting a Meeting

Everyone’s busy - especially those folks who you believe would make for great partners (guess what: lots of other people probably think they’d be great partners too).  So why would someone take the time to respond to your request to have a meeting, let alone afford you a precious time slot on their highly curated calendar?

Putting forth the effort to conceive, challenge, and refine your vision of what value your partner can realize by meeting with you will go a long way in securing that first sit-down.

Your initial outreach, be it an email after an introduction or a cold call to someone you’ve never met, needs to offer your counterpart a compelling reason to take the time to meet with you.  This doesn’t only go for warm leads that come with an introduction - as warm and toasty as your first contact may be, any introduction that’s not followed by a compelling reason to meet with you suffers a lower chance of earning a response.

The degree to which someone may accept or decline your invitation to engage in further discussions depends heavily on a number of variables.  Take our preceding example of a Value Hypothesis used by Gearly when approaching Widgetco:

Widgetco’s products sold through Gearly’s well-established sales channels in Europe can drive $15MM in incremental sales annually.

Perhaps Widgetco was motivated by the Gearly’s original intent of helping them enter the European market, and would take a meeting to explore that opportunity.

But perhaps instead they are interested in pursuing a similar distribution partnership across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.  Although those markets may not have been explicitly stated in the original outreach sent by Gearly, the very prospect that an opportunity to enter those markets may enter into the discussions could suffice enough to encourage Widgetco to take the initial meeting based on Gearly’s proposal.

A well-reasoned Value Hypothesis may incite a large enough spark of excitement to get you in the door, but keeping up that momentum requires you to continue your effort to understand and validate “what’s in it for them.”

Validation #2 - Building Interest

Getting through the gate and into a partner meeting is a feat that implies some degree of accuracy in your original Value Hypothesis.  And yet, there is still much work to be done to ensure that the opportunity to forge a deal remain alive throughout the remainder of the partnership discussions.  As you embark down the path of fleshing out the form and structure of a collaboration, the questions around whether it’s worth it for these talks to proceed to a signed deal will only get more intense.

Take again our preceding Value Hypothesis example:

What’s the best way to validate your Value Hypothesis once you’re in the door?  Just ask:

“ We at Gearly would propose a distribution partnership by which Widgetco sells your products into the European market via our sales channels.  How does that sound to you? ”

How might Widgetco react to the suggestion of this opportunity?  Does Widgetco have any interest in  entering into the European market, or might they envision a move into other geographic markets as a higher priority?  Is a $15MM opportunity enough to whet their appetite, or might they require a more expansive partnership to make the effort worthwhile with at least $50MM in potential.  Or yet still might Widgetco find the option of international expansion appealing, but are less than sure that working with Gearly is the best path to pursuing the opportunity?

Starting with a well-informed Value Hypothesis on how cooperating can realize long-term value for both companies provides an anchor point for a partnership discussion that can evolve organically.  And now you have the opportunity to work collaboratively with your partner to determine if there is a path forward that creates enough long-term value for both sides to warrant a deal.

Validation #3 - Closing a Deal

Almost incontrovertibly, the initial outline of a deal that you proposed will be subject to the ideas, edits, and whims of your partner.  Incorporating the input and feedback of your prospective partner is crucial to securing their engagement on a partnership, but so too is it crucial to make sure the newly-refined opportunity at hand still creates enough long-term value for your organization to be satisfied in pursuing it.

As you proceed through the partnership discussions and further define the shape of the partnership, the need to validate whether the the deal makes sense flips back on to you: as the structure of a partnership morphs throughout the negotiation, is the opportunity that’s on the table still one that you find valuable enough to pursue?

Let’s take one final look at our Value Hypothesis example - now modified with potential revisions embedded during the course of the discussions:

Widgetco’s products sold through Gearly’s well-established sales channels in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East can drive $50MM in incremental sales annually.

Does Widgetco’s edits to the selected markets change Gearly’s interest in the deal?  Do they have the resources, capacity, and interest to pursue the opportunity now that it looks different from what was originally intended?  Is this still an opportunity that Gearly finds worth pursuing?

In effect, before proceeding to the closing of a deal, now you must compare the potential for long-term value that can be created from the opportunity as it now stands against the your own organization’s wants and needs.  After the impact of the revisions of the negotiation process, does the Value Hypothesis of the deal that’s been structured still work for you?

What’s In It For Us?

Leaping the hurdles required to bring a partnership to market can require a quick jog or a slow slog, but the process of vetting and validating the prospective deal starts and ends with the same question.  To get past the starting line, one must develop a perspective on “what’s in it for them.”  To make it to the finish, any partnership must create a balanced answer to “what’s in it for us.”

Scott Pollack writes, lectures, and teaches about business development.  The above article is an excerpt from his upcoming book, The Start of the Deal .   Follow him on Twitter as  @slpollack and at  http://www.startofthedeal.com

Scott Pollack

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5.2 - writing hypotheses.

The first step in conducting a hypothesis test is to write the hypothesis statements that are going to be tested. For each test you will have a null hypothesis (\(H_0\)) and an alternative hypothesis (\(H_a\)).

When writing hypotheses there are three things that we need to know: (1) the parameter that we are testing (2) the direction of the test (non-directional, right-tailed or left-tailed), and (3) the value of the hypothesized parameter.

  • At this point we can write hypotheses for a single mean (\(\mu\)), paired means(\(\mu_d\)), a single proportion (\(p\)), the difference between two independent means (\(\mu_1-\mu_2\)), the difference between two proportions (\(p_1-p_2\)), a simple linear regression slope (\(\beta\)), and a correlation (\(\rho\)). 
  • The research question will give us the information necessary to determine if the test is two-tailed (e.g., "different from," "not equal to"), right-tailed (e.g., "greater than," "more than"), or left-tailed (e.g., "less than," "fewer than").
  • The research question will also give us the hypothesized parameter value. This is the number that goes in the hypothesis statements (i.e., \(\mu_0\) and \(p_0\)). For the difference between two groups, regression, and correlation, this value is typically 0.

Hypotheses are always written in terms of population parameters (e.g., \(p\) and \(\mu\)).  The tables below display all of the possible hypotheses for the parameters that we have learned thus far. Note that the null hypothesis always includes the equality (i.e., =).

One Group Mean
Research Question Is the population mean different from \( \mu_{0} \)? Is the population mean greater than \(\mu_{0}\)? Is the population mean less than \(\mu_{0}\)?
Null Hypothesis, \(H_{0}\) \(\mu=\mu_{0} \) \(\mu=\mu_{0} \) \(\mu=\mu_{0} \)
Alternative Hypothesis, \(H_{a}\) \(\mu\neq \mu_{0} \) \(\mu> \mu_{0} \) \(\mu<\mu_{0} \)
Type of Hypothesis Test Two-tailed, non-directional Right-tailed, directional Left-tailed, directional
Paired Means
Research Question Is there a difference in the population? Is there a mean increase in the population? Is there a mean decrease in the population?
Null Hypothesis, \(H_{0}\) \(\mu_d=0 \) \(\mu_d =0 \) \(\mu_d=0 \)
Alternative Hypothesis, \(H_{a}\) \(\mu_d \neq 0 \) \(\mu_d> 0 \) \(\mu_d<0 \)
Type of Hypothesis Test Two-tailed, non-directional Right-tailed, directional Left-tailed, directional
One Group Proportion
Research Question Is the population proportion different from \(p_0\)? Is the population proportion greater than \(p_0\)? Is the population proportion less than \(p_0\)?
Null Hypothesis, \(H_{0}\) \(p=p_0\) \(p= p_0\) \(p= p_0\)
Alternative Hypothesis, \(H_{a}\) \(p\neq p_0\) \(p> p_0\) \(p< p_0\)
Type of Hypothesis Test Two-tailed, non-directional Right-tailed, directional Left-tailed, directional
Difference between Two Independent Means
Research Question Are the population means different? Is the population mean in group 1 greater than the population mean in group 2? Is the population mean in group 1 less than the population mean in groups 2?
Null Hypothesis, \(H_{0}\) \(\mu_1=\mu_2\) \(\mu_1 = \mu_2 \) \(\mu_1 = \mu_2 \)
Alternative Hypothesis, \(H_{a}\) \(\mu_1 \ne \mu_2 \) \(\mu_1 \gt \mu_2 \) \(\mu_1 \lt \mu_2\)
Type of Hypothesis Test Two-tailed, non-directional Right-tailed, directional Left-tailed, directional
Difference between Two Proportions
Research Question Are the population proportions different? Is the population proportion in group 1 greater than the population proportion in groups 2? Is the population proportion in group 1 less than the population proportion in group 2?
Null Hypothesis, \(H_{0}\) \(p_1 = p_2 \) \(p_1 = p_2 \) \(p_1 = p_2 \)
Alternative Hypothesis, \(H_{a}\) \(p_1 \ne p_2\) \(p_1 \gt p_2 \) \(p_1 \lt p_2\)
Type of Hypothesis Test Two-tailed, non-directional Right-tailed, directional Left-tailed, directional
Simple Linear Regression: Slope
Research Question Is the slope in the population different from 0? Is the slope in the population positive? Is the slope in the population negative?
Null Hypothesis, \(H_{0}\) \(\beta =0\) \(\beta= 0\) \(\beta = 0\)
Alternative Hypothesis, \(H_{a}\) \(\beta\neq 0\) \(\beta> 0\) \(\beta< 0\)
Type of Hypothesis Test Two-tailed, non-directional Right-tailed, directional Left-tailed, directional
Correlation (Pearson's )
Research Question Is the correlation in the population different from 0? Is the correlation in the population positive? Is the correlation in the population negative?
Null Hypothesis, \(H_{0}\) \(\rho=0\) \(\rho= 0\) \(\rho = 0\)
Alternative Hypothesis, \(H_{a}\) \(\rho \neq 0\) \(\rho > 0\) \(\rho< 0\)
Type of Hypothesis Test Two-tailed, non-directional Right-tailed, directional Left-tailed, directional
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How to Write a Great Hypothesis

Hypothesis Definition, Format, Examples, and Tips

Verywell / Alex Dos Diaz

  • The Scientific Method

Hypothesis Format

Falsifiability of a hypothesis.

  • Operationalization

Hypothesis Types

Hypotheses examples.

  • Collecting Data

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. It is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in a study. It is a preliminary answer to your question that helps guide the research process.

Consider a study designed to examine the relationship between sleep deprivation and test performance. The hypothesis might be: "This study is designed to assess the hypothesis that sleep-deprived people will perform worse on a test than individuals who are not sleep-deprived."

At a Glance

A hypothesis is crucial to scientific research because it offers a clear direction for what the researchers are looking to find. This allows them to design experiments to test their predictions and add to our scientific knowledge about the world. This article explores how a hypothesis is used in psychology research, how to write a good hypothesis, and the different types of hypotheses you might use.

The Hypothesis in the Scientific Method

In the scientific method , whether it involves research in psychology, biology, or some other area, a hypothesis represents what the researchers think will happen in an experiment. The scientific method involves the following steps:

  • Forming a question
  • Performing background research
  • Creating a hypothesis
  • Designing an experiment
  • Collecting data
  • Analyzing the results
  • Drawing conclusions
  • Communicating the results

The hypothesis is a prediction, but it involves more than a guess. Most of the time, the hypothesis begins with a question which is then explored through background research. At this point, researchers then begin to develop a testable hypothesis.

Unless you are creating an exploratory study, your hypothesis should always explain what you  expect  to happen.

In a study exploring the effects of a particular drug, the hypothesis might be that researchers expect the drug to have some type of effect on the symptoms of a specific illness. In psychology, the hypothesis might focus on how a certain aspect of the environment might influence a particular behavior.

Remember, a hypothesis does not have to be correct. While the hypothesis predicts what the researchers expect to see, the goal of the research is to determine whether this guess is right or wrong. When conducting an experiment, researchers might explore numerous factors to determine which ones might contribute to the ultimate outcome.

In many cases, researchers may find that the results of an experiment  do not  support the original hypothesis. When writing up these results, the researchers might suggest other options that should be explored in future studies.

In many cases, researchers might draw a hypothesis from a specific theory or build on previous research. For example, prior research has shown that stress can impact the immune system. So a researcher might hypothesize: "People with high-stress levels will be more likely to contract a common cold after being exposed to the virus than people who have low-stress levels."

In other instances, researchers might look at commonly held beliefs or folk wisdom. "Birds of a feather flock together" is one example of folk adage that a psychologist might try to investigate. The researcher might pose a specific hypothesis that "People tend to select romantic partners who are similar to them in interests and educational level."

Elements of a Good Hypothesis

So how do you write a good hypothesis? When trying to come up with a hypothesis for your research or experiments, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is your hypothesis based on your research on a topic?
  • Can your hypothesis be tested?
  • Does your hypothesis include independent and dependent variables?

Before you come up with a specific hypothesis, spend some time doing background research. Once you have completed a literature review, start thinking about potential questions you still have. Pay attention to the discussion section in the  journal articles you read . Many authors will suggest questions that still need to be explored.

How to Formulate a Good Hypothesis

To form a hypothesis, you should take these steps:

  • Collect as many observations about a topic or problem as you can.
  • Evaluate these observations and look for possible causes of the problem.
  • Create a list of possible explanations that you might want to explore.
  • After you have developed some possible hypotheses, think of ways that you could confirm or disprove each hypothesis through experimentation. This is known as falsifiability.

In the scientific method ,  falsifiability is an important part of any valid hypothesis. In order to test a claim scientifically, it must be possible that the claim could be proven false.

Students sometimes confuse the idea of falsifiability with the idea that it means that something is false, which is not the case. What falsifiability means is that  if  something was false, then it is possible to demonstrate that it is false.

One of the hallmarks of pseudoscience is that it makes claims that cannot be refuted or proven false.

The Importance of Operational Definitions

A variable is a factor or element that can be changed and manipulated in ways that are observable and measurable. However, the researcher must also define how the variable will be manipulated and measured in the study.

Operational definitions are specific definitions for all relevant factors in a study. This process helps make vague or ambiguous concepts detailed and measurable.

For example, a researcher might operationally define the variable " test anxiety " as the results of a self-report measure of anxiety experienced during an exam. A "study habits" variable might be defined by the amount of studying that actually occurs as measured by time.

These precise descriptions are important because many things can be measured in various ways. Clearly defining these variables and how they are measured helps ensure that other researchers can replicate your results.


One of the basic principles of any type of scientific research is that the results must be replicable.

Replication means repeating an experiment in the same way to produce the same results. By clearly detailing the specifics of how the variables were measured and manipulated, other researchers can better understand the results and repeat the study if needed.

Some variables are more difficult than others to define. For example, how would you operationally define a variable such as aggression ? For obvious ethical reasons, researchers cannot create a situation in which a person behaves aggressively toward others.

To measure this variable, the researcher must devise a measurement that assesses aggressive behavior without harming others. The researcher might utilize a simulated task to measure aggressiveness in this situation.

Hypothesis Checklist

  • Does your hypothesis focus on something that you can actually test?
  • Does your hypothesis include both an independent and dependent variable?
  • Can you manipulate the variables?
  • Can your hypothesis be tested without violating ethical standards?

The hypothesis you use will depend on what you are investigating and hoping to find. Some of the main types of hypotheses that you might use include:

  • Simple hypothesis : This type of hypothesis suggests there is a relationship between one independent variable and one dependent variable.
  • Complex hypothesis : This type suggests a relationship between three or more variables, such as two independent and dependent variables.
  • Null hypothesis : This hypothesis suggests no relationship exists between two or more variables.
  • Alternative hypothesis : This hypothesis states the opposite of the null hypothesis.
  • Statistical hypothesis : This hypothesis uses statistical analysis to evaluate a representative population sample and then generalizes the findings to the larger group.
  • Logical hypothesis : This hypothesis assumes a relationship between variables without collecting data or evidence.

A hypothesis often follows a basic format of "If {this happens} then {this will happen}." One way to structure your hypothesis is to describe what will happen to the  dependent variable  if you change the  independent variable .

The basic format might be: "If {these changes are made to a certain independent variable}, then we will observe {a change in a specific dependent variable}."

A few examples of simple hypotheses:

  • "Students who eat breakfast will perform better on a math exam than students who do not eat breakfast."
  • "Students who experience test anxiety before an English exam will get lower scores than students who do not experience test anxiety."​
  • "Motorists who talk on the phone while driving will be more likely to make errors on a driving course than those who do not talk on the phone."
  • "Children who receive a new reading intervention will have higher reading scores than students who do not receive the intervention."

Examples of a complex hypothesis include:

  • "People with high-sugar diets and sedentary activity levels are more likely to develop depression."
  • "Younger people who are regularly exposed to green, outdoor areas have better subjective well-being than older adults who have limited exposure to green spaces."

Examples of a null hypothesis include:

  • "There is no difference in anxiety levels between people who take St. John's wort supplements and those who do not."
  • "There is no difference in scores on a memory recall task between children and adults."
  • "There is no difference in aggression levels between children who play first-person shooter games and those who do not."

Examples of an alternative hypothesis:

  • "People who take St. John's wort supplements will have less anxiety than those who do not."
  • "Adults will perform better on a memory task than children."
  • "Children who play first-person shooter games will show higher levels of aggression than children who do not." 

Collecting Data on Your Hypothesis

Once a researcher has formed a testable hypothesis, the next step is to select a research design and start collecting data. The research method depends largely on exactly what they are studying. There are two basic types of research methods: descriptive research and experimental research.

Descriptive Research Methods

Descriptive research such as  case studies ,  naturalistic observations , and surveys are often used when  conducting an experiment is difficult or impossible. These methods are best used to describe different aspects of a behavior or psychological phenomenon.

Once a researcher has collected data using descriptive methods, a  correlational study  can examine how the variables are related. This research method might be used to investigate a hypothesis that is difficult to test experimentally.

Experimental Research Methods

Experimental methods  are used to demonstrate causal relationships between variables. In an experiment, the researcher systematically manipulates a variable of interest (known as the independent variable) and measures the effect on another variable (known as the dependent variable).

Unlike correlational studies, which can only be used to determine if there is a relationship between two variables, experimental methods can be used to determine the actual nature of the relationship—whether changes in one variable actually  cause  another to change.

The hypothesis is a critical part of any scientific exploration. It represents what researchers expect to find in a study or experiment. In situations where the hypothesis is unsupported by the research, the research still has value. Such research helps us better understand how different aspects of the natural world relate to one another. It also helps us develop new hypotheses that can then be tested in the future.

Thompson WH, Skau S. On the scope of scientific hypotheses .  R Soc Open Sci . 2023;10(8):230607. doi:10.1098/rsos.230607

Taran S, Adhikari NKJ, Fan E. Falsifiability in medicine: what clinicians can learn from Karl Popper [published correction appears in Intensive Care Med. 2021 Jun 17;:].  Intensive Care Med . 2021;47(9):1054-1056. doi:10.1007/s00134-021-06432-z

Eyler AA. Research Methods for Public Health . 1st ed. Springer Publishing Company; 2020. doi:10.1891/9780826182067.0004

Nosek BA, Errington TM. What is replication ?  PLoS Biol . 2020;18(3):e3000691. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000691

Aggarwal R, Ranganathan P. Study designs: Part 2 - Descriptive studies .  Perspect Clin Res . 2019;10(1):34-36. doi:10.4103/picr.PICR_154_18

Nevid J. Psychology: Concepts and Applications. Wadworth, 2013.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Definition of hypothesis

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The Difference Between Hypothesis and Theory

A hypothesis is an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true.

In the scientific method, the hypothesis is constructed before any applicable research has been done, apart from a basic background review. You ask a question, read up on what has been studied before, and then form a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is usually tentative; it's an assumption or suggestion made strictly for the objective of being tested.

A theory , in contrast, is a principle that has been formed as an attempt to explain things that have already been substantiated by data. It is used in the names of a number of principles accepted in the scientific community, such as the Big Bang Theory . Because of the rigors of experimentation and control, it is understood to be more likely to be true than a hypothesis is.

In non-scientific use, however, hypothesis and theory are often used interchangeably to mean simply an idea, speculation, or hunch, with theory being the more common choice.

Since this casual use does away with the distinctions upheld by the scientific community, hypothesis and theory are prone to being wrongly interpreted even when they are encountered in scientific contexts—or at least, contexts that allude to scientific study without making the critical distinction that scientists employ when weighing hypotheses and theories.

The most common occurrence is when theory is interpreted—and sometimes even gleefully seized upon—to mean something having less truth value than other scientific principles. (The word law applies to principles so firmly established that they are almost never questioned, such as the law of gravity.)

This mistake is one of projection: since we use theory in general to mean something lightly speculated, then it's implied that scientists must be talking about the same level of uncertainty when they use theory to refer to their well-tested and reasoned principles.

The distinction has come to the forefront particularly on occasions when the content of science curricula in schools has been challenged—notably, when a school board in Georgia put stickers on textbooks stating that evolution was "a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things." As Kenneth R. Miller, a cell biologist at Brown University, has said , a theory "doesn’t mean a hunch or a guess. A theory is a system of explanations that ties together a whole bunch of facts. It not only explains those facts, but predicts what you ought to find from other observations and experiments.”

While theories are never completely infallible, they form the basis of scientific reasoning because, as Miller said "to the best of our ability, we’ve tested them, and they’ve held up."

  • proposition
  • supposition

hypothesis , theory , law mean a formula derived by inference from scientific data that explains a principle operating in nature.

hypothesis implies insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative explanation.

theory implies a greater range of evidence and greater likelihood of truth.

law implies a statement of order and relation in nature that has been found to be invariable under the same conditions.

Examples of hypothesis in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hypothesis.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Greek, from hypotithenai to put under, suppose, from hypo- + tithenai to put — more at do

1641, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Phrases Containing hypothesis

  • counter - hypothesis
  • nebular hypothesis
  • null hypothesis
  • planetesimal hypothesis
  • Whorfian hypothesis

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“Hypothesis.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypothesis. Accessed 23 Aug. 2024.

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Home » What is a Hypothesis – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

What is a Hypothesis – Types, Examples and Writing Guide

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What is a Hypothesis


Hypothesis is an educated guess or proposed explanation for a phenomenon, based on some initial observations or data. It is a tentative statement that can be tested and potentially proven or disproven through further investigation and experimentation.

Hypothesis is often used in scientific research to guide the design of experiments and the collection and analysis of data. It is an essential element of the scientific method, as it allows researchers to make predictions about the outcome of their experiments and to test those predictions to determine their accuracy.

Types of Hypothesis

Types of Hypothesis are as follows:

Research Hypothesis

A research hypothesis is a statement that predicts a relationship between variables. It is usually formulated as a specific statement that can be tested through research, and it is often used in scientific research to guide the design of experiments.

Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is a statement that assumes there is no significant difference or relationship between variables. It is often used as a starting point for testing the research hypothesis, and if the results of the study reject the null hypothesis, it suggests that there is a significant difference or relationship between variables.

Alternative Hypothesis

An alternative hypothesis is a statement that assumes there is a significant difference or relationship between variables. It is often used as an alternative to the null hypothesis and is tested against the null hypothesis to determine which statement is more accurate.

Directional Hypothesis

A directional hypothesis is a statement that predicts the direction of the relationship between variables. For example, a researcher might predict that increasing the amount of exercise will result in a decrease in body weight.

Non-directional Hypothesis

A non-directional hypothesis is a statement that predicts the relationship between variables but does not specify the direction. For example, a researcher might predict that there is a relationship between the amount of exercise and body weight, but they do not specify whether increasing or decreasing exercise will affect body weight.

Statistical Hypothesis

A statistical hypothesis is a statement that assumes a particular statistical model or distribution for the data. It is often used in statistical analysis to test the significance of a particular result.

Composite Hypothesis

A composite hypothesis is a statement that assumes more than one condition or outcome. It can be divided into several sub-hypotheses, each of which represents a different possible outcome.

Empirical Hypothesis

An empirical hypothesis is a statement that is based on observed phenomena or data. It is often used in scientific research to develop theories or models that explain the observed phenomena.

Simple Hypothesis

A simple hypothesis is a statement that assumes only one outcome or condition. It is often used in scientific research to test a single variable or factor.

Complex Hypothesis

A complex hypothesis is a statement that assumes multiple outcomes or conditions. It is often used in scientific research to test the effects of multiple variables or factors on a particular outcome.

Applications of Hypothesis

Hypotheses are used in various fields to guide research and make predictions about the outcomes of experiments or observations. Here are some examples of how hypotheses are applied in different fields:

  • Science : In scientific research, hypotheses are used to test the validity of theories and models that explain natural phenomena. For example, a hypothesis might be formulated to test the effects of a particular variable on a natural system, such as the effects of climate change on an ecosystem.
  • Medicine : In medical research, hypotheses are used to test the effectiveness of treatments and therapies for specific conditions. For example, a hypothesis might be formulated to test the effects of a new drug on a particular disease.
  • Psychology : In psychology, hypotheses are used to test theories and models of human behavior and cognition. For example, a hypothesis might be formulated to test the effects of a particular stimulus on the brain or behavior.
  • Sociology : In sociology, hypotheses are used to test theories and models of social phenomena, such as the effects of social structures or institutions on human behavior. For example, a hypothesis might be formulated to test the effects of income inequality on crime rates.
  • Business : In business research, hypotheses are used to test the validity of theories and models that explain business phenomena, such as consumer behavior or market trends. For example, a hypothesis might be formulated to test the effects of a new marketing campaign on consumer buying behavior.
  • Engineering : In engineering, hypotheses are used to test the effectiveness of new technologies or designs. For example, a hypothesis might be formulated to test the efficiency of a new solar panel design.

How to write a Hypothesis

Here are the steps to follow when writing a hypothesis:

Identify the Research Question

The first step is to identify the research question that you want to answer through your study. This question should be clear, specific, and focused. It should be something that can be investigated empirically and that has some relevance or significance in the field.

Conduct a Literature Review

Before writing your hypothesis, it’s essential to conduct a thorough literature review to understand what is already known about the topic. This will help you to identify the research gap and formulate a hypothesis that builds on existing knowledge.

Determine the Variables

The next step is to identify the variables involved in the research question. A variable is any characteristic or factor that can vary or change. There are two types of variables: independent and dependent. The independent variable is the one that is manipulated or changed by the researcher, while the dependent variable is the one that is measured or observed as a result of the independent variable.

Formulate the Hypothesis

Based on the research question and the variables involved, you can now formulate your hypothesis. A hypothesis should be a clear and concise statement that predicts the relationship between the variables. It should be testable through empirical research and based on existing theory or evidence.

Write the Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is the opposite of the alternative hypothesis, which is the hypothesis that you are testing. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference or relationship between the variables. It is important to write the null hypothesis because it allows you to compare your results with what would be expected by chance.

Refine the Hypothesis

After formulating the hypothesis, it’s important to refine it and make it more precise. This may involve clarifying the variables, specifying the direction of the relationship, or making the hypothesis more testable.

Examples of Hypothesis

Here are a few examples of hypotheses in different fields:

  • Psychology : “Increased exposure to violent video games leads to increased aggressive behavior in adolescents.”
  • Biology : “Higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to increased plant growth.”
  • Sociology : “Individuals who grow up in households with higher socioeconomic status will have higher levels of education and income as adults.”
  • Education : “Implementing a new teaching method will result in higher student achievement scores.”
  • Marketing : “Customers who receive a personalized email will be more likely to make a purchase than those who receive a generic email.”
  • Physics : “An increase in temperature will cause an increase in the volume of a gas, assuming all other variables remain constant.”
  • Medicine : “Consuming a diet high in saturated fats will increase the risk of developing heart disease.”

Purpose of Hypothesis

The purpose of a hypothesis is to provide a testable explanation for an observed phenomenon or a prediction of a future outcome based on existing knowledge or theories. A hypothesis is an essential part of the scientific method and helps to guide the research process by providing a clear focus for investigation. It enables scientists to design experiments or studies to gather evidence and data that can support or refute the proposed explanation or prediction.

The formulation of a hypothesis is based on existing knowledge, observations, and theories, and it should be specific, testable, and falsifiable. A specific hypothesis helps to define the research question, which is important in the research process as it guides the selection of an appropriate research design and methodology. Testability of the hypothesis means that it can be proven or disproven through empirical data collection and analysis. Falsifiability means that the hypothesis should be formulated in such a way that it can be proven wrong if it is incorrect.

In addition to guiding the research process, the testing of hypotheses can lead to new discoveries and advancements in scientific knowledge. When a hypothesis is supported by the data, it can be used to develop new theories or models to explain the observed phenomenon. When a hypothesis is not supported by the data, it can help to refine existing theories or prompt the development of new hypotheses to explain the phenomenon.

When to use Hypothesis

Here are some common situations in which hypotheses are used:

  • In scientific research , hypotheses are used to guide the design of experiments and to help researchers make predictions about the outcomes of those experiments.
  • In social science research , hypotheses are used to test theories about human behavior, social relationships, and other phenomena.
  • I n business , hypotheses can be used to guide decisions about marketing, product development, and other areas. For example, a hypothesis might be that a new product will sell well in a particular market, and this hypothesis can be tested through market research.

Characteristics of Hypothesis

Here are some common characteristics of a hypothesis:

  • Testable : A hypothesis must be able to be tested through observation or experimentation. This means that it must be possible to collect data that will either support or refute the hypothesis.
  • Falsifiable : A hypothesis must be able to be proven false if it is not supported by the data. If a hypothesis cannot be falsified, then it is not a scientific hypothesis.
  • Clear and concise : A hypothesis should be stated in a clear and concise manner so that it can be easily understood and tested.
  • Based on existing knowledge : A hypothesis should be based on existing knowledge and research in the field. It should not be based on personal beliefs or opinions.
  • Specific : A hypothesis should be specific in terms of the variables being tested and the predicted outcome. This will help to ensure that the research is focused and well-designed.
  • Tentative: A hypothesis is a tentative statement or assumption that requires further testing and evidence to be confirmed or refuted. It is not a final conclusion or assertion.
  • Relevant : A hypothesis should be relevant to the research question or problem being studied. It should address a gap in knowledge or provide a new perspective on the issue.

Advantages of Hypothesis

Hypotheses have several advantages in scientific research and experimentation:

  • Guides research: A hypothesis provides a clear and specific direction for research. It helps to focus the research question, select appropriate methods and variables, and interpret the results.
  • Predictive powe r: A hypothesis makes predictions about the outcome of research, which can be tested through experimentation. This allows researchers to evaluate the validity of the hypothesis and make new discoveries.
  • Facilitates communication: A hypothesis provides a common language and framework for scientists to communicate with one another about their research. This helps to facilitate the exchange of ideas and promotes collaboration.
  • Efficient use of resources: A hypothesis helps researchers to use their time, resources, and funding efficiently by directing them towards specific research questions and methods that are most likely to yield results.
  • Provides a basis for further research: A hypothesis that is supported by data provides a basis for further research and exploration. It can lead to new hypotheses, theories, and discoveries.
  • Increases objectivity: A hypothesis can help to increase objectivity in research by providing a clear and specific framework for testing and interpreting results. This can reduce bias and increase the reliability of research findings.

Limitations of Hypothesis

Some Limitations of the Hypothesis are as follows:

  • Limited to observable phenomena: Hypotheses are limited to observable phenomena and cannot account for unobservable or intangible factors. This means that some research questions may not be amenable to hypothesis testing.
  • May be inaccurate or incomplete: Hypotheses are based on existing knowledge and research, which may be incomplete or inaccurate. This can lead to flawed hypotheses and erroneous conclusions.
  • May be biased: Hypotheses may be biased by the researcher’s own beliefs, values, or assumptions. This can lead to selective interpretation of data and a lack of objectivity in research.
  • Cannot prove causation: A hypothesis can only show a correlation between variables, but it cannot prove causation. This requires further experimentation and analysis.
  • Limited to specific contexts: Hypotheses are limited to specific contexts and may not be generalizable to other situations or populations. This means that results may not be applicable in other contexts or may require further testing.
  • May be affected by chance : Hypotheses may be affected by chance or random variation, which can obscure or distort the true relationship between variables.

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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  • Null and Alternative Hypotheses | Definitions & Examples

Null & Alternative Hypotheses | Definitions, Templates & Examples

Published on May 6, 2022 by Shaun Turney . Revised on June 22, 2023.

The null and alternative hypotheses are two competing claims that researchers weigh evidence for and against using a statistical test :

  • Null hypothesis ( H 0 ): There’s no effect in the population .
  • Alternative hypothesis ( H a or H 1 ) : There’s an effect in the population.

Table of contents

Answering your research question with hypotheses, what is a null hypothesis, what is an alternative hypothesis, similarities and differences between null and alternative hypotheses, how to write null and alternative hypotheses, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions.

The null and alternative hypotheses offer competing answers to your research question . When the research question asks “Does the independent variable affect the dependent variable?”:

  • The null hypothesis ( H 0 ) answers “No, there’s no effect in the population.”
  • The alternative hypothesis ( H a ) answers “Yes, there is an effect in the population.”

The null and alternative are always claims about the population. That’s because the goal of hypothesis testing is to make inferences about a population based on a sample . Often, we infer whether there’s an effect in the population by looking at differences between groups or relationships between variables in the sample. It’s critical for your research to write strong hypotheses .

You can use a statistical test to decide whether the evidence favors the null or alternative hypothesis. Each type of statistical test comes with a specific way of phrasing the null and alternative hypothesis. However, the hypotheses can also be phrased in a general way that applies to any test.

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The null hypothesis is the claim that there’s no effect in the population.

If the sample provides enough evidence against the claim that there’s no effect in the population ( p ≤ α), then we can reject the null hypothesis . Otherwise, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Although “fail to reject” may sound awkward, it’s the only wording that statisticians accept . Be careful not to say you “prove” or “accept” the null hypothesis.

Null hypotheses often include phrases such as “no effect,” “no difference,” or “no relationship.” When written in mathematical terms, they always include an equality (usually =, but sometimes ≥ or ≤).

You can never know with complete certainty whether there is an effect in the population. Some percentage of the time, your inference about the population will be incorrect. When you incorrectly reject the null hypothesis, it’s called a type I error . When you incorrectly fail to reject it, it’s a type II error.

Examples of null hypotheses

The table below gives examples of research questions and null hypotheses. There’s always more than one way to answer a research question, but these null hypotheses can help you get started.

( )
Does tooth flossing affect the number of cavities? Tooth flossing has on the number of cavities. test:

The mean number of cavities per person does not differ between the flossing group (µ ) and the non-flossing group (µ ) in the population; µ = µ .

Does the amount of text highlighted in the textbook affect exam scores? The amount of text highlighted in the textbook has on exam scores. :

There is no relationship between the amount of text highlighted and exam scores in the population; β = 0.

Does daily meditation decrease the incidence of depression? Daily meditation the incidence of depression.* test:

The proportion of people with depression in the daily-meditation group ( ) is greater than or equal to the no-meditation group ( ) in the population; ≥ .

*Note that some researchers prefer to always write the null hypothesis in terms of “no effect” and “=”. It would be fine to say that daily meditation has no effect on the incidence of depression and p 1 = p 2 .

The alternative hypothesis ( H a ) is the other answer to your research question . It claims that there’s an effect in the population.

Often, your alternative hypothesis is the same as your research hypothesis. In other words, it’s the claim that you expect or hope will be true.

The alternative hypothesis is the complement to the null hypothesis. Null and alternative hypotheses are exhaustive, meaning that together they cover every possible outcome. They are also mutually exclusive, meaning that only one can be true at a time.

Alternative hypotheses often include phrases such as “an effect,” “a difference,” or “a relationship.” When alternative hypotheses are written in mathematical terms, they always include an inequality (usually ≠, but sometimes < or >). As with null hypotheses, there are many acceptable ways to phrase an alternative hypothesis.

Examples of alternative hypotheses

The table below gives examples of research questions and alternative hypotheses to help you get started with formulating your own.

Does tooth flossing affect the number of cavities? Tooth flossing has an on the number of cavities. test:

The mean number of cavities per person differs between the flossing group (µ ) and the non-flossing group (µ ) in the population; µ ≠ µ .

Does the amount of text highlighted in a textbook affect exam scores? The amount of text highlighted in the textbook has an on exam scores. :

There is a relationship between the amount of text highlighted and exam scores in the population; β ≠ 0.

Does daily meditation decrease the incidence of depression? Daily meditation the incidence of depression. test:

The proportion of people with depression in the daily-meditation group ( ) is less than the no-meditation group ( ) in the population; < .

Null and alternative hypotheses are similar in some ways:

  • They’re both answers to the research question.
  • They both make claims about the population.
  • They’re both evaluated by statistical tests.

However, there are important differences between the two types of hypotheses, summarized in the following table.

A claim that there is in the population. A claim that there is in the population.

Equality symbol (=, ≥, or ≤) Inequality symbol (≠, <, or >)
Rejected Supported
Failed to reject Not supported

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To help you write your hypotheses, you can use the template sentences below. If you know which statistical test you’re going to use, you can use the test-specific template sentences. Otherwise, you can use the general template sentences.

General template sentences

The only thing you need to know to use these general template sentences are your dependent and independent variables. To write your research question, null hypothesis, and alternative hypothesis, fill in the following sentences with your variables:

Does independent variable affect dependent variable ?

  • Null hypothesis ( H 0 ): Independent variable does not affect dependent variable.
  • Alternative hypothesis ( H a ): Independent variable affects dependent variable.

Test-specific template sentences

Once you know the statistical test you’ll be using, you can write your hypotheses in a more precise and mathematical way specific to the test you chose. The table below provides template sentences for common statistical tests.

( )

with two groups

The mean dependent variable does not differ between group 1 (µ ) and group 2 (µ ) in the population; µ = µ . The mean dependent variable differs between group 1 (µ ) and group 2 (µ ) in the population; µ ≠ µ .
with three groups The mean dependent variable does not differ between group 1 (µ ), group 2 (µ ), and group 3 (µ ) in the population; µ = µ = µ . The mean dependent variable of group 1 (µ ), group 2 (µ ), and group 3 (µ ) are not all equal in the population.
There is no correlation between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; ρ = 0. There is a correlation between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; ρ ≠ 0.
There is no relationship between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; β = 0. There is a relationship between independent variable and dependent variable in the population; β ≠ 0.
Two-proportions test The dependent variable expressed as a proportion does not differ between group 1 ( ) and group 2 ( ) in the population; = . The dependent variable expressed as a proportion differs between group 1 ( ) and group 2 ( ) in the population; ≠ .

Note: The template sentences above assume that you’re performing one-tailed tests . One-tailed tests are appropriate for most studies.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

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  • Descriptive statistics
  • Measures of central tendency
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  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Types of interviews
  • Cohort study
  • Thematic analysis

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Survivorship bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Nonresponse bias
  • Regression to the mean

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses , by calculating how likely it is that a pattern or relationship between variables could have arisen by chance.

Null and alternative hypotheses are used in statistical hypothesis testing . The null hypothesis of a test always predicts no effect or no relationship between variables, while the alternative hypothesis states your research prediction of an effect or relationship.

The null hypothesis is often abbreviated as H 0 . When the null hypothesis is written using mathematical symbols, it always includes an equality symbol (usually =, but sometimes ≥ or ≤).

The alternative hypothesis is often abbreviated as H a or H 1 . When the alternative hypothesis is written using mathematical symbols, it always includes an inequality symbol (usually ≠, but sometimes < or >).

A research hypothesis is your proposed answer to your research question. The research hypothesis usually includes an explanation (“ x affects y because …”).

A statistical hypothesis, on the other hand, is a mathematical statement about a population parameter. Statistical hypotheses always come in pairs: the null and alternative hypotheses . In a well-designed study , the statistical hypotheses correspond logically to the research hypothesis.

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Turney, S. (2023, June 22). Null & Alternative Hypotheses | Definitions, Templates & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 21, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/null-and-alternative-hypotheses/

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Hypothesis | Definition, Meaning and Examples

Hypothesis is a hypothesis is fundamental concept in the world of research and statistics. It is a testable statement that explains what is happening or observed. It proposes the relation between the various participating variables.

Hypothesis is also called Theory, Thesis, Guess, Assumption, or Suggestion . Hypothesis creates a structure that guides the search for knowledge.

In this article, we will learn what hypothesis is, its characteristics, types, and examples. We will also learn how hypothesis helps in scientific research.

Table of Content

What is Hypothesis?

Characteristics of hypothesis, sources of hypothesis, types of hypothesis, functions of hypothesis, how hypothesis help in scientific research.

Hypothesis is a suggested idea or an educated guess or a proposed explanation made based on limited evidence, serving as a starting point for further study. They are meant to lead to more investigation.

It’s mainly a smart guess or suggested answer to a problem that can be checked through study and trial. In science work, we make guesses called hypotheses to try and figure out what will happen in tests or watching. These are not sure things but rather ideas that can be proved or disproved based on real-life proofs. A good theory is clear and can be tested and found wrong if the proof doesn’t support it.


Hypothesis Meaning

A hypothesis is a proposed statement that is testable and is given for something that happens or observed.
  • It is made using what we already know and have seen, and it’s the basis for scientific research.
  • A clear guess tells us what we think will happen in an experiment or study.
  • It’s a testable clue that can be proven true or wrong with real-life facts and checking it out carefully.
  • It usually looks like a “if-then” rule, showing the expected cause and effect relationship between what’s being studied.

Here are some key characteristics of a hypothesis:

  • Testable: An idea (hypothesis) should be made so it can be tested and proven true through doing experiments or watching. It should show a clear connection between things.
  • Specific: It needs to be easy and on target, talking about a certain part or connection between things in a study.
  • Falsifiable: A good guess should be able to show it’s wrong. This means there must be a chance for proof or seeing something that goes against the guess.
  • Logical and Rational: It should be based on things we know now or have seen, giving a reasonable reason that fits with what we already know.
  • Predictive: A guess often tells what to expect from an experiment or observation. It gives a guide for what someone might see if the guess is right.
  • Concise: It should be short and clear, showing the suggested link or explanation simply without extra confusion.
  • Grounded in Research: A guess is usually made from before studies, ideas or watching things. It comes from a deep understanding of what is already known in that area.
  • Flexible: A guess helps in the research but it needs to change or fix when new information comes up.
  • Relevant: It should be related to the question or problem being studied, helping to direct what the research is about.
  • Empirical: Hypotheses come from observations and can be tested using methods based on real-world experiences.

Hypotheses can come from different places based on what you’re studying and the kind of research. Here are some common sources from which hypotheses may originate:

  • Existing Theories: Often, guesses come from well-known science ideas. These ideas may show connections between things or occurrences that scientists can look into more.
  • Observation and Experience: Watching something happen or having personal experiences can lead to guesses. We notice odd things or repeat events in everyday life and experiments. This can make us think of guesses called hypotheses.
  • Previous Research: Using old studies or discoveries can help come up with new ideas. Scientists might try to expand or question current findings, making guesses that further study old results.
  • Literature Review: Looking at books and research in a subject can help make guesses. Noticing missing parts or mismatches in previous studies might make researchers think up guesses to deal with these spots.
  • Problem Statement or Research Question: Often, ideas come from questions or problems in the study. Making clear what needs to be looked into can help create ideas that tackle certain parts of the issue.
  • Analogies or Comparisons: Making comparisons between similar things or finding connections from related areas can lead to theories. Understanding from other fields could create new guesses in a different situation.
  • Hunches and Speculation: Sometimes, scientists might get a gut feeling or make guesses that help create ideas to test. Though these may not have proof at first, they can be a beginning for looking deeper.
  • Technology and Innovations: New technology or tools might make guesses by letting us look at things that were hard to study before.
  • Personal Interest and Curiosity: People’s curiosity and personal interests in a topic can help create guesses. Scientists could make guesses based on their own likes or love for a subject.

Here are some common types of hypotheses:

Simple Hypothesis

Complex hypothesis, directional hypothesis.

  • Non-directional Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis (H0)

Alternative hypothesis (h1 or ha), statistical hypothesis, research hypothesis, associative hypothesis, causal hypothesis.

Simple Hypothesis guesses a connection between two things. It says that there is a connection or difference between variables, but it doesn’t tell us which way the relationship goes. Example: Studying more can help you do better on tests. Getting more sun makes people have higher amounts of vitamin D.
Complex Hypothesis tells us what will happen when more than two things are connected. It looks at how different things interact and may be linked together. Example: How rich you are, how easy it is to get education and healthcare greatly affects the number of years people live. A new medicine’s success relies on the amount used, how old a person is who takes it and their genes.
Directional Hypothesis says how one thing is related to another. For example, it guesses that one thing will help or hurt another thing. Example: Drinking more sweet drinks is linked to a higher body weight score. Too much stress makes people less productive at work.

Non-Directional Hypothesis

Non-Directional Hypothesis are the one that don’t say how the relationship between things will be. They just say that there is a connection, without telling which way it goes. Example: Drinking caffeine can affect how well you sleep. People often like different kinds of music based on their gender.
Null hypothesis is a statement that says there’s no connection or difference between different things. It implies that any seen impacts are because of luck or random changes in the information. Example: The average test scores of Group A and Group B are not much different. There is no connection between using a certain fertilizer and how much it helps crops grow.
Alternative Hypothesis is different from the null hypothesis and shows that there’s a big connection or gap between variables. Scientists want to say no to the null hypothesis and choose the alternative one. Example: Patients on Diet A have much different cholesterol levels than those following Diet B. Exposure to a certain type of light can change how plants grow compared to normal sunlight.
Statistical Hypothesis are used in math testing and include making ideas about what groups or bits of them look like. You aim to get information or test certain things using these top-level, common words only. Example: The average smarts score of kids in a certain school area is 100. The usual time it takes to finish a job using Method A is the same as with Method B.
Research Hypothesis comes from the research question and tells what link is expected between things or factors. It leads the study and chooses where to look more closely. Example: Having more kids go to early learning classes helps them do better in school when they get older. Using specific ways of talking affects how much customers get involved in marketing activities.
Associative Hypothesis guesses that there is a link or connection between things without really saying it caused them. It means that when one thing changes, it is connected to another thing changing. Example: Regular exercise helps to lower the chances of heart disease. Going to school more can help people make more money.
Causal Hypothesis are different from other ideas because they say that one thing causes another. This means there’s a cause and effect relationship between variables involved in the situation. They say that when one thing changes, it directly makes another thing change. Example: Playing violent video games makes teens more likely to act aggressively. Less clean air directly impacts breathing health in city populations.

Hypotheses have many important jobs in the process of scientific research. Here are the key functions of hypotheses:

  • Guiding Research: Hypotheses give a clear and exact way for research. They act like guides, showing the predicted connections or results that scientists want to study.
  • Formulating Research Questions: Research questions often create guesses. They assist in changing big questions into particular, checkable things. They guide what the study should be focused on.
  • Setting Clear Objectives: Hypotheses set the goals of a study by saying what connections between variables should be found. They set the targets that scientists try to reach with their studies.
  • Testing Predictions: Theories guess what will happen in experiments or observations. By doing tests in a planned way, scientists can check if what they see matches the guesses made by their ideas.
  • Providing Structure: Theories give structure to the study process by arranging thoughts and ideas. They aid scientists in thinking about connections between things and plan experiments to match.
  • Focusing Investigations: Hypotheses help scientists focus on certain parts of their study question by clearly saying what they expect links or results to be. This focus makes the study work better.
  • Facilitating Communication: Theories help scientists talk to each other effectively. Clearly made guesses help scientists to tell others what they plan, how they will do it and the results expected. This explains things well with colleagues in a wide range of audiences.
  • Generating Testable Statements: A good guess can be checked, which means it can be looked at carefully or tested by doing experiments. This feature makes sure that guesses add to the real information used in science knowledge.
  • Promoting Objectivity: Guesses give a clear reason for study that helps guide the process while reducing personal bias. They motivate scientists to use facts and data as proofs or disprovals for their proposed answers.
  • Driving Scientific Progress: Making, trying out and adjusting ideas is a cycle. Even if a guess is proven right or wrong, the information learned helps to grow knowledge in one specific area.

Researchers use hypotheses to put down their thoughts directing how the experiment would take place. Following are the steps that are involved in the scientific method:

  • Initiating Investigations: Hypotheses are the beginning of science research. They come from watching, knowing what’s already known or asking questions. This makes scientists make certain explanations that need to be checked with tests.
  • Formulating Research Questions: Ideas usually come from bigger questions in study. They help scientists make these questions more exact and testable, guiding the study’s main point.
  • Setting Clear Objectives: Hypotheses set the goals of a study by stating what we think will happen between different things. They set the goals that scientists want to reach by doing their studies.
  • Designing Experiments and Studies: Assumptions help plan experiments and watchful studies. They assist scientists in knowing what factors to measure, the techniques they will use and gather data for a proposed reason.
  • Testing Predictions: Ideas guess what will happen in experiments or observations. By checking these guesses carefully, scientists can see if the seen results match up with what was predicted in each hypothesis.
  • Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Hypotheses give us a way to study and make sense of information. Researchers look at what they found and see if it matches the guesses made in their theories. They decide if the proof backs up or disagrees with these suggested reasons why things are happening as expected.
  • Encouraging Objectivity: Hypotheses help make things fair by making sure scientists use facts and information to either agree or disagree with their suggested reasons. They lessen personal preferences by needing proof from experience.
  • Iterative Process: People either agree or disagree with guesses, but they still help the ongoing process of science. Findings from testing ideas make us ask new questions, improve those ideas and do more tests. It keeps going on in the work of science to keep learning things.

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Hypothesis is a testable statement serving as an initial explanation for phenomena, based on observations, theories, or existing knowledge . It acts as a guiding light for scientific research, proposing potential relationships between variables that can be empirically tested through experiments and observations.

The hypothesis must be specific, testable, falsifiable, and grounded in prior research or observation, laying out a predictive, if-then scenario that details a cause-and-effect relationship. It originates from various sources including existing theories, observations, previous research, and even personal curiosity, leading to different types, such as simple, complex, directional, non-directional, null, and alternative hypotheses, each serving distinct roles in research methodology .

The hypothesis not only guides the research process by shaping objectives and designing experiments but also facilitates objective analysis and interpretation of data , ultimately driving scientific progress through a cycle of testing, validation, and refinement.

Hypothesis – FAQs

What is a hypothesis.

A guess is a possible explanation or forecast that can be checked by doing research and experiments.

What are Components of a Hypothesis?

The components of a Hypothesis are Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Relationship between Variables, Directionality etc.

What makes a Good Hypothesis?

Testability, Falsifiability, Clarity and Precision, Relevance are some parameters that makes a Good Hypothesis

Can a Hypothesis be Proven True?

You cannot prove conclusively that most hypotheses are true because it’s generally impossible to examine all possible cases for exceptions that would disprove them.

How are Hypotheses Tested?

Hypothesis testing is used to assess the plausibility of a hypothesis by using sample data

Can Hypotheses change during Research?

Yes, you can change or improve your ideas based on new information discovered during the research process.

What is the Role of a Hypothesis in Scientific Research?

Hypotheses are used to support scientific research and bring about advancements in knowledge.


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