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Cash Crops of Pakistan

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The main crops of Pakistan are classified into food crops and non-food crops. The food crops include wheat, rice, maize, coarse grains, grams and other pulses. The cash crops are cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, mustard and sesame. The total area, yield and production of each crop is now discussed under separate heads.

(A) FOODS CROPS (1) Wheat: Wheat is the principal food crop of the people. It occupies an important position i farming policies. The share of wheat is 3% to GDP. The area under wheat crop was 8494 thousand hectares and wheat output stood at 23. 2 million tons and it contributed14. 4% to value added in agriculture in 2006-07. The area and yield of wheat has gradually increased in Pakistan dye to the introduction of new wheat varieties, improved agronomic practices, increased water availability and improved water use efficiency greater use of fertilizer wide spread use of mechanical implements, better storage facilities and a support price policy and favorable weather conditions. The agriculture of Pakistan is to face another big challenge from the World Trade Organization regime (WTO) from the year 2005.

According to the WTO agreement on agriculture, it is necessary for each country, to provide market access to international commodities and to do away with domestic and export subsidies. Pakistan will now have to take steps to minimize the cost of production of crops and also maintain quality of goods to compete in the international market. With the advent of Green Revolution the wheat production has increased from four million tones in 1960 to 23. 5 million tones in 2006-07. In order to increase the yield of wheat per acre, some additional measures shall have to be taken.

The Essay on Biotechnology Food Crops Biotech Foods

Bibliography 1. web Copyright 2000-2004 by the SCOPE Research Group (UC Berkeley, UW, AAAS), all rights reserved. 2. web 3. web (c) 1998 - 2004 English Nature, North minster House, Peterborough PE 1 1 UA England 4. web web Copyright (c) 2004 The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific techniques, including genetic engineering, that are used ...

These in brief are (i) Development of new high yielding varieties (ii) production and distribution of certified seeds (iii) Timely sowing of wheat (iv) Timely availability of fertilizer and (v) elimination of weeds from fields. The production of wheat in 2006-07 is highest in the history of country. Pakistan now is not only self sufficient in wheat but is also in a position to export the surplus wheat to other countries. (2) Rice: Rice is the 2nd largest food crop in Pakistan. It is now a major export item accounting for 6. 1% of total export earnings over the last five years and contributes 1. % to GDP. The production of rice during 1999-2000 was 5156thousand tones. It came down to 3882 thousand tones in 2001-02 and increased to 5438 thousand tones in 2006-07. The Government of Pakistan is taking effective measures to increase the yield, production quality and export of rice. Research efforts are continuing on developing high yielding basmati and Iris varieties. Emphasis is also being laid on agronomic research as well as on improved extension services fertilizer use, direct seeding etc. The flow of inputs and credits is also being substantially increased.

Spray is also provided to the rice growers at subsidized rates. Pakistan produces finest quality of rice named as ”Basmati” It enjoys monopoly in the international market. After Thailand, Vietnam, USA and India, Pakistan is the fifth largest rice exporting country in the world. (3) Maize: Maize is an important food grain as well raw material for edible oil production. It is also used to produce starch and poultry food mixes. The total area under maize was 1026 thousand hectares in the year 2006-07which has doubled since independence.

More than half of the crop is growth in NWFP and almost all the remainder in Punjab. The total production during 2006-07 was 2968 thousand tones. The main reason for the poor performance in this crop is the lack of adequate seed supplies and inadequate farm practices required to obtain high yields from hybrid and synthetics. Efforts to remove existing constraints are urgently required to increase the production of this valuable crop. (4) Barley: Barley is an important coarse grain crop. It is grown in dry, arid conditions.

The Essay on Pakistan-America Relationship

Pakistan’s relations with the U.S. were established and progressed during the rigid cold war period. In start, Soviet influence on Afghanistan and Iran forced Pakistan’s first Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to cement a pro-American and pro-western policy. Prime Minister Ali Khan made a tireless effort to establish relations with the Soviet Union, repeatedly asking Joseph Stalin for military ...

The total area under course grains in the year 2006-07 was 93thousand hectares. The use of barley for human consumption has declined considerably in recent years. It has been replaced by wheat. However, the course grains constitute an important food and fodder source. It is also being increasingly used in the poultry feed. The low yield of course grains is mainly due to inadequate fertilizer use, poor land preparation, lack of plant protection and thinning of crop for fodder. (5) Gram: Gram is an important source of vegetable protein and play an important role in the diet.

It is grown both as rabi and kharif crops. The total area under gram was 1073 thousand hectares in 2006-07. The total production was 842 thousand tones in 2006-07. The production of gram and other pulses remain concentrated largely in Barani areas. Gram with 2. 3rd of total acreage under pulses, is the dominant crop. The production of gram and other pulses fluctuates sharply due to varying rainfall and frequent blight damage. The production can be increased by introducing tolerant varieties of seeds and support prices.

(B) CASH CROPS 6) Cotton: Cotton is the most important cash crop of Pakistan in terms of area and value addition. It is the main foreign exchange earnings for the country with the production of 13. 0 million cash return to the farmers. It supplies raw material to the textile industry and provides employment to the people living in both rural and urban areas. Its contribution is 1. 8% to GDP, The area and yield of cotton from the year 2002-03 is given below: The Government of Pakistan has provided following support to cotton production system in the year 2006-07. (1) Subsidy of Rs. 00 per bag of fertilizer. (2) Electronic media was used fr quick technology transfer among the growing community. (3) Availability of agricultural credit at the door step of the farmers. The Government plans to increase cotton production to 14. 4 million bales in 2007-08 (7) Sugarcane: Sugarcane crop serves as a major raw material for production of white sugar and gur and is also a cash crop. Its share in value added in agriculture is 3. 5% and in GDP 0. 7% in 2006-07. Sugarcane was cultivated on an area of1029 thousand hectors during the year 2006-07.

The Essay on Food Production 2 Crop Soil Crops

Over the 10, 000 years since agriculture began to be developed, peoples everywhere have discovered the food value of wild plants and animals, and domesticated and bred them. The most important crops are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn, and rye; sugarcane and sugar beets; meat animals such as sheep, cattle, goats, and pigs or swine; poultry such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys; animal ...

The higher sugarcane production is the result of increase in area, timely rains, easy availability of fertilizer and pesticides and attractive prices of sugarcane offered by the millers. (8) Tabacco: The total area under tabacco, during the year 2006-07 was 62thousand hectares and production 126 thousand tones. The production of fine Virginia tobacco is mainly concentrated in lower landaus Basin, plains of the Punjab and NWFP. Pakistan is meeting its domestic requirements of tabacco and is exporting a sizeable quantity of manufactured tobacco in the from of cigarettes.

In order to increase production new varieties of tobacco need to be development. Funds should also be provided to boost the research and development programmers with a view to reducing the cost of production and improving tobacco quality. Tobacco growers cooperation should also be organized. (9) Oil Seed and Vegetable Oils: The main crops grown for oil are rape and mustard seeds sunflowers, safflower soybeans. Total requirement of edible oil was1. 9 million tones. which 32% was met through domestic production and remaining68% was imported.

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cash crops of pakistan essay quotations

Top Study World

Essay On Agriculture In Pakistan

Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, accounting for over 20% of its GDP and employing more than 40% of the country’s workforce. The sector plays a crucial role in providing food security to the growing population and generating foreign exchange earnings through exports.

Despite its significance, agriculture in Pakistan faces numerous challenges, including water scarcity, soil erosion, climate change impacts, and low productivity levels.

This essay aims to explore the current state of agriculture in Pakistan and analyze the major crops grown in different regions. It will also examine the critical issues facing farmers and suggest possible solutions to overcome these challenges.

By understanding the complexities of this vital sector, we can better appreciate its importance for sustainable development and formulate policies that support agricultural growth.

Importance Of Agriculture In Pakistan’s Economy

The significance of agriculture in the Pakistani economy cannot be overstated, as it serves as a major source of employment and contributes significantly to the country’s GDP. According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, agriculture accounts for around 20% of Pakistan’s GDP and employs 42.3% of the labor force.

Moreover, it also plays a vital role in ensuring food security for the population. Pakistan is blessed with fertile land and diverse climatic conditions that allow for various crops to be grown throughout the year. The country is among the top producers of rice, wheat, sugarcane, and cotton globally. These crops not only contribute to exports but also provide raw materials for various industries such as textiles, sugar mills, and oil extraction plants.

Despite its importance to the economy, agriculture in Pakistan faces several challenges such as low productivity due to outdated farming practices and lack of access to modern technology. Climate change has also affected crop yields due to unpredictable weather patterns leading to droughts or floods. Additionally, farmers face issues such as limited access to credit facilities and inadequate infrastructure like irrigation systems.

Agriculture remains a crucial sector in Pakistan’s economy that provides jobs for millions of people while contributing significantly to its GDP growth. However, there is a need for policymakers and stakeholders involved in this sector to address challenges faced by farmers through implementing sustainable practices that increase productivity while protecting natural resources from degradation caused by overexploitation.

Major Crops Grown In Different Regions Of Pakistan

Various regions of Pakistan have distinct cropping patterns, with major crops such as wheat, rice, cotton and sugarcane being grown in different areas. Punjab is known for its wheat production, which accounts for almost 80 percent of the country’s total wheat output.

Sindh and Balochistan provinces are renowned for their rice cultivation; Sindh’s share in the national rice crop production is approximately 25 percent while Balochistan yields around 5%. The province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is famous for growing tobacco, maize and oilseeds. Sugarcane production is concentrated in three provinces: Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The geographic location plays a vital role in deciding which crops to grow. In the southern region where temperatures are high throughout the year, cotton grows abundantly due to its ability to withstand high temperatures. Similarly, sugarcane thrives well in warm and humid conditions that prevail during monsoon season in Punjab and Sindh provinces. Rice requires large amounts of water thus it is mainly cultivated near rivers or canals that flow through these regions.

Over time there has been an increase in cash crop farming across the country resulting from government policies aimed at increasing export earnings by promoting non-traditional crops such as fruits (mangoes), vegetables (tomatoes) and spices (pepper). These crops require specialized care but yield higher returns compared to traditional subsistence crops like sorghum or millet.

Agriculture has always played a significant role in Pakistan’s economy as it contributes over one-fifth of GDP and provides employment opportunities to millions of people across the country. With various regions having distinct cropping patterns based on climate conditions and soil fertility levels among other factors, farmers must be strategic when choosing what crops to grow depending on their location if they want profitable yields.

Furthermore, government policies aimed at promoting non-traditional cash crop farming have opened up opportunities for farmers to diversify their income streams and increase export earnings.

Current State Of Agriculture In Pakistan

Currently, the agricultural sector in Pakistan faces various challenges that impede its growth and development. One of the major challenges is water scarcity, which is caused by inadequate storage facilities and inefficient irrigation systems. Due to this issue, farmers are unable to cultivate crops throughout the year, resulting in reduced productivity levels.

Moreover, the lack of modern technology and infrastructure also hinders the growth of agriculture in Pakistan. Farmers often rely on traditional methods of farming that do not yield high returns on investment. The use of outdated equipment also contributes to low productivity levels as it requires more labor-intensive work.

Another challenge faced by the agricultural sector is low productivity levels. Despite having fertile land and abundant resources, Pakistan’s crop yields are lower than those of other countries with similar climates and soil types. This can be attributed to a lack of knowledge regarding modern farming techniques and insufficient training programs for farmers.

Lastly, government policies have not been favorable towards the agricultural sector in recent years. The allocation of funds for research and development has decreased significantly over time, making it difficult for farmers to keep up with advancements in agriculture technology.

Pakistan’s agricultural sector is facing numerous challenges that hinder its growth and development potential. It is imperative that steps are taken to address these issues through targeted investments in infrastructure development, improved water management practices, increased access to modern technologies and training programs for farmers. These measures will help boost productivity levels and ensure a sustainable future for agriculture in Pakistan.

Impact Of Climate Change On Agriculture

Climate change poses a significant threat to the agricultural sector in Pakistan, with rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns affecting crop yields and water availability. The country’s agriculture sector is already facing multiple challenges such as lack of modern technology, poor irrigation systems, and low productivity. Climate change exacerbates these problems by causing more frequent droughts, floods, heat waves, and pests.

This has resulted in declining agricultural production, food insecurity, poverty among farmers, and rural-to-urban migration. The negative impact of climate change on agriculture in Pakistan can be seen through various indicators. For instance, the yield of major crops such as wheat, rice, sugarcane has decreased due to high temperature stress which affects photosynthesis and plant growth. Similarly, changes in rainfall patterns have led to lower yields of rain-fed crops like maize and sorghum. Moreover, extreme weather events like floods or cyclones destroy standing crops or damage infrastructure needed for farming activities such as irrigation channels or storage facilities.

To mitigate the impact of climate change on agriculture in Pakistan requires a multi-pronged approach that includes improving water management systems such as building small dams or reservoirs; promoting sustainable farming practices such as conservation tillage; introducing heat-tolerant crop varieties; enhancing research capacity on climate-resilient technologies; providing insurance schemes for farmers against natural disasters; strengthening early warning systems for extreme weather events. These measures would not only reduce vulnerability to climate risks but also enhance food security by increasing agricultural productivity.

Addressing the impact of climate change on agriculture is crucial for ensuring long-term sustainability of the sector in Pakistan. While there are several challenges facing the country’s agriculture sector already due to poor infrastructure and low investment levels from government entities – these issues will only be compounded if action isn’t taken soon enough given how pressing environmental concerns like global warming pose an existential threat towards our planet’s future livelihoods.

Water Scarcity And Its Effects On Agriculture

The scarcity of water in the agricultural sector of Pakistan has led to a decline in crop yield and threatens the sustainability of farming practices. The country is heavily dependent on irrigation for agriculture, with over 90% of the crops being grown under irrigation. However, due to climate change and inefficient use, there has been a significant decrease in the availability of water for crops. This shortage not only affects crop production but also increases soil salinity and reduces groundwater levels.

The reduced availability of water has caused farmers to adopt various measures to ensure that their crops receive enough water for growth. Many farmers have turned towards using tubewells to extract groundwater; however, this practice leads to further depletion of groundwater resources. Moreover, increased cultivation during dry seasons results in lower yields and contributes towards degrading soil quality. As a result, it becomes challenging for farmers to maintain sustainable agriculture practices.

Water scarcity also widens the economic gap between small-scale and large-scale farmers as larger farms have access to better irrigation infrastructure and technology than smaller farms. This inequality causes smaller farms without adequate resources or access to modern technology to suffer more severe impacts from water shortages than larger ones do.

Water scarcity presents a significant challenge for agriculture in Pakistan. The lack of available freshwater resources affects crop yields, increases soil salinity, lowers groundwater levels, decreases soil health and fertility which can lead towards unsustainable farming practices that will harm both rural communities’ livelihoods as well as national food security efforts if left unaddressed.

Addressing this issue requires effective policies that promote sustainable use of natural resources while ensuring fair distribution across all farmer categories regardless of size or resource endowment level.

Soil Erosion And Its Negative Consequences

Soil erosion in the agricultural sector of Pakistan is a growing concern due to its negative consequences on crop production and soil health. Soil erosion occurs when topsoil is lost due to wind or water, leaving behind poor quality soil that cannot support healthy plant growth. This can lead to decreased crop yields, loss of fertile land, and ultimately affect food security in the country.

The main cause of soil erosion in Pakistan is deforestation and improper land use practices such as overgrazing and excessive tillage. These activities leave the soil exposed to wind and water, making it more susceptible to erosion. In addition, climate change-induced extreme weather events such as floods also accelerate the process of soil erosion.

The negative consequences of soil erosion are widespread. Decreased crop yields result in lower income for farmers who depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Furthermore, loss of fertile land can lead to desertification which creates an ecological imbalance that negatively impacts biodiversity. The lack of fertile land also puts pressure on existing farmland leading to overuse which further exacerbates problems related to soil degradation.

There is a need for sustainable land use practices in the agricultural sector of Pakistan that prioritize conservation efforts aimed at reducing soil degradation caused by deforestation and other harmful activities. This can be achieved through public awareness campaigns aimed at educating farmers about proper farming techniques that promote healthy soils while simultaneously increasing crop yields.

Additionally, government policies should encourage reforestation efforts while providing incentives for sustainable agriculture practices so as to ensure long-term sustainability and food security for all citizens.

Solutions To Overcome Challenges Faced By The Agriculture Sector In Pakistan

Implementing sustainable land use practices and providing incentives for reforestation efforts are crucial steps towards ensuring long-term food security and combating soil degradation in the agricultural sector of Pakistan.

One solution is to encourage farmers to adopt conservation agriculture practices, such as zero tillage, crop rotation, and intercropping. These techniques can improve soil health by reducing erosion, increasing water retention, and promoting biodiversity. Additionally, conservation agriculture can reduce input costs by decreasing the need for fertilizers and pesticides.

Another solution is to promote agroforestry systems that combine tree planting with crop production. Agroforestry has been shown to increase yields, enhance soil fertility, and provide additional income streams from timber or fruit products. Furthermore, trees can help stabilize slopes and prevent landslides while also sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

To address the issue of water scarcity in Pakistan’s agriculture sector, policymakers should prioritize investments in irrigation infrastructure and management systems that are more efficient. This includes modernizing existing irrigation systems to reduce losses from seepage or evaporation and encouraging farmers to switch from flood irrigation to drip or sprinkler methods.

Providing technical assistance and financial support for small-scale farmers can help them adopt new technologies and diversify their income sources beyond traditional crops. This could include training on climate-smart agriculture practices or supporting value chains for niche products like organic produce or honey.

Overall, a multi-pronged approach is necessary to overcome the challenges faced by Pakistan’s agricultural sector while ensuring its long-term sustainability.

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cash crops of pakistan essay quotations

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

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Cash Crops of Pakistan

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In agronomy, the expansion of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is highly contingent to the mounting exports of cash crops. Pakistan being an agricultural economy is no exception, where exports of produces amount a major portion of monetary inflows. Cash crops are defined as those crops which are transacted in exchange of foreign money. Now, list of cash crops of Pakistan entails five main cultivations, namely cotton, rice, tobacco, fruits and vegetables and seed oils.

Cotton is the most significant in generating high revenues and is cultivated through Punjab and Sindh.In the last decades, cotton not only tops the list of spawning high foreign exchanges but has also become vital for the endurance of Pakistan’s largest industry i.e. textiles industry. The second on the list is ‘ Rice’. Pakistan produces finest quality of rice in the world and as a result rice export enterprises are popular business.

Moreover, tobacco, third on the list is grown in Pakistan and is famous all over the world. NWFP region yields ‘virgina tobacco’, which is the premium quality tobacco and sells like hot cakes in the cigarette industry.The fourth one, fruits and vegetables are also very productive crops and earn large amounts of foreign money through export. Seed oils have an equal competence in terms of revenues. In a nutshell, I would like to say that Pakistan’s agricultural economy can be effectively exploited to bring macroeconomic stability in the country by taking serious steps to improve the quality and quantity of cash crops. New strategies must be devised to avoid the natural disasters which have appalling impacts on economy.

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Pacans Pakistan

BA English Essay: Economy of Pakistan

cash crops of pakistan essay quotations

Economy of Pakistan

Pakistan’s economy is 46 th  largest economy in the world. On its conception, country inherited all of the essential elements of macroeconomic stability. Pakistan is agronomic, semi- industrialized economy. The 55% of the GDP is contributed by agricultural and livestock sector. The locus of economic growth is along the River Indus and the commercial hubs are in the urban centers of Punjab and Sindh.

The major agricultural sectors are the cultivation of cash crops, food crops, livestock and dairy. Textiles, chemicals, leather, pharmaceuticals and heavy industry are constituent of industrial sector. Third pillar of economy is services which includes revenue generation through taxes, education, tourism and hotels. Agriculture sector was considered the sole backbone of country up till recent years as 70% of population was dependent on cultivation of crops. In the last decade of technological developments, the rapid urbanization resulted in the expansion of industry. Now industries are the sources of provision to 35% of population.

Political instability, recurrent fiscal deficits and foreign debts abated the already deteriorating situation of economy. Pakistan’s economy took a nose down as compared to India’s healthy and progressive economy despite being enjoying the same years of freedom. Erratic economic policies proved to be suicidal and the self-regarding politicians failed to implement sustainable solutions to uplift the finances.

Despite having all of the key elements, country came across a tough destiny and the bounties failed to render their true colors. There is no nearsighted relief for the sinking economy, and only right and timely decision can facilitate the escape from quagmire of energy crisis, unemployment and natural disasters.

cash crops of pakistan essay quotations

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Essay On Agriculture In Pakistan In Urdu

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پاکستان میں زراعت

زراعت جس کا معیشت میں بہت بڑا کردار ہے یہ وہ شعبہ ہے جس کا تعلق زمین سے پیداوار حاصل کرنا ہے۔ پاکستان بنیادی طور پر زرعی ملک ہے جس کی پچاس فیصد آبادی دیہات میں رہتی ہے اور اس آبادی کا تمام تر دارومدار زراعت پر ہے۔ گویا پاکستان کی پچاس فیصد آبادی کو روزگار فراہم کرتی ہے۔

پاکستان کا کل رقبہ79.6ملین ایکڑ ہے۔جس میں سے 23.77ملین ایکڑ ،زراعی رقبہ ہے جو کل رقبے کا 28فیصد بنتا ہے۔اس میں سے بھی 8ملین ایکڑ رقبہ زیرِ کاشت نہ ہونے کے باعث بے کار پڑا ہے۔حالانکہ پاکستان قدرتی وسائل سے مالا مال ہے۔اس کے ساتھ ساتھ اس کا ماحول اور موسم بھی زراعت کے لئے بہترین زونز کی حیثیت رکھتے ہیں ۔اس طرح پاکستان میں ہمہ قسم کی غذائی اشیاء کی پیداواری صلاحیت موجود ہے۔اس کی 75 فیصد سے زاید آبادی زراعت کے پیشے سے وابستہ ہے۔ ملک کی مجموعی قومی پیداوار میں زراعت کا حصہ 21 فیصد ہے۔ یہ شعبہ ملک کے 45فیصد لوگوں کے روزگار کا ذریعہ ہے۔زراعت کا شعبہ لوگوں کو خوراک اورصنعتوں کو خام مال(raw materials) کی فراہمی میں بنیادی حیثیت رکھتا ہے۔ پاکستانی برآمدات سے حاصل ہونے والے زرِ مبادلہ(exchanges) کا 45 فیصد زرعی تجارت سے حاصل ہوتا ہے۔ پاکستان میں پیدا ہونے والی کپاس، گندم، گنا اور چاول کی فصل بیرونی منڈیوںمیں خاص اہمیت رکھتی ہے اور ملک ان فصلوں کی بدولت قیمتی زرمبادلہ حاصل کرتا ہے۔ اس کے باوجود ملکی زرعی شعبے کی ترقی کی رفتار نہایت سست ہے۔ ہمارے مقابلے میں دنیا کے دیگر ملک زیادہ پیداوار دے رہے ہیں۔ اگر زرعی ترقی میں حائل رکاوٹوں پر غور کیا جائے تو کئی وجوہات سامنے آتی ہیں۔ہمارے کسان مہنگائی کے بوجھ تلے پھنسے جارہے ہیں، کھاد نہ صرف مہنگی ہو رہی ہے بلکہ کاشت کے دنوں میں ناپید ہو جاتی ہے، دیگر زرعی لوازمات بھی ڈیزل اور مٹی کے تیل کی قیمتوں میں اضافے کے باعث مہنگے ہو رہے ہیں۔

حالیہ دنوں میں یوریا کھاد کی اوسط قیمت 1616 جبکہ ڈی اے پی کی اوسط قیمت 4046 روپے فی50 کلوگرام سے بھی زیادہ ہو گئی۔ ہماری حکومت نے زرعی ٹیکس اور دیگر کئی صورتوں میں زرعی اشیاءکو شدید مہنگا کر دیا ہے۔ غریب پہلے مہنگائی کی وجہ سے سبزی کھانے پر ترجیح دیتا تھا مگر اب وہ بھی مہنگائی کے باعث غریبوں کی پہنچ سے دور ہو رہی ہے۔ موجودہ حالات میں کسان کھیتی باڑی کی بجائے اپنی زرعی زمینیں فروخت کرکے شہروں میں منتقل ہو رہے ہیں۔ اگر یہی حالات رہے تو ملکی زرعی صورتحال مکمل طور پر ٹھپ ہو جائے گی۔

زراعت خود کفالت کا بہترین ذریعہ ہے۔ زرعی شعبہ ملک کی آبادی کو خوراک مہیا کرتا ہے اور یہی پاکستان کی آبادی کی روزگار کا سب سے بڑا ذریعہ ہے اور پاکستان کی زرعی حکمت عملی میں خود کفالت کے اصولوں کو مرکزی حیثیت حاصل ہے۔

زراعت پاکستان کے لئے ایک جڑ کی حیثیت رکھتی ہے لیکن زرعی شعبے کا حصہ ہماری معیشت میں کم ہو تا جا رہا ہے۔ اس وقت ملک کی جی ڈی پی میں زراعت کا حصہ تقریباََ 18 فیصد ہے۔اس کے علاوہ جی ڈی پی میں 20 فیصد انڈسٹری اور 60 فیصد سروسز کا حصہ ہے۔ ملک کی آبادی کا بڑا حصہ زرعی شعبے سے وابستہ ہے اور زراعت ان کے روزگار کا اہم جزو ہے۔ اس وقت ملک کو جو سب سے بڑا چیلنج درپیش ہے وہ پانی ہے۔ پانی کا مسئلہ حل کرنے کے لیے ہمیں اقدامات کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔ پانی کی قلت کے باعث کاشت کاروں کو فصلوں کی کاشت میں مسائل کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے جس کے باعث ہر آنے والے سال میں یا تو فصلوں کی پیداوار میں کمی آرہی ہے یا پھر فصلوں کی کوالٹی متاثر ہو رہی ہے۔ اچھی فصل کے حصول کے لیے مناسب اور بروقت پانی بہت زیادہ ضروری ہے۔

ہمارے کاشتکار اور کسانوں کی اکثریت غیر تعلیم یافتہ ہے اور انہیں جدید طریقوں سے آگاہی حاصل نہیں ہے۔ انھیں جراثیم کش ادویات کے استعمال، معیاری بیجوں کے انتخاب اورمصنوعی کھاد کے مناسب استعمال کے بارے میں زیادہ علم نہیں ہے۔اس کا نتیجہ یہ ہے کہ ان کی فی ایکڑ پیداوار ملک کی ضروریات کے لحاظ سے بہت کم ہے۔ وہ کاشتکاری کے صرف ان روایتی طریقوں پر یقین رکھتے ہیں جو انھوں نے اپنے بزرگوں سے سیکھے ہیں۔ نئی اور جدید ٹیکنولوجی کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے کسان بہتر پیداوار حاصل کر سکتے ہیں مگر اس کے لئے کسانوں اور کاشتکاروں کو آگاہ کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔ اور زراعت کے شعبہ کی ترقی کے سلسلہ میں بہتر اقدامات کیے جائیں اور سیلاب کی صورتحال کے پیش نظر ایسی حکمت عملی بنائی جائے جس سے ان علاقوں کو محفوظ رکھا جاسکے جو زیر کاشت ہیں ڈیم کا بننا ہمارے لیےاس وقت اشد ضروری ہے کیونکہ اس سے سیلاب کو کافی حد تک روکا جا سکتا ہے اور پانی کو سٹور کیا جا سکتا ہے۔

اگر حکومت زراعت کے شعبہ کی اہمیت کے پیشِ نظر ،اس کو اپنی ترجیحات میں شامل کرلے اور اس کے گوناں گوں مسائل پر توجہ دے تو یہ بآسانی حل ہو سکتے ہیں۔ اس سے زراعت کا شعبہ دن دوگنی اور رات چوگنی ترقی کرے گا۔ یوں پاکستا ن خوشحال ہوگا اور اس کے عوام آسودہ ہوں گے۔پاکستان قدرتی وسائل سے مالا مال ملک ہے۔ اس کو اللہ تعالیٰ نے وافر افرادی قوت سے بھی نوازا ہے جو باصلاحیت اور ہنر مند ہے۔کمی، صرف باہمت اور پُر عزم قیادت کی ہے۔جو دیانتدار ہو اور پاکستان سے مخلص بھی ہو۔ پاکستان واحد ملک ہے جہاں زرعی آلات پر ٹیکس عائد ہے۔

حکومت نے اپنے فیصلوں میں زراعت کو کبھی ترجیحی طور پر نہیں لیا۔اس لئے یہ شعبہ حکومتی عدم دلچسپی کا شکار ہے۔حکومت کو زراعت کی ترقی کے لئے انفراسٹرکچر پر توجہ دینی چاہئے۔ ہمارا ملک زراعت کے شعبے میں جب ہی ترقی کر سکتا ہے جب حکومت خود نیک نیتی سے زرعی شعبے کی ترقی پر توجہ دے اور زرعی ترقی کے لئے اقدامات کرے۔

Cash Crops of Pakistan Essay Example

Cash Crops of Pakistan Essay Example

  • Pages: 5 (1209 words)
  • Published: October 1, 2017
  • Type: Essay

The chief harvests of Pakistan are classified into nutrient harvests and non-food harvests. The nutrient harvests include wheat. rice. maize. coarse grains. gms and other pulsations. The hard currency harvests are cotton. sugar cane. baccy. mustard and benne. The entire country. output and production of each harvest is now discussed under separate caputs.


Wheat is the chief nutrient harvest of the people. It occupies an of import place I farming policies. The portion of wheat is 3 % to GDP. The country under wheat harvest was 8494 1000 hectares and wheat end product stood at 23. 2 million dozenss and it contributed14. 4 % to value added in agribusiness in 2006-07. The country and output of wheat has bit by bit increased in Pakistan dye to the debut of new wheat assortments. improved agronomic patterns. increased H2O handiness and i

mproved H2O usage efficiency greater usage of fertiliser broad spread usage of mechanical implements. better storage installations and a support monetary value policy and favourable conditions conditions. The agribusiness of Pakistan is to confront another large challenge from the World Trade Organization government ( WTO ) from the twelvemonth 2005.

Harmonizing to the WTO understanding on agribusiness. it is necessary for each state. to supply market entree to international trade goods and to make away with domestic and export subsidies. Pakistan will now hold to take stairss to minimise the cost of production of harvests and besides maintain quality of goods to vie in the international market. With the coming of Green Revolution the wheat production has increased from four million tones in 1960 to 23. 5 million tones in 2006-07. In order to increase the outpu

of wheat per acre. some extra steps shall hold to be taken.

These in brief are ( one ) Development of new high giving up assortments ( two ) production and distribution of certified seeds ( three ) Seasonably seeding of wheat ( four ) Timely handiness of fertiliser and ( V ) riddance of weeds from Fieldss. The production of wheat in 2006-07 is highest in the history of state. Pakistan now is non merely self sufficient in wheat but is besides in a place to export the excess wheat to other states.

  • Rice is the 2nd largest nutrient harvest in Pakistan.

It is now a major export point accounting for 6. 1 % of entire export net incomes over the last five old ages and contributes 1. % to GDP. The production of rice during 1999-2000 was 5156thousand tones. It came down to 3882 1000 tones in 2001-02 and increased to 5438 1000 tones in 2006-07. The Government of Pakistan is taking effectual steps to increase the output. production quality and export of rice. Research attempts are go oning on developing high giving up basmati and Iris assortments. Emphasis is besides being laid on agronomic research every bit good as on improved extension services fertiliser usage. direct seeding etc. The flow of inputs and credits is besides being well increased.

Spray is besides provided to the rice agriculturists at subsidised rates. Pakistan produces finest quality of rice named as ”Basmati” It enjoys monopoly in the international market. After Thailand. Vietnam. USA and India. Pakistan is the 5th largest rice exporting state in the universe.

More than half of the harvest is growing in NWFP and about all the balance in Punjab. The entire production during 2006-07 was 2968 1000 tones. The chief ground for the hapless public presentation in this harvest is the deficiency of equal seed supplies and unequal farm patterns required to obtain high outputs from intercrossed and synthetics. Attempts to take bing restraints are desperately required to increase the production of this valuable harvest.

  • Barley is an of import coarse grain harvest. It is grown in dry. waterless conditions.

The entire country under class grains in the twelvemonth 2006-07 was 93thousand hectares. The usage of barley for human ingestion has declined well in recent old ages. It has been replaced by wheat. However. the class grains constitute an of import nutrient and fresh fish beginning. It is besides being progressively used in the domestic fowl provender. The low output of class grains is chiefly due to inadequate fertiliser usage. hapless land readying. deficiency of works protection and cutting of harvest for fresh fish.

  • Gram is an of import beginning of vegetable protein and play an of import function in the diet.

It is adult both as rabi and kharif harvests. The entire country under gm was 1073 1000 hectares in 2006-07. The entire production was 842 1000 tones in 2006-07. The production of gm and other pulsations remain concentrated mostly in Barani countries. Gram with 2. 3rd of entire land area under pulsations. is the dominant

harvest. The production of gm and other pulsations fluctuates aggressively due to changing rainfall and frequent blight harm. The production can be increased by presenting tolerant assortments of seeds and support monetary values.

CASH CROPS 6 ) Cotton: Cotton is the most of import hard currency harvest of Pakistan in footings of country and value add-on. It is the chief foreign exchange net incomes for the state with the production of 13. 0 million hard currency return to the husbandmans. It supplies natural stuff to the fabric industry and provides employment to the people populating in both rural and urban countries. Its part is 1. 8 % to GDP. The country and output of cotton from the twelvemonth 2002-03 is given below: The Government of Pakistan has provided following support to cotton production system in the twelvemonth 2006-07.

1 ) Subsidy of Rs. 00 per bag of fertiliser.

2 ) Electronic media was used fr speedy engineering transportation among the turning community.

3 ) Handiness of agricultural recognition at the door measure of the husbandmans. The Government plans to increase cotton production to 14. 4 million bales in 2007-08

  • Sugarcane harvest serves as a major natural stuff for production of white sugar and Gur and is besides a hard currency harvest. Its portion in value added in agribusiness is 3. 5 % and in GDP 0. 7 % in 2006-07. Sugarcane was cultivated on an country of1029 thousand Hectors during the twelvemonth 2006-07.

The higher sugar cane production is the consequence of addition in country. timely rains. easy handiness of fertiliser and pesticides and attractive monetary values of sugar cane offered by the Millers.

In order to increase production new assortments of baccy demand to be development. Fundss should besides be provided to hike the research and development coders with a position to cut downing the cost of production and bettering baccy quality. Tobacco agriculturists cooperation should besides be organized.

Oil Seed and Vegetable Oils:

  • The chief harvests grown for oil are colza and mustard seeds helianthuss. safflower soya beans. Entire demand of comestible oil was1. 9 million tones. which 32 % was met through domestic production and remaining68 % was imported.
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Why I Love Pakistan Essay

Why I Love Pakistan Essay | 400, 500 & 700 Words

by Pakiology | Aug 7, 2024 | Essay , English | 2 comments

400 Words Essay on Why I Love Pakistan With Quotation

Pakistan is a country full of diversity and richness in culture, history, and natural beauty. From the towering peaks of the Karakoram range to the fertile plains of Punjab, Pakistan has a rich tapestry of landscapes and wonders to discover. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why we love Pakistan and why it is an incredibly special and unique country.

A Rich Cultural Heritage

Pakistan has a rich cultural heritage that is steeped in tradition and history. With a rich history dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization, Pakistan has been a hub of cultural exchange and trade for thousands of years. From the famous Mughal era monuments, such as the Lahore Fort and the Badshahi Mosque, to the vibrant traditional festivals such as the truck art and mango festival, Pakistan’s cultural heritage is rich and diverse.

Natural Beauty and Adventure

Pakistan is also home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world. From the towering peaks of the Karakoram range to the lush green valleys of Hunza, Pakistan’s natural beauty is truly awe-inspiring. Whether you are a seasoned mountaineer or just someone looking for a peaceful stroll in nature, Pakistan has something for everyone. Additionally, the country is also home to some of the world’s most challenging and exciting adventure sports, such as white-water rafting and trekking.

Hospitality and Generosity

The people of Pakistan are well known for their hospitality and generosity. Whether you are a visitor to the country or a local resident, you are sure to be welcomed with open arms and treated like royalty. The warmth and kindness of the people is one of the many reasons why we love Pakistan and it is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the country.

A Land of Opportunity

Pakistan is a land of opportunity, with a young and growing population, a vibrant and expanding economy, and a rich cultural heritage. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to start a new business, a student looking to further your education, or a tourist looking to explore the country’s many wonders, Pakistan has something for everyone.

In conclusion, Pakistan is a country full of diversity, richness, and beauty. From its rich cultural heritage to its stunning natural wonders, Pakistan has something for everyone. The warmth and hospitality of the people, combined with a land of opportunity, make Pakistan an incredibly special and unique country that we love and cherish.

Pakistan Zindabad!

500 Words Essay on Why I Love Pakistan

Pakistan is a country that is dear to my heart for many reasons. As a Pakistani, I am proud of my heritage and the rich culture and history of the country. I am inspired by the resilience and determination of its people, who have faced many challenges and obstacles but have always remained strong and united.

One of the things that I love about Pakistan is its natural beauty. From the towering mountains in the north to the beautiful beaches in the south, the country is blessed with a diverse and stunning landscape. The northern regions, with their snow-capped peaks and crystal-clear lakes, are particularly breathtaking. I have had the opportunity to visit many of these places, and they never fail to take my breath away.

I am also proud of Pakistan’s achievements in various fields. Despite facing many challenges, the country has made significant progress in areas such as science and technology, education, and sports. Pakistani scientists and engineers have made important contributions to the field of science and technology, and the country has a growing number of world-class educational institutions. In sports, Pakistani athletes have brought home many medals and accolades at international competitions. The success of Pakistani scientists, athletes, and scholars is a source of inspiration for me and for many other young people in the country.

The people of Pakistan are another reason why I love the country. They are hardworking, hospitable, and generous. I have had the privilege of meeting and interacting with many wonderful people from different parts of the country, and I am always struck by their kindness and warmth. Whether I am visiting a rural village or a bustling city, I am always welcomed with open arms and treated like a member of the family.

There are many other aspects of Pakistan that I love and admire. For example, I am proud of the country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. Pakistan is home to a wide range of ethnic and linguistic groups, each with its own unique customs and traditions. This diversity adds to the richness and vibrancy of Pakistani culture, and it is something that I cherish and celebrate.

I also love the religious and spiritual diversity of Pakistan. The country is home to people of many different faiths, including Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and others. This religious diversity is a source of strength and harmony, and it is something that I value and respect.

Pakistan is also a country with a rich culinary tradition. From the spicy curries of Punjab to the savory kebabs of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistani cuisine is diverse, delicious, and full of flavor. I love trying new dishes and experiencing the diverse culinary traditions of the country.

Pakistan is a country that I love and cherish for many reasons. Its culture, beauty, achievements, and people are all sources of pride and inspiration for me. I am grateful to be a Pakistani, and I am confident that the country will continue to grow and thrive in the years ahead.

In conclusion, I love Pakistan for its culture, beauty, achievements, and people. It is my home, and I am proud to be a Pakistani. Despite the challenges and difficulties that the country faces, I am confident that its people will continue to overcome them and build a better future for themselves and for future generations.

700 Words Essay on Why I Love Pakistan

Pakistan, my homeland, holds a cherished place in my heart for countless reasons. The breathtaking beauty of our country never fails to captivate me. From the majestic peaks of the northern mountains to the serene beaches of the southern coast, Pakistan’s landscapes are diverse and awe-inspiring. Whether trekking through the lush valleys of Swat or exploring the ancient forts of Punjab, each region offers a unique glimpse into the natural splendor that defines our nation.

Beyond its physical allure, Pakistan is a tapestry woven with the threads of diverse cultures and traditions. Our society is a vibrant mosaic of languages, customs, and festivals that reflect the richness of our heritage. Whether celebrating the vibrancy of Basant in Lahore or the cultural richness of Sindhi weddings, these traditions unite us in a shared sense of pride and identity.

The history of Pakistan is a testament to the resilience and courage of its people. Our journey to independence, under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, symbolizes our unwavering determination to forge our own destiny. The sacrifices made during the struggle for freedom and subsequent conflicts have shaped our national identity and inspire us to uphold the values of unity and perseverance.

Pakistan’s potential for growth and opportunity is another reason why I hold it dear. With a burgeoning youth population and a rapidly expanding economy, there are endless possibilities for progress in fields such as technology, agriculture, and entrepreneurship. As a student, I am eager to contribute to the advancement of our country and to play my part in shaping its promising future.

Additionally, the principles of Islam form the moral compass of our society. Values such as compassion, justice, and respect for others are integral to our interactions and underscore our commitment to harmony and understanding. These teachings not only guide our personal conduct but also foster a spirit of unity among Pakistanis of diverse backgrounds.

The cultural diversity of Pakistan is a source of immense pride and fascination for me. Each province and region boasts its own distinct traditions and languages, adding layers of richness to our national identity. From the vibrant dance forms of Punjab to the intricate artistry of Balochi embroidery, these cultural expressions celebrate our heritage and foster a deep sense of belonging among Pakistanis.

Moreover, Pakistan’s rich literary heritage has left an indelible mark on me. From the poetry of Allama Iqbal, who envisioned Pakistan as a homeland for Muslims of the subcontinent, to the literary prowess of writers like Saadat Hasan Manto and Faiz Ahmed Faiz, our literature reflects the depth of our intellectual and artistic traditions. These literary giants have inspired generations with their words, shaping our collective consciousness and reaffirming our commitment to knowledge and enlightenment.

The hospitality of the Pakistani people is another aspect of our national character that fills me with pride. Whether in bustling cities or remote villages, the warmth and generosity of Pakistanis are evident in our interactions with friends, family, and strangers alike. The tradition of ‘mehman nawazi’ (hospitality) is deeply ingrained in our culture, embodying the values of kindness and openness that define us as a nation.

Furthermore, Pakistan’s geographical location is strategically significant, bridging South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East. This unique position has historically made Pakistan a hub of trade, culture, and diplomacy. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a testament to our country’s potential to serve as a gateway for economic cooperation and development in the region and beyond.

As a student, I am keenly aware of the challenges that Pakistan faces, from economic disparities to social issues and environmental concerns. However, these challenges also represent opportunities for growth and transformation. The resilience and resourcefulness of our people give me hope for a future where Pakistan can fulfill its immense potential as a prosperous and progressive nation.

In conclusion, my love for Pakistan is rooted in its natural beauty, cultural diversity, rich history, economic potential, adherence to Islamic values, literary heritage, hospitality, and strategic significance. Each aspect contributes to the unique tapestry that is Pakistan, a country that continues to evolve and inspire. As a student, I am proud to be part of this dynamic nation and committed to contributing positively to its future. Together, we can build a brighter tomorrow for Pakistan, where every Pakistani can thrive and prosper.

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Why I Love Pakistan Essay with quotations and outline

 Zahid Notes has published an essay on Why I Love Pakistan with quotations and outlines. This essay has been written on the demand of the students. Our previous essays have been a good success among the students. So, we were reviewing comments that we should write and essay on Why I love Pakistan.

Why I Love Pakistan Essay in English

This essay can be used for class 12 intermediate part 1 students. At the same time, BA students can also use this essay in their exams. The essay is given with outlines and quotations. 

Adding quotations to the essay is very important for the students. You can see this video on 2nd year English paper presentation . This essay has been written keeping in view the requirements of English essays for 2nd year. 

Why I love Pakistan essay has been given below mainly for class 12. The outlines and quotations are included.

You can download our 2nd year English essays notes in pdf

Why I love Pakistan English essay 500 words

Why I love Pakistan essay with quotations

1. Introduction to Pakistan

2. Geographic Importance

3. Pakistan worthy of Love

4. Pakistan worthy of Patriotism

5. The people and culture

6. Conclusion

Love for one's country is part of faith - Muhammad

Pakistan is a country located in South Asia located to the west of India and to the South of China. Pakistan is the world's 5th largest country by population. The country gained independence from Britain in 1947. Pakistan means "The land of holy people". It was the only country in the world that originated from Islamic ideology.

Pakistan provides a trade route to China and Afghanistan through its seaports. Pakistan is a neighbour and friend of emerging economic power China. Many transcontinental countries do their trade through Pakistani seaports. Hence Pakistan holds an important geographic location in the subcontinent.

Love for the motherland is a natural passion. Everyone loves the place where he/she spends his childhood. So, the first and foremost reason why I love Pakistan is that it is my motherland. 

He who loves not his country can love nothing - Lord Byron

This is the country where I was born and brought up. My family and friends live here. So, in any case, the first feeling for Pakistan is like one has for his/her own home. A sense of patriotism also emerges from home.

Pakistan gave me free education. It provides me free health care services. It gave my father a good job. It gave protection from my enemy. I can go anywhere I want. It gave me freedom of choices. This is why I love Pakistan.

In the love of home, the love of country has its rise - Charles Dickens

Pakistan was made in the name of Islam. It was created to practice the real Islamic ideology. So, every Muslim will love to live in such a country. Pakistani religious leaders have a special place in the Muslim world. I love Pakistan for its Islamic ideology and Islamic culture. 

The people of Pakistan are hospitable. I have good neighbours here. I have cooperative colleagues and friends. Despite the falling morality in Pakistani people, there are countless who are humane. Pakistani donate generously in every calamity that hit Pakistan. 

Borders make a country but people make a nation - Anonymous 

So, I love this passion for humanity in Pakistanis. In villages and rural areas, the simplicity and hospitality of the people also make me love this land.

Pakistan has a rich culture. We have many local cultures. Many regional languages are spoken in Pakistan. So, the diversity in people and culture is also a reason for my love for Pakistan. I don't need to go to other countries to enjoy this diversity.

Love is the cause of unity in all things - Aristotle

 I can go to far-off areas of Balochistan. I can visit some amazing areas in KPK. I can visit Karachi to see what a busy day looks like in a big city. I can visit Indus Riven on vacation. The northern valleys in Pakistan offer a magnificent.

Pakistan has four seasons. This versatile nature of seasons is not available in all countries. I enjoy summer, winter autumn and spring in a year. 

I enjoy various seasonal fruits here in Pakistan. I enjoy bathing in canals and pools in summer. I enjoy the warm winter sunshine. I enjoy blooming flowers and colourful trees in spring. This is why I love Pakistan.

In short, I love Pakistan for many reasons. There is not one specific reason. 

Love for one's country is part of faith - Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ)

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Essay on cash crops of pakistan with outline for students.

Cash Crops of Pakistan Essay, Essay on Cash Crops of Pakistan with Outline, Essays for BCom

Cash Crops of Pakistan Essay with Outline for Students of Class 12, F.A, FSC, BA, BSC, and BCom Essay on Cash Crops of Pakistan with outline is here for the students of BCom, B.A and BSc. This essay is important for the students of Commerce especially. Students of Class 12, I mean F.A and FSC students can also prepare this …

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  7. Cash Crops of Pakistan Free Essay Example from StudyTiger

    Now, list of cash crops of Pakistan entails five main cultivations, namely cotton, rice, tobacco, fruits and vegetables and seed oils. Cotton is the most significant in generating high revenues and is cultivated through Punjab and Sindh.In the last decades, cotton not only tops the list of spawning high foreign exchanges but has also become ...

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    The main crops of Pakistan are classified into food crops and non-food crops. The food crops include wheat, rice, maize, coarse grains, grams and other pulses. The cash crops are cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, mustard and sesame. The total area, yield and production of each crop is now discussed under separate heads. (A) FOODS CROPS

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    CASH CROPS OF PAKISTAN INTRODUCTION Rice is the most important cereal grown globally and the major staple food for about half of the world population, providing 23% of the worldwide calorie intake. Around 600 million tons of rice is produced globally each year.

  17. Essay On Why I love Pakistan with Quotations

    Why I love Pakistan Essay with Quotes for Class 10 and Class 12 - 500+ Words. I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." - (Abraham Lincoln) Patriotism is devoted love, support and defence of one's country. It is an attachment to a homeland.

  18. Essay Cash Crops Of Pakistan Quotes & Sayings

    Poe noted that Congress has already appropriated $3 billion to Pakistan for the year, and said unless the State Department can show that the country wasn't harboring bin Laden, it should not receive "one more cent of American aid." I like the cash... everybody wants the cash, they like the cash.

  19. Why I Love Pakistan Essay with quotations and outline

    Essay. Love for one's country is part of faith - Muhammad. Pakistan is a country located in South Asia located to the west of India and to the South of China. Pakistan is the world's 5th largest country by population. The country gained independence from Britain in 1947. Pakistan means "The land of holy people".

  20. Cash Crops of Pakistan

    3. Cotton is the silver fiber of cash crops. 4. Rice of Pakistan is liked much in the foreign countries. 5.The world's famous Tobacco Virginia is cultivated in Peshawar. 6. The fruit of Pakistan are famous all over the world. . 7.Government should supply agricultural machinery, seeds and interest-free loans to the farmers,, 8.

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    in : English Essays 8,034 Cash Crops of Pakistan Essay with Outline for Students of Class 12, F.A, FSC, BA, BSC, and BCom Essay on Cash Crops of Pakistan with outline is here for the students of BCom, B.A and BSc.

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    Cash crops in pakistan essay. Check out our top Free cash crops in pakistan essay Essays on cash crops in pakistan essay Cash Crop to utopia essay outline help you write your own Essay . 'Alternative Development' as a Policy to Combat Illegal Drug Production. Aug 6, 2014 - In the context of this essay, analysis of alternative development will be.